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POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KORÁB, P.; ŠTRBA, D. Text Data Pre-Processing for Time-series Modelling. In 33rd International Conference Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA). Pardubice: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-9834-2.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; MALACH, T. Optimized Classifier Learning for Face Recognition Performance Boost in Security and Surveillance Applications. SENSORS, 2023, roč. 23, č. 15, s. 1-21. ISSN: 1424-8220.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E. Co-movement Selective Detection Filter to identify time series co-movement indicator or to filter out symmetric economic shocks. Digital Signal Processing, 2021, roč. 114, č. X, s. 1-14. ISSN: 1051-2004.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E.; MALACH, T. Co-movement (Sub-)Indicator as the Measurement of the Synchrony of EA and Visegrad Group Countries. Journal of Economics, 2020, roč. 68, č. 3, s. 231-251. ISSN: 0013-3035.Detail | WWW
MALACH, T.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Optimal Face Templates - The Next Step in Surveillance Face Recognition. PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 2020, roč. 23, č. 2, s. 1021-1032. ISSN: 1433-7541.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E.; MALACH, T. Optimized Segmentation-Adaptive-Based Testing of the Wavelet Co-movement Analysis: the Case of US and G8 Countries. In ITM Web of Conferences. ITM Web of Conferences. The 2018 International Conference Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Systems Engineering. Roma, Italy: 2019. s. 1-7. ISSN: 2271-2097.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E. An influence of a Seasonal Adjustment on the time-frequency wavelet modelling of a bank loans activities. In Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2019. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. London, UK: IEEE, 2019. s. 78-83. ISBN: 978-988-14048-6-2. ISSN: 2078-0958.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E.; KUČEROVÁ, Z. Cyclicality in Lending Activity of Euro Area in pre- and post- 2008 Crisis: A Local-Adaptive-Based Testing of Wavelets. BALT J ECON, 2019, roč. 19, č. 1, s. 155-175. ISSN: 1406-099X.Detail | WWW
MALACH, T.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Optimal face templates: the next step in surveillance face recognition (vol 23, pg 1021, 2020). NEW YORK: SPRINGER, 2019. s. 1033-1033. Detail | WWW
KUČEROVÁ, Z.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E. Financial Cycle and Business Cycle Interactions in Countries with Quantitative Easing. In 36th International Conference Mathematical Methods In Economics, Conference Proceedings. Jindřichův Hradec: MatfyzPress, MFF UK, 2018. s. 270-275. ISBN: 978-80-7378-371-6.Detail | WWW
MALACH, T.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Comparing Classifier's Performance Based on Confidence Interval of the ROC. Radioengineering, 2018, roč. 27, č. 3, s. 827-834. ISSN: 1210-2512.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E.; MALACH, T. Wavelet Co-movement Significance Testing with Respect to Gaussian White Noise Background. In ITM Web of Conferences. ITM Web of Conferences. The 2017 International Conference Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Systems Engineering. Athens, Greece: Helenic Military Academy, 2018. s. 1-5. ISSN: 2271-2097.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
KLEJMOVÁ, E.; MALACH, T.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Segmentation Based Testing of Co-movement Significance. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. Maribor: 2018. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-5386-6979-2.Detail | WWW
KUČEROVÁ, Z.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. The Role of Credit Standards as an Indicator of the Supply of Credit. In 35th International Conference Mathematical Methods In Economics, Conference, Proceedings. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, University of Hradec Králové, 2017. s. 378-392. ISBN: 978-80-7435-678- 0.Detail | WWW
KLEJMOVÁ, E.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; BLUMENSTEIN, J. Combination of Time-Frequency representations for Background Noise Suppresion. In Proceedings 31st European Conference on Moelling and Simulation ECMS 2017. Německo: Digitaldruck Pirrot GmbH, 2017. s. 93-99. ISBN: 978-0-9932440-4-9.Detail | WWW
KLEJMOVÁ, E.; MALACH, T.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Wavelet Significance Testing with Respect to GWN Background: Monte Carlo Simulation Usage. In Proceedings of 27th international conference Radioelektronika 2017. Brno: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017. s. 187-190. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4591-4.Detail | WWW
KORÁB, P.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Credit Rationing in Greece During and After the Financial Crisis. FINANCE A UVER- CZECH JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE, 2017, roč. 67, č. 2, s. 119-139. ISSN: 0015-1920.Detail | WWW
