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study programme
Faculty: FITAbbreviation: DIT-ENAcad. year: 2023/2024
Type of study programme: Doctoral
Study programme code: P0613D140029
Degree awarded: Ph.D.
Language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 8.12.2020 - 8.12.2030
Profile of the programme
Academically oriented
Mode of study
Full-time study
Standard study length
4 years
Programme supervisor
prof. Ing. Lukáš Sekanina, Ph.D.
Doctoral Board
Chairman :prof. Ing. Lukáš Sekanina, Ph.D.Councillor internal :prof. Ing. Tomáš Vojnar, Ph.D.prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Černockýprof. Ing. Adam Herout, Ph.D.prof. Ing. Jan M. Honzík, CSc.doc. Ing. Jan Kořenek, Ph.D.prof. Ing. Tomáš Hruška, CSc.prof. Ing. Pavel Václavek, Ph.D.prof. Dr. Ing. Pavel Zemčík, dr. h. c.prof. RNDr. Alexandr Meduna, CSc.prof. Dr. Ing. Zbyněk Raidaprof. RNDr. Josef Šlapal, CSc.Councillor external :prof. Ing. Jiří Sochor, CSc.prof.,RNDr. Jiří Barnat, Ph.D.
Fields of education
Study aims
The goal of the doctoral degree programme is to provide outstanding graduates from the master degree programme with a specialised university education of the highest level in certain fields of computer science and information technology, including especially the areas of information systems, computer-based systems and computer networks, computer graphics and multimedia, and intelligent systems. The education obtained within this degree programme also comprises a training and attestation for scientific work.
Graduate profile
Profession characteristics
FIT graduates in general and FIT doctoral graduates in particular do not have a problem finding employment at scientific, pedagogical or management positions both in Czech Republic and abroad.
Fulfilment criteria
The requirements that the doctoral students have to fulfil are given by their individual study plans, which specify the courses that they have to complete, their presupposed study visits and active participation at scientific conferences, and their minimum pedagogical activities within the bachelor and master degree programmes of the faculty. A successful completion of the doctoral studies is conditional on the following:
Study plan creation
The rules are determined by the directions of the dean for preparing the individual study plan of a doctoral student. The plan is to be based on the theme of his/her future dissertation thesis and it is to be approved by the board of the branch.
Availability for the disabled
Brno university of technology provides studies for persons with health disabilities according to section 21 par. 1 e) of the Act no. 111/1998, about universities and about the change and supplementing other laws (Higher Education Act) as amended, and according to the requirements in this field arising from Government Regulation No. 274/2016 Coll., on standards for accreditation in higher education, provides services for study applicants and students with specific needs within the scope and in form corresponding with the specification stated in Annex III to Rules for allocation of a financial contribution and funding for public universities by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, specifying financing additional costs of studies for students with specific needs.Services for students with specific needs at BUT are carried out through the activities of specialized workplace - Alfons counselling center, which is a part of BUT Lifelong Learning Institute - Student counselling section.Counselling center activities and rules for making studies accessible are guaranteed by the university through a valid Rector's directive 11/2017 concerning the status of study applicants and students with specific needs at BUT. This internal standard guarantees minimal stadards of provided services.Services of the counselling center are offered to all study applicants and students with any and all types of health disabilities stated in the Methodological standard of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
What degree programme types may have preceded
The study programme builds on both the ongoing follow-up Master's programme in Information Technology and the new follow-up Master's programme in Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence.Students can also, according to their needs and outside their formalized studies, take courses and trainings related to the methodology of scientific work, publishing and citation skills, ethics, pedagogy and soft skills organized by BUT or other institutions.
Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program
Cílem této disertační práce je tvorba řešiče Maxewllových rovnic pro aplikace v medicínských zobrazovacích technikách (MR). Numerické řešení Maxwellových rovnic bude založeno na technice k-Wave (korigovaná pseudospektrální metoda). Vzhledem k rozsahu řešený domén a akceptovatelnému času výpočtu je jedinou možností využití rozsáhlých superpočítačových systémů.Výzkum bude zahájen tvorbou prototypu řešiče v jazyce MATLAB. Po ověření funkčnosti algoritmu dojde k jeho převodu na heterogenní masivně paralelní systémy. Zde očekáváme především multi-GPU systémy Karolina v IT4Innovations a LUMI ve Finsku.Základní výzkumnou otázku je zde dosažení maximální rychlosti při zachování akceptovatelné přesnosti.
Tutor: Jaroš Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The topic concerns algorithms of image, video, and/or signal processing. Its main goal is to research and in-depth analyze existing algorithms and discover new ones so that they have desirable features and so that they are possible to efficiently implement. Such efficient implementation can be but does not necessarily have to be part of the work but it is important to prepare the algorithms so that they can be efficiently implemented e.g. in CPU, in CPU with acceleration through SSE instructions, in embeded systems, even in combination with FPGA, in Intel Xeon PHI, in extremely low power systems, or in other environments. It is possible to exploit algorithms of artificial intelligence, such as neural networks, especially CNNs The application possibilities of the algorithms are also important and the application can be but does not have to be part of the work. The algorithms/applications of interest include:
After mutual agreement, individually selected algorithms can be considered as well as soon as they do belong to the general topic.
Collaboration on grant projects, such as TACR, MPO, H2020, ECSEL (possible employment or scholarship).
Tutor: Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c.
