study programme

Company Management and Economics

Faculty: FBMAbbreviation: DSP-CMEAcad. year: 2021/2022

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0413D050007

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: English

Tuition Fees: 3900 EUR/academic year for EU students, 9000 EUR/academic year for non-EU students

Accreditation: 28.5.2019 - 28.5.2029

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Economic Disciplines Without thematic area 100

Study aims

The Company Management and Economics doctoral programme aims to educate experts highly qualified for research in the field of company management, for teaching and doing research at universities, and work in international organizations, domestic and global companies.
Emphasis is put on acquiring deep and systematic knowledge and understanding of theories and mastering modern methods and procedures applicable to economics as a field of science, next on adopting advanced methods for research in economics, company management, and on developing expertise in econometrics.
Students concentrate on their own research, finding solutions to research problems focusing on comprehensiveness and theoretical background of the solutions found. An integral part of students' activities is publishing the research results, their interpretation and subsequent presentation taking different forms (presentation at research forums, at scientific conferences, writing paper, conceiving and presenting research projects, etc.), but above all, writing and defending a dissertation.

Graduate profile

A graduate in Company Management and Economics has acquired highly specialized, systematic knowledge of theories, concepts, and methods in the field of company management and economics, which is among the best on an international scale, thus enhancing the engineering expertise and skills, as well as deep and systematic knowledge and understanding of advanced mathematical and statistical methods of quantitative and qualitative data analysis including deep and systematic knowledge of the methods and procedures of scientific work.
Graduates will find jobs of highly qualified experts in research organisations as heads of research and development teams and can also teach and do research at universities, in international organizations, at domestic and global companies.

Fulfilment criteria

The study requirements for students of the Company Management and Economics programme can be found in individual curricula.
The key required subject is the Methodology of Science and Research Work in Economics and Management, which is offered in cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The programme's main objective is to teach the students how to do research, to improve their knowledge and practical skills needed for scientific work, as well as to teach them how to write a good dissertation.
The first year also includes the Economics III course aiming to improve the use of analytic tools needed in micro-economy, particularly concerning the analysis of the supply part of market mechanism with special emphasis on mathematical models, acquainting the students also with alternative approaches to demand and supply forming. In the macro-economy part, emphasis will be laid on the theory of exogenic an endogenic economic growth and the theory of state policy, improving the students' capabilities to apply the acquired knowledge in the context of company management. The second year includes the required Academic Writing course to develop the students' communication skills needed to describe their research and general academic genres while improving their stylistic skills typical of academic writings.
In the second year, students are required to choose one of the below listed courses to augment their expertise and skills needed for writing a quality dissertation.
• Theory of Management;
• Sustainability and Circular Economics;
• Information Management;
• Marketing Theory;
• Business Management Theory;
• Theory and Practice of Financial Management;
• Methods of Economic Management of Enterprises;
The required courses and the one optional chosen are then completed by an exam.
Since an individual curriculum must include research activities based on the dissertation focus, starting in the first year, the following research outcomes are required (Research outcomes I-IV):
• In the first year a student must have at least one publication (a contribution to a domestic/international conference proceedings or paper published in a reviewed journal) corresponding to the dissertation focus, having the structure of a research paper with a co-authorship of at least 80%. The student will receive a credit for the fulfilment of this condition from his or her supervisor.
• At least one publication is required in the second year, too, (paper in a Jimp or JSC type journal or a contribution to Defendant-type conference) with a co-authorship of at least 80%. The student will receive a credit for the fulfilment of this condition from his or her supervisor.
• At least one publication is required in the third year (research paper in a Jimp or JSC type journal) corresponding to the dissertation topic with a co-authorship of at least 80%. The student will receive a credit for the fulfilment of this condition from his or her supervisor.
• In the fourth year, too, a doctoral student is expected to publish at least one research paper in a Jimp type journal related to the dissertation focus written by the doctoral student alone, or several papers with a co-authorship totalling 100%. The student will receive a credit for the fulfilment of this condition from his or her supervisor.
The required research outputs as defined above strongly support the internationalization element since the fulfilment of the publishing requirements (particularly in the third and fourth years) is only possible if the papers published are written in English.
Because of the strong accent of the doctoral study on research with outcomes reflected in the dissertation, required is also a presentation of the dissertation research focus to help assess the setting of the dissertation objective, the progress of work on the topic chosen, the expected research contribution of dissertation as well as the research methodology. The student will receive a credit for the fulfilment of this requirement from his or her supervisor.
In order to improve the quality of dissertations, doctoral students must present a "small defence of dissertation" at the supervising department. This defence should help assess the dissertation scientific contribution, the research methodology, and the fulfilment of the main and partial goals of the dissertation. The student will receive a credit for a successful presentation from his or her supervisor.
An integral part of each individual curriculum is the obligation to complete a Foreign Internship - Study Stay in the third or fourth year abroad at a university or research organisation whose research focus is the same as or related to the one of the dissertation. The stay should contribute to the development of the student's expertise and skills in the given problem area, help him or her establish international contacts, broaden his or her experience and provide him or her with opportunities to engage more closely in the scientific community dealing with problems related to the dissertation focus. The length of the stay is one semester. The student will receive a credit for a completed stay from his or her supervisor.
In students of the combined study mode, the stay abroad may take the form of on-the-job stay at a company or institution working on problems related to the dissertation focus.
The student will receive a credit for a completed stay from his or her supervisor.
As an important part, an individual curriculum for a full-time doctoral student will include teaching practice needed to enhance the presentation skills. As a rule, this teaching practice in the first four semesters includes 4 lessons a week on average. For students in the combined study mode, such practice is replaced by their publishing activities with at least one publication (a paper in a type Jimp journal or a contribution to a type D conference proceedings with a co-authorship of 100 % or several publications with the co-authorships totalling 100%. The student will receive a credit for the fulfilment of this requirement from his or her supervisor.
Doctoral students of the combined study mode are not required to appear at the supervising department on a regular basis, however, they have to attend the courses offered, consultations, and other events related to the individual curriculum following instructions by the supervisor.

