study programme

Strategic Company Development

Original title in Czech: Strategický rozvoj podnikuFaculty: FBMAbbreviation: MGR-SRP-KSAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Master's

Study programme code: N0413A050028

Degree awarded: Ing.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 8.10.2019 - 8.10.2029

Profile of the programme

Academically oriented

Mode of study

Combined study

Standard study length

2 years

Programme supervisor

Degree Programme Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Economic Disciplines Management 60
Economic Disciplines Marketing and Trade 30
Economic Disciplines Business Economics 10

Study aims

The study aims to educate experts with a systematic engineering approach to the management of strategic development of enterprises in terms of formulating and implementing development strategies. The graduates will be equipped with knowledge of the concepts of enterprise development management, concepts of value creation management, assessment of enterprise performance, modern methods of using ICT instruments for enterprise management, modern approaches to human resource management, innovative approaches and economic theories related to enterprise development.
The following are the main study objectives:
• Comprehensive development of enterprises in the present competitive environment with focus on the strategic enhancement of competitiveness, long-term development of enterprises, and social responsibility of enterprises.
• A concept of value creation including a strategic approach to the manufacturing activities and development of the service section as well as approaches creating value creation combining manufacture and providing of services.
• Focus on small and medium manufacturing and servicing enterprises.
• Competencies in formulating and implementing strategies and in the development of the follow-up operative activities supporting the value creation.
• Focus on innovative approaches to enterprise development.
• Improvement of managerial competencies in human resource management, teamwork, and communication.

Reason for and basic characteristics of the degree programme:
The Strategic Development of Enterprise Master's programme reflects the idea of seeing an enterprise as a key element of the present business environment. Respecting the influence of changes on every field of the Czech economy, the programme is based on an enquiry into the demand for graduates of this type by companies cooperating with the BUT Faculty of Business and Management. It follows the current trends in digitalization being in conformance with the Industry 4.0 initiative.
The Strategic Development of Enterprise Master's programme is conceived as a management- oriented degree programme with academic focus.

Jobs and typical positions of the graduates:
Graduates in the Strategic Development of Enterprise Master's programme will mostly find jobs as managers at a strategic level in enterprises promoting and selling their own products in markets on an international scale.

Graduates may also continue their studies in a follow-up doctoral programme.

Graduate profile

The Strategic Development of Enterprise Master's programme reflects the idea of seeing an enterprise as a key element of the present business environment. Respecting the influence of changes on every field of the Czech economy, the programme is based on an enquiry into the demand for graduates of this type by companies cooperating with the BUT Faculty of Business and Management. It follows the current trends in digitalization being in conformance with the Industry 4.0 initiative.
The graduates will gain comprehensive theoretical knowledge of managing the enterprise activities and processes that develop organizations' and corporations' international business activities and competencies for successful work in managerial positions.
Graduates in this degree programme will be able to critically analyze problems arising in the processes of managing organizations and corporations, assessing them and proposing strategic managerial solutions based on theoretical study and specific expertise, practical skills and competencies. Based on the managerial, economic, and marketing skills at the strategic management level, they will be able to provide problem definitions for team and interdisciplinary solutions, to lead and coordinate a team working on the solution.
The Strategic Development of Enterprise Master's programme is conceived as a management- oriented degree programme with academic focus.

The graduates will gain multidisciplinary knowledge for comprehensive management of enterprise development at a strategic level.

The knowledge, skills, and competencies may be characterized as follows:

• Strategic concept of enterprise development management
• Value creation conceptions
• Economic theories in the enterprise development context
• Approaches to enterprise performance assessment
• Modern approaches to using ICT for enterprise management
• Modern approaches in human resource management
• Innovative approaches

Specialized skills are perceived in two dimensions with the first dimension defining the character of a specialized approach, that is, theoretic, application, analytic, and conceptual approach, while the second one includes particular areas of enterprise development skills such as management and business. The two dimensions interleave each other - in a matrix way.
• Theoretic skills concerning applications – ability to generalize, assess theoretical approaches comprehensively, ability to create new approaches, connection to phd
• Analytical skills – identifying, evaluating, systemizing, working at an interdisciplinary level
• Conceptual skills – multidisciplinary connections to society
• Managerial skills – in terms of managerial activities, managerial approaches to problem solving, organisation of resources, etc.
• Skills concerning business in the sense of identifying opportunities for enterprise development on an international scale, including their assessment, use, and implementation.

