Branch Details

Industrial Design

Original title in Czech: Průmyslový design ve strojírenstvíFSIAbbreviation: B-PDSAcad. year: 2020/2021

Programme: Applied Sciences in Engineering

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: Accredited until: 31.12.2024


The graduates will acquire knowledge of the essential engineering, and technical theory fields, as well the basic methods of design creation. They will study some particular cases of such applications in workshop courses and they will be taught how to use their skills efficiently to solve design problems. Thus the Bachelor's degree graduates will be both theoretically and practically equipped to find their place in the market.

Key learning outcomes

The graduates will acquire knowledge of the essential engineering, technical theory, and information technologies fields, as well the basic methods of design creation. They will study some particular cases of such applications in workshop courses and they will be taught how to use their skills efficiently to solve design problems. Thus the Bachelor's degree graduates will be both theoretically and practically equipped to find their place in the market.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

During first three years (bachelor degree) of study student will obtain basic knowledge of mechanical engineering integrated with basic proficiency in Industrial design and Visual communication design. Following the Bachelor Degree, comes a two year Masters Degree program, which will extend proficiency and provide specialization. It is strongly recommended to continue to the Bachelor ID studies in the Masters Degree program. Designer with engineering education is well accepted on the job market. Graduates are employed in all fields of the economy, especially the industrial sphere (i.e. Skoda Auto) as well as with design and graphic companies. Graduates have the background for pedagogical and scientific duties and also abilities for marketing and managerial positions.
Graduates from the Bachelor's degree Industrial design programme may continue their study in an identical two-year follow-up programme to receive a Master's degree of \ing.\.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
YA6Workshop - Industrial Design IIcs5Compulsoryyes
YU1History of Art up to 14th Centurycs3Compulsoryyes
YKICreative Drawingcs2Compulsoryyes
CKPMachine Design and Machine Elementscs5Compulsoryyes
YPVComputer Modelling - 3DS Maxcs4Compulsoryyes
0ZCAcademic Sources and Citationscs2Electiveyes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
6APWorkshop - Bachelor Projectcs10Compulsoryyes
6ASWorkshop - Bachelor Project Seminarcs2Compulsoryyes
YU2History of Art of 15th - 18th Centurycs3Compulsoryyes
YKVDrawing of Productcs2Compulsoryyes
YMLModelling - Relief Designcs3Compulsoryyes
YTGType and Typographycs5Compulsoryyes
YRPRapid Prototyping and 3D Digitizationcs3Compulsoryyes
3. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
5AZEnglish - Basic Examen6Compulsory-optionalangličtinayes
7AZEnglish - Exam B1en6Compulsory-optionalangličtinayes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
angličtina 1 5AZ, 7AZ