Branch Details

Mathematical Engineering

Original title in Czech: Matematické inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: B-MAIAcad. year: 2017/2018

Programme: Applied Sciences in Engineering

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: 1.9.2001Accredited until: 31.8.2019


The graduates will acquire knowledge of the basic mathematical methods used in engineering applications. They will study some particular cases of such applications in technical courses while in informatics they will be taught how to use computers efficiently to solve engineering problems. Thus the Bachelor's degree graduates will be theoretically well equipped to find jobs in engineering practice as leaders of production teams of various specifications.

Key learning outcomes

The students will be equipped with the knowledge of basic technical disciplines and mathematical methods used in a number of applications mostly in engineering fields. This knowledge will help them get more profound understanding of the essence of the technical subjects studied to be able to apply such mathematical methods more efficiently. The knowledge acquired in informatics will then be helpful for the students in an efficient use of computing technology. Thus, in addition to the education about engineering fields, the graduates will also acquire more profound knowledge of mathematics and informatics. It is a well-known fact that bachelors with such education are much in demand.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The graduates from this field are technically educated with more profound knowledge of mathematics and informatics, who will jobs easily mostly in technical fields. They will be demanded not only in production companies of members of various development and realization groups or in lower management positions but also in the non-production sphere such as in services (software companies) and business. It is expected, however, that most of the graduates will continue their studies in a similar field of a Master's degree programme.
Graduates of the Mathematical Engineering Bachelor's degree programme can continue their study for a degree of Ing. in the same field of the follow-up Master's degree programme. However, they can also choose a different follow-up engineering or mathematically oriented Master's programme at BUT or a different university.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1KGConstructive and Computer Geometrycs5Compulsoryyes
SLALinear Algebracs6Compulsoryyes
SA1Mathematical Analysis Ics8Compulsoryyes
1KMachine Design Fundamentalscs4Compulsoryyes
SZPBasics of Programmingcs4Compulsoryyes
A3English 3en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
A5English 5en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
0PDProgramming in Delphics2Elective (voluntary)yes
0KDSelected Chapters from Descriptive Geometrycs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0ZKSelected Chapters from Fundamentals of Designcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0KMSelected Chapters from Mathematicscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
2FPhysics Ics7Compulsoryyes
2IVInformation Knowledge - Information Literacycs1Compulsoryyes
SA2Mathematical Analysis IIcs8Compulsoryyes
SOAGeneral Algebracs5Compulsoryyes
DPTProgramming Techniquescs5Compulsoryyes
BUMIntroduction to Material Science and Engineeringcs5Compulsoryyes
A4English 4en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
A6English 6en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
0MVCalculus with MAPLEcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0MIPractical Materials Engineering on Industrial Artefactscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0TXIntroduction to the TeXcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0KFSelected Topics in Physics Ics0Elective (voluntary)yes
0UMMaterials Engineering - Selected Topicscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
3FPhysics IIcs7Compulsoryyes
SA3Mathematical Analysis IIIcs7Compulsoryyes
SDMMethods of Discrete Mathematicscs5Compulsoryyes
SPGComputer Graphicscs3Compulsoryyes
A3English 3en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
A5English 5en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
SG0Groups and Ringscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0S1Programming Methods Ics0Elective (voluntary)yes
0FKSelected Topics in Physics IIcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
VDSDatabase Systemscs5Compulsoryyes
SDGDifferential Geometrycs4Compulsoryyes
SU1Functional Analysis Ics5Compulsoryyes
0MSMathematical Softwarecs3Compulsoryyes
SR3Modern Methods of Programmingcs4Compulsoryyes
4PPStrength of Materials Ics7Compulsoryyes
A4English 4en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
A6English 6en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
SA0Mathematical Modelling by Differential Equationscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0PFComputer Physicscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0PPSelected Topics in Strength of Materialscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
CELElectrical Engineering and Electronicscs4Compulsoryyes
CKPMachine Design and Machine Elementscs4Compulsoryyes
SN1Numerical Methods Ics5Compulsoryyes
SPDPartial Differential Equationscs5Compulsoryyes
S1PProbability and Statistics Ics5Compulsoryyes
0OMOptimization Modelscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0S2Programming Methods IIcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0THIntroduction to Game Theorycs4Elective (voluntary)yes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
6BMBachelor Project (UM)cs5Compulsoryyes
SN2Numerical Methods IIcs5Compulsoryyes
SOPOptimization Ics4Compulsoryyes
SP2Probability and Statistics IIcs5Compulsoryyes
SESBachelor Seminar (B-MAI)cs2Compulsoryyes
SF0Applications of Fourier Analysiscs2Elective (voluntary)yes
0ATSeminar of Applied Thermomechanicscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
PSTStatistical Methods in Engineeringcs4Elective (voluntary)yes
0SSStatistical Softwarecs0Elective (voluntary)yes
3. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
5AZEnglish - Basic Examen6Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
7AZEnglish - Exam B1en6Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
English 1 A4, A6
English 1 A3, A5
English 1 A4, A6
English 1 A3, A5
English 1 5AZ, 7AZ