Branch Details

Constructions and Traffic Structures

Original title in Czech: Konstrukce a dopravní stavbyFASTAbbreviation: KDSAcad. year: 2009/2010

Programme: Building Engineering

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: 11.7.2001Accredited until: 20.7.2009


PhD study of Constructions and Traffic Structures study branch is focused on a scientific training, methodology of research work and research development in the fields of structural theory, reliability and failure mechanism of structures. There are several study directions - structural mechanics, concrete and masonry structures, steel, timber and composite structures, geotechnics, railway structures, roads structures, experimental work and building testing.
Scientific preparation is based on knowledge of theoretical disciplines of natural sciences base together with theoretical and scientific disciplines of water management orientation. Graduate of PhD study is ready to work in research and development, using creative approach for problems solving of progressive structures including traffic structures. Continuous active scientific and pedagogical activity is a good condition for eventual qualification of graduates as academic employees at Universities.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DA01Mathematicscs0CompulsoryP - 39yes
DA03Probability and mathematical statisticscs0CompulsoryExP - 39yes
DF51Soil and Rock Mechanicscs0ElectiveExP - 393904yes
DL52Modelling properties of concrete for load-bearing structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393904yes
DM51Reliability of Road Structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393904yes
DD53Dynamics of structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393904yes
DD51Structural mechanicscs0ElectiveExP - 393904yes
DN55cs0ElectiveExP - 393904yes
DU51Computing systemscs0ElectiveExP - 393904yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DA02Mathematics IIcs0CompulsoryExP - 39yes
DB01Building physicscs0CompulsoryExP - 39yes
BYA7English Upper-Intermediate Ics0RecommendedCrC1 - 26yes
BYA8English Upper-Intermediate IIcs0RecommendedCrC1 - 26yes
BYA9Professional English Ics0RecommendedCrC1 - 26yes
DY51Professional English IIcs0RecommendedCrC1 - 26yes
ZI52Methods of testing materials and structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393905yes
DL53Modelling of concrete structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393905yes
DD52Structural mechanics II.cs0ElectiveExP - 393905yes
DM52Traffic Structures Theorycs0ElectiveExP - 393905yes
DO51Theory of metal and timber structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393905yes
DN56cs0ElectiveExP - 393905yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DL54Application of silicate materials in structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DI53Diagnostics of buildingscs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DU54Simulation of non-linear dynamic systemscs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DN53Experimental Methods and Measurement Technologycs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DM56Functional testing of construction and recycled materialscs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DN54Geographical Information Systemscs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DU55Computing systems and internetcs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
ZF53Engineering Geologycs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DM57cs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
ZF52Underground Engineeringcs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DM53Rheology of Road Building materialscs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DM55Traffic Engineeringcs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
ZF51Special Foundation Methodscs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DD55Civil engineering structures analysiscs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DU56Computer Aided Design Systemscs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DL55Selected problems of reconstruction of concrete and masonry structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DM54Traffic flow theorycs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DO53Theory of hybrid and composite structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DI51Theory of buildings qualitycs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DO52cs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DU57Theory of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Advanced Methods of simulationcs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DD54Theory of elasticity, plasticity and failurecs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DN51Railway Constructions Theorycs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DN52Railway Structures Theorycs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
DL56Selected problems of structures designcs0ElectiveExP - 393924yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DY01English for the Doctoral Study Programmecs0CompulsoryExyes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Courses
3904 DF51, DL52, DM51, DD53, DD51, DN55, DU51
3905 ZI52, DL53, DD52, DM52, DO51, DN56
3924 DL54, DI53, DU54, DN53, DM56, DN54, DU55, ZF53, DM57, ZF52, DM53, DM55, ZF51, DD55, DU56, DL55, DM54, DO53, DI51, DO52, DU57, DD54, DN51, DN52, DL56