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Original title in Czech: TeleinformatikaFEKTAbbreviation: PP-TLIAcad. year: 2018/2019
Programme: Electrical Engineering and Communication
Length of Study: 4 years
Accredited from: 25.7.2007Accredited until: 31.12.2020
The aim of the studies is to prepare top-class scientific personalities that will be able to provide solution to challenging problems of science and technology in the field of information technologies in telecommunications. Another aim is to teach graduates the methods of scientific work, to make their knowledge of higher mathematics and physics more profound, and to furnish students with theoretical, experimental and practical knowledge from the field of teleinformatics.
Key learning outcomes
Graduates of doctoral studies in the field of teleinformatics are fit to work as scientific and research workers in the development, design and operation departments of research and development institutes, and telecommunications companies, where they can make full creative use of their knowledge and skills. The graduate is capable of solving independently sophisticated problems of science and technology in the field of teleinformatics. In view of the scope of his theoretical education the graduate is capable of adapting to practice requirements in both fundamental and applied research.
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples
This field of study focuses on the science education of doctoral students with profound theoretical foundations in converging communication and in formation technologies. The main part of the study includes course in theoretical informatics and telecommunication technology. In the area of teleinformatics the student has much knowledge of communication and information technologies, data transmissions and their security, inclusive of using and designing the related software. He is well versed in operating systems, computer languages, database systems, distributed applications and the like. He can cope with the algorithmization of tasks on a high level and can propose new technological solutions of telecommunication devices, information systems and support services.
prof. Ing. Zdeněk Smékal, CSc.
Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program
The work focuses on on the analysis of signals from sensing systems, optimization of methods for lhuge data storiging and especially implementation of new signal processing methods. Fibre optic systems use conventional single-mode telecommunication fibre, multimode fibre, plastic POF (Plastic Optical Fibre), microstructure fibre, or other special types of fibres as a sensor or fibre serves as a transmission medium from sensors. By using of scattering phenomena (Raman scattering, Brillouin scattering, Rayleigh scattering), eventually by change of some parameters of an optical signal (changes in intensity, phase, polarization, spectrum, etc.) it is possible to obtain information about many physical quantities along the optical fibre.
Tutor: Münster Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The studying of the properties of sound intensity probe, which is also used for localization of sound source, will be first step. The research of the adaptive noise cancellation (ANC) algorithm used in two-channel speech enhancement systems will be the next step. The purpose is to design and test a new adaptive algorithm, which partially utilizing the directional properties of the sound intensity probe for speech quality enhancement.
Tutor: Sysel Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The thesis is focused on modeling, simulations and experimental verification of structures where relation between response and driving signal contains derivation or integration of non-integer order (so-called fractional structures or circuits). The task is also to design of suitable application possibilities of fractional order circuits, e.g. frequency filters, reconfigurable filters, tunable oscillators or other circuits. Attention should be kept also on other ways how to implement fractional order circuits, e.g. implementation of structures with distributed parameters (RC-EDP), on computer modelling of matter and structures from nature and biology and also on mathematical description.
Tutor: Jeřábek Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The description and realization of fractional systems gain on attention in numerous engineering areas, e.g. as a tool for in vivo non-invasive measurement and subsequent analysis. The aim of the thesis is the description and design of methods and tools suitable for analysis of real systems using fractional calculus and their modelling.
Tutor: Koton Jaroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
Musical expression is the art of playing or singing music with emotional communication. Expression include dynamic indications, such as forte or piano, phrasing, differing qualities of timbre and articulation, colour, intensity, energy and excitement. All of these devices are at the service of the composer's intention and they can best be interpreted by the performer. The goal of a dissertation is to analyze the works in terms of a agogics comparing different interpretations, whether they are musicians and conductors. Comparison should include not only different interpretive approaches, but also the historical and social context that it affects.
Tutor: Smékal Zdeněk, prof. Ing., CSc.