KLEJMOVÁ, E.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Identification of a Time-Varying Curve in Spectrogram. Radioengineering, 2017, roč. 26, č. 1, s. 291-298. ISSN: 1210-2512.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E.; MALACH, T. Evaluation of Background Noise for Significance Level Identification. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. Poznaň: IEEE, 2017. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-5090-6344-4.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E. Optimization of time-frequency curve description via kernel smoothing. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. Bratislava: 2016. s. 283-286. ISBN: 978-1-4673-9554-0.Detail | WWW
KUČEROVÁ, Z.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. The Role of Banking and Shadow Banking Sector, in the Euro Area. In 33th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2016 Conference Proceedings. 1. Liberec: Vysokoškolský podnik Liberec, spol. s r.o., 2016. s. 471-476. ISBN: 978-80-7494-296- 9.Detail | WWW
MALACH, T.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Learning of a Robusted Nearest Neighbor Classifier Using Multiple Training Data. In Proceedings The 23rd International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. Bratislava: 2016. s. 47-50. ISBN: 978-1-4673-9554-0.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KLEJMOVÁ, E. Identification of a time-varying model using wavelet approach and AR process. In 33rd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2015 - Conference Proceedings. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, 2015. s. 665-670. ISBN: 978-80-261-0539-8.Detail | WWW
KUČEROVÁ, Z.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. The Activity of the Banking and Shadow Banking Sector vs. Lending Standards in Selected Euro Area Countries: A Wavelet Approach. In 33rd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2015 - Conference Proceedings. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, 2015. s. 425-430. ISBN: 978-80-261-0539- 8.Detail
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; MARŠÁLEK, R. Empirical evidence of ideal filter approximation: pheriperal and selected EU countries application. PRAGUE ECON PAP, 2015, roč. 24, č. 5, s. 485-502. ISSN: 1210-0455.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
KORÁB, P.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Access to credit of SMES in the Czech republic during the financial crisis and in the post-crisis period. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2015, roč. 63, č. 4, s. 1297-1302. ISSN: 1211-8516.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
MALACH, T.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Confidence Assessment of Face Recognition Results. In Proceedings of 25th international conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2015. Pardubice Czech Republic: University of Pardubice, 2015. s. 176-179. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8117-5.Detail | WWW
KUČEROVÁ, Z.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Financial and Trade Integration of Selected EU Regions: Dynamic Correlation and Wavelet Approach. Journal of Economics, 2015, roč. 63, č. 7, s. 686-704. ISSN: 0013- 3035.Detail
MARŠÁLEK, R.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KAPOUNEK, S. A wavelet-based approach to filter out symmetric macroeconomic shocks. Computational Economics, 2014, roč. 2014 (44), č. 4, s. 477-488. ISSN: 0927-7099.Detail
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KUČEROVÁ, Z. The Comovement of Financial and Trade Integration: Wavelet Co-Spectrum Approach. In MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN ECONOMICS (MME 2014). PALACKY UNIV OLOMOUCKRIZKOVSKEHO 8, OLOMOUC, 771 47, CZECH REPUBLIC: 2014. s. 819-824. ISBN: 978-80-244-4209-9.Detail | WWW
KAPOUNEK, S.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Credit and Business Cycle Co-movements in V4 countries: Evidence from Wavelet Analysis. In 32nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics (MME). Olomouc: PALACKY UNIV, OLOMOUC, KRIZKOVSKEHO 8, OLOMOUC, 771 47, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2014. s. 390-395. ISBN: 978-80-244-4209- 9.Detail
FIDRMUC, J.; KORHONEN, I.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Wavelet spectrum analysis of business cycles of China and G7 countries. APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS, 2014, roč. 21, č. 18, s. 1309-1313. ISSN: 1350-4851.Detail
KORÁB, P.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Financial Crisis and Financing Constraints of SMEs in Visegrad Countries. Journal of Economics, 2014, roč. 62, č. 9, s. 887-902. ISSN: 0013- 3035.Detail
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KAPOUNEK, S.; MARŠÁLEK, R. Variability of dynamic correlation - the evidence of sectoral specialization in V4 countries. PRAGUE ECON PAP, 2014, roč. 23, č. 3, s. 371-384. ISSN: 1210-0455.Detail | WWW
