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Original title in Czech: Pokročilé nanotechnologie a mikrotechnologieCEITEC VUTAbbreviation: PNTMTAcad. year: 2018/2019
Programme: Advanced Materials and Nanosciences
Length of Study: 4 years
prof. RNDr. Tomáš Šikola, CSc.
Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program
Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are playing a significant role in advancing the efficiency of aircraft gas-turbine engines. These high-temperature ceramic coatings provide a high level of thermal protection for the underlying turbine substrate as well as extensive durability under severe environmental conditions. While the effect of TBCs towards the engines efficiency has been recognized in industry over the past decades, advanced research focused on extending the life and performance of TBCs is still necessary and mandatory. The doctoral thesis will be focused on the detailed research and advanced development of multilayer TBCs systems. In particular, the PhD candidate will be focused on investigating and evaluating systems which will be composed of rare-earth zirconates (LZ) with the general formula Ln2Zr2O7 (where Ln = rare-earth ions). The aim of this study will be, thus, the design, development, testing and evaluation of multilayer thermal barrier coating architectures with increased temperature capability (above 1300 oC) and increased protection against severe environments (e.g. CMAS attack) for aircraft gas-turbine engines to overcome todays’ limitations and reach todays’ energy and technology needs. Novel synthetic and characterization techniques currently used in the fields of chemical engineering and materials synthesis will be applied to study, develop and evaluate these advanced ceramic systems.
Tutor: Menelaou Melita, Ing., Ph.D.
For detailed info please contact the supervisor.
Tutor: Kaiser Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
Kelvin's probe force microscopy (KPFM) is an excellent tool for mapping the distribution of surface potential locally up to nanometer resolution. This can be advantageously used in a study of charge distribution on nanometer-sized sensors and at investigation of p-n interfaces of solar cells during their operation. This new information, in addition to commonly studied sensor current responses and solar cell voltage responses, makes it easier to understand the ongoing physical processes, use this knowledge to eliminate the shortcomings of existing devices, and possibly to design higher efficiency devices. At work, you will need to master the general physical principles of KPFM, sensors and solar cells. A suitable applicant is a graduate of a Master's degree in Physics, Electrical Engineering or Chemistry. Aims: 1) Mastering physical principles and measurement of graphene-based sensors and solar cells. 2) Adopting theoretical and practical aspects of KPFM. 3) Mapping the charge distribution close to a graphene sensor and designing more sophisticated sensors. 4) Mapping the potential distribution on the graphene-semiconductor solar cell interface and designing the cell with higher efficiency. 5) Adequate publishing outputs and presentation of results at international conferences.
Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.
The work will be dealing with the interpretation of the quantitative phase images gained by coherence-controlled holographic microscopy (CCHM). The possibilities for automated analysis of quantitative phase images by means of supervised and unsupervised machine learning will be investigated. The quantitative phase images enable extraction of valuable features characterizing the distribution of dry mass within the cell and hence provide important information about the live cell behaviour. The work would focus on refinement of the present automated classification of cells while employing the quantitative information from both the single-time-point and time-lapse quantitative phase images. The proposed methods will be tested on the images of live cells in order to estimate the applicability in the cancer cell biology.
Tutor: Chmelík Radim, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.
A PhD fellowship is available to conduct a project in the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Brno. The goal of this work is to study adhesion force between nanostructured surface and living cells. The student will set up a system of nanostructured pillars (substrates with those patterns are already available for the student) with desired surface properties. It is expected that the cells will attached to the top of the pillars and due to adhesion forces the cells will deform the pillars’ shapes. The student will capture a real-time video of the structure using either confocal or holographic microscope. The video will be processed by a script in MATLAB environment to create a real-time video of the adhesion force between the cell and the pillars. PhD candidate will work together with Regional Centre for Applied Molecular Oncology (RECAMO).
Tutor: Neužil Pavel, prof. Ing., Dr., DSc.
Classical biochemical tests in vitro are currently being replaced by bioelectronic sensors that excel in their speed, reusability and minimal dimensions. One of the most promising materials in this area is graphene, which has a high sensitivity to the presence of adsorbed molecules and is biocompatible at the same time. The subject of the doctoral thesis will be development and production of biosensors based on graphene and related two-dimensional materials. In the thesis, it will be necessary to master the general physical principles of sensors, problems of field-controlled transistors with an electrolytic gate and functionalization to achieve selective sensor response. A suitable applicant is a graduate of a Master's degree in Physical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Biochemistry. Aims: 1) Managing physical principles of biosensors, their theoretical and experimental aspects. 2) Design and manufacture of a sensor based on a field-controlled transistor with an electrolytic gate. 3) Functionalization of sensor for specific biological and chemical reaction 4) Sensor response testing on selected biological materials. 5) Adequate publishing outputs and presentation of results at international conferences.
The study will be aimed at the growth of III-Sb and III-As nanowires utilizing various catalyst nanoparticles in a MBE chamber of the complex UHV system in the CEITEC Nano research infrastructure. Characterization of morphology, composition, and structure, as well as measurement of their optical and electrical transport properties will serve as tools for monitoring the quality of nanowires.
