Facility Management

Strategy of Facility Management

We do not see Facility Management only as the management and maintenance of real estate, but we approach it from a broader perspective, which aims to ensure that everyone who performs any activity at the BUT has all the conditions to do so effectively. We base this on the 5P method, which focuses its attention on People, Processes, Place, Planet and Prosperity.

Administration and Operation

Energy savings

In planning and operating our infrastructure, we make every effort to use energy as efficiently as possible. We set up practical measures to help achieve energy independence and reduce the environmental burden on the building. Specific examples include the reconstruction of hot water heating systems, the replacement of incandescent and fluorescent light sources with energy-saving LED bulbs and tubes, and the use of low-energy cooling.

Waste management

Waste management is carried out in accordance with the Waste Act. In practice, this means that we manage the collection of municipal and hazardous waste, we sort waste (most often into municipal waste, paper, plastic and glass, and in some cases bio-waste. Edible fats and biodegradable waste from dining halls and kitchens are collected from halls of residence and canteens. The colleges and canteens have set up an environmental project office, GreenKaM BUT, to help address sustainability in operations and have produced a map showing the location of bins for segregated waste for all users of their services.

During tree pruning, disposal of old furniture and construction work, we order bulk containers for responsible waste disposal.
We return fluorescent lamps, discarded electronics and small electrical equipment to collection centres for collection on an ongoing basis.
We do not have any black dumps on BUT property.

Care of greenery

We strive for the natural development and sustainability of grasslands, which play an indispensable role in adapting to climate change, and appropriate management is an integral part of drought prevention. We therefore carefully distinguish the functions of green spaces and adapt their maintenance accordingly. We mow intensively used lawns (places with frequent footfall, around roads and areas used for sport or other leisure activities) more frequently and maintain monoculture plant communities. Colourful, flowery lawns are very beneficial for insects and other smaller animals, and they retain water and dust better. Their maintenance is therefore less demanding, and mowing is done in a mosaic fashion to allow animals to move from the mowed area to the unmowed area. In the case of unmaintained areas, the emphasis is on their independent development, which allows the natural development of the fauna.

Water management

We analyse the possibilities of reducing the consumption of drinking water from the water supply system by saving and covering part of the consumption with rainwater or grey sewage water, utility water or water from a well. We place great emphasis on water management when planning renovations and new construction. The aim is not only to manage this resource sustainably, but also to maximise the proportion of green space and to protect and develop biodiversity within the University and its surroundings. Attention is paid to the retention of rainwater to maximise water retention on the site and building to maintain a small water cycle, reduce the burden on the sewerage network, reduce the risk of localised flooding and reduce overheating of built up areas. We plan to build retention basins in the future.

Eco cleaning products

For university operations, we purchase organic cleaning products using a dynamic purchasing system.

Smart buildings


In the year 2023, the test operation of two SW for CAFM (Computer-aided Facility Management) is underway at the facilities of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Based on this testing, we will produce an analysis and research of CAFM to determine the advantages/disadvantages of these systems for the University's needs and for the processing of the tender to select a digital application. We are actively collaborating with students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in the testing and implementation of the software.

Passporting of land and buildings

We are actively working on the digitization of land and building passporting at the BUT, testing the possibilities of building passporting and considering technology passporting in the future. Digital passporting should help transform building management into the digital world as a first supporting step for the deployment of CAFM software.

Building Management System

BMS (Building Management System BUT) is a system for monitoring and controlling all technologies of the internal equipment of BUT buildings. In terms of its scope, BMS BUT is one of the largest installations in Europe implemented on the Honeywell platform. It is based on the EBI (Enterprise Building Integrator) system. After its planned upgrade, the BMS will provide sufficient technical background to deploy a system for active energy management, which will allow us to better monitor energy and water consumption, and will also offer increased user comfort in terms of controlling indoor environmental parameters.

Energy management

In the context of energy management, we place great emphasis on increasing the use of renewable energy sources (RES), which not only reduce operating costs, but also lead to a certain energy independence and a reduction in the environmental burden of the building. For new construction projects of the BUT we apply the principle "Do No Significant Harm" and the standard "Near Zero Energy Building". Based on the audit, we are focusing our attention on the possibility of installing and using photovoltaics (PV). Although its use would have a minimal impact on the total annual consumption, we perceive its great potential in the environmental field and the possibilities for development in the field of renewable energy. We are planning to conduct a feasibility study on the installation of PV and its suitability for use on the grounds, campuses and buildings of the BUT. PV panels are already installed on several buildings of the BUT, but these are smaller in number and serve more for teaching and research purposes. All energy from these panels is consumed for its own operation and teaching purposes.

Facility Services


Based on analyses of the mobility needs of our students and staff, we set principles for sustainable transport. The buildings and campuses of the university are situated mainly in the Brno-centre area. This area has limited parking options and therefore we consider alternative transport options to private cars. In the Rector's Office, we have built a bike shed with charging stations for different types of electric bikes.
For the renewal of the car fleet, we are also considering cars with alternative drives.

IT infrastructure

We procure IT equipment and consumables in such a way that we take into account both energy savings and the lowest possible environmental burden in their operation.
We address not only energy consumption, but also the materials used (their recyclability, non-toxic composition), the possibility of extended warranties and the availability of spare parts after a certain period of time from the acquisition of the equipment. When refurbishing servers and disk arrays, we prefer those that are less energy intensive but at the same time more powerful. Thanks to this, we can reduce the number of servers and save not only the energy required for their operation, but also cooling.
We pay a recycling fee for each piece of electronics purchased and have the product environmentally disposed of at the end of its useful life.

Drinking water

In order to reduce the consumption of water supplied in plastic bottles, we use filtered tap water dispensers across the BUT. Interested parties can choose between sparkling and still versions, and for some facilities between chilled and hot. You can refill liquids in your own bottles or use eco-friendly cups.

Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková