study programme
Forensic Engineering
Original title in Czech: Soudní inženýrstvíFaculty: IFEAbbreviation: DSP SoI_KAcad. year: 2022/2023
Type of study programme: Doctoral
Study programme code: P0788D020001
Degree awarded: Ph.D.
Language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 1.8.2020 - 1.8.2025
Mode of study
Combined study
Standard study length
4 years
Programme supervisor
Doctoral Board
Chairman :
doc. Ing. Bc. Marek Semela, Ph.D.
Vice-chairman :
prof. Ing. Leonard Hobst, CSc.
Councillor internal :
doc. Ing. et Ing. Martin Cupal, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
prof. Ing. Jiří Mišurec, CSc.
doc. Ing. Robert Kledus, Ph.D.
prof. Ing. Jana Korytárová, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Radek Knoflíček, Dr.
prof. Ing. Karel Pospíšil, Ph.D., LL.M.
prof. Ing. Vladimír Adamec, CSc.
prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka, CSc., MBA, dr. h. c.
Councillor external :
doc. RNDr. Mgr. Petr Adolf Skřehot, Ph.D., MSc. (Znalecký ústav bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví, z.ú. - ředitel)
Ing. Jindřich Frič, Ph.D. (Centrum dopravního výzkumu v.v.i. - ředitel)
prof. Ing. Zora Petráková, PhD. (Ústav súdného znalectva, Stavebná faskulta, Slovenská technická univerzita Bratislava - vedoucí ústavu)
Ing. Dagmar Vágnerová Linnertová, Ph.D. (Katedra informací, Ekonomicko-správní fakulta, Masarykova univerzita - odborná asistentka)
Fields of education
Area | Topic | Share [%] |
Security Sector Fields | Without thematic area | 100 |
Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program
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- Advanced Project Development Prediction Modelling
The research will focus on the analysis of the current state in the field of project development prediction. The main goal of the dissertation is to design and verify a new model respectively methodology for project development predicting in order to minimize the risk of its failure, which will allow more effective project management.
- Automated valuation Models for Real Estates with Implementation
- Causes of failures of cyber-physical systems
Contemporary technical facilities (objects and infrastructures) are cyber-physical in nature, because their management depends on information systems. There are still no clear rules for designing the interfaces between physical and cyber parts, and therefore, the systems in question fail, which are often unexpected and difficult to understand. The goal of the work is to collect data about failures, determine the causes of failures, and organize them into categories. This will provide the basis for seeking the engineering measures and for drawing up the rules to ensure safe interfaces among the physical and cyber parts of systems. The knowledge in question is important, for example, for setting the rules of self-driving cars.
Tutor: Procházka Jan, RNDr., Ph.D.
- Determination of causes and impacts of failure of critical technical facility (object or network) and evaluation of losses and damages to public assets
Ensuring the critical technical facilities (both object and network) is one of the basic functions of the State, since they are necessary to ensure the vital needs and safety of people. Based on the concept of integral security using the defence-in-depth approach, identification, analysis, evaluation and assessment of risks will be carried out on selected technical facilities of different types. The risks arising from organisational accidents and terrorist attacks will also be considered. By using the principles for management and settlement of risks by engineering procedures, there will be identified: variants of possible critical situations; their impacts on public assets; and for at least five selected cases of different technical facilities and time conditions, losses and damages to public assets will be determined.
- Expression of the usual price of transport performance
The expression "usual price" represents a relatively extensive issue, especially in transport conditions based on, for example, technological differences in individual modes of transport, implementation of services in the "services of general interest", differences in quality and capacity requirements for means of transport, contracting time and the like. The work should define the aspects by which the price of transport performance is affected, the factors that affect them, the individual elements and items included in the calculations, while the output will be the methodology of expressing the usual price. This should represent the basic basis not only for the specific expression of the price, but also for the possibility of mutual comparison of performance charges.
- Changes in the severity of injuries to vehicle crew members in a traffic accident under different circumstances of their occurrence and the method to determine the extent of such changes
- Identification of soft risks in transport
Traffic flow and safety are threatened by a number of risks. In addition to the risks connecting to critical transport infrastructure, there are a number of soft risks which, if not identified, can have very diverse transport, health, social and environmental impacts. Transport and its infrastructure are the subject of a number of research projects and strategic efforts being made at various levels to improve transport. One of the criteria that could be used to prioritize of research or strategic plans is the magnitude of the risk to which the research or strategic plan responds. The aim of the dissertation is to identify these risks, categorize and systematize them, and evaluate selected ones and propose means of elimination or mitigation, in relation to previously conducted research and the general state of knowledge.