Tutor: Kolíbal Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
For maximum information yield about live cells behaviour provided by coherence controlled holographic microscopy it is inevitable to design and develop complex automated bioreactor. Such a device should ensure optically suitable accommodation of live cells in the microscope with provision of control over physiological microenvironment and preprogrammed challenges. The task is to design, develop and validate the complex automated biorector for T1 holographic microscope.
Tutor: Veselý Pavel, MUDr., CSc.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate of secondary metabolism of unicellular algae using genome editing based on Crispr/Cas9 technology. The main goal will be the construction of knockout generation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strain in genes involved in biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Subsequently, use the ambient mass spectrometry under ambient conditions with desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) and direct analysis in real time (DART) to study metabolome in the obtained strains.
Tutor: Adam Vojtěch, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.
Large organic molecules (e.g. enzymes) present a prospective part of hybrid functional layers. However, deposition of large organic molecules under vacuum conditions presents an intriguing task as these cannot be thermally evaporated. Recently, in our laboratories, we got access to atomic injection system for deposition of soluble objects (e.g. molecules and nanoparticles) in ultrahigh vacuum. The goal of PhD is to develop methodology deposition of biomolecules and their characterization by microscopic and spectroscopic characterization. Within the Ph.D. study, deposited layers will be analyzed in-situ by the low energy electron microscopy (LEEM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). This will be complemented by ex-situ complementary characterization (in collaboration) by AFM, X-ray diffraction and reflectivity, and TEM. (For detailed information, please, directly contact the Jan Čechal)
Tutor: Čechal Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
The aim of this PhD project is to develop multipurpose non-resonant sample holder for broadband Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectrometer based on THz rapid frequency scans (THz-FRaScan-EPR) as well as for Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) studies. Thanks to the developed sample holder the THz-FRaScan-EPR spectrometer will allow multi-frequency relaxation studies of variety of samples ranging from oriented bulk (crystal) materials, over powdered samples to air sensitive samples and liquid solutions. Furthermore, the design should allow inserting samples from Ultra High Vacuum. The sample holder should primary operate at frequencies between 80 GHz to 1100 GHz, at temperatures from 1.8 K to 300 K and at magnetic field up to 16 T. The sample holder will be tested on variety of samples ranging from Single Molecule Magnets over modern 2D solid state materials to air sensitive biological samples.
Tutor: Neugebauer Petr, doc. Dr. Ing., Ph.D.
The thesis will focus on development of new generation of electromigration capillary separation techniques by designing, preparation and testing of novel smart interactive phases for capillary electrophoresis or capillary electrochromatography. The designed phases will be based on living cells able to selectively transform target analyte from the complex sample to a detectable product. Manufacturing phase will be based on genetic modification technology enabling not only tailor the cell receptors towards the target analyte (to be extracted from the sample and internalized into the cell) but also modify the cellular pathway for transformation of the analyte into the product and its release back into the capillary flow.
Pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) methods are intensively used to investigated structure and dynamics of complex macromolecules containing unpaired electrons. Among these methods Pulsed Electron-Electron Double Resonance (PELDOR) also known as Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER) has emerged as a powerful technique to determine relative orientation and distance between macromolecular structural units on nanometre scale. For successful applications of pulsed EPR methods it is important to have tools enabling transformation of measured signals into structural information. The goal of this PhD project is to develop new effective computational procedures and computer programs for the processing of measured pulsed EPR data in order to extract structural and dynamical information from experiments. This goal also includes application of the developed computational methods to real experimental data obtained on the molecules tagged with spin labels. For more details please contact Petr Neugebauer.
Tutor: Kolman Pavel, Ing., Ph.D.
This PhD research topic explores Direct Ink Writing method, also known as robocoasting, for in vitro fabrication of tissue-like-constructs with potential application as i) tissue or organ substitutes in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine approaches or ii) development of models for in vitro testing of drugs and new therapies. Direct ink writing is an additive manufacturing method able to produce polymeric, ceramic or metallic shapes, besides, it offer the possibility to use cell-loaded materials to fabricate directly cell-containing constructs. Along the studies, the candidate will have the opportunity to learn and work from the synthesis of the materials for manufacturing, to the biological characterization of the manufactured constructs. Principal attention will devote to fabrication of bone-like tissues, but according with the results, other tissues such as pancreas, muscle or neuronal will be addressed. Highly motivated and collaborative candidates with outstanding track of records and with the ambition to learn from both materials and biological sciences are welcome to submit an application.
Tutor: Montufar Jimenez Edgar Benjamin, M.Sc., Ph.D.