The focus of the thesis is to optimise the design means of preparation of the aperiodic optical diffractive structures in the fibre waveguides aimed to the construction of the sensors and spectral filters. The thesis will utilise and show the design and verification of the necessary modifications of the present mask based fibre grating exposition systems to allow for the exposition of the diffractive structures by use of the interferometric method. Forming the LP aperiodic structures will be experimentally shown and acquired features compared to the Bragg grating features. The design model for forming the desired functionality grating is expected to be composed. The means for the control of the grating properties and for the fast evaluation of the spectral changes of the aperiodic diffractive structures will be designed and experimentally verified. Reference: Kayshyap, R.: Fiber Bragg Gratings. AP, San Diego, 1999.ISBN 0-12-400560-8 Othonos, A, Kyriacos, K.: Fiber Bragg Gratings, fundamentaks and applications in telecommunications and sensing. AH, Norwood, 1999. ISBN0-89006-344-3
Tutor: Urban František, doc. Ing., CSc.
The doctoral study will cope with modern methods of audio restoration. The need to complete the missing segment of an audio signal or to restore saturated signal samples are interesting tasks with the practical use (historical recordings, dropouts in VoIP calls, etc.). Current methods are capable of high quality interpolation of signals that are stationary in the vicinity of the missing section and have harmonic character. The study will focus on methods that combine approaches that have been successful in recent years, namely mathematical optimization methods and the deep neural networks (DNNs). Psychoacoustic viewpoint of the problem will be covered as well. (Collaboration with the Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna)
Tutor: Rajmic Pavel, prof. Mgr., Ph.D.
The study topic is focused on research methods for measurement and evaluation data parameters of heterogeneous communication networks in terms of end-user access to the Internet and other services.
Tutor: Zeman Václav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The aim of the work is to design the optimal strategy for Smart Grids communication infrastructure based on analysis of suitable communication technology and in the process of deployment of IoT in Smart Cities and smart meters rollouts in Smart Grids. The perspective technologies will be evaluated via simulation in terms of data flows. The main objective will be to create a model of building communication networks and finding the optimal variant for the particular scenarios in the energy sector and IoT.
Tutor: Mlýnek Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The scenario considered in this PhD thesis is a network of agents that collaborate in order to track one or several moving targets in a distributed (decentralized) manner. Here, "distributed" means that there is no central unit collecting and processing all the measurements, and only agents that are spatially close are able to communicate. In many methods for distributed target tracking, statistical information is exchanged between the communicating agents, and the underlying probability distributions are sparse. The goal of this PhD thesis is to develop and study compressive and possibly other “sparsity-exploiting” methods for distributed target tracking with reduced communication requirements. (Collaboration partner: Prof. Franz Hlawatsch, TU Wien)
The work is focused on the design of A/D and D/A converters working in the current mode. The aim is to design a suitable structure of number-current and current-number converters without internal current-voltage and voltage-current conversions with respect to enhancing the bandwidth in comparison with converters working in the voltage mode. Part of the work is also the design and analysis of current-mode antialiasing filters. The design will start from unconventional circuit element structures such as current conveyors (CCI, CCII, CCIII) with simple or floating output, current feedback amplifiers (CFA) or transconductance amplifiers (OTA, BOTA, DBTA). Requirements to be met by the candidate: the knowledge of circuit theory and simulation programs (MicroCap, PSpice).
Tutor: Lattenberg Ivo, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The topic is focused on research and design of the countermeasures methods that can be utilized to eliminate side-channels attacks.
Tutor: Martinásek Zdeněk, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Telematic systems are particularly common in transport. Research into telematic systems based on the Internet protocol will be focused on the design of sophisticated, i.e. well-considered, formally well-developed and complicated methods that use IP systems in various areas. Surveillance and protection systems, systems of paying the fare, information systems and interactive applications, etc. are supposed in particular. Localization by GPS, vehicle diagnostics, and vehicle monitoring on ortho-maps in real situations are in the focus. Sophisticated telematic systems will be software simulated, optimized and subsequently hardware realized in the form of functional specimens. Communication between two cars without a driver intervention, collision avoidance, information transmission about traffic from the places cars left are expected. A highly accurate navigation system based on Galileo system (GNSS) for controlling functional blocks of cars are considered.
Tutor: Škorpil Vladislav, doc. Ing., CSc.
