doc. Ing.

Jan Roupec



+420 54114 3346

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doc. Ing. Jan Roupec, Ph.D.


  • 2021

    ROUPEC, J.; SZÁSZIOVÁ, L.; TALPA, J.; PAVLAS, M.; ŠOMPLÁK, R. Manuál k vypracování dlouhodobé prognózy produkce odpadů v ČR (Výsledek V11). 2021.

    ROUPEC, J.; TALPA, J.; PAVLAS, M.; ŠOMPLÁK, R. Dokumentace k software nástroji pro vypracování dlouhodobé prognózy produkce odpadů v ČR (Výsledek V12). 2021.

  • 2019

    PAVLAS, M.; ŠOMPLÁK, R.; SMEJKALOVÁ, V.; ROSECKÝ, M.; BOUDA, Z.; SUZOVÁ, J.; ROUPEC, J.; SZÁSZIOVÁ, L.; POPELA, P.; KŮDELA, J. Výzkumná zpráva popisující výběr vhodných metod datové analýzy a matematického modelování prognózy produkce odpadů (Výsledek V6). 2019.

  • 2018

    POPELA, P.; HRABEC, D.; KŮDELA, J.; ŠOMPLÁK, R.; PAVLAS, M.; ROUPEC, J.; NOVOTNÝ, J. Waste processing facility location problem by stochastic programming: Models and solutions. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2018. s. 167-179. ISBN: 9783319978871. ISSN: 2194-5357.
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  • 2015

    HRABEC, D.; POPELA, P.; ROUPEC, J.; MAZAL, J.; STODOLA, P. Two- Stage Stochastic Programming for Transportation Network Design Problem. In Mendel 2015: Recent Advances in Soft Computing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2015. s. 17-25. ISBN: 978-3-319-19824- 8. ISSN: 2194-5357.

    HRABEC, D.; POPELA, P.; ROUPEC, J.; JINDRA, P.; NOVOTNÝ, J. Hybrid Algorithm for Wait-and- See Transportation Network Design Problem with Linear Pricing. Mendel Journal series, 2015, roč. 2015, č. 1, s. 183-188. ISSN: 1803-3814.

  • 2014

    POPELA, P.; NOVOTNÝ, J.; ROUPEC, J.; HRABEC, D.; OLSTAD, A. Two- Stage Stochastic Programming for Engineering Problems. Engineering Mechanics, 2014, roč. 21, č. 5, s. 335-353. ISSN: 1802-1484.
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    HRABEC, D.; POPELA, P.; ROUPEC, J.; JINDRA, P.; HAUGEN, K.; NOVOTNÝ, J.; OLSTAD, A. Hybrid Algorithm for Wait-and- see Network Design Problem. Mendel Journal series, 2014, roč. 2014, č. 1, s. 97-104. ISSN: 1803-3814.

    ŠEDA, M.; ROUPEC, J.; ŠEDOVÁ, J. Transportation Problem and Related Tasks with Application in Agriculture. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 2014, roč. 8, č. 1, s. 26-33. ISSN: 2074- 1278.

    HRABEC, D.; POPELA, P.; ROUPEC, J.; HAUGEN, K. Hybrid Algorithm for Here-and- Now Stochastic Network Design Problem with Pricing. 2014.

  • 2013

    ROUPEC, J.; POPELA, P.; HRABEC, D.; NOVOTNÝ, J.; HAUGEN, K.; OLSTAD, A. Hybrid Algorithm for Network Design Problem with Uncertain Demands. In Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science WCECS 2013. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. 1. 2013. s. 554-559. ISBN: 978-988-19252-3- 7. ISSN: 2078- 0958.

    HOLEŠOVSKÝ, J.; POPELA, P.; ROUPEC, J. Disruption in Congested Networks. In Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL 2013. Mendel Journal series. 1st edition. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2013. s. 191-196. ISBN: 978-80-214-4755- 4. ISSN: 1803- 3814.