Current computer systems and network devices provide tens and thousands log records that describe standard and non-standard device behavior. By analyzing log events we can describe a typical system behavior and detect significant deviations from this behavior caused by cyber attacks. The research includes deep analysis of log events and creation of a behavioral model of the system. Next step is a proposal of detection system that detects non-standard behavior using logged events. Such behavior can be caused by a system error or by a cyber attack. For anomaly detection, we can use simple methods like whitelisting or blacklisting. It is also possible to model probabilistic occurrence of event categories using time series, or we can describe typical event sequences by probabilistic automata or other formal tools. The aim of the research is to explore methods for automated events analysis and propose an anomaly detection based on logged events. This detection will be applied on a production system to demonstrate its ability to mitigate cyber attacks.
Tutor: Matoušek Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., M.A.
Today's increasing requirements on data processing and visualization emphasize the importance of developing high-quality, quick, and user-friendly tools used for this purpose. Common types of visualization media (charts) are usually not sufficient to visualize complex multidimensional data. An example of such data is the geospatial data representing the relation of data with a geographical location (such as occurrences of some effects on the Earth's surface). The need to visualize such data goes beyond the academic areas of interest. We can meet with the geospatial visualization in the industry (distribution of bureaus, network topologies), public sector (public transport schemes), media (spread of disease, economic and demographic indicators), but also among ordinary users (private routes tracking). Those visualizations are usually arranged in advanced screens (e. g., dashboards).
Users can choose between two types of tools for geospatial visualization:
Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. A prototype of a compromise solution-Geovisto library-was developed during the TACR project (19/20) in cooperation with the Brno University of Technology, Masaryk University, and the Flowmon company. The library is based on the Leaflet library. However, it tries to provide a higher level of abstraction by offering a set of thematic maps (e. g., cartogram, connection map). Those thematic maps can be configured either programmatically or by using controls known from popular authoring systems. The library targets programmers who want to use a ready solution, and they do not want to be limited by the need to deeply study the framework and the requirements of proprietary authoring systems.
The doctoral thesis's goal will be to study existing approaches to geospatial data visualization and look for new ones. Particularly:
Tutor: Hruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc.
The project is concerned with advanced methods of computational photography. The aim is to research new computational photography methods, which comprises software solutions potentially supported by new optics and/or hardware. Our interest is on HDR image and video processing, color-to-grayscale conversions, spectral imaging, and others.
Tutor: Čadík Martin, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The project is concerned with advanced rendering and global illumination methods. The aim is to research new photorealistic (physically accurate) as well as non-photorealistic (NPR) simulations of interaction of light with the 3D scene. Cooperation and research visits with leading research labs are possible (Adobe, USA, MPII Saarbrücken, Německo, Disney Curych, Švýcarsko, INRIA Bordeaux, Francie).
Machine learning is in the centre of research of artificial intelligence. Many researchers worldwide are dealing with the topics related to machine learning, both in academia and industry. This very dynamic field is characterized with fast transfer of solutions into practical use.
The topics in this domain are defined by premier scientific conferences, where top-class researchers meet, for example ICML (International Conference on Machine Learning), NeurIPS (Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems), IJCAI (International Joint Conference on AI), COLT (Conference on Learning Theory).
This thesis will be advised by an external mentor, who will also define its particular topic.
Interesting research challenges are contained within (but are not limited to) these topics:
General Machine Learning (e.g., active learning, clustering, online learning, ranking, reinforcement learning, semi-supervised learning, time series analysis, unsupervised learning)
Deep Learning (e.g., architectures, generative models, deep reinforcement learning)
Learning Theory (e.g., bandits, game theory, statistical learning theory)
Optimization (e.g., convex and non-convex optimization, matrix/tensor methods, sparsity)
Trustworthy Machine Learning (e.g., accountability, causality, fairness, privacy, robustness)
There are many application domains, where advanced machine learning methods can be deployed.
The research will be performed at the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT, https://kinit.sk) in Bratislava in cooperation with researchers from highly respected research units. A combined (external) form of study and full employment at KInIT is expected.
Tutor: Bieliková Mária, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
Dissertation focuses on the security of wireless local area networks. As part of the solution, student should become familiar with selected wireless networks and their security. The goals of this work: studying the theory of wireless networks, their properties and possibilities of attacks, testing the basic types of attacks, designing a new method of protection, experiments, evaluating the results and proposing the direction of further research.Co-supervised by dr. Kamil Malinka.
Tutor: Hanáček Petr, doc. Dr. Ing.
Cílem disertační práce je výzkum nových metod pro analýzu kyberbezpečnostních dat s cílem odvodit dodatečné znalosti o útočníkovi, o způsobu útoku nebo cíli útoku. Obsahem práce je výzkum využití technik strojového učení za účelem vývoje nových způsobů identifikace útoků např. v šifrovaném provozu, nových postupů pro odvozování kontextové informace o útočnících a jejich cílech a v neposlední řadě odvozování informace podporující automatizaci reakce na detekovaný útok či hrozbu. Předpokládá se optimalizace a přizpůsobení metod strojového učení pro potřeby detekce samotného útoku, jeho typu, odvozování identifikačních vzorů. Současný výpočetní výkon umožňuje trénovat komplexní modely strojového učení, které jsou schopny odvodit znalosti a souvislosti skryté v síťovém provozu. Tato oblast nebyla doposud důsledně zkoumána a představuje tak vhodné téma pro disertační práci. Výsledky disertační práce lze aplikovat při podpoře a automatizaci činností členů Security Operation Centre, Network Operation Centre, CSIRT či CERT týmů či administrátora sítě.Při řešení práce se předpokládá úzká spolupráce s výzkumným týmem Liberouter (www.liberouter.org) a získávání zpětné vazby od správců výzkumné infrastruktury sdružení CESNET. V případě zodpovědného přístupu k řešení zadaného tématu může být student zapojen do řešení projektů bezpečnostního výzkumu MV ČR nebo MO ČR. Školitelem specialistou k tématu disertační práce je dr. Martin Žádník. Relevantní publikace pro toto téma jsou:
Tutor: Kořenek Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The rising trend in artificial intelligence usage brings novel cybersecurity approaches on both sides - attacker and defender. The most prominent examples are deepfake usage to counterfeit biometric systems or security analytics, using deep learning for cyber-attacks detection. The goal of this work is to analyze existing approaches, their properties, and potential applications. The work should then propose novel applications of AI for the problems that were not resolved before while also implementing the most interesting application.
