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BIOLEK, D.; KOLKA, Z.; BRANČÍK, L.; BIOLKOVÁ, V.; BIOLEK, Z. Symbolic Analysis of Networks Containing Fractional-Order Elements. In 2021 Communication and Information Technologies Conference Proceedings. Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia: IEEE, 2021. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-6654-2880-4.Detail | WWW
KARTCI, A.; HERENCSÁR, N.; MACHADO, J. T.; BRANČÍK, L. History and Progress of Fractional-Order Element Passive Emulators: A Review. Radioengineering, 2020, roč. 29, č. 2, s. 296-304. ISSN: 1210-2512.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Multiconductor Transmission Line System with Stochastically Affected Boundary Conditions. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference “Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems” - MIXDES 2019. Rzeszów, Poland: Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science, Lodz University of Technology, Poland, 2019. s. 316-320. ISBN: 978-83-63578-15-2.Detail | WWW
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. Noise influenced transmission line model via partial stochastic differential equations. In Proceedings of the 42th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Budapest, Hungary: Brno University of Technology, 2019. s. 492-496. ISBN: 978-1-7281-1864-2.Detail
KARTCI, A.; AGAMBAYEV, A.; FARHAT, M.; HERENCSÁR, N.; BRANČÍK, L.; BAGCI, H.; SALAMA, K. N. Synthesis and Optimization of Fractional-Order Elements Using a Genetic Algorithm. IEEE Access, 2019, roč. 7, č. 1, s. 80233-80246. ISSN: 2169-3536.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N.; KARTCI, A.; BRANČÍK, L. Application of Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform Methods for Simulation of Distributed Systems with Fractional-Order Elements. JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS, 2018, roč. 27, č. 11, s. 1-25. ISSN: 0218-1266.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N.; KARTCI, A. Numerical Simulation of Nonuniform Multiconductor Transmission Lines with HF Losses in Matlab. In 2018 28th International Conference Radioelektronika. Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2018. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-5386-2485-2.Detail | WWW
KARTCI, A.; HERENCSÁR, N.; BRANČÍK, L.; SALAMA, K. N. CMOS-RC Colpitts Oscillator Design Using Floating Fractional-Order Inductance Simulator. In Proceedings of the 2018 61st IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). Windsor, Canada: IEEE, 2018. s. 905-908. ISBN: 978-1-5386-7392-8.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; SIGMUND, M. Characterization of MTL Hybrid Circuits with Stochastic Parameters through SDAE Approach. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and System" (MIXDES). Lodz University of Technology, Poland: IEEE, 2018. s. 265-268. ISBN: 978-83-63578-13-8.Detail | WWW
AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N.; BRANČÍK, L. Proposed Hyperbolic NILT Method -- Acceleration Techniques and Two-Dimensional Expansion for Electrical Engineering Applications. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 2018, roč. E101-A, č. 5, s. 763-771. ISSN: 1745-1337.Detail | WWW
SIGMUND, M.; BRANČÍK, L. Distortion of Short Square Pulses by Transmission Line on Printed Circuit Board. In Proceedings of European Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Bern: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018. s. 66-69. ISBN: 978-1-5386-2085-4.Detail | WWW
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. Stochastic differential equations describing systems with coloured noise. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, 2018, roč. 1, č. 71, s. 99-107. ISSN: 1210-3195.Detail | WWW
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. The cylindrical Wiener process. In Matematika, informatika a aplikované vědy (MITAV 2018). Brno: Univerzita obrany, 2018. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-7582-040-2.Detail | WWW
SIGMUND, M.; BRANČÍK, L. Optimization of Edges in Short Square Pulses in Order to Reduce Shape Distortion. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL, 2018, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 218-225. ISSN: 1991-8763.Detail | WWW
KARTCI, A.; BRANČÍK, L. CFOA-Based Fractional-Order Oscillator Design and Analysis with NILT Method. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference Radioelektronika 2017. Brno, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2017. s. 219-222. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4591-4.Detail | WWW
AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N. ; KARTCI, A.; BRANČÍK, L. Fractional-Order Lossy Transmission Line with Skin Effect Using NILT Method. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing 2017. Barcelona, Spain: IEEE, 2017. s. 730-734. ISBN: 978-1-5090-3982-1.Detail | WWW
ZÁPLATA, F.; BRANČÍK, L. Analysis of Nonlinear Cell of Transmission Line Model Using Volterra Series Approach. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference Radioelektronika 2017. Brno, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2017. s. 94-97. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4591-4.Detail | WWW
KARTCI, A.; HERENCSÁR, N.; KOTON, J.; BRANČÍK, L.; VRBA, K.; TSIRIMOKOU, G.; PSYCHALINOS, C. Fractional-Order Oscillator Design Using Unity-Gain Voltage Buffers and OTAs. In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). Boston, USA: IEEE, 2017. s. 555-558. ISBN: 978-1-5090-6389-5.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. Confidence intervals for RLCG cell influenced by coloured noise. COMPEL The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, 2017, roč. 36, č. 4, s. 838-849. ISSN: 0332-1649.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; SIGMUND, M. Characteristics of Stochastic Responses in MTL Hybrid Systems by using SDAE Formulation. In European Microwave Week 2017, Conference Proceedings. Nuremburg, Germany: European Microwave Association, 2017. s. 367-370. ISBN: 978-2-87487-046- 0.Detail
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. An application of stochastic partial differential equations to transmission line modelling. In Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2017, post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers. Brno: UNOB Brno, 2017. s. 147-150. ISBN: 978-80-7582-026-6.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KARTCI, A.; AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N. Matlab Simulation of Transmission Lines with Skin Effect via Fractional Telegraph Equations and NILT. In The 27th EAEEIE Annual Conference, Proceedings. Grenoble, France: European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, 2017. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-7281-0907-7.Detail | WWW
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L.; KUBÍČEK, M. Optimized Signaling Method for High- Speed Transmission Channels with Higher Order Transfer Function. Measurement Science Review, 2017, roč. 17, č. 4, s. 178-186. ISSN: 1335-8871.Detail | WWW
AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N.; BRANČÍK, L. Nonuniform Lossy Transmission Lines with Fractional-Order Elements Using NILT Method. In 2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall (PIERS - FALL). Singapore: IEEE, 2017. s. 2540-2547. ISBN: 978-1-5386-1211-8.Detail | WWW
SIGMUND, M.; BRANČÍK, L. Distortion of High-Speed Linear Pulses Caused by Transmission on Printed Circuit Boards. In Proceedings of 36th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC). Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, MIC. Calgary: ACTA Press, 2017. s. 77-80. ISBN: 978-0-88986-988-2. ISSN: 1025-8973.Detail | WWW
SIGMUND, M.; BRANČÍK, L. Limitations of High-Speed Square Pulses on Printed Circuit Boards. In Proceedings of 27th EAEEIE International Conference. Grenoble, France: European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, 2017. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-7281-0907-7.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N.; ZÁPLATA, F. Matlab Simulation of Nonlinear Electrical Networks via Volterra Series Expansion and Multidimensional NILT. In 2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall (PIERS - Fall). Singapore: IEEE, 2017. s. 2822-2829. ISBN: 978-1-5386-1211-8.Detail | WWW
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. The Effect of the Colored Noise to RLC(G) Electrical Circuits. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2016. Košice, Slovakia: Department of Electronics and Multimedia Communications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, TU Košice, 2016. s. 87-90. ISBN: 978-1-5090-1673-0.Detail | WWW
AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N.; BRANČÍK, L. Comparative study on One- Dimensional Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform Methods for Electrical Engineering. Elektrorevue - Internetový časopis (http://www.elektrorevue.cz), 2016, roč. 18, č. 1, s. 1-8. ISSN: 1213-1539.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N. Comparative Simulations of Hybrid Systems with Nonuniform MTLs via Wendroff and NILT Based Techniques. In 2016 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). Shanghai, China: IEEE, 2016. s. 4067-4072. ISBN: 978-1-5090-6093-1.Detail | WWW
AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N.; BRANČÍK, L. On Two-dimensional Numerical Inverse Laplace Transforms with Transmission Line Applications. In 2016 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). Shanghai, China: IEEE, 2016. s. 227-231. ISBN: 978-1-5090-6093-1.Detail | WWW
AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N.; BRANČÍK, L. Convergence Acceleration Techniques for Proposed Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform Method. In Proceeding of the 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016. Belgrade, Serbia: IEEE, 2016. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4086-5.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Simulation of Multiconductor Transmission Lines with Random Parameters via Stochastic Differential Equations Approach. SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL, 2016, roč. 92, č. 6, s. 521-533. ISSN: 0037-5497.Detail | WWW
SIGMUND, M.; BRANČÍK, L. Requirements on Needed Frequency Bandwidth Depending on Pulse Waveforms and their Allowed Distortion. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2016, roč. 67, č. 6, s. 459-462. ISSN: 1335-3632.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Evaluation of Variances in Hybrid MTL Systems with Stochastic Parameters via SDAE Approach. 2016 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). Shanghai, China: IEEE, 2016. s. 3256-3256. ISBN: 978-1-5090-6093-1.Detail | WWW
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. Comparing white noise and colored noise effects on RLCG electrical circuits. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, 2016, roč. 16, č. 2, s. 47-51. ISSN: 1335-8243.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Evaluation of Responses in MTL Model Excited from Multiple Stochastic Sources. International Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics, Signals and Systems, 2016, roč. 5, č. 1, s. 22-28. ISSN: 1805-5443.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
BRANČÍK, L.; KARTCI, A. Analog Electronic Circuits. Computer Exercises. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2016. s. 1-64. Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Multiconductor Transmission Line Models Excited from Multiple Stochastic Sources. In 2014 37th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Berlín, Německo: Vysové učení technické v Brně, 2015. s. 672-676. ISBN: 978-80-214-4983-1.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N. SDE- Based Variance Simulation in Transmission Line Models with Random Excitations. In Proceedings of 25th International Conference Radioelektronika 2015. Pardubice, Czech Republic: University of Pardubice, 2015. s. 85-88. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8117- 5.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N. Two Approaches to Derive Approximate Formulae of NILT Method with Generalization. In Proceedings of MIPRO 2015 - 38th International Convention. Opatija, Croatia: Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO, 2015. s. 155-160. ISBN: 978-953-233-083-0.Detail | WWW
AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N.; BRANČÍK, L. Research of Signal Integrity at High Speed Interconnects, INWITE: Interdisciplinary Research of Wireless Technologies. Proceedings of 38th International Convention MIPRO 2015. Opatija, Croatia: Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO, 2015. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-953-233-083- 0.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLKA, Z.; GÖTTHANS, T. Analogové elektronické obvody. Počítačová cvičení. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2015. s. 1-63. Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Confidence Intervals at Multiconductor Transmission Lines with Stochastic Excitations. In ECCTD2015 PROCEEDINGS: 22ND EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON CIRCUIT THEORY AND DESIGN. Trondheim, Norway: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2015. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-4799-9876-0.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Variance Assesment at Transmission Lines with Randomly Varying Parameters via SDE Theory. In Proceedings EUROCON 2015, 16th International Conference on Computer as a Tool. Salamanca, Spain: University of Salamanca, Spain, 2015. s. 287-291. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8569- 2.Detail | WWW
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L. Signaling Technique Using Inverse Exponential Function for High-Speed On- Chip Interconnects. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS, 2015, roč. 14, č. 54, s. 470-476. ISSN: 1109- 2742.Detail | WWW