A PhD fellowship is available to conduct a project in the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Brno. The goal of this work is to perform theoretical study, design, fabrication and characterization of gold electrochemical sensors (EC) made by planar technology in combination with pulse electrochemical method, such as lock-in amplification. PhD candidate will perform detail analysis of electrode behavior and optimize their geometry. Besides that the student will design and fabricate a microfluidic system, which will allow to define the flow of liquid between individual electrochemical sensors. The lock-in amplification technique allows concurrently interrogate a few sensors. Basic characteristic will be perform using model Fe2+/Fe3+ system and compare with standard cyclic voltammetry. PhD candidate will then perform specific reaction antibody/antigen at the gold surface after the surface is treated with a thiol cross linker that there will be different antibody at each EC cell. PhD candidate will work together either with Regional Centre for Applied Molecular Oncology (RECAMO) or with partner group at Mendel University. This work will be primarily conducted in CEITEC. Part of the project might be also carried out in P.R. China, based on current exchange program and mutual agreement, i.e. it is NOT mandatory.
Aim of this work is theoretical study, deposition and characterization nanostructured materials such as Au, Ag and their amalgams. Student is expected to optimize their deposition technique and characterize their properties, such as surface area and composition. Then the student will fabricate biosensing chip based on an array of those nanostructured materials and again perform their fundamental characterization using electrochemical, optical and electrical methods. Then the array of nanostructure electrodes in a microfluidic system will be used to perform an early cancer detection based on diagnosis of circulation cancer DNA. The chip fabrication, characterization will be conducted at CEITEC in collaboration with hospital laboratories, such as RECAMO.
Plasmon propagation in metals and metallic compounds provides an ideal foundation for strong interaction between an optical mode and an electronic system. The functionality of plasmonic layers can be extended far beyond simple waveguide applications, e.g. by structuring into meta-surfaces. This thesis will be focused on the development of functional plasmonic surfaces and their interaction with semiconductor heterostructures. The candidate is expected to characterize the electrical and optical properties of novel plasmonic materials to pave the road for device integration with monolithic mid-infrared sensors. Previous experience with measurement setups at CEITEC (i.e. probe station, cryostats, ellipsometry) is of advantage. Applicants should be fluent in English and committed to self-motivated work in an international research group. Further relevant skills include utility programming for data analysis and lab automation (e.g. C++, Ruby, Python, Linux) as well as documentation and publication of results (LaTeX, etc.). The group of Dr. Hermann Detz focuses on hybrid plasmonic systems for applications in near- and mid-infrared sensing platforms. Particular emphasis is placed on the integration of novel plasmonic materials with established III-V optoelectronic devices. The group provides a multi-disciplinary, international environment. Scientific results are published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at international conferences.
Tutor: Detz Hermann, Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
The prismatic dislocation loops have Burgers vector perpendicular to the loop plane and they are created by irradiation or by plastic deformation. These loops can be easily seen in transmission electron microscope (TEM) and can be produced by Ga+ ions in focused ion beam (FIB). The objective of this project is to study interactions of small prismatic loops with each other and with free surfaces of the TEM foil both experimentally and by atomistic modeling using empirical potentials.
Tutor: Fikar Jan, Mgr., Ph.D.
● Quantitative analysis of changes in cell behaviour induced by replacement of genetic material using DNA microinjection in vitro Statistical significance of changes in cell behaviour, such as speed of cell motility, will be evaluation using coherence controlled holographic microscopy and other methods for quantitative phase imaging. Dynamic morphometric parameters will be measured using computer image processing methods. The project will involve microscopy techniques, cell culture, capillary microinjection, computer image processing and data analysis.
Tutor: Zicha Daniel, Ing., CSc.
Plasmonic waveguides were demonstrated to be an ideal component of monolithic infrared sensing platforms. While at present, they are commonly used for the confinement and guidance of optical modes, they offer a lot of potential to make a transition from purely passive to functional components of optical systems. The candidate should investigate the fabrication of Heusler-compounds for plasmonics applications at near- and mid-infrared wavelengths by UHV sputtering processes. Experimental work will include the nucleation and growth in different semiconductor surfaces as well as the structural characterization of these materials by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Previous experience with relevant equipment within the CEITEC Nano Facilities (UHV sputtering, XRD, TEM) is of advantage. Applicants should be fluent in English and committed to self-motivated work in an international research group. Further relevant skills include utility programming for data analysis and lab automation (e.g. C++, Ruby, Python, Linux) as well as documentation and publication of results (LaTeX, etc.). The group of Dr. Hermann Detz focuses on hybrid plasmonic systems for applications in near- and mid-infrared sensing platforms. Particular emphasis is placed on the integration of novel plasmonic materials with established III-V optoelectronic devices. The group provides a multi-disciplinary, international environment. Scientific results are published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at international conferences.
Due to their geometry, one-dimensional materials seem to be natural building blocks for many device systems, e.g. in electronics or photonics. They can be easily and reproducibly contacted and allow to design 3D devices. Additionally, they seem to be natural choice for nanoscale electrodes (e.g. for detecting cells signalling) or for nanoscale-patterned macroscale electrodes (e.g. in electrochemistry). Currently, mostly undergraduates in our group deal with lithography, which is necessary for device design. We seek for a PhD candidate capable of fabricating a device geometry on demand, and aiming at performing measurements (electrical, optical) relevant for the device application (photonics, bio interfacing, sensing etc.).