The thesis is focused on research of novel structures of integer- and fractional-order analog circuits. The aim is to develop a low-voltage and low-power applications such as frequency filters, emulators of synthetic inductors, etc. based on functional blocks employing minimal number of transistors that work in frequency range tens of MHz. Selected novel structures will undergo on-chip fabrication and experimentally tested.
Tutor: Herencsár Norbert, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The goal of disertation thesis is a research, selection and programing of effective methods for detection and classification of acoustic signal sources within time-space data matrix obtained from distributed acoustic sensors
Tutor: Novotný Vít, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Inside buildings or in the other environments where it is not possible to locate people or devices using a GPS system, sensory networks are used for localization. One solution is using Bluetooth Low Energy wireless technology. The result of the thesis should be analysis of localization accuracy on the deployment of sensory networks nodes, optimization of deployment for the given environment and optimization of localization algorithm.
The aim is to create an effective strategy for the use of the public and private IP network for crisis management. Also propose such a network, which could have the capacity, but also in terms of resistance to ensure the crisis communication. This would, in particular, traffic data, voice, TV broadcast. Other parts would propose new methods of Internet communication management-manage the flows of information, etc. Research should include also the influence of network topology on its stability and security, the speed of the spread of viruses, ability to resist attacks, etc. One of the objectives is to design a software robot that will be able to monitor the network topology, where appropriate, the Internet, the aim is to design a system for exchanging files over the Internet, but without any central control. The system would be intuitively usable. The solution should be safe and allow anonymous of the sender and the recipient of the data. The final. design of highly durable network suitable for crisis situations and this proposal prove theory.
This topic focuses on design of two-ports, filtering circuits especially, oscillators or for instance generators, with possibility to externally and electronically change significant parameters of the circuit, change of type of frequency response or also generated signal. Design with fractional-order elements is also expected. Available active elements are supposed to be used as it is or in modified variants. Simulations not only with simple models but also with transistor-level structures are expected. When verified by experimental measurement, behavioural modelling is preferred. This research topic follows up running research at this workplace and anticipates engaging into wider team of researchers.
The work is focused on the feature analysis of current-mode electronic frequency filters. The aim is to design algoritmizable methods that lead to finding features of filters generally defined by the schematic. It will be necessary to evaluate the available feature ranges, e.g. quality, pass-band current transfer, dynamic range within a defined supply voltage, sensitivity, etc. In the case of finding the quality range, the point is to find the extremes of a multi-variable non-linear function. Mathematical tools (e.g. Maple or MathCAD) will first be used for this purpose; afterwards the algorithm itself will be designed. Requirements to be met by the candidate: algorithm thinking, the knowledge of computer programming and circuit theory.
The topic deals with analog electronic circuits of fractional order. These circuits are characterized by non-integer power of a complex variable in the characteristic equation. The aim is to find new frequency filters, oscillators, synthetic immittance elements, PID controllers and other fractional-order circuits. These circuits will provide more general characteristics compared to their integer-order counterparts. Mathematical description, modeling, implementation and practical use of these circuits are also included.
Tutor: Kubánek David, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The goal of the thesis is to study and analyze the optical fibre resonant and mode conversion macrostructures with longitudinal step and gradient changes of the propagation constant. The aim is also finding the applicable methods of fabrication of the structures and optimizing the structures for their use in sensing. The works will utilize the abilities of the station for the optical fibres hetero splicing and the station for laser ultra micromashining of optical fibres. The expected results will be the optimized samples of the fibre heterostuctures for sensing and the optimised methods of their fabrication Reference: Kayshyap, R.: Fiber Bragg Gratings. AP, San Diego, 1999.ISBN 0-12-400560-8 Othonos, A, Kyriacos, K.: Fiber Bragg Gratings, fundamentaks and applications in telecommunications and sensing. AH, Norwood, 1999. ISBN0-89006-344-3
The work will be focused on analysis of the current error control systems in wired and wireless transmission systems and design of alternative approaches using LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check) codes. The goal will be mainly to utilize new codes and approaches. Today the CRC code and the RS-code with interleaving are often used. Based on this groundwork the new approaches to solving these systems will be introduced.
