study programme

Geodesy and Cartography

Original title in Czech: Geodézie a kartografieFaculty: FCEAbbreviation: NPC-GKAcad. year: 2025/2026

Type of study programme: Master's

Study programme code: N0532A260001

Degree awarded: Ing.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 8.10.2019 - 8.10.2029

Profile of the programme

Academically oriented

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

2 years

Programme supervisor

Degree Programme Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Civil Engineering Geodesy 100

Study aims

The division of the two-year follow-up Master's study program Geodesy and Cartography is based on the tradition of long-term study programs at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Brno University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as the “Faculty of Civil Engineering BUT ” which meet current demand and needs of technical practice in the Czech Republic and the European Union.
The content of the study program is designed to meet the requirements of:
- Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education and on the Amendment to Other Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Higher Education Act”),
- Government Regulation No. 274/2016 Coll., on Standards for Accreditation in Higher Education,
- Government Regulation No. 275/2016 Coll., on Education in Higher Education
all in accordance with the methodological materials of the Board of the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education and the documents of the Brno University of Technology (hereinafter “BUT”) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of BUT.
The study program is taught in the Czech language in full-time form of study and is intended for graduates of bachelor's degree programs of technical specialization in the Czech Republic and the EU. The content of the course builds mainly on the knowledge of graduates of the three-year bachelor study program Geodesy and Cartography at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the BUT. The study program enables the mobility of students and the completion of part of the study at other selected universities with a similar focus.
The study program is aimed at gaining knowledge and skills in theoretical and engineering disciplines in the field of geodesy and cartography. The content of the study program are theoretically focused subjects with examples of practical applications. The aim of the study is to acquaint students with theoretical and practical aspects of the surveying profession. The study is a continuation of the bachelor study program Geodesy and Cartography and further develops knowledge in the areas of theoretical, space and engineering geodesy, as well as cartography and geographic information systems. The study deepens students' previous knowledge, accentuates modern technologies and their thorough understanding with the aim of educating a generally educated surveying engineer.
After passing the final state examination, the graduate is entitled to use the title “inženýr” (abbreviated to Ing. before the name).

Graduate profile

Completion of the follow-up master study program Geodesy and Cartography entitles the graduate to perform surveying activities according to Act No. 200/1994 Coll. After gaining five years of experience in the field, the graduate can apply for an Official Authorization (Authorized Surveying Engineer) pursuant to Decree No. 31/1995 Coll., Granted by the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre.
Graduate of the follow-up master study program Geodesy and Cartography is able to work in the state administration or in departmental organizations of various ministries (Cadastral offices, State Land Office, ŘSD, SŽDC, SZIF, river basin enterprises,…). At the Cadastral Units it can perform all kinds of activities, including management activities (taking over the results of surveying activities, dispute resolution, management activities connected with the renewal of the cadastral documentation, etc.).
In the private sector, the graduate will find employment with private surveyors, where he participates in the preparation and implementation of projects, measurement planning, creation of purpose maps, surveying of complex construction and industrial buildings, deformation measurement, monitoring of buildings and structures, monitoring slope areas, etc.
The graduate has all prerequisites to participate in geodetic activities in special constructions, especially in setting out of tunnels, mine workings, large bridges and special constructions. It designs and guarantees staking out procedures and control measurements. It applies high-precision satellite methods, remote sensing and aerial sensing methods to create new map works, including 3D outputs. Involved in the creation of modern map products, including Internet map services. He is able to create building information models (BIM).
Graduates are also prepared for activities in the field of global (theoretical) geodesy in the creation of large networks of national and transnational character, gravimetric maps and geodynamic analyzes.
Graduates find employment in organizations dealing with large database systems linked to geoinformation and maintenance of spatial information systems and their use in all spheres of state administration and self-government, the Army of the Czech Republic or administrators of utilities.
The main goal of the study is to educate both theoretically educated and practically trained expert for geodetic and cartographic activities in practice, science and research or in education.
A graduate of the master's degree program has the opportunity to continue studying the doctoral degree program, which leads to obtaining the academic degree doctor.