  • 2012

    POPELA, P.; SKLENÁŘ, J.; MATOUŠEK, R.; ROUPEC, J.; MRÁZKOVÁ, E. Advanced Decomposition Techniques Applied to DOP. In 18th International Conference of Soft Computing, MENDEL 2012 (id 19255). Mendel Journal series. 2012. Brno: VUT, 2012. s. 582-587. ISBN: 978-80-214-4540- 6. ISSN: 1803- 3814.

    ABBADI, A.; MATOUŠEK, R.; JANČÍK, S.; ROUPEC, J. Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees: 3D Planning. In 18th International Conference of Soft Computing, MENDEL 2012 (id 20379). Mendel Journal series. 2012. Brno: VUT, 2012. s. 594-599. ISBN: 978-80-214-4540- 6. ISSN: 1803- 3814.

  • 2011

    ROUPEC, J.; POPELA, P. The Nested Genetic Agorithms for Distributed Optimization Problems. In Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2011. 2011. s. 480-484. ISBN: 978-988-18210-9- 6.

    POPELA, P.; SKLENÁŘ, J.; MATOUŠEK, R.; ŽAMPACHOVÁ, E.; ROUPEC, J. Advances in the Formal Framework for DOP. In 17th International Conference of Soft Computing, MENDEL 2011 (id 19255). Mendel Journal series. 2011. Brno: VUT, 2011. s. 320-325. ISBN: 978-80-214-4302- 0. ISSN: 1803-3814.

    ROUPEC, J. Advanced Genetic Algorithms for Engineering Design Problems. Engineering Mechanics, 2011, roč. 17, č. 5/ 6, s. 407-417. ISSN: 1802- 1484.

  • 2009

    ŠANDERA, Č.; POPELA, P.; ROUPEC, J. The Worst Case Analysis by Heuristic Algorithms. In Mendel 2009. Mendel Journal series. 2009. s. 109-114. ISBN: 978-80-214-3884- 2. ISSN: 1803-3814.

  • 2008

    ROUPEC, J.; POPELA, P. Genetic Algorithms for Scenario Generation in Stochastic Programming: Motivation and General Framework. In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, book series: Advances in Computational Algorithms and Data Analysis, Vol. 14 Ao, S.L., Rieger, B., Chen, S.S. (Eds.). 1. Netherlands: Springer, 2008. s. 527-536. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8918- 3.

  • 2007

    BOR, K.; ROUPEC, J. GA- Based Parameters Tuning in Grammatical Evolution. In Proceedings of the 13- th International Conference on Soft Computing Mendel 2007. Brno: Brno university of Technology, 2007. s. 66-71. ISBN: 978-80-214-3473- 8.

    ROUPEC, J.; POPELA, P. Scenario Generation And Analysis by Heuristic Algorithms. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2007. Newswood Limited, International Association of Engineers, 2007. s. 931-935. ISBN: 978-988-98671-6- 4.

  • 2006

    BOR, K.; ROUPEC, J. Development Of Advanced GA For Grammatical Evolution. In MENDEL 2006. 1. Brno: ÚAI, FSI, VUT v Brně, 2006. s. 57-61. ISBN: 80-214-3195- 4.

  • 2004

    POKORNÝ, M.; ŽELASKO, P.; ROUPEC, J. Fuzzy Clustering Technology in Fuzzy Model Identification. In Proceedings of 7th Czech- Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty. Hyogo, Japan: 2004. s. 168 ( s.)

    POKORNÝ, M.; ŽELASKO, P.; ROUPEC, J. Genetic Algorithm Utilization in Fuzzy Regression Modelling. In Proceedings of Taiwan-Japan Symposium 2004 On Fuzzy Systems & Innovational Computing. Awaji, Japan: 2004. s. 154 ( s.)

    POKORNÝ, M.; ŽELASKO, P.; ROUPEC, J. Fuzzy Clustering Technology in Fuzzy Model Identification. In Proceedings of 7th Czech- Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty. Japonsko: 2004. s. 168 ( s.)