Tutor: Šilhavý Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Goal of this thesis is to research in area of measurement of basic parameters of data networks based mostly on Internet Protocol (IP), such as throughput, one-way delay and round-trip time, so as in area of derived parameters, such as quality of voice and video services. This comes with problematics of modelling of behaviour of network and user under various conditions, long-term and short-term events, a description of mass-serving systems and also features and behaviour key internet and measuring protocols in computer networks, so as topic of their possible setting and security. Based on analysis of available tools and their features, or development of own tools, design of solution and approaches for various types of measurements is expected. Designed methodology should be verified both in environment of lab and real-world networks.
Design of communication infrastructure of Smart Grid is a complex issue, where the issue of models and simulations are essential. The aim of the work is to design a comprehensive model for considered communication variants for smart grid in the energy sector. This model should be tested in the simulation environment.
The topic is focused on modern cryptography, particularly on the design of cryptographic schemes based on zero-knowledge interactive proof systems.
Tutor: Hajný Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
The goal of the dissertation thesis is to design a general model for data backup. Different backup systems and different backup strategies must be quantitatively evaluated by this model.
Tutor: Burda Karel, doc. Ing., CSc.
The thesis is focused on the high-speed transmission systems in fiber optic communications. In addition to analyzing and optimizing existing technologies for standard single-mode fibers, work is also focused on modern multi-core or few mode fibers. Modern high speed transmission systems use higher order modulation formats using polarization multiplex. With the increasing complexity of modulation formats, however, demand for transmission parameters such as bandwidth, signal-to-noise ratio, bit error rate, etc. are growing. The digital signal processing has indispensable role for these systems, which allows backward compensation of a number of linear and non-linear phenomena.
The vulnerability of the IEEE 802.11, attacks on the security methods and the methods for its effectiveness. Wireless network security issues expected standards IEEE 802.11. A detailed introduction to these standards, describe the various types of wireless security, including their properties and the subsequent theoretical analysis. The implementation of the attacks on the various methods of modern security algorithms, emphasis will be placed on the identification of weaknesses of 802.11 protocols. On the basis of the findings will be designed and tested security more effective. Attention will be paid to the security quality of service QoS in 802.11 networks. The network will be subject to examination by appropriate programs and simulators (OMNET++, NS2). Will also be examined according to modern services (IP phones, the transmission of video, voice, multimedia) to delay and to be performed, including an overall analysis to the QoS optimization.
Operating systems with the Linux kernel are used for providing many services, such as web servers or large data repositories, which are replicated and situated at different geographical places for their optimal accessibility. The student, based on gained knowledge, will analyse and simulate behaviour of operating systems under different loads given by network communication. The study goal may be a proposal of theoretical improvements with their verification in simulated and real environments.
Tutor: Komosný Dan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
Nowadays, the classic operating systems are used on small dedicated devices that have restricted hardware resources (single-board computers, for example Raspberry Pi). Student will gain knowledge about the structure of operating systems and use of particular hardware resources. The topic goal may be a theoretical analysis and modification of the system kernel or system programs considering the available resources of a single board computer. Linux operating systems may be used for this purpose.
The topic is focused on the research and design of the optimization techniques for the modern cryptographic algorithms, in particular for the implementation on computationally restricted devices, such as smart cards, FPGAs and coprocessors.
The thesis is focused on design of novel arbitrary fractional-order passive storage components. The main aim is research and development of new structures of solid-state or active emulators of capacitors or inductors for optimization of analog systems. Selected novel structures will undergo on-chip fabrication and experimentally tested.
The aim of the study is to optimize the routing principles. The architecture of network element with priority routing will be designed. An original procedure will be proposed for modelling this problematic mathematically and also for implementing the mathematical model. The software simulation of a system that can be used to control the switching field designed for switching data units shall be extended with hardware implementation, e.g. via programmable logic fields of development system FPGA. The knowledge obtained will be generalized and related to the theory of high-speed network elements. The MATLAB program and Simulink and the VHDL and Visual C++ language in particular are expected to be used in software simulation.