A PhD fellowship is available to conduct a project in the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Brno. The project focuses on a development of a nanostructured materials for gecko mimicking surfaces. The key part of the work is to conduct finite element modelling (FEM) of the desired structure and to fabricate it primarily at CEITEC facility, as well as at National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, USA. Next the surface of the structure has to be treated to get desirable surface properties by self-assembly monolayer and characterize it using force spectrum (force-distance measurement) by atomic force microscope. Creation of a system to demonstrate utilization of the adhesion force is highly desirable. This work will be primarily conducted in CEITEC. Part of the project might be also carried out in P.R. China, based on current exchange program and mutual agreement, i.e. it is NOT mandatory.
Solid solutions mixing four and more metals in an equiatomic proportion represent a brand new class of materials exhibiting many unique properties [1]. Particularly striking examples are a combination of high strength and high ductility of CoCrFeMnNi alloy at low temperatures or a possibility to “program” magnetic hysteresis of the same alloy by external field applied during cooling to a low temperature ferromagnetic regime. The original idea linking the thermodynamic stability to high configurational entropy of these materials does not seem to work. In spite of this, systems like the CoCrFeMnNi and some others are in the state of solid solution at the standard conditions. A satisfactory explanation based on thermodynamic principles has not yet been found. Similarly, a self-consistent theory which would provide explanation of the observed magnetic phenomena is missing. Furthermore, many alloys of the class were still not investigated with respect to their high temperature plasticity and related evolution of dislocation structures. Therefore, the topic proposed for the PhD study offers a wide range of possibilities to perform ground braking studies both in the theoretical as well as experimental fields. A subject of the thesis particularly focuses on two topical issues related to the high temperature strength and magnetic properties of the new class of solid solutions with the cubic lattices: 1) microstructural basis of the viscous glide controlled creep [2] and 2) physical background related to the vertical shift of magnetic hysteresis curves [3]. The work assumes an application of various experimental and theoretical methods like micro and nano structural electron microscopy studies or numerical modelling of magnetic structures within a framework of Ising-Heisenberg approximation. The hosting institution will be the Institute of Physics of Materials [http://www.ipminfra.cz/]. I envisage multiple short term attachments at the partner institutions in Germany (Ruhr University Bochum) and in US (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee).
Tutor: Dlouhý Antonín, prof. RNDr., CSc.
The goal is to propose the methodology for the supercapacitor lifetime prediction with respect to the attainment of 10 years life time guarantee required for the applications in the satellite systems. The methodology should be based on: 1) Analysis of the charge transport and the dependence of capacitance on the bias voltage or frequency, respectively, for capacitors of capacitance 1 to 100 F. 2) Analysis of time dependences for the charging of capacitors with constant current or constant voltage, respectively. 3) Supercapacitor’s self-discharge analysis. 4) Measurement of capacitance of Helmholtz layer and diffuse layer.
Tutor: Sedláková Vlasta, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Due to stochastic nature of the matter, physical processes in materials are considered to be stochastic, and they reveal as fluctuation of measurable quantities macroscopically. Not only in sensorsics, these fluctuations are usually called noise, since they are assumed to be unwanted and distracting components, which do not carry any information. The aim is study of chargé transport and fluctuation mechanisms at electrode/electrolyte interface. Practical results lay in development of physical and electrical models on the basis of experimental study of amperometric gas sensors.
Tutor: Sedlák Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Revealing the growth mechanisms at nanoscale is particularly challenging from many reasons. The most prominent advances in physics of nanostructure growth were achieved utilizing real-time in-situ monitoring techniques (both microscopic and spectroscopic). In our group, we have a large expertise in real time electron microscopy and, in the following year, we will install a new vacuum chamber dedicated to Fourier transform Infrared spectroscopy. The aim of this PhD dissertation is to work on revealing puzzling growth modes of different nanostructures of interest (semiconductor nanowires grown by MBE, metallic/oxide threedimensional nanostructures formed by Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition etc.) utilizing state-of-the-art equipment. Close collaboration with ThermoFisher Scientific R&D labs will be part of applicants work.
Plasmonic nanoparticles allow efficient coupling between optical fields and quantum-mechanical systems within semiconductor-heterostructures. The optical response of the nanoparticles depends on their shape and size and can therefore be engineered through lithographic processes. The main goal of this thesis will be to optimize the sputtering and structuring to realize well-defined geometries. The electronic and optical properties of hybrid systems (plasmonic particles + two-dimensional electron gas) shall be characterized to allow their application as beam-shaping elements for infrared sensing platforms. Previous experience with measurement setups at CEITEC (i.e. UHV sputtering, electron-beam lithography, laser lithography, ellipsometry) is of advantage. Applicants should be fluent in English and committed to self-motivated work in an international research group. Further relevant skills include utility programming for data analysis and lab automation (e.g. C++, Ruby, Python, Linux) as well as documentation and publication of results (LaTeX, etc.). The group of Dr. Hermann Detz focuses on hybrid plasmonic systems for applications in near- and mid-infrared sensing platforms. Particular emphasis is placed on the integration of novel plasmonic materials with established III-V optoelectronic devices. The group provides a multi-disciplinary, international environment. Scientific results are published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at international conferences.