Co-supervised by dr. Kamil Malinka.
Modely pro strojové učení, jako jsou regresní algoritmy, rozhodovací stromy či neuronové sítě, se aplikují nejen na vysoce výkonných výpočetních platformách, ale postupně nacházejí své místo v nízkopříkonových vestavěných systémech. V těchto systémech jsou často akcelerovány s využitím specializovaných hardwarových akcelerátorů. Cílem disertační práce bude navrhnout automatizované metody návrhu a optimalizace těchto akcelerátorů s ohledem na jejich efektivitu (energetickou i výpočetní). Současně bude optimalizována struktura akcelerátorů, mapování výpočetního modelu do akcelerátoru i architektura modelu s ohledem na efektivitu zpracování v akcelerátoru. Výzkum spadá to témat řešených výzkumnou skupinou Evolvable Hardware.
Tutor: Sekanina Lukáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
V současné době neustále roste důraz na kvalitu, spolehlivost a bezpečnost software. V souladu s tím jsou nemalé prostředky investovány do výzkumu moderních technik analýzy a verifikace programů pomocí nejrůznějších automatizovaných metod, jako jsou systematické testování, dynamická analýza, statická analýza, model checking apod. Tyto techniky jsou přitom rozvíjeny nejen na univerzitách, ale do jejich výzkumu a vývoje investuje řada významných mezinárodních společností (Google, Microsoft, IBM, Red Hat, Honeywell, Facebook apod.). Mezi uvedenými metodami patří testování a dynamická analýza k tradičním, již dlouho nejvíce používaným, ale přesto intenzivně dále rozvíjeným přístupům (o čemž svědčí velký počet článků z dané oblasti prezentovaných na mezinárodních konferencích věnovaných obecně programovacím jazykům a/nebo softwarovému inženýrství i velký počet špičkových mezinárodních konferencí specializujících se na danou oblast).
Náplní tématu je rozvoj stávajících a návrh nových metod dynamické analýzy a inteligentního testování, případně kombinovaných s použitím vhodných statických analýz. Tyto analýzy by přitom měly směřovat nejen k co nejefektivnějšímu vyhledávání chyb, ale také k automatické podpoře procesu řízení software (identifikace problematických komponent, problematických změn, podpora rozhodování o tom, které změny začlenit či nezačlenit do nové verze softwarového produktu apod.).
Předmětem výzkumu bude vývoj nových heuristik pro testování a analýzu, které umožní co nejefektivnější odhalení i vzácně se projevujících chyb (jako jsou např. extrapolující dynamické analýzy, vkládání šumu, či fuzz testování) a které umožní automatické získávání zkušeností z dosud provedených testů či analýz a jejich následné využití pro zdokonalení procesu testování či obecně řízení kvality software. Do této oblasti spadá vhodné využití statistických analýz, strojového učení či technik dolování z dat. Předmětem výzkumu je přitom nejen návrh nových technik z dané oblasti, ale také jejich prototypová implementace a experimentální ověření na vhodných případových studiích.
Práce bude řešena ve spolupráci s týmem VeriFIT zabývajícím se na FIT VUT testováním a dynamickou analýzou software, zejména dr. A. Smrčkou, u něhož se předpokládá role školitele specialisty, a dále dr. B. Křenou, dr. J. Fiedorem či T. Fiedorem. Práce naváže na zkušenosti skupiny VeriFIT s nástroji jako ANaConDA či Perun.
V případě zodpovědného přístupu a kvalitních výsledků je zde možnost zapojení do grantových projektů (např. nově přijatý projekt GAČR AIDE, nově přijatý evropský projekt HE Chess či některý z nově připravovaných evropských projektů, jež by měly navázat na úspěšně ukončené či aktuálně dokončované evropské projekty H2020 ECSEL Arrowhead Tools a Valu3s). Je zde rovněž možnost úzké spolupráce jednak s různými průmyslovými partnery FIT, např. Honeywell či Red Hat, tak také zahraničními partnery VeriFIT: např. dr. Joao Lourenco (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugalsko).
Tutor: Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
The goal of the research is to design a new method for threat detection using contextual network traffic analysis. We define a context as events or data connected with the given information, for instance in frame of network communication, the context is a set of flows related with the observed flow based on time or origin. This analysis is based on revealing the relationships between individual network traffic records as stored in the context to improve the threat detection capabilities.Using the context, it may be possible to identify threats that are currently hard to detect, e.g, due to using encryption, multistage characteristics, or using zero-day vulnerabilities. Also, the context build by the system can provide network administrators additional information to see an overall picture of the state of the network, services, or applications used.