Modern computational systems (CPU, GPU, APU, and DSP) can make use of a number of parallel computation units. The application of parallelization has now been standardized through OpenCL, which allows parallel programming of heterogeneous systems. At the same time, simulation environments (such as Matlab and Simulink) are also provided with the possibility of parallel programming. To begin with, it is necessary to make an analysis of the possibilities offered by the current standards for process parallelization that can be applied to the basic and advanced methods of digital signal processing. The aim of the dissertation is to propose algorithms for digital signal processing methods that will exploit the possibilities of parallel programming both in the course of simulation and in the final implementation for the target computational system.
Tutor: Balík Miroslav, Ing., Ph.D.
Supporting the idea of using the data transfer to peer-to-peer communication between devices in a given locality. Simulate the mobile network is congested for, such as exhibitions, concerts, etc. In this case, that people use the same service on a mobile Internet-news, Twitter, Facebook. Proposal for a network, which will organize itself and it will be possible to ensure, through a network of mobile operator the page or information downloaded, only one user in the site, among others, would then spread the content of the ad-hoc networks. With the growing number of facilities would be de facto increased the transport capacity of the network. When the extension of the traffic, despite the different media or across operators will be able to carry calls.
The study topic is focused on research of physical unclonable functions and their use in cryptographic protocols. Physical unclonable function (PUF) is a physical entity that is embodied in a physical structure and is easy to evaluate but hard to predict. PUF represent an alternative to safely store secret key cryptosystems.
The subject is focused on the analysis, design and optimization of modern post-quantum cryptographic protocols that offer an alternative to existing protocols based on discrete logarithm and factorization problems.
Tutor: Malina Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder which is characterized by different motor and non-motor clinical symptoms. The motor symptom includes hypokinetic dysarthria (HD), which occurs in 90% of patients. HD generally impairs motor realization of speech and affects the area of phonation, articulation, prosody, fluency and faciokinesis. Motor and cognitive functions are evaluated using different scales, for example. UPDRS (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale), FOG (Freezing of Gait), MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination), etc. The aim of this thesis is to research new methods of HD parameterization of statistics by which it would be possible to estimate the values of different speech scales used to describe PN, and predict their change over time.
The topic aims at the research into design of resistive-capacitive elements with distributed parameters (RC-EDP) and their utilization in electrical circuits especially with modern active elements (conveyors, current amplifiers etc.). The main part of the study will be design of RC-EDP implementing immittance functions of fractional (i.e integer) order. The aim will be improvement of properties compared to present solutions of fractional-order immittance elements (increase in accuracy, frequency bandwidth, better integrability, possibility of parameter setting). Frequency filters, oscillators, synthetic immittance elements and other circuits will be designed as applications of these elements. The aim will be improving properties compared to existing circuits and moreover obtaining characteristics that cannot be realized by classical elements or only at the cost of using complex structures.
The topic of this doctoral study will be the research on possibilities of deploying C-RAN (Cloud Radio Access Network) technology in 4th and 5th generation mobile networks (4G / 5G) in order to increase the mobile system capacity (number of connected users, number of transmitted data, etc.). Another part will be the analysis of possibilities of using different radio technologies within the access mobile network, so called Multi Radio Access Technologies (RATs) solutions. The acquired knowledge will be implemented and experimentally verified in the 3GPP LTE-A mobile network deployed at the Department of Telecommunications, FEEC BUT. The output of the dissertation will be a summary of the recommendations, the implementation proposal and the testing methodology for data transfers in 4G / 5G mobile systems using Multi-RAT and C-RAN.
Tutor: Hošek Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
This thesis is focused on research of novel concepts of arbitrary fractional-order high-frequency frequency-agile linear systems using non-conventional analog functions blocks. Frequency-agile filtering systems are special types of reconfigurable analog filters that have property for agility. The aim of this work is the development of both non-symmetrical and symmetrical class 1 to class n frequency-agile filters. The workability of proposed circuits will be proved by computer simulations and via experiments.
