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KALA, Z.; KALA, J.; OMISHORE, A. Global Sensitivity Analysis of Steel Beam Resistance using Finite Element Simulations. In World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium, WMCAUS 2022. AIP conference proceedings. 2023. s. 080017-1 (080017-6 s.)ISSN: 0094-243X.Detail | WWW
OMISHORE, A. Sensitivity analysis of limit states in civil engineering: From model outputs to reliability assessment. In World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium - WMCAUS 2022. AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Publishing, 2023. s. 150006-1 (150006-8 s.)ISSN: 1551-7616.Detail | WWW
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Reliability and sensitivity analyses of structures related to Eurocodes. International Journal of Mechanics, 2022, roč. 16, č. 1, s. 98-107. ISSN: 1998-4448.Detail | WWW
OMISHORE, A. Stochastic modelling of fatigue crack growth. 13th International Conference MODERN BUILDING MATERIALS, STRUCTURES AND TECHNIQUES. Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques. Lithuania: 2019. s. 449-454. ISBN: 978-609-476-197-3. ISSN: 2029-9915.Detail | WWW
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A.; SEITL, S.; KREJSA, M.; KALA, J. Identification of variation coefficient of equivalent stress range of steel girders with cracks. International Journal of Mechanics, 2019, roč. 13, č. 2019, s. 69-78. ISSN: 1998-4448.Detail | WWW
OMISHORE, A. Stochastic Modelling and Prediction of Fatigue Crack Propagation Based on Experimental Research. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019. s. 1-10. ISSN: 1757-8981.Detail | WWW
KALA, Z.; SEITL, S.; KREJSA, M.; OMISHORE, A. Reliability assessment of steel bridges based on experimental research. In AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP conference proceedings. American Institute of Physics Inc., 2019. s. 120005 (120005-4 s.)ISBN: 978-0-7354-1854-7. ISSN: 0094-243X.Detail | WWW
OMISHORE, A. Assessment of Steel Bearing Structures - Estimation of the Remaining Fatigue Life. In World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium 2017, WMCAUS 2017. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2017. s. 1-6. ISSN: 1757-8981.Detail | WWW
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A.; SEITL, S.; KREJSA, M.; KALA, J. The effect of skewness and kurtosis on the probability evaluation of fatigue limit states. International Journal of Mechanics, 2017, č. 11, s. 166-175. ISSN: 1998-4448.Detail | WWW
VALEŠ, J.; KALA, Z.; MARTINÁSEK, J.; OMISHORE, A. FE Nonlinear Analysis of Lateral-torsional Buckling Resistance. International Journal of Mechanics, 2016, roč. 2016, č. 10, s. 235-241. ISSN: 1998-4448.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy Analysis of the Serviceability Limit State of a Truss Cantilever. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2016, roč. 2016, č. 1, s. 112-117. ISSN: 2367-8984.Detail | WWW
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy Stochastic Approaches for Analysing the Serviceability Limit State of Load Bearing Systems. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2016, roč. 2016, č. 10, s. 294-301. ISSN: 1998-0159.Detail
KALA, Z.; KALA, J.; OMISHORE, A. Probabilistic Buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Steel Columns using Shell Finite Elements. International Journal of Mechanics, 2016, roč. 2016, č. 10, s. 213-218. ISSN: 1998-4448.Detail
KALA, Z.; GOTTVALD, J.; STONIŠ, J.; VEJVODA, S.; OMISHORE, A. Sensitivity Analysis of Stress State of Welded Tanks. In New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Buildings. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Switzerland: 2015. s. 3-8. ISBN: 978-80-227-4259- 7. ISSN: 1662- 7482.Detail | WWW
KALA, Z.; GOTTVALD, J.; STONIŠ, J.; OMISHORE, A. Sensitivity Analysis of the Stress State in Shell Courses of Welded Tanks for Oil Storage. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 2014, roč. 6, č. 1, s. 7-12. ISSN: 2029-882X.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
