Course detail

Sociology (Basics) - winter

FaVU-SOCZAKL-ZAcad. year: 2009/2010

The course, which is the preparation for the sociology of culture and art, deals with the basics of this discipline and its contents. It introduces sociology as an intellectual adventure which is characterized by open, imaginative and critical thinking. It refers to methodological problems linked with thinking about society.

Language of instruction


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Brief knowledge of sociological terminology and schemes. Interest in cultivating "sociological imagination" - i.e. the ability of searching for other points of view than those of "expected by common sense". "The awareness of contradiction and uncertainty" which is induced by reflexive and relational thinking.




Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations..

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Graded course-unit credit in winter semester: 70% attendance

Course curriculum

1. Human being in society and society in human being (primary socialisation)
2. Sociologizing in everyday life versus sociology in the system of sciences
3. Family, or borderline of the natural, social and cultural (sex and gender)
4. Individual in the world of institutions (secondary socialization), structuring of behaviour (Giddens), "plastic people" vs. "acting participants"
(conspiracy theories)
5. Schola ludus, theatrum mundi, problems with roles and identities (Goffmann, Illich)
6. Socio-cultural directions, social control (Panopticum vs. Synopticum)
7. Health and illness, canon, normativeness of classifications, conversion and resocialization
8. Power, forms of its distribution, language, knowledge, discourse (Bernstein, Bourdieu, Foucault)
9. Return of corporeality, social construction of identity, biography vs. history
10. Unequal allocation of resources and schemes of stratification (elites, status, capital)

Work placements

Not applicable.


The possibility of dialogical verification and systematisation, specification of one´s own idea about the social dimension as the context of artistic practice. Main objectives are: cultivation of students´ thinking, development of relational and unprejudiced reflection on the world.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

70% attendance.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Not applicable.

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Type of course unit



54 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Člověk ve společnosti a společnost v člověku (primární socializace)
2. Sociologizování v každodennosti versus sociologie v systému věd
3. Rodina, aneb na rozhraní přírodního, sociálního a kulturního (sex a gender)
4. Jedinec ve světě institucí (sekundární socializace), strukturace jednání (Giddens), "plastický člověk" versus "jednající aktér" (-teorie spiknutí)
5. Škola hrou, theatrum mundi, problém s rolemi a identitou (Goffmann, Illich)
6. Socio-kulturní regulativy, sociální kontrola (Panoptikum kontra Synoptikum)
7. Zdraví a nemoc, kánon, normativnost klasifikací, konverze a resocializace
8. Moc, formy její distribuce, jazyk, vědění, diskurs (Bernstein, Bourdieu, Foucault)
9. Návrat tělesnosti, sociální konstrukce identity, biografie versus historie
10. Nerovná alokace zdrojů a schémata stratifikace (elity, status, kapitál)