Profession characteristics

The graduate is able to work in state administration, in departmental organizations of ministries (Cadastral offices, State Land Office, ŘSD, SŽDC, SZIF, river basin enterprises,…). At the Cadastral Offices it can perform all kinds of activities, including management activities (taking over the results of surveying activities, dispute resolution, management activities connected with the renewal of the cadastral documentation, etc.).
In the private sector, it can be applied to private geodetic firms, where it participates in project preparation and implementation, measurement planning, creation of purpose maps, surveying of complex construction and industrial buildings, deformation measurement, monitoring of buildings and structures, monitoring of slope areas etc.
The graduate has all prerequisites to participate in geodetic activities in special constructions, especially in setting out of tunnels, mine workings, large bridges and special constructions. It designs and guarantees staking out procedures and control measurements. It applies high-precision satellite methods, remote sensing and aerial sensing methods to create new map works, including 3D outputs. Involved in the creation of modern map products, including Internet map services. He is able to create information models of buildings.
Graduates are also prepared for activities in the field of global (theoretical) geodesy in the creation of large networks of national and transnational character, gravimetric maps and geodynamic analyzes.
Graduates find employment in organizations dealing with large database systems linked to geoinformation and maintenance of spatial information systems and their use in all spheres of state administration and self-government, the Army of the Czech Republic or administrators of utilities.
The follow-up master study program Geodesy and Cartography is designed to be recognized by the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre as a university education in the field of surveying and in accordance with the Surveying Act No. 200/1994 Coll. authorized his graduates to perform surveying activities. After gaining five years of experience in the field, the graduate can apply for an Official Authorization (Authorized Surveying Engineer) pursuant to Decree No. 31/1995 Coll., Granted by the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre.
Typical work positions are a separate surveyor, an officially authorized surveying engineer, a manager of a cadastral or state land office, a manager at the documentation department of an utility manager, transport infrastructure or a river basin.

Fulfilment criteria

He / she has fulfilled all study obligations prescribed by the study plan of the study program, obtained the prescribed number of credits (120 credits) and submitted his / her diploma thesis within the set deadline. Successfully passed the state final examination, which consists of the following parts:
- defense of diploma thesis,
- an oral state examination which comprises three thematic areas.

Study plan creation

The rules and conditions for creating curricula are governed by:
- the Higher Education Act,
- Government Decree No. 274/2016 Coll., on standards for accreditation in higher education,
- Best practices for the preparation of study programs (material NAU 8/2017),
- Methodological materials for preparation and evaluation of applications for study program accreditation (NAU material)
- by the BUT degree programs,
- The rules of the quality assurance system for educational, creative and related activities and internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of BUT,
- BUT Study and Examination Regulations (hereinafter referred to as “SER”),
- BUT Standards of Study Programs,
- other documents as well as the current Dean's Directive Rules for the Organization of Studies in Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology. Orders for compulsory optional subjects are governed by a valid Dean's Instruction for enrolling students for study programs and orders for compulsory optional subjects.
Rules for organization of studies in Bachelor's and follow-up Master's degree programs at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Brno University of Technology specify in detail the study in degree programs, specify the academic year and its time division and study period, study plans, credit system, way of teaching and its securing, course documentation, study counseling, way of study completion, verification of study results, credit and graded credit, colloquium and exam, grading scale, weighted average, continuous study and conditions for continuation of study, enrollment and enrollment in the next year of study, interruption of study, recognition of examinations or fulfillment of other study obligations, abandonment of study, termination of study for failure to meet the requirements arising from the study program, final examination, examination board for final state examination, diploma thesis and its defense, final state examination, overall study evaluation, rules of study organization, study documentation, publication of final works, procedure for detecting plagiarism, obstacles to study, termination of study, praise and awards, medical fitness and communication through the BUT information system, student card, etc.
The study program contains courses whose completion is necessary for the quality performance of the surveying profession supplemented by an extensive mathematical and physical basis. The study plan includes:
- 4 theoretical subjects profiling the basis of the study program,
- 13 subjects profiling the basis of the study program,
- 1 group of compulsory optional subjects of type A,
- 8 groups of compulsory optional subjects of type B,
- and optional courses (total of 4 credits)
The above courses correspond to the objectives of the study and education in the field of Civil Engineering, the geodesy.
Lessons are organized according to weekly schedules, except for subjects that require a specific course. Most of the lessons are organized in the form of:
- lectures in audiovisual lecture rooms equipped with modern technical equipment in such a way that teaching is conducted in accordance with current teaching methods,
- exercises (eg in computer labs equipped with all necessary programs, fully equipped laboratories, etc.),
- fieldwork,
- field trips, etc.,
which take place on a regular, weekly schedule and during which the student has the opportunity to directly acquire knowledge. The course is completed by granting a credit, granting a classified credit, passing the exam, passing the exam after granting the credit.
At the same time, students may choose technical English or another language provided by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the BUT (Institute of Social Sciences), if their language level in English is higher than B1 slightly lower.
A single credit system compatible with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is used for the quantified assessment of the course of study. In each academic year, it is checked within the set deadlines whether the student has earned the number of credits in the given section of study in the prescribed structure set by the study plan of the study program and whether he / she has successfully completed repeated courses whose completion is obligatory for the given study program. The minimum number of credits required to continue studying is a minimum of 30 credits to advance to the next year.