KALA, Z.; GOTTVALD, J.; STONIŠ, J.; VEJVODA, S.; OMISHORE, A. Sensitivity Analysis of the Stress State in Shell Courses of Crude Oil Cylindrical Tanks. In New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Buildings. Bratislava, Slovenská republika: 2014. s. 1-10. ISBN: 978-80-227-4259- 7.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Verification of Design Procedures of Structural Stability using Probabilistic Method of Reliability Analysis. In 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Kos, Řecko: 2012. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-0-7354-1091- 6.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Uncertainty Analysis of the Cross- sectional Area of a Structural Member. In 4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology. Corfu, Greece: 2011. s. 284-288. ISBN: 978-1-61804-022- 0.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Verification of the Design Reliability of Steel Structures. In Engineering Mechanics 2011. Svratka: 2011. s. 443-446. ISBN: 978-80-87012-33- 8.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Optimal Design of Structures via Stochastic Approaches. In 17th International Conference of Soft Computing, Mendel 2011. Brno: 2011. s. 266-270. ISBN: 978-80-214-4302- 0.Detail
OMISHORE, A.; PUKLICKÝ, L. Fuzzy Analysis of Civil Engineering Problems. In 17th International Conference of Soft Computing, Mendel 2011. Brno: 2011. s. 271-274. ISBN: 978-80-214-4302- 0.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Optimized Stochastic Based Design of Structures. In 4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology. Corfu, Greece: 2011. s. 280-283. ISBN: 978-1-61804-022- 0.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Uncertainty Forecasting in Civil Engineering. In Applied and Theoretical Mechanics. Atheny, Řecko: 2010. s. 126-128. ISBN: 978-960-474-264- 6.Detail
PUKLICKÝ, L.; OMISHORE, A. Uncertainty Analysis of Ultimate Limit State of Steel- concrete Structural Members. In Reliability, Risk and Safety (ESREL 2010). Rhodos, Řecko: 2010. s. 1194-1197. ISBN: 978-0-415-60427- 7.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Sensitivity Analysis of Structures, Problems and Applications. In 3rd WSEAS Int. Conf. on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology. Corfu, Řecko: 2010. s. 120-125. ISBN: 978-960-474-203- 5.Detail
KALA, Z.; PUKLICKÝ, L.; OMISHORE, A.; KARMAZÍNOVÁ, M.; MELCHER, J. Stability Problems of Steel- Concrete Members Composed of High Strength Materials. Journal of civil engineering and management, 2010, roč. 16, č. 3, s. 352-362. ISSN: 1392- 3730.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Advanced Modeling Approaches for Reliability Analysis of Steel Structures. In 3rd WSEAS Int. Conf. on Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Engineering Geology. Corfu, Řecko: 2010. s. 172-176. ISBN: 978-960-474-203- 5.Detail
PUKLICKÝ, L.; OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy Analysis of Ultimate Limit State of Steel Concrete Structural Members. In Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques. Vilnius, Litva: 2010. s. 1022-1027. ISBN: 978-9955-28-593- 9.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A.; PUKLICKÝ, L. Applicability of Fuzzy Logic to the Definition of the Buckling Length of Steel Plane Frames. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 2009, roč. 1, č. 3, s. 135-140. ISSN: 2029- 2317.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy probabilistic models in structural reliability. Cape Town, South Africa: 2007. s. 669-700. Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy probabilistic models in structural reliability. In Recent developments in structural engineering, mechanics and computation. Cape town, South Africa: 2007. s. 1-6. ISBN: 978-90-5966-054- 0.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Reliability Analysis of Steel Structures Focused on Semi- probabilistic Design Concept of Eurocodes. In Computational Plasticity. Barcelona, Španělsko: 2007. s. 877-880. ISBN: 978-84-96736-29- 0.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy analysis of buckling lengths of steel frames. In Technical sheets 2006. 1. Brno: 2006. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-80-01-04054- 6.