
Jana Jašková


FEKT, UJAZ – odborný asistent

+420 54114 6055

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Mgr. Jana Jašková, Ph.D.


  • 2024

    JAŠKOVÁ, J. Theories of SLA and approaches to L2 learning. In The psychology behind second language acquisition. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2024. s. 103-123. ISBN: 979-8-89113-576-5.

  • 2021

    JAŠKOVÁ, J. Digital testing during the pandemic crisis: University students’ opinions on computer-based tests. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2021, roč. 9, č. 1, s. 36-53. ISSN: 2411-2933.
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  • 2019

    JAŠKOVÁ, J.; ŠŤASTNÁ, D. Tertiary level proficiency in ESP: Employer survey analysis. CASALC Review, 2019, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 5-20. ISSN: 1804-9435.
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  • 2018

    JAŠKOVÁ, J. ESP university teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge: retrospective perceptions of professional beginnings. In Teaching English for Specific Purposes at Universities. Brno: VUT v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018. s. 17-27. ISBN: 978-80-214-5741-6.
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    SMUTNÝ, M.; JAŠKOVÁ, J.; ŠŤASTNÁ, D. (eds.). Teaching English for Specific Purposes at Universities. Proceedings of a conference organized by the Department of Foreign Languages, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, 7th September 2017. Brno: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, 2018. ISBN: 978-80-214-5741-6.
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  • 2017

    JAŠKOVÁ, J. ESP University Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Retrospective Perceptions of Professional Beginnings. 2017.

*) Citace publikací se generují jednou za 24 hodin.