General competencies are conceived in broader terms as a possible use in various areas of human, economic, and social activities, concerning
•Language and communication
• Internationalization
• Innovation
• Society and economy
• Theories and their applications
• Cooperation
• Concepts
• Engineering approach

Profession characteristics

Students completing the Strategic Development of Enterprise degree programme will mostly find jobs at the strategic level of management in enterprises focussed on marketing their products and services on an international scale.

The graduates may also continue their studies in a follow-up doctoral programme.

Study plan creation

The curricula of the Strategic Development of Enterprise programme are structured in four semesters studied in two academic years. The study is equally distributed over semesters for the minimum number of credits per semester to be 30 (a total of 120 credits).
The curricula include the theoretical courses of the programme's profiling basis (Strategic Management, Methods of Applied Statistics, Macro-economy 2, Micro-economy 2, and Research Methods of Management), next the required subjects of the programme's profiling basis (Management of Information Systems, Management of Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic Marketing, and Business Development, Logistic Concepts of Management, Strategic Management of Production, Service Design Management, Analysis of Enterprise Performance, Risk Management, Semestral Project, Strategic Management of Costs, BI Support for Decision- making, Human Resource Management, and Degree Seminar).
The curricula also include the required type B optional courses helping the students get greater focus on the enterprise management areas of interest.
The courses on management include Strategic Brand Management, Marketing Applications, Current Trends in Management, Management of Enterprise Value, Enterprise Quality Management Systems, Information Support for Processes, and Project and Process Management.

The courses on innovations include Technological Business and Innovations in Enterprise.
The courses on business include Business Entrepreneurship and Reverse Logistics in Business.

In addition to required and required optional courses, students may also choose optional courses such as Business Project, on-the-job stays and courses offered by the Faculty of Business and Management or other BUT faculties.

The program uses the ECTS credit system
One lesson lasts 50 minutes

The below examination areas are set for the state examination of the Strategic Development of Enterprise subject:

• Economic theories in the context of enterprise development
• Strategic management and marketing
• Value creation concepts
• Managerial approaches (HR, Informatics)

Students of the follow-up master programmes (at the entrance to the 1st year) are required to have English language fluency at the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

What degree programme types may have preceded

See the Dean's directive for admissions.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
makKMacroeconomics 2cs6Compulsoryyes
misKManagement Information Systemscs5Compulsoryyes
masKApplied Statistic Methodologycs5Compulsoryyes
smaKStrategic Managementcs5Compulsoryyes
atmKActual Trends in Managementcs4Compulsory-optional1yes
SippKInformation Support of Processesen5Compulsory-optional1yes
mpKManagerial Psychologycs4Compulsory-optional1yes
opKBusiness Activitiescs4Compulsory-optional1yes
SskpKQuality Systems in the Enterprisecs4Compulsory-optional1yes
SbpzKBusiness projectcs5Electiveyes
SprzKPractical Experiencecs5Electiveyes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
bipKBusiness Intelligence in the Companycs5Compulsoryyes
mikKMicroeconomics 2cs6Compulsoryyes
rsoKCorporate Social Responsibility Managementcs3Compulsoryyes
SsmrKStrategic Marketing and Business Developmentcs6Compulsoryyes
SkrKCommunication In Managementcs4Compulsory-optional1yes
ppmKProject and Process Managementcs4Compulsory-optional1yes
SsbmKStrategic Brand Managementen5Compulsory-optional1yes
SbplKBusiness projectcs5Electiveyes
SprlKPractical Experiencecs5Electiveyes
SpmKIndustry Marketingcs5Electiveyes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
rvpKAnalysis of company´s capabilitycs5Compulsoryyes
SrrpKEnterprise risk managementcs5Compulsoryyes
SspKTerm papercs5Compulsoryyes
SsdmKService Design Managementcs6Compulsoryyes
SsrvKStrategic Production Managementcs5Compulsoryyes
SvmrKResearch Methods in Managementcs4Compulsoryyes
frpKFinancing Business Developmentcs4Compulsory-optional1yes
ipKInnovations Managementcs4Compulsory-optional1yes
SmapKMarketing Applicationsen6Compulsory-optional1yes
SbpzKBusiness projectcs5Electiveyes
SprzKPractical Experiencecs5Electiveyes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
SdisKDiploma Project Seminarcs15Compulsoryyes
SlkrKLogistics Management Frameworkcs5Compulsoryyes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
1 2 - 3 SkrK, SmoK, ppmK, SsbmK, StpK
1 2 - 3 atmK, SippK, mpK, opK, SrlK, SskpK
1 1 eoK, frpK, ipK, SmapK