Tutor: Ryšavý Ondřej, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Critical infrastructure is composed of systems that are essential for functioning of a society and covering human needs like water distribution, electricity, gas, etc. Its interruption has a damaging impact on industry and human lives. Critical infrastructure systems include smart grids, water facilities, gas distribution, traffic control, etc. These systems communicate using industrial protocols like Modbus, IEC 104 or MMS. The research will cover analysis of cyber threats in industrial communication according to MITRE ATT&CK for ICS classification, and a design of automated anamaly detection in industrial networks. Observing a normal behavior, we can select specific communication features that are used to model normal behavior. For detection we can apply advanced methods of machine learning, neuron networks or statistical methods. The aim of the research is to analyze behavior of network communication, select a suitable set of features for system description, and propose a new method for anomaly detection.
Deep convolution networks have been a clear trend of machine learning for image analysis in recent years. However, in tasks with a very small and specific data set, where it is not enough to use data augmentation or GAN concepts, their usage is still problematic.The goal of the dissertation thesis is to explore, analyze and design new architectures of deep convolutional networks and approaches to their learning for image analysis tasks in which the size of the annotated data set is extremely small or is gradually growing. For learning neural networks it is possible to use unannotated data or partially annotated data in the form of a limited user input.Proposed methods will be applied in the projects on which the supervisor participates.
Tutor: Španěl Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The network communication used by malware is often encrypted, making it hard to detect and challenging to apply the existing methods based on content analysis. Recent works use information from the initialization of connections or apply ML to train classifiers based on the available samples of malware communication. As malware attempts to conceal itself, it often changes and modifies its attack patterns.This project aims to study techniques used by malware for communication, including methods for information hiding and covert channels used for controlling botnets. Based on the gathered knowledge, the research of detection methods stands for the dissertation's core. The careful experimental evaluation is expected to evaluate the proposed detection methods.
Problem Statement: Alcohol addiction is a chronic and complex brain disorder causing devastating individual and social problems. Additionally, alcohol causes 3.3 million deaths a year worldwide, close to 6% of all deaths. Many of these deaths are associated with alcohol addiction. Therefore, it's important to look into methods for the diagnosis as well as the treatment of alcohol addiction.
Issues with Current Solutions: Conventionally, screening and assessment of alcohol-related problems are mainly based on self-test reports. However, the accuracy of self-test reports has been questioned, especially for heavy drinkers, because the self-test reports may misguide the diagnosis due to the patient's memory loss (the patients cannot measure their alcohol consumption) and/ or dishonest behavior. Therefore, this research proposes to develop an objective and quantitative method for the detection of alcohol addiction.
Challenges: As alcohol addiction results in changes in brain dynamics, hence, it is vital to investigate and develop a method based on brain activity. However, the main challenge in developing such an objective and quantitative method lies in its implementation for screening in smaller clinical setups. This limits the investigation to electroencephalogram (EEG) which is low cost, highly mobile and has good temporal resolution. Other modalities like MRI, PET etc are not feasible to be employed in smaller clinical settings.
Solution: With current innovations in brain EEG signals, the brain pathways involved in addiction can be investigated. In the last few decades, EEG research has been used to understand the complex underlying processes associated with the pathophysiology of addiction. Interpreting such processes using brain networks using EEG can not only help in diagnosing addiction but also assist in treating addiction. This research aims to develop neuromarker(s) based on brain network interpretation using EEG. The neuromarker will involve the features extraction and corresponding development of the machine learning model.
Few Words About Supervision: I have recently moved to FIT at Brno University of Technology. I have decade long experience of working in the field of neuro-signal and neuroimage processing and I am currently in the process of setting up a research group in this area. This is a multidisciplinary project and it will involve working with clinicians. However, the core of the project is related to IT in terms of development of a new method. Please feel free to contact me at malik@fit.vutbr.cz
Tutor: Malik Aamir Saeed, prof., Ph.D.
The topic focuses embedded image, video and/or signal processing. Its main goal is to research capabilities of "smart" and "small" units that have such features that allow for their applications requiring smyll, hidden, distributed, low power, mechanically or climatically stressed systems suitable of processing of some signal input. Exploitation of such systems is perspective and wide and also client/server and/or cloud systems. The units themselves can be based on CPU/DSP/GPU, programmable hardware, or their combination. Smart cameras can be considered as well. Applications of interest include:
A possibility exists in collaboration on grant projects, especially the newly submitted TAČR, H2020, ECSEL ones (potentially employment or scholarship possible).
With the increase in digitization in public administration, more emphasis is being placed on the accessibility and transparency of public data (e.g., voting data of local self-government units, official boards, etc.). Although the law often imposes an obligation to make this data public, there are no formal models for it, and the processes for its creation, processing, storage, and presentation are often not defined. In many cases, the data are difficult to process by machine (PDF documents, etc.). For this reason, it can be almost impossible to utilize these data for further analyses. Another problem is their constant growth (the big data problem).In order to address the above-mentioned problems, initiatives to standardize open data in public administration are emerging. Examples are the Open Data Portal of the Czech Republic (data.gov.cz, opendata.gov.cz), Github community on Open Data in the Czech Republic, (github.com/opendata-mvcr) or the Open Data Portal of the City of Brno (data.brno.cz).The aim of this dissertation is to study and extend existing approaches for working with open data in the Czech Republic. In particular, it will focus on the following:
Deep convolution networks have been a clear trend of machine learning for image analysis in recent years. Neural networks can also be used for 3D image analysis, where the network works with 3D convolutions. However, this approach is problematic because of its huge memory and computational requirements.The aim of the dissertation thesis is to explore, analyze and design new architectures of Graph Neural Networks and approaches to their learning for 3D object shape recognition tasks, where the data set consists of various 3D data representations - e.g. 3D meshes, voxel representation, etc.Proposed methods will be applied in the projects on which the supervisor participates.