- Influence of the use of vehicle with alternative engine in the valuation of motor vehicles
Due to anticipated expansion of vehicles with alternative propulsion, where efforts to reduce CO2 emissions lead to a gradual change in the structure of the vehicle fleet, which will continue, there is a need to deal with the valuation of these vehicles compared to vehicles with conventional propulsion. At present, from the point of view of individual car manufacturers, as well as spare parts suppliers, a uniform concept is not applied to both the drive and the used batteries. However, it is these parts that significantly affect the valuation of the vehicle. It is also important to determine the condition of the components. Thus, in addition to determining the systems of alternative drives, the work will also include methods of assessing the condition of energy storage systems and determining their value.
- Method of risk identification, analysis and evaluation in smart grids
The topic is focused on research of a suitable method for identification, analysis and evaluation of risks, their management including proposals for risk measures in smart grids. In the theoretical part, the student analyzes the currently used methods for identification, risk assessment, including the importance of vulnerabilities and the parameters that are utilized in these methods. The main contribution the work will be the design and implementation of the method, including verification of functionality. The main contribution of the method is a more efficient way of prioritizing vulnerabilities and therefore the implementation of countermeasures is realized in more effective way in smart grids.
- Methodology for decision support associated with the transport of hazardous substances regarding to the form of communication
The aim of this work is to introduce a proactive plan of solving problems associated with road transport in the form of methodology, identification of potentially dangerous places. Preventive precautions will be provided in order to reduce the number of accidents and their severity, to minimize fires, explosions and leaks of dangerous substances, the number of injured people and fatal cases, especially during the transport of dangerous goods. Verification of the effectiveness of the procedure will be performed in the selected region. The results will be proposed for transposition into legislation.
- Possibilities for optimizing the mathematical simulation of a vehicle-pedestrian collision with regard to the use of pedestrian injury characteristics
- Real estate financial modelling for income approach
- Research into combined detection methods for fault-state, failure-state and operational anomaly-state detection
- Research into quantification methods for risk analysis in operational environment
- Research of tools and methods for predicting the development of the residential market
The aim of the dissertation will be to propose a methodology for predicting the development of the residential market. The methodology of the work will be based mainly on the application of methods of classical statistics in combination with robust statistical methods or fuzzy logic, or genetic algorithms. Appropriate indicators from the area of macroeconomic, socio-economic, political, environmental and other indicators will be chosen as factors influencing the development of the residential market. The results of the work will then be formed into an expert and appraisal environment and thus into practice.
- Risk management in the context of the quality management system in the selected industry
The research will focus on the analysis of the current state of risk management and quality. The main goal of the dissertation is to design a risk management system (methodology) as part of an integrated quality management system with regard to the specifics of the selected industry.
- Risk management in traffic tunnels
Tunnels on transport roads that belong to critical infrastructure are critical elements. Therefore, they are monitored in terms of the basic functions of the State and their safe operation is required. For selected tunnel models based on the concept of integral safety using the Defence-depth approach, risk identification, analysis and assessment will be carried out. Risks arising from organisational accidents and terrorist attacks will also be considered. Using the principles for risk management and risk settlement by engineering procedures, variants of possible critical situations will be identified; determine their impacts on public assets; and for the selected object, losses and damage to public assets will be valued.
- Risk management of incinerator of wastes (sewage sludges) at operation
Waste incinerators (or sewage sludge) are important technical facilities for a healthy human society. For the safety of humans and the environment, their operations need to be safe. For selected models of incinerators based on the concept of integral safety using the Defence to Depth approach, the identification, analysis, evaluation and risk assessment will be carried out. Risks arising from organizational accidents and terrorist attacks will also be considered. Using the principles for risk management and risk settlement by engineering procedures, variants of possible critical situations will be identified; determine their impacts on public assets; and for the selected object, losses and damage to public assets will be valued.
- Risk prediction in IT projects
The aim of this work is to identify, analyze and evaluate risks in IT projects. The student will provide real data from several companies concerning various risks in IT projects. Using known methods and obtained data will apply problematic of artificial intelligence (use of multilevel parallelism, simulation and prototyping of various configurations, automated testing etc.), it will be possible to warn of not detected risks. Then the student will make the test of new tool/program in a company environment.