Study plan creation

The Company Management and Economics doctoral programme is offered on the basis of individual curricula set up by supervisors in cooperation with the students. An individual curriculum covers four academic years providing the student with the expertise and skills needed for doing research. A draft of each individual curriculum must be debated and approved by the Doctoral Committee. When conceiving a doctoral study, emphasis is laid upon:
• curriculum / study;
• independent scientific and research activities related to the dissertation focus;
• internationalization supported by stay abroad;
• teaching practice;
The key part of an individual curriculum is the division of the study and completion of the required theoretical and optional courses. The first year includes two required courses:
• Methodology of Science and Research Work in Economics and Management (prof. Ing. Vojtěch Koráb, Dr., MBA)
• Economics III (doc. Ing. et Ing. Stanislav Škapa, Ph.D. person in charge and teacher 60%, doc. Ing. Zinecker Marek, Ph.D., teacher 40%,)
One required specialised course is taught in the second year:
• Academic Writing (doc. PhDr. Milena Krhutova, Ph.D.)
Next, students may choose one required optional course that enhances the expertise and skills necessary for writing a good dissertation. These are the below courses:
• Theory of Management (doc. RNDr. Anna Putnová, Ph.D., MBA);
• Sustainability and Circular Economics (prof. Ing. Alena Kocmanová, Ph.D.);
• Information Management (doc. Ing. Miloš Koch, CSc.);
• Marketing Theory (doc. Ing. Vladimír Chalupský, CSc., MBA, person responsible and teacher 50%, doc. Ing. Vít Chlebovský, Ph.D. teacher 50%);
• Business Management Theory (doc. PhDr. Iveta Šimberová, Ph.D.);
• Theory and Practice of Financial Management (prof. Ing. Mária Režňáková, CSc.);
• Methods of Economic Management of Enterprises (doc. Ing. Tomáš Meluzín, Ph.D.);
Each required theoretical or optional course is completed by an exam.
Since an individual curriculum must include research activities based on the dissertation focus, starting in the first year, research outcomes are required.
Because of the strong accent of the doctoral study on research with outcomes reflected in the dissertation, required is also a presentation of the dissertation research plan to help assess the setting of the dissertation objective, the progress of work on the topic chosen, the expected research contribution of dissertation as well as the research methodology.
In order to improve the quality of dissertations, doctoral students must present a "small defence of dissertation" at the supervising department. This defence should help assess the dissertation scientific contribution, the research methodology, and the fulfilment of the main and partial goals of the dissertation.
An integral part of each individual curriculum is the obligation to complete a Foreign Internship - Study Stay in the third or fourth year abroad at a university or research organisation whose research focus is the same as or related to the one of the dissertation. The stay should contribute to the development of the student's expertise and skills in the given problem area help him or her establish international contacts, broaden his or her experience and provide him or her with opportunities to engage more closely in the scientific community dealing with problems related to the dissertation focus. The length of the stay is one semester.
In the combined study mode, the stay may take the form of an on-the-job stay at a company or institution with a student working on problems related to the dissertation focus. Students staying abroad must also prove their language skills. The student will receive a credit for a completed stay from his or her supervisor.
As an important part, an individual curriculum for a full-time doctoral student will include teaching practice needed to enhance the presentation skills. As a rule, this practice in the first four semesters includes 4 lessons a week on average. For students in the combined study mode, such practice is replaced by their publishing activities.
Next, an individual curriculum includes other, no less important, activities improving a student's research profile. These are in particular applications for grants (such as Junior Projects as part of Specific Research), participation in domestic and international conferences.
The structure and content of a doctoral student's curriculum are part of the BUT Apollo information system.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The Company Management and Economics doctoral programme is intended for graduates in economic Master's programmes.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Alternative company theory as a means of company management

    The research will focus on the analysis of the current state of alternative theories of the company and their application in the management of the company and the design of models and theories resulting from these alternative theories, explain the approaches of top management decision-making in real environment.