  • 2002

    ROUPEC, J. A Statistical Approach to Comparison of Genetic Algorithms. In MENDEL 2002, 8th International Conference on Soft Computing. Brno, Czech Republic: 2002. s. 147-152. ISBN: 80-214-2135- 5.

    OŠMERA, P., ROUPEC, J. Integrated Evolutionary Algorithms. In Hybrid Information Systems. Advances in Soft Computing. New York: Springer Verlag, 2002. s. 353 ( s.)ISBN: 3-7908-1480- 6.

    MATOUŠEK, R., OŠMERA, P., ROUPEC, J., ŠEDÁ, J. Adaptive Genetic Algorithms Based on Fuzzy Inference System. In Intelligent Computing and Information Systems. Cairo, Egypt: Nubar Printing House, 2002. s. 136 ( s.)ISBN: 977-237-172- 3.

    POPELA, P., ROUPEC, J., OŠMERA, P., MATOUŠEK, R. The Formal Stochastic Framework for Comparison of Genetic Algorithms. In The 2002 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: IEEE, 2002. s. 576 ( s.)ISBN: 0-7803-7281- 6.

  • 2001

    ROUPEC, J., OŠMERA, P., MATOUŠEK, R. The Behavior of Genetic Algorithms in Dynamic Environment. In Mendel 2001. Brno, Czech Republic: VUT v Brně, 2001. s. 84 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-1894- X.

    ROUPEC, J.; POPELA, P.; OŠMERA, P. Optimizing GA Lifetime Parameters analyzing Error Probability Estimates. In The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL 2000. Brno, Czech Republic: PC- DIR, 2001. s. 139 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-1609- 2.

    OŠMERA, P., ROUPEC, J., MATOUŠEK, R. Energie, entropie a evoluce živé hmoty. In Kognice a umělý život. Opava: Slezká universita v Opavě, 2001. s. 203 ( s.)ISBN: 80-7248-107- X.

    ROUPEC, J., OŠMERA, P. Genetic algorithms with sexual reproduction for optimal fizzy control systems. In Process Control 01. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, 2001. s. 118 ( s.)ISBN: 80-227-1542- 5.

    ROUPEC, J. Vývoj genetického algoritmu pro optimalizaci parametrů fuzzy regulátorů. 2001.

    ŠEDA, M.; ROUPEC, J.; ŠEDOVÁ, J. Distribution Problems, Their Modifications and Applications. In Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods. Venice (Italy): AMCM, 2001. s. 284-289. ISBN: 978-1-61804-208- 8.

  • 2000

    MATOUŠEK, R., OŠMERA, P., ROUPEC, J. GA with Fuzzy Inference System. In 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. La Jolla, California, USA: IEEE Service Center, 2000. s. 646 ( s.)ISBN: 0-7803-6375- 2.

    MATOUŠEK, R., OŠMERA, P., ROUPEC, J. GA with Fuzzy Inference System. In Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC 00. La Jolla, California, USA: IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, 2000. s. 646-651. ISBN: 0-7803-6375-2.

  • 1996

    ROUPEC, J.; KREJSA, J. Dominance and Recesivity in Genetic Algorithms. In Mendel 96. Brno, ČR: VUT v Brně, 1996. s. 197 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-0769- 7.

  • 1995

    ROUPEC, J.; HAŽMUK, I.; KREJSA, J. Campus Computer Network at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the Technical University of Brno and its Further Development. In Computer and Communication Technology 95. Brno, Czech Republic: CERM, 1995. s. 93 ( s.)ISBN: 80-85867-89- 3.

  • 1993

    ROUPEC, J.; POPELA, P.; OŠMERA, P. Výběr optimálního řízení výtahů metodou simulace provozu. In Zborník 9. konferencie Riadenie procesov, Tatranské Matliare. Bratislava, SR: Katedra aurtomatizácie CHTF STU Bratislava, ZO ZSVTS pri CHTF STU Bratislava, 1993. s. 343 ( s.)

*) Citace publikací se generují jednou za 24 hodin.