- Road user’s reaction before collision events (pedestrians, cyclists)
Traffic on roads also brings with it the occurrence of collisions and traffic accidents. During their analysis, requirements arise for determining the reaction of the participants in the accident. In many cases, however, it is not possible to state unequivocally, as there is insufficient input to draw a clear conclusion. In such cases, a statement on the "usual" reaction is usually required. The new legislation works with the term "probability". The essence of the work will be based on a set of documented collision events to analyze the ways of reaction of participants. These data will be further compared with existing knowledge and the result will be a comprehensive overview of possible reactions divided according to the set criteria and their frequency.
- Security risk of smart technologies in transport
In the last years is special attention focused on the development and application of smart technologies. Smart transport is difficult framework created by different system whose functionality ensures safe and efficient traffic management. However, in this prioritization may occur with respect to the dynamic development of these technologies, even to unconscious understatement potential safety risk which can cause very serious consequences. Is necessary to identify, analyze and evaluate the risk level and in case of necessity to find appropriate measures that will lead to risk minimization.
- Security risk of using the driving assistants in transport
The development of active safety features, namely management assistants, is increasingly common in passenger car equipment. These assistance systems have the task of alerting the driver of a dangerous situation that can cause a car accident and may in some cases interfere with the maneuver, which is likely to increase driving safety. However, the use of these systems may also entail risks, for example, when the driver may lose attention and rely on the safety feature, may extend the time between the system interruption and the time the driver takes control of the vehicle, or the system malfunctions and disfunction. This can lead to the occurrence of a traffic accident or the aggravation of its consequences. It is therefore necessary to identify these risks, assess their extent and, if necessary, find appropriate measures to reduce them, which will increase the safety of the operation of vehicles equipped with these assistance systems.
- Selected aspects of motion of modern single lane means of transport
- Selected issues of transport infrastructure property valuation
Valuation of transport infrastructure assets, such as roads and bridges, brings several differences in comparison with the valuation of buildings or other assets. In general, transport infrastructure assets are neither commonly traded nor the subject of supply and demand. Nevertheless, for accounting reasons, for reasons of damages, etc., it is necessary to be able to value them. There are two dissertation aims, i.e., to solve selected aspects of the valuation of the specific kind of property and to contribute to the subsequent creation of an expert standard, the absence of which is felt in the practice.
- Technical and legal assessment of cause of traffic road accident with participation of vulnerable road users
- The comprehensive analysis of driver behavior and decision strategies during selected maneuvers in real road traffic
- The price of robotically built houses and its influence on the price of real estate
Tutor: Čech Josef, Ing., Ph.D.
- Vady a poruchy betonových konstrukcí vzniklé kombinací mechanického a environmentálního zatížení v kontextu požadavků trvalé udržitelnosti.
The topic focuses on a relatively little described area - the combination of the effect of mechanical and environmental loading of reinforced concrete structures and its impact on durability, reliability and the occurrence of defects and failures. The issue of durability of concrete structures is gaining in importance, in connection with sustainable construction, and with the issues of life cycle costs of buildings with the so-called performance-based structural design procedures. Also, research and development of relevant models for the design of structures and prediction of their defects and failures with regard to the obligations of the European Green Deal is not resolved. Optimization of concrete recipe design, use of recycled raw materials, development of new materials, design with regard to utility properties - all these aspects affect the properties that will determine the behavior of building structures. There is little experience with these new trends. It will be more difficult for experts to find out the causes of individual defects and failures. As a result, experts will need deeper knowledge to determine the causes of possible failures, as well as technical instructions on how to approach them.
Course structure diagram with ECTS credits
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DSNS02 | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Cr | KK - 6 / K - 26 | yes | ||
DSNA01 | Probability and Mathematical Statistics | cs | 0 | Compulsory | DrEx | P - 24 / KK - 6 / K - 8 | yes | |
DSNS00 | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Col | KK - 6 / K - 8 / S - 24 | yes | ||
DSNB11 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | yes | |
DSNB10 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | no | |
DSNB06 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | no | |
DSNB09 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | yes | |
DSNB02 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | yes | |
DSNB01 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | yes | |
DSNB05 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | no | |
DSNB04 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | no | |
DSNB08 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | yes | |
DSNB03 | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | P - 12 / KK - 6 / K - 12 | 1 | yes |
All the groups of optional courses | ||
Gr. | Number of courses | Courses |
1 | min. 1 | DSNB11, DSNB10, DSNB06, DSNB09, DSNB02, DSNB01, DSNB05, DSNB04, DSNB08, DSNB03 |
1 | min. 1 | DSNC06, DSNC01, DSNC04, DSNC03, DSNC05, DSNC07, DSNC02 |