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy uncertainty of stochastic methods. In Technical sheets 2006. 1. Brno: 2006. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-80-01-04054- 6.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Uncertainty analysis of the influence of imperfections on the reliability of steel structures. In Technical sheets 2006. 1. Brno: 2006. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-80-01-04054- 6.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy analýza vzpěrných délek ocelového rámu. In Technické listy 2006. 1. Brno: 2006. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-80-01-03892- 5.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy neurčitost stochastických metod. In Technické listy 2006. 1. Brno: 2006. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-80-01-03892- 5.Detail
KALA, Z.; MELCHER, J.; OMISHORE, A. K transparentnosti hladiny spolehlivosti návrhových kritérií mezních stavů. In Technické listy 2006. 1. Brno: 2006. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-80-01-03892- 5.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Analýza neurčitosti vlivu imperfekcí na spolehlivost ocelových konstrukcí. In Technické listy 2006. 1. Brno: 2006. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-80-01-03892- 5.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Uncertainty in Modeling of Steel Structures. In PPK 2006. Brno, ČR: 2006. s. 257-264. ISBN: 80-214-3251- 9.Detail
OMISHORE, A.; KALA, Z. Fuzzy Analysis of Buckling Lengths of Steel Frame. In Modelování v mechanice. Ostrava, ČR: 2006. s. 61-62. ISBN: 80-248-1035- 2.Detail
OMISHORE, A.; KALA, Z. Application limits of Conventional Models of Systems. In Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Praha, ČR: 2006. s. 157-162. ISBN: 80-02-01770- 6.Detail
MELCHER, J.; KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. K transparentnosti hladiny spolehlivosti návrhových kritérií mezních stavů. In Ocelové konstrukce a mosty 2006. Bratislava, SR: 2006. s. 27-32. ISBN: 80-227-2471- 8.Detail
OMISHORE, A.; KALA, Z. Fuzzy Distribution of the Load- Carrying Capacity of Steel Member under Compression. In VSU 2006. Sofia, Bulgaria: 2006. s. 252-255. ISBN: 954-331-009- 2.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Stability Problems of Steel Structures with Consideration of Fuzzy- Random Imperfection Inputs. In Symposium Stability of Structures. Zakopane, Poland: 2006. s. 165-172. ISBN: 83-914019-3- 6.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy and Stochastic Theories and their Applications in Structural Engineering. In ASRANet. Glasgow, UK: 2006. s. 1-8. ISBN: 0-9553550-0- 1.Detail
MELCHER, J.; KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Note to the Transparency of the Reliability Level of Limit States Criteria for Stability Design. In SDSS 2006. Lisbon, Portugal: 2006. s. 1147-1152. ISBN: 972-8469-61- 6.Detail
KALA, Z.; MELCHER, J.; OMISHORE, A. Note to the transparency of the reliability level of limit state design criteria. In Technical sheets 2006. 1. Brno: 2006. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-80-01-04054- 6.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Sensitivity analysis of the stability problems of steel structures. In Lightweight. Varšava, Polsko: Obrebski, 2005. s. 190 ( s.)ISBN: 83-908867-9- 0.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Comparison of Fuzzy Set Theory and Stochastic Method Results in Application to the Analysis of the Ultimate Load- carrying Capacity of Steel Members with Imperfections. In COMPLAS. Barcelona, Španělsko: 2005. s. 1031 ( s.)ISBN: 84-95999-78- 1.Detail
KALA, Z.; OMISHORE, A. Comparison of Fuzzy Set Theory and Stochastic Method in Application to the Analysis of the Load Carrying Capacity of Steel Members Under Tension. In Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering. Polsko, Varšava: Obrebski, 2005. s. 188 ( s.)ISBN: 83-908867-9- 0.Detail
OMISHORE, A. Fuzzy set theory in application to the analysis of the load carrying capacity of steel member under compression. In Staticko konstrukční problémy. Štrbské pleso, SR: 2005. s. 77 ( s.)ISBN: 80-7099-742- 7.Detail
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