The goal of this PhD is to design conversation models in the form of finite state graphs semi-automatically or fully automatically from an unlabeled set of audio or textual training dialogs. Words, phrases, or the user turns can be converted to embeddings using (large) language models trained specifically on conversational data]. These embeddings represent points in a vector space and carry semantic information. The conversations are trajectories in the vector space. By merging, pruning, and modeling the trajectories across a sizable collection of dialogs, we can obtain dialog model skeleton models. These models could be used for fast data content exploration, content visualization, topic detection, and topic-based clustering, and mainly for much faster and cheaper design of fully trustable conversation models for commercial applications.
Tutor: Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing.
The use of drones in a number of specific situations is an important trend today not only in industry, but especially in security operations. This trend brings new problems in the effective communication of man with the drone, ie how to increase the pilot's efficiency, reduce his cognitive load, increase his orientation in a complex environment or when cooperating with multiple drones, etc.The aim of this work is to explore new possibilities in the field of effective and intuitive use of sensory data and their fusion with other available data sources in the interaction of the pilot with the drone. The solution requires:
Tutor: Beran Vítězslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Exponenciálně narůstající náročnost řešení NP téžkých (případně NP úplných) úloh nedovoluje uplatnění konvenčních optimalizačních postupů využívajících současné výpočetní technologie. Dosažení akceptovatelné kvality řešení je často možné pouze za cenu značných výpočetních nároků a v kombinaci vhodných aplikačně specifických technik (reprezentace problému, inicializace řešení, heuristiky). Není-li odpovídající postup k dispozici, přistupuje se často k aplikaci stochastických optimalizačních algoritmů, typicky inspirovaných různými aspekty z fyziky, biologie či jiných jevů pozorovaných v přírodě. Cílem této práce je zejména výzkum pokročilých přírodou inspirovaných metod a dalších podpůrných technik pro řešení úloh, pro které zatím vhodné postupy neexistují nebo pouze v omezené míře (např. z důvodu jejich specifických vlastností nebo různých omezujících podmínek, které se často vyskytují v praxi). Předpokládá se zaměření na různé modifikace úloh typu TSP, RVP, SAT a dalších, na které mohou být reálné problémy převoditelné.
Tutor: Bidlo Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
The project deals with image and video quality assessment metrics (IQM). The aim is to explore new ways how to incorporate human visual system properties into IQM. In particular, we will consider perception of HDR images, and utilization of additional knowledge (in form of metadata, 3D information, etc.) about the tested scenes using machine learning (e.g. neural networks).
The project is concerned with advanced methods of image processing. The aim is to research new methods using machine learning, in particular deep convolutional neural networks.
This topic focuses on the process and techniques used for cyberthreat detection, obtaining and representation of threat data. The goal of this dissertation thesis is to study the current techniques and propose a solution that effectively improves the process and its results usable for malware detection and threat intelligence.
The topic of identifying and extracting specific information from documents on the Web has been the subject of intensive research for quite a long time. The basic obstacles that make this problem difficult are the loose structure of HTML documents and absence of meta-information (annotations) useful for recognizing the content semantics. This missing information is therefore compensated by the analysis of various aspects of web documents that include especially the following:
A background knowledge about the target domain and the commonly used presentation patterns is also necessary for successful information extraction. This knowledge allows a more precise recognition of the individual information fields in the document body.
Current approaches to information extraction from web documents focus mainly modeling and analyzing the documents themselves; modeling the target information for more precise recognition has not yet been examined in detail in this context. The assumed goals of the dissertation are therefore the following:
Experimental implementation of the proposed methods using existing tools and experimental evaluation on real-world documents available on the WWW is also an integral part of the solution.
Tutor: Burget Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Thanks to the deployment of new technologies in our daily lives, a huge amount of data of various types is constantly being generated. The created datasets need to be processed efficiently - the information contained in them often supports the correctness and accuracy of decision-making processes. The development of data analysis methods is therefore an important part of IT research. For various reasons, traditional processing methods are not generally applicable, so new approaches need to be sought. They are mostly based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Intelligent data analysis has great potential for solving current research tasks in many areas, including the energy domain. This field is undergoing great changes - renewable energy sources, batteries and electromobility convert the nature of the electricity grid and the classic one-way centralized network is becoming a two-way distributed network. This fact raises a number of research questions and problems to solve. Research topics include:
- optimal management of microgrids (small energy networks with renewable energy sources) enabling energy sharing between customers,
- predicting customer consumption and renewable production needed for efficient microgrid management,
- disaggregation of energy consumption into consumption of individual appliances, which will allow a better understanding of the nature of consumer consumption,
- investigation of anomalies and / or extreme values in the consumption or production of energy from renewable sources.
However, data analysis in a broader sense can be of interest - it is possible to focus on the tasks of time series prediction, clustering, classification or detection of anomalies in different domains.
Relevant publications:
Rozinajova, V., Bou Ezzeddine, A., Grmanova, G., Vrablecova, P., Pomffyova, M.(2020): Intelligent Analysis of Data Streams, Published in: Towards Digital Intelligence Society: A Knowledge-based Approach, Publish date 22 December 2020
Kloska M., Rozinajova V. (2021): Towards Symbolic Time Series Representation Improved by Kernel Density Estimators. In: Hameurlain A., Tjoa A.M. (eds) Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12930. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Tutor: Rozinajová Věra, Doc., Ph.D.
Dissertation focuses on the security of IoT systems. The goals of this work: studying the theory of IoT systems, their properties and possibilities of attacks, testing the basic types of attacks, designing a new method of protection, experiments, evaluation of results and design of further research.Co-supervised by dr. Kamil Malinka.