In the study plasmonice nanostructures of novel materials (for instance graphene) for detection of adsorbed complex (bio)molecules by FT IR spectroscopy will be used. Instead of relying on classical spectral shifts of localized surtface plasmon polaritons, the „finger prints“ of the molecules in optical spectra enhanced by plasmonic effects will be detected. Here, particularly, tunability of plasmon resonance properties of the nanostructures will be utilized.
The fluorescence holographic microscope, unlike a conventional fluorescence microscope, uses two opposed objective lenses and it requires no scanning system. In addition to a well known optical sections (amplitude image), it also provides a phase image revealing information about the optical density of the specimen. Although the microscope is primarily intended for transparent samples capable of emitting radiation (eg fluorescence), it can also be used for holographic imaging of reflective surfaces or for holographic imaging in transmitted light. The task includes the selection of suitable sample types, experiment protocol proposal, design and implementation of accessories for sample preparation, accomodation, fixation and storage in a suitable environment, and sample manipulation during the experiment, experiment control, and testing of the microscope imaging possibilities for different sample types, and publishing results. The aim of the thesis is to find limits of the microscope and to maximize the use of all the imaging capabilities of the microscope and find the most suitable applications for this new imaging technique. Requirements: - experience in the field of microscopy - knowledge of optics corresponding to university courses - ability to design - patience, reliability, precision The advantage is: - Programming ability (eg Matlab, LabView, C, etc.) - Basic knowledge of biology - Ability to establish relations with potential partners
A PhD fellowship is available to conduct a project in the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Brno. The goal of this work is to perform theoretical study, design, fabrication and characterization of nanosheet sensors made by an advanced planar technology in combination with pulse method, such as lock-in amplification. Goal of this work is to study, characterize and optimize an array of sensors made from ultrathin single crystal silicon (chips have been fabricated and they are available). This silicon device with thickness of 10.5 nm can be used as resistive sensor connected as van den Pauw device or as Hall sensor to detect intensity of magnetic field. Change of charge at its surface will modulate its conductivity or magnetic particle its properties as Hall sensor. The device will be powered by a current pulses and the output will be process by a lock-in amplifier. PhD candidate will identify the system signal noise ratio and limit of detection (LOD) of the biosubstances of interest. He/she will also design and fabricate a simple microfluidic system to confine the tested sample at suitable location at the chip. There is also required to optimize the buffer solutions not to affect the measurement. PhD candidate will analyze the type of silane crosslinkers and their utilization using chemical vapor deposition technique. Basic properties will be conducted using albumin. Next the PhD candidate will perform specific reaction antibody - antigen of one biomarker and determines its LOD. PhD candidate will work together either with Regional Centre for Applied Molecular Oncology (RECAMO) as they have cancer’s biomarkers or with partner group at Mendel University. This work will be primarily conducted in CEITEC. Part of the project might be also carried out in P.R. China, based on current exchange program and mutual agreement, i.e. it is NOT mandatory.
Single molecular magnets (SMM) are molecular entities bearing nonzero magnetic moment. In addition to the magnetic properties SMM provide one important attribute: they represent two-state system that can be in superposition state, i.e., SMM represent quantum bits (qubits). Recent developments pushed the coherence properties of individual magnets to the range required for competitive qubits. However, for any future application the molecular qubits should be processable as thin films. Moreover, the individual qubits should be mutually interacting. The goal of PhD study is to prepare long-range ordered arrays of molecular qubits on solid surfaces a possible basis for a molecular quantum registry. The experimental research within the PhD study aims at the understanding of deposition/self-assembly phenomena of organic compounds containing magnetic atoms on metallic and graphene surfaces. A special focus will be given to graphene surfaces that provide means to control their electronic properties (by intercalation or external gate voltage) and, hence, mutual interaction of individual spins. The spin coherence properties will be investigated by cooperating partners at CEITEC and University of Stuttgart. (For detailed information, please, directly contact the Jan Čechal)
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a technique that utilizes high power-densities obtained by focusing the radiation from a pulsed laser to generate a luminous micro-plasma from an analyte in the focal region. The micro-plasma emission is subsequently analyzed by a spectrometer. The plasma composition is representative to the analyte's elemental composition. The topics of the dissertation work include the application of LIBS and its modifications for high-resolution elemental mapping of solid samples.
A cochlear implant represents an electronic device which can at least partially return hearing ability to the people with hearing disorder or loss. Current cochlear implants compose of outer part including microphone, sound processor and transmitting coil, and inner part including receiver coil and field of electrodes connected to hearing nerves. Recently several attempts of fully implatable cochlear implants integration have been done, but of not satisfactory enough parameters. The aim of this work is to design and by using of MEMS technology fabricate mechanical filter bank, for instance employing the piezoelectric principles, which can be utilized for acoustic signals decomposition in low-power fully implantable cochlear implants in the future.
Tutor: Prášek Jan, Ing., Ph.D.
Creep strains measured at very low applied stresses are, by their properties, very different from those measured at higher stresses during the conventional creep tests [1]. The stress and strain dependencies of the creep rate are much weaker and the strain is mostly anelastic. Deformation mechanisms controlling these strains are not known, mainly because there are no observable signatures of the small strains in the microstructure. The small strain kinetics is clearly related to the internal stresses build-up. At present, only one simplified micromechanical model exists which is based on the dislocation segments bowing. This model combines the viscous glide and climb of dislocations [2], but its predictions are only relevant for very small strains, not explaining the transition to the normal plastic creep regime. The main topic of the thesis is the development of the complex dislocation model which will provide better insight into a nature of creep strains which accumulate at very low stresses. The model should also address the transition into the normal plastic creep regime. The solution will be based on the simplified model mentioned above and will include realistic description of the interactions between dislocations and solute atoms. Recently developed discrete dislocation dynamics method [3] will facilitate a statistical description of dislocation segments reaching a critical stress condition. Experimental study of the low-stress creep of the selected metallic materials will be important part of the work. The materials having exceptional creep behaviour observed during the conventional creep tests will be targeted. The Institute of Physics of materials AS CR [http://www.ipm.cz] , which is fully equipped with all the required facilities, will be the workplace .
Tutor: Kloc Luboš, RNDr., CSc.
Due to their low density hcp metals (such as Ti and Mg) are important structural materials for aerospace and automotive applications. Their physical and mechanical properties are often determined by behaviour of grain boundaries, particularly, by interface-mediated plastic processes. For instance, formation and migration of the twin/matrix interfaces are important during fatigue and fracture of α-Ti alloys. Twinning is also important mechanism of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys. Interphase boundaries play significant role in TiAl alloys. Clarification of the interfaces role in mechanical behaviour is important for the design, processing and application of Ti and Mg alloys. The present project focuses on study of the key processes during plastic deformation using atomic scale simulations. The aim is to understand the atomistic mechanisms of interface-mediated plasticity in hcp materials such as titanium- and magnesium-based alloys.
Tutor: Ostapovets Andriy, Ph.D., Mgr.
Tutor: Kalousek Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
A PhD fellowship is available to conduct a project in the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Brno, in collaboration with Institute of Biotechnology (IBT), Prague, Czech Republic. The project focuses on a development of a method to seed cells inside a calorimeter with an internal volume of ≈ 100 fl under an objective lens of a high power optical microscope. A considerable part of the project involves development of special methodology to grow cells in a calorimeter. The method will then be applied to monitor cellular energetic balance with respect to cell life cycle, such as mitosis, induction of apoptosis etc. This work will be primarily conducted in CEITEC, with a minor involvement of the IBT; part of the project might be also carried out in P.R. China, based on current exchange program and mutual agreement, i.e. it is NOT mandatory.
Cancer invasion and metastasis is the major cause of mortality and morbidity in cancer patients. The main problems lie in accuracy of diagnosis and the choice of the most efficient treatment. Better utilisation of biopsy material is a promising candidate for improvement. This project focuses on development of a new procedure where the biopsy fragments from cancer patients will be subjected to time-lapse analysis of 3D cell motility based on 2-photon imaging featuring deep penetration. Motile behaviour of cells within the fragments will be quantitative analysed and statistical significance of changes induced by presence of potential chemotherapeutic agents will be evaluated thus indicating a suitable treatment for the relevant patients.
During the last years, quantum optics has received growing attention (including Nobel Prices) for its ability to tailor quantum states in a highly controlled manner. Today, quantum optical systems start to emerge from the lab and start to be ready for real world applications. For these application it is necessary to be able to build quantum photonic elements. In this PhD project, this is done using the so-called hybrid approach, where those materials and nanoparticles are combined that can fulfil a specific task best. For this, the approach of nanoassembly is used, where either an electron microscope with manipulator an atomic force microscope is used to arrange specific configurations of nanoparticles and photonic structures. For more detailed information please contact the supervisor.
Tutor: Schell Andreas Wolfgang, Dr.
Coordination compounds are very well known for their application in cancer therapy. As an example can serve cisplatin which is still used in medicine. Unfortunately, the cytostatics have a lot of side effects. To overcome them nanotransporters are applied, for example liposomes which can be further modified. The aim of the work will be preparation of such complexes and a study of their biological activity.
Tutor: Kopel Pavel, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.
Using radio frequency traps, it is possible to study not only single ions decoupled from the environment – a technique that revolutionized physics – but also (larger) nanoparticles. Studying nanoparticles and their controlled interactions with light, electric fields, or other particles is of high interest in quantum optics and material science. In this PhD project, the student will develop the trap setup and the corresponding optical systems and thereafter use the setup to investigate the properties of nanoparticles decoupled from the environment. For more detailed information please contact the supervisor.
During the last years, quantum optics has received growing attention (including Nobel Prices) for its ability to tailor quantum states in a highly controlled manner. Today, quantum optical systems start to emerge from the lab and start to be ready for real world applications. For these application it is necessary to be able to build quantum photonic elements. In this PhD project, photonic structures for such elements are designed, fabricated, and tested. For this, the underlying physics has to be understood, but also a hands-on approach in clean-room fabrication is required. For more detailed information please contact the supervisor.