    Tutor: Škapa Stanislav, prof. Ing. et Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Business valuation of start-ups

    Estimation of uture developments and expected cash flows for start-ups is challenging. Aim of the thesis is to examine existing approaches to start-up valuation and propose new suitable modifications.

    Tutor: Režňáková Mária, prof. Ing., CSc.

  3. Leadership Specifics in a Context of Current Situation in the International Environment

    Recently, under the ongoing changes in society, new demands and expectations have been required from leaders. The main goal of the dissertation will be to design a model of effective human resource management in a culturally determined context, which will contribute to the knowledge of the elements of effective human resource management in the international environment in the context of the current situation.

    Tutor: Konečná Zdeňka, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Marketing within digital transformation era

    Research focused on marketing concepts changes related to business digitizaztion trends. Primary focus on production enterprices on both B2B and B2C markets. Research focused on concepts using product customisations.

    Tutor: Chlebovský Vít, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. New forms of work and the transformation of the labor market in terms of business ethics

    The events of the last year, as well as advancing digitization, bring new needs to the labor market. At the same time, we get into a situation that is completely new for both employers and employees. It brings a number of ethical dilemmas. Their solution is the topic of the doctoral thesis.

    Tutor: Putnová Anna, doc. RNDr., Ph.D., MBA

  6. Quantitative Methods in Managerial Decision Making

    The research will focus on the analysis of current state of quantitative approach application in company management and on the design of models which are used as a tool for support of managerial decision-making.

    Tutor: Doskočil Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D., MSc

  7. The Political Economy of Disintegration: Assessing Economic Consequences in terms of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship

    This research aims to identify key factors, which might be critical when considering the current tendencies of disintegration from the perspective of SMEs based the Czech Republic.

    Tutor: Zinecker Marek, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Tools and methods for pricing of natural monopolies

    The theme focuses on the critical analysis tools and in particular, monopolistic pricing strategies, respectively. oligopolistic firms operating in sectors which are natural or high barriers to entry.

    Tutor: Škapa Stanislav, prof. Ing. et Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
ekotDEEconomics 3en0CompulsoryDrExP - 20 / P - 20 / KK - 20 / KK - 20yes
ekotDEEconomics 3en0CompulsoryDrExP - 20 / P - 20 / KK - 20 / KK - 20yes
mvveDEMethodology of Science and Research Work in Economics and Managementen0CompulsoryDrExP - 40 / P - 40 / KK - 40 / KK - 40yes
mvveDEMethodology of Science and Research Work in Economics and Managementen0CompulsoryDrExP - 40 / P - 40 / KK - 40 / KK - 40yes
vtc1DEResearch outputs 1en0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
vtc1DEResearch outputs 1en0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
2. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
awDAcademic Writingen0CompulsoryDrExP - 20 / P - 20yes
awDAcademic Writingen0CompulsoryDrExP - 20 / P - 20yes
zsDEForeign internship - study stayen0CompulsoryCrP - 10 / P - 10 / P - 10 / P - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10yes
zsDEForeign internship - study stayen0CompulsoryCrP - 10 / P - 10 / P - 10 / P - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10yes
pvzDEPresentation of the research plan of the dissertationen0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
pvzDEPresentation of the research plan of the dissertationen0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
vtc2DEResearch outputs 2en0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
vtc2DEResearch outputs 2en0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
ppDETeaching Practiceen0CompulsoryCrP - 10 / P - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10yes
ppDETeaching Practiceen0CompulsoryCrP - 10 / P - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10yes
bmtDEBusiness Management Theoryen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
bmtDEBusiness Management Theoryen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
imDEInformation Managementen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
imDEInformation Managementen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
tmkDEMarketing Theoryen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
tmkDEMarketing Theoryen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
meDEMethods of Economic Management of Enterprisesen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
meDEMethods of Economic Management of Enterprisesen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
uceDESustainability and Circular Economicsen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
uceDESustainability and Circular Economicsen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
tpfmDETheory and Practice of Financial Managementen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
tpfmDETheory and Practice of Financial Managementen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
tmDETheory of Managementen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
tmDETheory of Managementen0Compulsory-optionalDrExKK - 10 / KK - 10 / K - 10 / K - 101yes
3. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
zsDEForeign internship - study stayen0CompulsoryCrP - 10 / P - 10 / P - 10 / P - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10yes
zsDEForeign internship - study stayen0CompulsoryCrP - 10 / P - 10 / P - 10 / P - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10 / KK - 10yes
vtc3DEResearch outputs 3en0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
vtc3DEResearch outputs 3en0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
4. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
modpDEA small defense of the dissertationen0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
modpDEA small defense of the dissertationen0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
vtc4DEResearch outputs 4en0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
vtc4DEResearch outputs 4en0CompulsoryCrKK - 10 / KK - 10 / S - 10 / S - 10yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
1 1 bmtDE, imDE, tmkDE, meDE, uceDE, tpfmDE, tmDE
1 1 bmtDE, imDE, tmkDE, meDE, uceDE, tpfmDE, tmDE