Parkinson’s disease is the second most frequent neurodegenerative disorder, which is characteristic by several motor and non-motor features. The most frequent ones are rigidity (muscle stiffness), bradykinesia (slow movements) and tremor in rest. The state-of-the-art devices like smartphones, smartwatches and smartbracelets are able to acquire information about movement that can be further processed. The aim of this work is to research parameterization methods of signals coming from gyroscopes and accelerometers, and use these methods for treatment effect monitoring, treatment individualization and patient’s health assessment. In cooperation with neurologists from St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno and Central European Institute of Technology, the gained knowledge will be integrated into systems based on Health 4.0 technologies.
Tutor: Mekyska Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The work focuses on the research of new cryptographic light-weight symmetric algorithms for security optimization in modern sensoric networks used in wide range of IoT applications. The goal is to create optimized and secure end-to-end communication with all cryptographic functions. The research will result in own cryptographic protocol, which will optimally balance the so-called trinity principle (Security, Performance, and Cost).
The dissertation is focused on research of novel structures of non-conventional analog active function blocks such as current conveyors using chemical description of their terminal variables. The aim of the research is to develop novel structures of chemical current conveyors of different generations and their utilization in measurement systems for sensing basic quantities in biomedical systems. Selected structure will undergo on-chip fabrication and experimentally tested.
Hypokinetic dysarthria (HD) is a motor speech disorder caused by lesions in basal ganglia, usually in the case of Parkinson’s disease. In contrary to HD, apraxia of speech (AOS) is disorder of verbal communication planning or programming, and is caused by lesions in premotor cortex. Although HD and AOS are different speech disorders, they have common symptoms, and they are both manifested in fields of phonation, articulation, prosody and respiration. Therefore, the differential analysis is quite challenging. The aim of this PhD thesis is to research speech parameterization methods that will enable detailed quantification of large range of specific speech disorders and support differential analysis of HD and AOS. The research will be held in cooperation with neurologists and speech therapists from University of Arizona, University of Szeged, St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno and Central European Institute of Technology.
The topic is focused on the analysis and design of modern cryptographic protocols that ensure communication security and data protection in the Internet of Things (IoT) and for D2D (device - device) and D2I (device - infrastructure) communication. The research will focus on the issues and solutions of secure multicast communication and key management in decentralized IoT networks.
The aim is to analyse the up-to-date development and trends in the area of converged networks, mainly the problems of protection against cybernetic attacks. The areas of 5G mobile, SDN and consequential transmission technologies are seemed to be among the advanced possibilities. The design of innovative or new protection methods is supposed to be on the basis of obtained observation. Research requires a summary of networks area, practice with MATALB or SCILAB programs, or knowledge of at least one of VHDL, C or Java languages, system FPGA, evolutionary algorithms, etc.
The work will focus on research in the field of IP telephony security. It will include an analysis of protocols that providing VoIP telephony, known attacks, design and verification of new attacks. On the basis of the analyses will be proposed approaches to eliminate or minimize the impact of researched attacks on VoIP traffic. Individual approaches will be tested in practical implementations.
The topic deals with analysis of attacks on operating systems, especially with the Linux system kernel. Security of operating systems may be increased by various measures, for example, by a modification of the system kernel known as SELinux. Each additional security measure results in an overhead and decreases of the operating system performance. Based on gained knowledge during the doctorate study, the student will analyse, simulate and implement selected scenarios of attacks. The study goal may be a theoretical and practical security proposal in relation to the operating system functionality and its use.
The goal of PhD study is the research of the influence of ambient conditions like temperature, pressure, mechanical vibrations on transmission characteristics of optical fibres, and the design of suitable methods and techniques of optical fibre usage as sensors of various physical quantities.