MALACH, T.; POMENKOVÁ, J. Face Template Creation: Is Centroid Method a suitable approach?. In Proceedings of 24th International Conference Radioelektronika 2014. New York: IEEE, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4799-3714-1.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KAPOUNEK, S. The Endogeneity of Optimum Currency Area Criteria in the Context of Financial Crisis: Evidence from Time-Frequency Domain Analysis. Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON), 2013, roč. 58, č. 9, s. 389-395. ISSN: 0139-570X.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KUČEROVÁ, Z. The Synchronization of Financial and Trade Integration of the EU10 Countries by Using the Method of Classical and Dynamic Correlation. In MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN ECONOMICS 2013, PTS I AND II. COLL POLYTECHNICS JIHLAVATOLSTEHO 1556-16, JIHLAVA, 586 01, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2013. s. 488-493. ISBN: 978-80-87035-76-4.Detail | WWW
POSPÍŠIL, M.; MARŠÁLEK, R.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Wireless device authentication through transmitter imperfections - measurement and classification. In Proceedings of 2013 IEEE 24th International symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). New York, USA: IEEE, 2013. s. 497-501. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1348-4.Detail | WWW
ŠEBESTA, V.; MARŠÁLEK, R.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. The Modified Empirical Mode Decomposition method for analysing the cyclical behavior of time series. In Proceedings 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS 2013. Alesund, Norway: ECMS, 2013. s. 288-292. ISBN: 978-0-9564944-6-7.Detail | WWW
MARŠÁLEK, R.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; BALADA, R.; POVALAČ, K. On the performance of various spectrum sensing detectors on wireless communication signals. In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference Radioelektronika 2012. 1. Brno, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2012. s. 135-138. ISBN: 978-80-214-4468-3.Detail | WWW
BLUMENSTEIN, J.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; MARŠÁLEK, R. Comparative Study Of Time- Frequency Analysis Approaches With Application To Economic Indicators. In 26th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS 2012. Digitaldruck Pirrot GmbH, Dudweiler, Germany: European council for Modelling and Simulation, 2012. s. 291-297. ISBN: 978-0-9564944-4- 3.Detail
POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Identifikace hospodářského cyklu. Journal of Economics, 2012, roč. 60, č. 9, s. 899-917. ISSN: 0013-3035.Detail | WWW
KAPOUNEK, S.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Liquidity supply and money velocity co-movements in the Eurozone – Time-Frequency Domain Approach. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2012, roč. 60, č. 2, s. 109-116. ISSN: 1211-8516.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; MARŠÁLEK, R. Time and frequency domain in the business cycle structure. Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON), 2012, roč. 2012, č. 7, s. 332-346. ISSN: 0139- 570X.Detail
KAPOUNEK, S.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Spurious synchronization of business cycles: Dynamic correlation analysis of V4 countries. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2012, roč. 60, č. 4, s. 181-188. ISSN: 1211-8516.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Vybrané aspekty modelování hospodářského cyklu. vědecké monografie. vědecké monografie. Brno: Konvoj, 2011. 149 s. ISBN: 978-80-7302-161- 0.Detail
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KAPOUNEK, S.; MARŠÁLEK, R. Comparison of Methodological Approaches to Identify Economic Activity Regularities. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2011, roč. 59, č. 7, s. 283-292. ISSN: 1211-8516.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; MARŠÁLEK, R. Time and Frequency Domain in the Business Cycle Structure. 2011, roč. 2011, č. 7, s. 1-24. Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J. An alternative approach to the dating of business cycle: nonparametric kernel estimation. Prague Economic Papers, 2010, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 251-272. ISSN: 12100455-.Detail | WWW
STEHLÍKOVÁ, B.; TIRPÁKOVÁ, A.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; MARKECHOVÁ, D. Metodologie výzkumu a statistická inference. Folia universit. Folia universit. Brno: Mendelu v Brně, 2009. 270 s. ISBN: 978-80-7375-362- 7.Detail
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KAPOUNEK, S. Interest Rates and Prices Causality in the Czech Republic - Granger Approach. Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON), 2009, roč. 55, č. 7, s. 347-356. ISSN: 0139-570X.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J.; KOLÁČEK, J. A Comparative Study of Boundary Effects for Kernel Smoothing. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 2006, roč. 35, č. 2-3, s. 281-288. ISSN: 1026-597X.Detail | WWW
POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Edge effects of the Gasser- Muller estimator. In Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brunensis, Mathematica 15. Folia Fac.Sci.nat.Univ. masaryk Brunensis. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2004. s. 307-3014. ISBN: 80-210-3564- 1.Detail
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