Effective processing of network communication at the level of individual messages is a prerequisite for a wide range of other tasks, e.g. detection of malicious communication, monitoring of specific traffic, quality of service assurance, etc. This proposal deals with the processing and analysis of network data using the P4 language and related technology, which allows creating efficient applications for processing network communication at line speeds. The work will study P4 capabilities in various tasks that currently require specific hardware support or must be performed exclusively in software. The goal is to create a solution that, thanks to the use of P4, provides effective ways of processing and analyzing network data.References:[1] F. Cugini et al., "Telemetry and AI-based security P4 applications for optical networks [Invited]," in Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. A1-A10, January 2023, doi: 10.1364/JOCN.470118.[2] Gelenbe, E., Domanska, J., Frohlich, P., Nowak, M. P., & Nowak, S. (2020). Self-Aware Networks That Optimize Security, QoS, and Energy. Proceedings of the IEEE, 108(7), 1150-1167. https://doi.org/10.1109/JPROC.2020.2992559[3] F. Hauser, M. Häberle, M. Schmidt and M. Menth, "P4-IPsec: Site-to-Site and Host-to-Site VPN With IPsec in P4-Based SDN," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 139567-139586, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3012738.
Although there are technologies that allow publishing data on the WWW in machine-readable form (such as JSON-LD, RDFa, etc.), a large amount of structured data is still published on the web in the form of plain HTML/CSS code, which greatly limits the possibilities of their further use.Recently, new machine learning methods (especially deep learning methods) are gaining importance, which show interesting results, e.g., in recognizing important entities in weakly structured or unstructured data (e.g., text or images). However, the area of web document processing has not received much attention from this perspective. Existing works deal with the identification of simple data items and neglect structured data and more complex usage scenarios.The goal of this topic is to analyze and develop web content models suitable as input for machine learning and, at the same time, machine learning methods suitable for recognizing structured data in web documents.
Anomaly detection is a concept widely applied to numerous domains such as a cyber intrusion, financial fraud, and many others. Within this topic, the student will focus on development of algorithms of anomaly detection using maching learning. The proposed approach will be applied mainly on text data (normal text, network log files) to automatically identify anomalies in large datasets. Some of the fields, where the developed anomaly detection algorithms will be applied on, include e-mails, network performance logs, network security logs, etc.Student will primary consider supervised and usupervised machine learning concepts, as well as deep learning techniques. The developed algorithms will be verified in experimental environment. This topic is proposed in co-operation with AT&T Global Network Services Czech Republic.
The models created in machine learning can only be as good as the data on which they are trained. Researchers and practitioners thus strive to provide their training processes with the best data possible. It is not uncommon to spend much human effort in achieving upfront good general data quality (e.g. through annotation). Yet sometimes, upfront dataset preparation cannot be done properly, sufficiently or at all.
In such cases the solutions, colloquially denoted as human-in-the-loop solutions, employ the human effort in improving the machine learned models through actions taken during the training process and/or during the deployment of the modes (e.g. user feedback on automated translations). They are particularly useful for surgical improvements of training data through identification and resolving of border cases. This is also directly related to explainability and interpretability of models.
Human-in-the-loop approaches draw from a wide palette of techniques, including active and interactive learning, human computation, crowdsourcing (also with motivation schemes of gamification and serious games), and collective intelligence. Each of these fields (or combination thereof) presents opportunities for new discoveries. They border on computer science disciplines such as data visualization, user experience (usability in particular) and software engineering.
The domains of application of machine learning with human-in-the-loop are predominantly those with a lot of heterogeneity and volatility of data. Such domains include online false information detection, online information spreading (including spreading of narratives or memes), auditing of social media algorithms and their tendencies for disinformation spreading, support of manual/automated fact-checking and more.
J. Cegin, J. Simko, & P. Brusilovsky. A Game for Crowdsourcing Adversarial Examples for False Information Detection. 2nd Workshop on Adverse Impacts and Collateral Effects of Artificial Intelligence Technologies - AIofAI 2022https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3275/paper2.pdf
J. Šimko and M. Bieliková. Semantic Acquisition Games: Harnessing Manpower for Creating Semantics. 1st Edition. Springer Int. Publ. Switzerland. 150 p. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-06115-3
The research will be performed at the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT, https://kinit.sk) in Bratislava in cooperation with industrial partners or researchers from highly respected research units. A combined (external) form of study and full employment at KInIT is expected.
Tutor: Šimko Jakub, doc. Ing., PhD.
Ubiquity of computing is nowadays generating vast datasets potentially usable for training machine learned models. Yet, these data mostly come not annotated, i.e. without labels necessary for their use for supervised (most conventional) training methods (e.g. classification). Conventional acquisition of proper labels using human force is a costly endeavour. The result is that proper labels are either unavailable, few or of poor quality.
To circumvent the issue, many approaches are emerging and are presently researched by many researchers: meta-learning, transfer-learning, weakly supervised learning, zero/one-shot learning, semi-supervised learning. Each of these fields (or combination thereof) presents opportunities for new discoveries. Orthogonal to this, there are multiple important factors of models like their level of interaction with human experts, robustness, explainability or interpretability and advances in this regard are welcome as well (generally in AI and particularly in the mentioned approaches).
There are several domains of applications, where research of methods and models for addressing small labelled data can be applied. These include (but are not limited to) false information detection, auditing of social media algorithms and their tendencies for disinformation spreading, and support of manual/automated fact-checking.