Examination of the common carotid artery (CCA) based on ultrasound measurements is an effective method for detecting cardiovascular diseases. In particular, the spatial evolution of the CCA wall is related to diagnostically relevant parameters describing, e.g., CCA tissue elasticity. Accordingly, the goal of this PhD thesis is to estimate the time-varying contour of the CCA wall from an ultrasound video sequence. This is to be achieved by developing a sequential extension of a machine learning method known as Gaussian process regression (GPR). In the GPR method, a function to be learned is represented by a random process, which avoids an explicit parametric representation. The desired sequential extension of the GPR method should be able to continuously track the detailed shape of the CCA wall over a time period of arbitrary duration. (Collaboration partner: Prof. Franz Hlawatsch, TU Wien)
Tutor: Říha Kamil, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Examination of the common carotid artery (CCA) from ultrasound measurements is an effective method for detecting cardiovascular diseases. The goal of this PhD thesis is the development of time-recursive methods for tracking CCA- related multiple scatterers in an ultrasound videosequence. These methods will be based on hidden Markov models describing the temporal evolution of the scatterers and smoothing techniques for multitarget tracking, and they will take advantage of the strong statistical dependencies of the scatterers. The smoothing approach is expected to outperform current filtering approaches at the expense of a higher computational complexity.
Sensor nodes in the concept of Internet of Things play a key role in large data acquisition. Their use includes a variety of applications that have one common problem – limited energy resource when battery-powered. The controlling and communication software run on sensor nodes has an effect on energy consumption. The topic goal may be finding both general and application-oriented software solutions for minimization of energy consumption.
The spatiotemporal method display the cumulative development of the sound field as a function of direction of the sound intensity using the spatial impulse response. Application of this method is, for example, an analysis of listening rooms, estimation of direction of the incoming sound and more. The aim of this work is to modify this method for various microphone arrays and to find new objective metrics describing the sound field using the spatiotemporal analysis, e.g. spatial information coding and objective assessment of the quality of the listening rooms.
Tutor: Schimmel Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The fundamental frequency is the one of the important parameters of the speech signal. Its estimation is due to the nonstationary of speech signal quite difficult. Empirical mode decomposition is an advanced method for analyzing nonstationary signals based on signal decomposition into intrinsic mode functions adapted to the base signal content. The instantaneous frequency, among other parameters, can be determine using the Hilbert transform. The content of the dissertation research will be research of the basic method of detection frequency tone and its comparison with other known methods.
The aim of the dissertation thesis is time analysis of various interpretations of carefully chosen music piece in terms of tempo and duration. This analysis should show interpretational differences in comparison with the notation and it also includes historical and social aspects of interpretation. The aim is to suppress subjective conception of analysis and highlights objective comparison on the basis of scientific methods and procedures.
The aim is to design methods, an algorithm, to detect data in xPON network. Furthermore, to design the algorithm with a possibility of implementation into FPGA. The focus is on the data detection between OLT and ONU units. An development platform equipped with programmable XILINX network card and G.984 GPON system will be granted. The knowledge of VHDL, FPGA is needed, a knowledge of C or Python is beneficial. The overview of xPON network is an integral part.
Work deals with the current trend of increasing the data rate of optical fiber using different types of multiplexing systems. With the new trends posing new theoretical and practical possibilities and problems. Work will analyze the propagation of light by polarized orthogonal planes and propose how they can be used and the possibility of implementing a real polarization multiplexing. Work will be coordinated with the needs of optical networks academic university in Brno and CESNET network.
Tutor: Filka Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc.
The goals of PhD. study are the advanced methods of processing segmented audio signal by time-variant systems, the segment processing methods and subsequent reconstruction of the output signal from segments in real-time, the systems with the variable length of segment and overlap amount, the effective methods of the assessment of statistic signal parameters and the methods for automatic adaptation of the length of segment to current statistical features of processed signal.
Current data networks become more and more complex and cumbersome for both design and management due to the increasing demands for universality, high performance, efficiency, reliability and security. The scope of the Ph.D. thesis is the research of current development trends in the field, design and verification of new approaches to modern data network solutions for both current and near future needs for electronic form of communication.
Neural networks and machine learning are currently used in the area of audio signal processing for data mining, eg. recognition of genre, music information retrieval from recordings, etc., and speech processing, such as word recognition, speaker identification, emotion recognition, etc. However, their potential use is also in modelling analog musical effects, audio and acoustic systems etc. This topic focuses on the area of audio system modelling, with the emphasis on minimizing the need for manual labeling of recordings for training of neural networks.
