study programme

Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Original title in Czech: Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a výkonová elektronikaFaculty: FEECAbbreviation: MKC-SVEAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Master's

Study programme code: N0713A060010

Degree awarded: Ing.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 28.5.2019 - 27.5.2029

Profile of the programme

Academically oriented

Mode of study

Combined study

Standard study length

2 years

Programme supervisor

Degree Programme Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Electrical Engineering Without thematic area 100

Study aims

The study program Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Power Electronics aims to educate an engineer with knowledge of theory, design, construction in the fields of industrial and consumer electrical engineering, power engineering, automotive industry and railway transport.
Key skills of graduates include: calculations, construction and measurement of electrical machines, design, construction and measurement of switching devices, design and development of power electronics, development, application and revitalization of electric controlled drives.
The supporting skills of graduates are: computer simulations of electromagnetic and thermal fields, simulations of electrical circuits, dynamic systems and drives, control electronics, control theory and numerical control.
Successful graduates of the program are valued experts in major industrial companies or as independent entrepreneurs with a long-term perspective on the market and a high potential for professional and career growth.

Graduate profile

Due to the multidisciplinary focus of the program Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering, graduates are able to perform a number of positions, both technical and technical-economic. Typical job positions of graduates are developer / designer of electrical machines and devices, application engineer of electric drives, developer in the field of power electronics, industrial line programmer, programmer of microprocessor control systems, marketing specialist, project manager, production manager.
Graduates of the program high-current electrical engineering and power electrical engineering are able to:
- offer technically and economically efficient solutions in the field of heavy current electrical engineering in the positions of project managers or marketing specialists
- professionally and organizationally ensure the production, operation of testing laboratories and quality control management
- apply electrical machines, electrical devices, electric drives and other elements of industrial electrical engineering and electronics
- revitalize electrical equipment and put into operation large investment units
- Design and develop electrical machines, devices, electric drives and power semiconductor converters
- measure and experimentally verify the results of development in the field of high-current equipment.

Profession characteristics

Due to the multidisciplinary focus of the program, graduates are able to perform a number of positions, both technical and technical-economic. Typical job positions of graduates are developer / designer of electrical machines and devices, application engineer of electric drives, developer in the field of power electronics, industrial line programmer, programmer of microprocessor control systems, marketing specialist, project manager, production manager.

Study plan creation

Courses are evaluated according to ECTS credits. The credit expresses an approximate weekly student's workload for the course. Credits for a given course are obtained after the prescribed completion, i.e. after awarding a credit, classified credit, or by passing an exam under the conditions of the BUT Rules of Study and Examination, the internal standard of the Rules for Organization of Studies at FEEC and the composition and content individually defined in each course.
In a two-year master study, the student must earn at least 120 credits in the specified credit composition:
75 credits in compulsory courses,
39 credits in compulsory elective (PV) courses,
6 credits in elective courses,

Obligatory courses are usually completed by the student in semesters and years as stated in the curriculum. If a student fails to complete a compulsory course in the prescribed manner, he / she must register it again in the following year of his / her studies.
Compulsory elective courses of profiling fundamentals (PVA) are field-oriented professional courses that profile the student into narrower areas of his / her interests.
Other compulsory (PVB) courses are other professional courses included in the offers of the departments of FEEC BUT. Their goal is to extend students' professional knowledge.
The student chooses to select PV courses in individual semesters so that at the end of his / her bachelor's degree he / she has at least the prescribed minimum of credits in each group of PV courses, while not obtaining the minimum number of credits in one group of PV courses cannot be compensated by exceeding the number of credits obtained in another group of PV courses.
Elective courses extend the general knowledge of students. Courses are chosen by the student himself or herself from a full-faculty offer (FEEC departments) or from the other faculties of VUT (so-called free courses) and can pass them in any year or semester of master study. Elective courses include Physical Education. If a student has not successfully completed an elective course, he / she may or may not write another academic year in the next academic year.
Students must obtain the corresponding electrotechnic qualification at the beginning of their study. Students who begin their study in the year 2020/21 and later, have to fulfil one subject in English for successful study graduation, according to the Guideline BUT To education of foreign languages.

