Course detail
Unmanned Aircraft
FEKT-BPC-BPLAcad. year: 2024/2025
The course covers various aspects and applications of unmanned aerial vehicles, providing a set of activities that range from gaining fundamental theoretical knowledge to practising flight formation skills. The theory includes, among other items, key information on UAVs and the related legislation. In this context, the students will learn how to register a drone operator, and they will take an exam in the theoretical topics to qualify for UAV operation in the “Open” mode. The instruction then involves also preparing the participants to earn “Specific” class operating qualifications; discussing pre-flight tasks; simulating drone flights; and outlining the applicability of UAVs. The practical segment of the course focuses on the basic steps that facilitate setting up the flight paths, compiling the communications network to transmit the telemetry data, practising the formations, and utilizing UAVs in real-world applications. The practicals enable the participants to gradually gather the hands-on experience that will later allow them to use drones professionally.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Total number of points is 100, including 30 points in written tests in exercises, and 70 points for final exam. All practicals are obligatory - to obtain examination it is necessary to obtain 15 points from maximum 30. Requirements for completion of a course are: to gain examination and to perform a written final test. Minimal necessary achieved total mark to pass this course is 50 points.
Attending the lectures is optional but recommended. The practicals are mandatory. Properly excused absences can be substituted. Participants who missed a class can attend it at another time if the instructor agrees and their absence has been excused.
Upon completion of the course, the students will: know the basics of UAVs; understand the functioning of the relevant hardware and software; be able to set up simulated and real-world missions and to integrate drones into practical projects, such as industrial inspection and photogrammetry; have mastered the principal legislation that governs drone flying within the EU.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
PYO, Yoonseok, HANCHEOL CHO, LEON JUNG a Darby LIM, 2017. ROS Robot Programming [online]. B.m.: ROBOTIS. ISBN 979-11-962307-1-5. Dostupné z:
ÚŘAD PRO CIVILNÍ LETECTVÍ, 2022. BEZPILOTNÍ SYSTÉMY: Školicí materiál ÚCL ve formě FAQ - nejčastěji kladených dotazů k problematice [online]. 2022. B.m.: Úřad pro civilní letectví. [vid. 2023-01-19]. Dostupné z:
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1) Legislation for unmanned flying within the EU.
2) Basic terminology in the field of unmanned aircraft.
3) Pre-flight preparation, scenarios and procedures for authorization to fly in the Specific category.
4) Control electronics, navigation systems, telemetry and communication.
5) Sensors for drones.
6) Mathematical model and stabilization of the multicopter.
7) Simulation of unmanned aircraft and connection with robotic systems (ROS).
8) ROS, Gazebo - knowledge expansion.
9) Drone swarm flying and swarm control SW.
10) Aerial photography and photogrammetry.
11) Practical applications with drones.
Computer-assisted exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
1) Legislation for unmanned flying within the EU.
2) Basic terminology in the field of unmanned aircraft.
3) Pre-flight preparation, scenarios and procedures for authorization to fly in the Specific category.
4) Control electronics, navigation systems, telemetry and communication.
5) Sensors for drones.
6) Mathematical model and stabilization of the multicopter.
7) Simulation of unmanned aircraft and connection with robotic systems (ROS).
8) ROS, Gazebo - knowledge expansion.
9) Drone swarm flying and swarm control SW.
10) Aerial photography and photogrammetry.
11) Practical applications with drones.