Neural networks and machine learning are currently used in the area of audio signal processing for data mining, eg. recognition of genre, music information retrieval from recordings, etc., and speech processing, such as word recognition, speaker identification, emotion recognition, etc. However, their potential use is also in other areas of audio signal analysis and processing. This topic focuses on the controlling parameters of audio signal processing systems using machine learning and on utilization of hearing models for training of neural networks.
Trend of modern data networks is characterized by transition from specialize hardware based network components towards components based on powerful unified hardware that can be customized by software and its configuration to particular network function. Thanks to virtualization platforms it is possible to introduce it in distributed form. The goal of PhD thesis is to make research of potential of network function virtualization, and design of new network applications.
The thesis is focused on definition and analysis of textural features in images of sedimentary grains acquired by electron microscope device. The main goal of the work is to objectivize and to automatize the estimation of exoscopic parameters of given grains with the purpose to statistically classify the grains into different classes based on a geomorphological processes which contributed to form a given analysed grain structure.
Artificial neural networks are currently one of the most successful form of artificial intelligence deployed to images, videos, or text analysis. The current trend of neural network design lies not in increasing complexity of the networks but rather in effective design of neural network architecture. This architecture has to be designed for each problem in parallel. The objective of the dissertation is to automate the search for optimal neural network architecture using graph theory and genetic programming. The comparison should be designed with respect to current modern architecture of massive parallel hardware and computational complexity of individual algorithms.
Tutor: Burget Radim, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The work focuses on a design, simulation and realization of fibre-optic sensors. These systems use conventional single-mode telecommunication fiber, multimode fibre, plastic POF (Plastic Optical Fibre), microstructure fibre, or other special types of fibres as a sensor or fibre serves as a transmission medium from sensors. By using of scattering phenomena (Raman scattering, Brillouin scattering, Rayleigh scattering), eventually by change of some parameters of an optical signal (changes in intensity, phase, polarization, spectrum, etc.) it is possible to obtain information about many physical quantities along the optical fibre.
The goals of PhD. study are concepts, algorithms, and systems for modeling sound propagation in variyng environment. The work will be focused on modeling the propagation of early reflections and perceptually-based statistical techniques that provide late reflections and subsequent reverberation with the moving sound source and/or listener.
Multitone modulations are today frequently used modulation techniques, e.g. in ADSL, VDSL, PLC, DVB-T, DVB-T2, WLAN IEEE 802.11a, g, n technologies. In all the above mentioned systems the known and well described modulation DMT (Discrete MultiTone) or OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is used. The work will be focused on possibilities of utilization of multicarrier modulations in optical transmission systems.
The non-Cartesian acquisition methods attract attention because of a variety of unique properties which can be exploited for different applications such as: acquisition acceleration, insensitivity to motion and the possibility to image tissues with very short T2s (e.g. cortical bones, tendons, ligaments, menisci and myelin). The objectives of the PhD study are to: a) develop an efficient volume reconstruction method from UTE data for quantitative analyses of ultrashort T2 components, based on nonconvex optimization, b) explore the limits of the spatial resolution when reducing the number of UTE projections for acceleration, c) apply and perform quantitative in vivo MR data analyses. Collaboration with CEITEC MU center, processing of data from the experimental MR scanner, supervisor specialist Ing. Peter Latta, CSc. Potential financial support from CEITEC.
The work focuses on research of new methods of using an elliptic curves in cryptosystems based on the new findings in the field. The research focuses on effective methods for generation of new elliptic curves as well as on the analysis of elliptic curve attributes and its behavior on different hardware platforms. That means to create an effective generator of cryptographic elliptic curves. Based on obtained knowledge from in-depth analysis and experimental measurements, the research will continue with a focus on the application of one-time pad algorithms such as Vernam cipher. Last but not least, the work will result in new own cryptographic protocol based on so-called one-time elliptic curves.
The doctoral study will cope with the security of communication in cooperative intelligent transport systems; between the vehicle and all other components of this system (V2X). After analysing security options and possible attacks on 5th Generation Networks in V2X communication systems, vehicle-vehicle, vehicle-infrastructure, and vehicle-pedestrian scenarios the methods for attack testing equipment will be developed and the methods improving communication security will be designed.