Availability for the disabled

At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT, barrier-free access to all teaching rooms is currently provided. However, students must be physically fit to be qualified as a civil engineer. In practically oriented laboratory teaching, they must be able to operate measuring instruments and similar laboratory equipment independently without endangering themselves or their surroundings.
BUT provides support to students with specific needs, for details see Guideline 11/2017 ( 2017-p147550).
In order to promote equal access to higher education, BUT incorporates the Alfons Advisory Center, part of the BUT Institute of Lifelong Learning, to provide guidance and support services to applicants and students with specific educational needs. Specific educational needs include learning disabilities, physical and sensory disabilities, chronic somatic illness, autistic spectrum disorders, impaired communication skills and mental illness (
Students are provided with information concerning the accessibility of study programs with respect to the specific needs of the applicant, information about the architectural accessibility of individual faculties and university parts, about accommodation at the BUT dormitory, about the possibilities of adapting the admission procedure and adapting the study itself. Other services of the Center for Students with Special Educational Needs also include interpreting and rewriting services, or assistance services - guiding, spatial orientation, in order to enable these students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the same way as other students. This is done through the so-called adaptation of study, ie by appropriate adjustment of the study regime, which cannot be understood as a simplification of the content of study or relief of study obligations.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The graduates may continue in a doctoral study programme.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
NEA030Engineering Geodesy 2cs6Compulsoryyes
NEA031Cartography 2cs6Compulsoryyes
NEA032Space Geodesy 1cs5Compulsoryyes
NAA026Mathematics 4cs5Compulsoryyes
NVB060Economy of Municipalitiescs2Compulsory-optional5779yes
NVB061Construction Company Economycs2Compulsory-optional5779yes
NVB062Law in Business Relationscs2Compulsory-optional5779yes
NUB019Database Systemscs4Compulsory-optional5780yes
NUB020Modern Programming Techniquescs4Compulsory-optional5780yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
BYA002Intermediate Level English (exam)cs2Compulsoryyes
NEA033Underground Surveyscs4Compulsoryyes
NEA034Cadastre 3cs4Compulsoryyes
NEA035Space Geodesy 2cs4Compulsoryyes
NAA027Numerical methodscs2Compulsoryyes
NEA0363D data collection and processingcs3Compulsoryyes
NEA037Theoretical geodesy 2cs4Compulsoryyes
NEA038Field Training 4cs4Compulsoryyes
NEB040Metrology and Standardizationcs3Compulsory-optional5782yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
NEA041Digital terrain modelcs4Compulsoryyes
NEA042Geographical Information Systems 2cs5Compulsoryyes
NEA043Complex Projectcs4Compulsoryyes
NEA044Structural and Industrial Geodesy 1cs5Compulsoryyes
NEB045Surveying for BIMcs4Compulsory-optional5784yes
NUB021Modelling in 3Dcs4Compulsory-optional5784yes
NNB017Transportation Structurescs4Compulsory-optional5785yes
NRB022Water Structurescs4Compulsory-optional5785yes
NFB021Base of geotechnicscs4Compulsory-optional5785yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
NEA046Photogrammetry and Remote Sensingcs5Compulsoryyes
NEA047-APhysical Geodesyen5Compulsoryyes
NZA018Legal Relations to Real Estatescs3Compulsoryyes
NEB048Applied geoinformaticscs7Compulsory-optional5788yes
NEB049Structural and Industrial Geodesy 2cs7Compulsory-optional5788yes
NSB021Ecological engineeringcs3Compulsory-optional5791yes
NEB050Property Appraisingcs3Compulsory-optional5791yes
NEB051Management of surveying companycs3Compulsory-optional5791yes
NEB052Speleological Mappingcs3Compulsory-optional5791yes
NZB012Ethics in Businesscs2Compulsory-optional5792yes
NZB013Presentation Skillscs2Compulsory-optional5792yes
NZB014Company Practice Psychologycs, en2Compulsory-optional5792yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
5782 1 NEB039, NEB040
5779 1 NVB060, NVB061, NVB062
5780 1 NUB019, NUB020
5788 1 NEB048, NEB049
5790 1 NVB063, NVB064, NVB065
5792 1 NZB012, NZB013, NZB014
5791 2 NSB021, NEB050, NEB051, NEB052
5784 1 NEB045, NUB021
5785 2 NNB017, NRB022, NFB021