Availability for the disabled

All lecture rooms at the FEEC BUT allow disabled access; students, however, must meet the medical standards to acquire the necessary electrotechnical qualifications. In laboratory classes and practicals, students are required to independently operate measuring instruments and related equipment without endangering human health or damaging property.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The graduates may continue in a doctoral study programme.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MKC-RP1Controlled Drives 1cs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / Cp - 26no
MKC-SVPConstruction and Production of Electrical Equipmentscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / L - 39no
MKC-TESTheory of Electrical Machinescs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / Cp - 26no
MKC-VE1Power Electronics M1cs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / COZ - 12 / Cp - 6 / L - 8no
MKC-EFE1English for Life 1cs2Compulsory-optionalGCrCj - 261yes
MKC-DREDifferential Equations in Electrical Engineeringcs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / Cp - 132yes
MKC-FPLPlasma Physics and Diagnosticscs5Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / COZ - 20 / L - 63no
MKC-PSDDesign of Power and Data Networkscs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 27 / L - 124no
MKC-SPRDigital Signal Processorscs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 394yes
MKC-SVTLighting Technologycs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 14 / L - 124yes
MKC-TVNHigh Voltages Technologycs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / COZ - 12 / L - 144yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MKC-PELIndustrial Electronicscs6CompulsoryExP - 26 / L - 26no
MKC-RP2AC Drivescs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 26no
MKC-M1SSemestral Thesis 1cs2CompulsoryCrK - 26no
MKC-SS1Production of Electrical Machines 1cs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 13 / Cp - 13no
MKC-EFE2English for Life 2cs2Compulsory-optionalCr,ExCj - 261yes
MKC-PMEComputer Modelling in Power Electrical Engineeringcs5Compulsory-optionalGCrCp - 391no
MKC-VE2Power Electronics M2cs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 261no
MKC-MATMatrices and Tensors Calculuscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 18 / PR - 82no
MKC-MNMModern Numerical Methodscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 262yes
MKC-FPFSolid State Physicscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / L - 133no
MKC-MEMElectromagnetic Field Modelingcs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 263no
MKC-NDDNon-Destructive Diagnostics and Physics of Dielectricscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 13 / L - 133yes
MKC-ELTElectrical Heat Technologycs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 10 / L - 164yes
MKC-PQ1The Power Quality and EMC 1cs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 10 / Cp - 4 / L - 124yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MKC-DJZDiagnostics and Electrical Equipments Protectionscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / Cp - 4 / L - 22no
MKC-M2SSemestral work 2cs4CompulsoryGCrK - 26no
MKC-MRPMicrocomputer Control of Electrical Drivescs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / L - 261no
MKC-PRIProject Management of Innovationcs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 261no
MKC-PMSIndustrial control systemscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExL - 391no
MKC-RNSControl of Nonlinear Systemscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 261no
MKC-SS2Production of Electrical Machines 2cs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 13 / Cp - 131no
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MKC-MSSDiploma Thesiscs20CompulsoryCrVD - 52no
MKC-LSPLaboratory of Electrical Machines and Apparaturescs4CompulsoryCr,ExL - 52no
Any year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MPC-OPSPractical Trainingcs4ElectiveCrPX - 26yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of ECTS credits Courses
1 15 cr - 25 cr MKC-MRP (5 cr), MKC-PRI (5 cr), MKC-PMS (5 cr), MKC-RNS (5 cr), MKC-SS2 (5 cr)
1 5 cr - 10 cr MKC-PME (5 cr), MKC-VE2 (5 cr)
1 4 cr MKC-EFE1 (2 cr), MKC-EFE2 (2 cr)
2 5 cr - 15 cr MKC-DRE (5 cr), MKC-MAT (5 cr), MKC-MNM (5 cr)
3 5 cr - 20 cr MKC-FPL (5 cr), MKC-FPF (5 cr), MKC-MEM (5 cr), MKC-NDD (5 cr)
4 5 cr - 32 cr MKC-PSD (6 cr), MKC-SPR (6 cr), MKC-SVT (5 cr), MKC-TVN (5 cr), MKC-ELT (5 cr), MKC-PQ1 (5 cr)