I. Srba, B. Pecher, M. Tomlein, R. Moro, E. Stefancova, J. Simko, M. Bielikova. Monant Medical Misinformation Dataset: Mapping Articles to Fact-Checked Claims. Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval - SIGIR 2022.
M. Pikuliak, M. Simko, M. Bielikova. Cross-Lingual Learning for Text Processing: A Survey Expert Systems With Applications or its open access mirror. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 165, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113765
The topic concerns algorithms of computer graphics and image synthesis. Its main goal is to research new algorithms so that their features and application possibilities are better understood so that they are improved or newly created. If suitable, it is possible to work on various platforms, includeing parallel CPUs, such as x86/64, ARM, Xeon PHI, GPU, etc. or other cores in CUDA, OpenCl, VHDL, etc. Algorithms of interest include:
Collaboration on grant projects, such as TACR, H2020, ECSEL possible (employment or scholarship).
Tutor: Herout Adam, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
Continuous increase of data available world-wide emphasizes the need of its automatic processing and understanding. Particular challenges are posed by the heterogeneous and unstructured nature of text content provided in natural language. Natural language processing (NLP) ranks among the most prospective subfields of artificial intelligence with great potential for innovative applications affecting everyday life.
Recent advances in neural networks and machine learning such as deep learning and big language models allowed to push efficiency and scope of natural language understanding and generation forward. Yet, there remain many research challenges related to particular subtasks, application domains and languages. Further research and various resulting phenomena exploration is necessary. Special attention is drawn by the issues of interpretability and transparency of NLP models or by novel paradigms of learning addressing the problem of low-resource languages.
Particularly interesting challenges include, but are not limited to:
Language models
Low-resource language processing
Transfer/multilingual learning
Fairness, interpretability, transparency, explainability and/or robustness for NLP
Domain-specific information extraction, text classification
Visual grounding of natural language, image captioning, multimodal data processing
Deep learning for NLP
M. Pikuliak, et al. SlovakBERT: Slovak Masked Language Model. Findings of EMNLP 2022. ACL. To appear.
M. Pikuliak, M. Šimko, M. Bieliková. Cross-lingual learning for text processing: A survey. Expert Systems with Applications, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113765
P. Korenek, M. Šimko. Sentiment analysis on microblog utilizing appraisal theory. World Wide Web, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-013-0247-z
The research will be performed at the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (KInIT) in Bratislava in cooperation with industrial partners or researchers from highly respected research units from abroad. A combined (external) form of study and full employment at KInIT is expected.
Tutor: Šimko Marián, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
This PhD aims at the following issues of speech biometry" (1) improving both speaker verification (SV) and speaker diarization (SD) by exploiting content information generated by automatic speech recognition (ASR) and language meta-information, (2) In SD, explore end-to-end training of SD systems, extending the current schemes (successful only on 2-party conversations) to more, often overlapping, speakers. (3) study, adapt and improve large models trained in unsupervised way (such as wav2vec, WavLM, Whisper), etc. The goal is to study their domain independence, and make them work on challenging small data in unseen conditions and under-resourced scenarios (typical scenario of NIST evaluations). (4) investigate into probabilistic speaker representations allowing for robust evaluation of scores in presence of embeddings coming from different conditions, recordings of different lengths etc, starting from our recent work on Toroidal Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (tPLDA).
Tutor: Burget Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Řešení tohoto projektu bude vycházet ze stávajících poznatků teorie formálních jazyků o modelech definující jazyky. Projekt se zaměří na automaty a gramatiky. Cílem je konstrukce a výzkum nových verzí těchto modelů a to tak, aby adekvátním způsobem odrážely potřeby moderní informatiky. Řešení projektu bude rovněž zahrnovat diskuzi aplikací těchto systémů např. v oblasti bezpečnosti.Výsledky prvního roku řešení tohoto problému budou publikovány v Acta Informatica v 2023.
Tutor: Meduna Alexandr, prof. RNDr., CSc.
Předmětem disertační práce bude zejména vývoj teoretických základů pro nové škálovatelné metody řízení systémů pracujících v pravděpodobnostním prostředí. Zaměříme se na syntézu konečně stavových kontrolérů pro stochastické procesy s částečným pozorováním s využitím pokročilých metod formální kvantitativní analýzy, technikami induktivní syntézy a strojového učení. Práce se rovněž zaměří na využití těchto metod v oblasti řízeních prakticky relevantních pravděpodobnostních systémů, a na důkladné vyhodnocení aplikovatelnosti těchto metod. Výsledky této práce přispějí k pokroku v oblasti automatizace návrhu systémů.
Výzkumu efektivních metod pro syntézu kontrolérů je v současnosti věnována značná pozornost v oblastech formální verifikace, návrhu a implementace programovacích jazyků, umělé inteligence a systémové biologie, o čemž svědčí zaměření řady špičkových konferencí (např. CAV, TACAS, PLDI či CMSB). Syntézou programů a modelů se rovněž zabývá řada velkých projektů na špičkových universitách a výzkumných institucích (např. Berkeley University či Microsoft Research).
Práce bude řešena ve spolupráci s týmem VeriFIT pod vedením doc. M. Češky jr. Dále se počítá s úzkou spoluprací se skupinou prof. J.P. Katoena (řešitel ERC Advanced grantu) z RWTH Aachen University (Německo) a se skupinou assoc. prof. N. Jansena (řešitel ERC Starting grantu) z Radboud University Nijmegen (Nizozemí).
V případě zodpovědného přístupu a kvalitních výsledků je zde možnost zapojení do grantových projektů (např. české projekty GAČR či evropské projekty Horizone Europe).