In this study plasmonic resonant nano-and micro-structures (particles, antennas, tips) will be used for enhancement of photoluminescence of nanostructures such as nanodots, nanowires and 2D materials (e.g. metal dichalcogenides: MoS2, WS2,....). In this way single photon sources provided by defects of these structures might be recognized.
Tutor: Dub Petr, prof. RNDr., CSc.
Correlation and holographic imaging are techniques that allow either quantitative phase or three-dimensional image reconstruction from interference pattern. The doctoral thesis aims to implement new configurations for correlation and holographic imaging, where the light is multiplexed into orthogonal polarization states rather than divided into independent optical paths. Such systems are expected to improve existing and provide new imaging features, which are unavailable in up-to-date experiments. The required polarization states will be generated and modulated using electro-optic effect in liquid crystal molecules or new generation optical components working on geometric phase.
Tutor: Bouchal Petr, Ing., Ph.D.
Current generation of commercially available energy-conversion, distribution and storage microdevices use micron-scale powders or lithographically prepared materials arrays for fabricating active electrodes, limiting device performance and restricting the choices of device chemistries. As emerging alternative, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies have arisen in the last few decades, and nowadays nanotechnology forms one of the main areas of technological innovation. Accordingly, chemical and physical methods have become the backbone of nanotechnology. The overall objective of this work is to develop formation methods, elucidate the growth mechanisms and explore fundamental and functional properties of novel type of self-organized nanostructured films consisting of metals, semiconductors, dielectrics and mixtures, with versatile, tailored morphologies, having creatively synthesized and effectively employed diverse materials boundaries and electrical interfaces, by using a blend of chemical, electrochemical and physical vapour deposition techniques for potential application to supercapacitors, sensors, optical, electro-optical, catalytic and energy-conversion devices.
Tutor: Mozalev Alexander, Dr.
Quantum dots find their application in analytical chemistry as well as in biochemistry. Due to no toxicity more preferred are quantum dots based on carbon. There are many preparation ways and modifications of such quantum dots. The aim of the work will be preparation of carbon quantum dots, their modifications and application in practice.
Transition metal oxides present key component for many functional systems, e.g., their surfaces form both active component and support in heterogeneous catalytic systems. However, these surfaces possess very complex and indicate structure. Thanks to their huge application potential huge experimental effort is devoted to describe the surface structure and the catalysis-related properties. The goal of PhD is to develop methodology for real-time monitoring of oxide surfaces by LEEM and describe the surface phase transitions on surfaces of selected metal oxides. Within the Ph.D. study, the model oxide surfaces will be analyzed by the low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) together with complementary techniques (e.g., XPS, AR-PES, STM) with the aim to determine mesoscopic ordering, coexistence of surface phases and kinetic of their transitions under oxidizing/reducing conditions. For this a detailed methodology of the monitoring the surfaces by LEEM and LEED will be developed including the quantitative assessment of low energy electron diffraction results. (For detailed information, please, directly contact the Jan Čechal)
The topic is focused on development of numerical methods for rigorous simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in arbitrary inhomogeneous media. Namely, we assume investigation of the techniques based on the expansion into plane waves and/or eigenmodes in combination with perturbation techniques. Developed techniques will applied to modeling of light scattering by selected biological samples. Requirements: - knowledge in fields of electrodynamics and optics corresponding to undergraduate courses - basic ability to write computer code, preferably in Matlab.
Tutor: Petráček Jiří, prof. RNDr., Dr.
Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques (SPM) and particularly Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) are most common techniques for surface topography measurements. They have however still some limitations, for example its limited scanning range and lack of techniques for sub-surface mapping. Even if the interaction between probe and sample is already including information from sample volume, typically only surface topography or surface related physical properties are evaluated and the sub-surface information is lost. In most of the scanning regimes the amount of recorded and stored data is even so small that the information about sample volume is lost. On the other hand, there is lack of reliable subsurface mapping techniques with high resolution suitable for the growing field of nanotechnology, and methods of SPM tomography have large potential – and we can already see some first attempts for sub-surface mapping in the scientific literature. Aim of the proposed work is to develop techniques for mapping volume sample composition using SPM, particularly based on AC Scanning Thermal Microscopy and conductive Atomic Force Microscopy. This includes development of special reference samples, methodology and software development for control of a special, large area, SPM. In cooperation with the research group also a numerical modeling of probe-sample interaction will be performed and methods for sub-surface reconstruction will be tested.
Tutor: Klapetek Petr, Mgr., Ph.D.
A PhD fellowship is available to conduct a project in the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Brno. Goal of this work is to perform theoretical study and characterize a nanostructured material which changes color based on the environment. The PhD candidate will first perform finite element modelling (FEM) to determine the physics origin of the structure behavior and fit the model on the actual structure. Then the available structures will be further studies using techniques such as near-field optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The PhD candidate will try to replicate the structure at CEITEC cleanroom or at National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, USA. This work will be primarily conducted in CEITEC. Part of the project might be also carried out in P.R. China, based on current exchange program and mutual agreement, i.e. it is NOT mandatory.
