Branch Details

Accounting and Financial Management

Original title in Czech: Účetnictví a finanční řízení podnikuFPAbbreviation: MGR-UFRP-KSAcad. year: 2017/2018

Programme: Economics and Management

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: 25.7.2016Accredited until: 31.7.2020


The aim of masters's degree programme Accounting and Financial Management is to provide graduates of bachelor's degree complete university education with a focus on the business inland and abroad. Students will deepen their expertise particularly in the area of European law, international taxation, financial management, international finance, rating and valuation, accounting according to international accounting standards. Study branch is designed to allow students to complete their professional profile according to their specialization and a optional courses choice.

Key learning outcomes

During the studies graduate in this field gain the expertise to support the skills and competence to perform specialized tasks.
 Gain a deep knowledge of accounting, including IFRS and managerial accounting;
 Acquire knowledge of international law, especially of European law, as well as the tax systems;
 Gain a comprehensive knowledge in financial management;
 Acquire knowledge of economic policy;
 Gain a comprehensive understanding of the approaches and models of business performance measurement.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

 can choose the appropriate business performance measurement systems, implement them and use them for business management
 can critically analyze market structure and apply the acquired knowledge in business management
 can create and implement IFRS methodology in the specific context, can transform the financial results in the company according to Czech accounting to IFRS standards, can evaluate the results of companies reporting results under different accounting standards, recognize the risks of reporting the results according to different standards;
 can assess the corporation risks in terms of international law and propose appropriate solutions to eliminate potential risks;
 can analyze the business risks that may have a negative impact on the company's financial results and recommend tools for minimization, while will be able to analyticaly assess activities and business processes using mathematical and statistical methods and IT;
 can design functional corporate strategy in financial management and ensure its implementation;
 can communicate at a high level, as well as present and defend proposals in an international environment;
 can identify financial (especially investment, credit and exchange rate) risk of enterprises in international business and propose appropriate measures to minimize them;


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
FdtKTax theorycs3Compulsoryyes
fmKFinancial Management of the Corporatecs6Compulsoryyes
makKMacroeconomics 2cs7Compulsoryyes
FmusKInternational acouting standartscs5Compulsoryyes
FpeuKLaw of EUcs3Compulsoryyes
AJ1BKEnglish Language B2 - 1en3Compulsory-optional1yes
PA1KProfessional English 1en3Compulsory-optional1yes
misKManagement Information Systemscs4Electiveyes
PugebKUnderstanding Global and European Business Environmenten4Electiveyes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
FdphKVAT in the EU Countriescs3Compulsoryyes
FkuzKConsolidated Financial Statementscs5Compulsoryyes
mikKMicroeconomics 2cs7Compulsoryyes
AJ2BKEnglish Language B2 - 2en3Compulsory-optional1yes
PA2KProfessional English 2en3Compulsory-optional1yes
PceKCorporate Economicsen4Compulsory-optional2yes
FitiKInternational Taxation of Incomesen4Compulsory-optional2yes
PbanKBanking 2cs4Electiveyes
ssepKSocial Life, Rhetorics and Business Ethicscs4Electiveyes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
asKApplied Statisticscs5Compulsoryyes
FmanKManagement 2cs7Compulsoryyes
muKManagerial Accountingcs5Compulsoryyes
FmdsKInternational Tax Systemscs6Compulsoryyes
rvpKAnalysis of company´s capabilitycs5Compulsoryyes
FspKTerm papercs3Compulsoryyes
FpmamKAdvanced Methods of Analyses and Simulationcs4Electiveyes
rmKRisk Managementcs4Electiveyes
FsmKStrategic Marketingcs4Electiveyes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
FdsKDiploma Seminarcs5Compulsoryyes
FmfKInternational financecs5Compulsoryyes
FopxKProfessional Experiencecs7Compulsoryyes
FposKTransformations of Commercial Companies and Cooperativescs4Compulsoryyes
FropKRating and Valuationcs6Compulsoryyes
FplKBusiness Logisticscs4Electiveyes
smanKStrategic Managementcs4Electiveyes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
1 1 AJ2BK, PA2K
1 1 AJ1BK, PA1K
2 1 - 2 PceK, FitiK