Tutor: Češka Milan, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Problem Statement: Stroke is a condition in which the supply of blood to the brain is restricted or stopped. When a stroke patient arrives at the hospital, a standard protocol is followed to provide the medical assistance to the patient as well as to assess the affect of the stroke on the brain. Generally, a second stroke may follow which can be devastating for the patient. Hence, it is critical to predict the next stroke and provide care that can avoid the next stroke or at least minimize its affects.
Issues with Current Solutions: The standard protocol at the hospital involves blood and urine tests as well as neuroimaging using CT and MRI scans. These tests are used to assess the damage done by the first stroke. However, the prediction of the next stroke depends on the doctor's experience and is very subjective. In many cases, the patient who is sent home after treatment, suffers the second more devastating stroke at home which can result in permanent disability.
Challenges: The standard protocol at the hospitals result in generation of lot of data, for example, hundreds of images from CT and MRI scans, hundreds of enzymes from blood and urine tests etc. The challenge is to collectively analyze all of this data and find correlations that can predict the second stroke for the patient.
Solution: This research will develop objective prediction method for occurrence of the second stroke from the data collected at the hospital using the standard protocol for stroke assessment, treatment and management. The analysis and development will involve machine learning techniques that handle multimodality data involving images, signals, text, and numbers.
Problem Statement: Among all the types of dementia, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form with 70 % of those affected by dementia having AD. As the prevalence of AD increases with age, the number of people living with AD is expected to rise over the next decades due to better quality of life that results in increase in age across many countries. All this has resulted in an increased focus on ensuring pre-onset detection of AD and the corresponding intervention, which can lead to slowing the progression of the disease by providing adequate diagnostics.
Issues with Current Solutions: Preclinical AD happens 10 to 15 years before the onset of the disease resulting in changes in the brain without showing any actual symptoms of the disease like memory loss etc. Pre-onset means detecting AD in or before the preclinical stage. The existing state-of-the-art methods mainly focus on the detection of later stages of AD, and the detection of preclinical AD is still an open research problem. Hence, this research targets pre-onset detection of AD (that is, early detection of Preclinical AD) because that will have huge impact on the lives of people. This can lead to early intervention and may result in further slowing the progression of the disease.
Challenges: At the stage of preclinical AD, the related signs and symptoms are not clear, and hence people at this stage do not seek any help. Therefore, a method for pre-onset detection of AD should be part of the regular health screening process and hence should be available in small clinical setups.
Solution: Method for detection of preclinical AD will involve investigating underlying brain mechanisms to monitor and track changes related to pre-onset detection of AD. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will be used as a reference to investigate the brain dynamics however it cannot be used in practice due to its high-cost and specialized setup environment which limits its usage at the screening stage. Electroencephalogram (EEG) will be used in this research which is widely available, is low cost, has a good temporal resolution, and has high mobility. Therefore, this project aims to investigate the changes in underlying brain mechanisms using EEG to develop EEG-based neuromarker for pre-onset detection of AD. The neuromarker will involve the features extraction and corresponding development of the machine learning model.
The recommender systems are an integral part of almost every modern Web application. Personalized, or at least adaptive, services have become a standard that is expected by the users in almost every domain (e.g., news, chatbots, social media, or search).Obviously, personalization has a great impact on the everyday life of hundreds of million users across many domains and applications. This results in a major challenge - to propose methods that are not only accurate but also trustworthy and fair. Such a goal offers plenty of research opportunities in many directions:
Tutor: Kompan Michal, doc. Ing., PhD.
Semantic web technology allows the representation of information and knowledge for the purpose of its further sharing, for example, in computer applications. Available knowledge databases, such as DBPedia or Wikidata, contain a great amount of useful information and facts. On the current web, however, most of the new information is published in the form of documents most often in HTML, whose further processing is problematic mainly due to their free structure and the absence of explicit information about the meaning of individual parts of the content. There exist two ways to overcome this gap between the classical and the semantic web:
To achieve both these goals, it is necessary to analyze the capabilities of existing ontological models regarding the modelling of the target domains and mapping these descriptions on the content of real-world web pages and documents. Possible applications include, but are not limited to:
Experimental implementation of the proposed methods using the existing tools and experimental evaluation on real-world data and documents is also an integral part of the solution.
Řešení tohoto projektu bude vycházet ze stávajících poznatků o moderních formálních modelech, které se používají v teorii jazyků. Teoretický výzkum těchto modelů bude diskutovat užitečné transformace těchto modelů, jako např. eliminace vymazávajících pravidel či redukce velikosti jejich komponent. Výzkum aplikací takto transformovaných modelů se bude soustředit na oblasti informatiky související s překladači, matematickou lingvistikou a molekulární biologií.Výsledky prvního roku řešení tohoto problému budou publikovány v Acta Informatica v 2023.
The growing trend in the use of IT technology is placing increasing demands on users, who must make more and more decisions regarding IT security. As part of the solution of the thesis there should be an introduction to security techniques and their usability. The thesis goal is to improve the usability of the selected security techniques to be effective in practice by concerning human factors knowledge and user-centered design principles. Primary interest of the work will be in the user perception of emerging technologies such as AI or changing trends in single and multi-factor authentication. Participation in relevant international conferences and publication in professional or scientific journals is expected.
The project deals with geo-localization in unknown environments using computer vision and computer graphics methods. The aim is to investigate and develop new image registration techniques (with geo-localized image database or 3D terrain model). The goal is an efficient implementation of proposed methods on mobile devices as well as search for additional applications in the area of image processing, computational photography, and augmented reality.