During the last years, quantum optics has received growing attention (including Nobel Prices) for its ability to tailor quantum states in a highly controlled manner. Today, quantum optical systems start to emerge from the lab and start to be ready for real world applications. In this PhD project, novel solid-state quantum emitters are researched. The main tasks this involves are fabrication, optical characterization, e.g., with single photon spectroscopy, and the understanding of the properties of these emitters. For more detailed information please contact the supervisor.
The work aims at deeper understanding of stability of plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) as affected by the roughness of MCrAlY bond coat. Damage mechanisms and damage evolution in TBCs will be examined to identify the optimal topography of the bond coat in order to improve coating performance for components used in propulsion and power generation industries. Conventional MCrAlY + ZrO2-Y2O3 TBCs with the bond coat prepared by high-velocity oxyfuel spray and plasma spraying using feedstock powders with different size-distribution will be studied under high-temperature isothermal oxidation, thermal cycling, and room temperature mechanical loading.
Tutor: Slámečka Karel, Ing., Ph.D.
Aim of this work is theoretical study, deposition and characterization of 2D materials beyond graphene, such as phosphorene, arsenene, antimonene, silicene and germicene. The student is expected to get familiar with deposition and properties of those materials and characterize them using techniques such as XRD, AFM, SEM and TEM. Then the 2D materials will be placed over electrode system such as H-bar to measure electrical and electromechanical properties. With presence of electrostatic field, the student will perform characterization of the 2D FETs with respect to biosensing. 2D material deposition and characterization will be conducted in CEITEC laboratories, device fabrication will be done at CEITEC as well as in National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, USA.
This work is aimed at inorganic synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles, its surface modification, characterization and testing in the area of an isolation of target molecules for subsequent chemical analysis. Produced particles will be chemically modified for selective isolation of nucleic acid from bacteria. The whole procedure of the isolation will be firstly tested using common laboratory approach and subsequently will be integrated in fluidic device. This device will be than tested for processing of samples of pathogenic bacterial strains.
The aim of the Ph.D. thesis is to obtain a profound understanding as well as active control of the dynamics of the phase transformation in materials featuring a first-order phase transition between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic states. This class of materials exhibits a metamagnetic behaviour in which the transition can be driven by several types of excitations, such as temperature, magnetic field, strain or laser pulses. The prototype material to perform this study will be the FeRh alloy. Recent studies suggest that its incorporation into meso- and nanoscale devices can result into emergent phenomena and new routes to stabilize and control the antiferromagnetic or the ferromagnetic state. The Ph.D. candidate will investigate the dynamics of the phase transition in patterned films driven by ultrafast current and laser pulses. The project will involve extending the existing scanning magnetooptical Kerr microscope to a pump-probe set-up and combining it with electrical transport measurements. Further steps will lead towards all-optical control of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic phase.
Tutor: Spousta Jiří, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.
The work will be devoted to a study of transport properties of 2D materials (graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides,….) modified by various layers of adsorbants. Emphasis will be put on in situ-measurements of these properties under well defined UHV conditions and consequently to their utilization in sensing and other applications.
Magnetic materials constitute highly tunable material systems that have been associated with a wide range of new scientific discoveries. Coupled order parameters in complex phase-transition materials can be controlled using various driving forces such as temperature, magnetic and electric field, strain, spin-polarized currents and optical pulses. Tuning the material properties to achieve efficient transitions would enable fast and low-power electronic devices and novel functionality at nanometer length scales. The Ph.D. candidate will explore the first-order magnetic phase transition in materials that have been subjected to strong spatial confinement and design new functional systems by assembling individual structures with well controlled properties into 2D and 3D arrays forming magnetic materials with tuneable properties. The Ph.D. candidate will be involved in the deposition of materials, advanced characterization, and lithography of nanostructures. Magnetic imaging (scanning Kerr microscopy, magnetic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis, x-ray and photoemission electron microscopy), structural imaging (low energy electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction), and magnetometry will be employed to tackle the project objectives.
The study will be aimed at design, fabrication, and characterization of resonant plasmonic nano- and micro-structures (“diabolo” antennas, split ring resonators, etc.) providing a significant local enhancement of magnetic components of electromagnetic fields. The structures with resonant properties particularly in the IR and THz will be studied, with respect to their potential applications in relevant spectroscopic methods.
Tutor: Varga Peter, prof. Dr., dr. h. c.
The fluorescence holographic microscope, unlike a conventional fluorescence microscope, uses two opposed objective lenses and it requires no scanning system. In addition to a well known optical sections (amplitude image), it also provides a phase image revealing information about the optical density of the specimen. The aims of the thesis are development and software implementation of 3D imaging methods using the amplitude and phase image components. Requirements: - programming ability (eg Matlab, LabView, C, etc.) - knowledge of optics corresponding to university courses - patience, reliability, precision The advantage is: - experience in the design, implementation and control of electronic devices - experience in the field of microscopy