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. The Milstein Numerical Scheme in Solving Stochastic Second Order Networks. In Proceedings of the 38.th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Prague: BUT, 2015. s. 276-279. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8497-8.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Time- Domain Simulation of Transmission Line Models with Multiple Stochastic Excitations. In 24th International Conference Radioelektronika 2014. Bratislava, Slovensko: STU v Bratislave, 2014. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-4799-3713- 4.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH, N. Komentář k metodě numerické inverzní Laplaceovy transformace – možná zobecnění a analýza chyb. Slaboproudý obzor, 2014, roč. 70, č. 4, s. 6-10. ISSN: 0037- 668X.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Application of Stochastic Differential- Algebraic Equations in Hybrid MTL Systems Analysis. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 2014, roč. 20, č. 5, s. 41-45. ISSN: 1392- 1215.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. Vector Stochastic Differential Equations Used to Electrical Networks with Random Parameters. International Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics, Signals and Systems, 2013, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 1-8. ISSN: 1805- 5443.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Simulation of Higher- Order Electrical Circuits with Stochastic Parameters via SDEs. ADV ELECTR COMPUT EN, 2013, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 17-22. ISSN: 1582- 7445.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Simulation of Hybrid MTL Systems with Random Parameters based on Stochastic DAEs. In ECCTD 2013 Proceedings (21st European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design). Dresden, Germany: Technische Universität Dresden, 2013. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-3-00-043430- 3.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Modified Nodal Analysis and State Variable Descriptions for MTLs Systems Solution in Matlab. In 2013 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing TSP. Rome, Italy: Brno University of Technology, 2013. s. 354-357. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0403- 7.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Simulation of Stochastic Responses at Multiconductor Transmission Lines with Fluctuating Parameters. In Proceedings of 23th International Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2013. Pardubice, Czech Republic: University of Pardubice, 2013. s. 61-64. ISBN: 978-1-4673-5517- 9.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Analysis of Higher- Order Electrical Circuits with Noisy Sources via Stochastic Differential Equations Approach. In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference Radioelektronika 2012. Brno, Czech Republic: VUT v Brně, 2012. s. 81-84. ISBN: 978-80-214-4468- 3.Detail | WWW
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. Vector Linear Stochastic Differential Equations and Their Applications to Electrical Networks. In Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Telecomunication and Signal Processing 2012. Prague, Czech Republic: VUT v Brně, 2012. s. 311-315. ISBN: 978-1-4673-1116- 8.Detail | WWW
KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; BRANČÍK, L. Application of Stochastic Differential Equations in Second- Order Electrical Circuits Analysis. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2012, roč. 2012, č. 7a, s. 103-107. ISSN: 0033- 2097.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E. Stochastic Differential Equations Approach in the Analysis of MTLs with Randomly Varied Parameters. In Proceedings of 19th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems ICECS2012. Sevilla, Spain: IEEE CAS, 2012. s. 725-728. ISBN: 978-1-4673-1259- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; KOLÁŘOVÁ, E.; PROKEŠ, A. Simulation of Random Effects in Transmission Line Models via Stochastic Differential Equations. In Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications ACTEA2012. 1. Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon: Notre Dame University, 2012. s. 308-312. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2489- 2.Detail
PROKEŠ, A.; BRANČÍK, L. Degradation of Free Space Optical Communication Performance Caused by Atmospheric Turbulence. In Proc. of he 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications. 1. Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon: Notre Dame University, 2012. s. 340-343. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2489- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Time- domain simulation of hybrid systems with nonuniform multiconductor transmission lines in Matlab. In Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory. Kharkiv, Ukraine: IEEE AP/MTT/ED/AES/GRS/NPS/ EMB Societies East Ukraine Joint Chapter, 2012. s. 168-171. ISBN: 978-1-4673-4479- 1.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; ŠEVČÍK, B. Simulation of MTLs via Wendroff Method Combined with Modified Nodal Analysis. In Proceedings of 21st International Conference Radioelektronika 2011. Brno, Czech Republic: Brno University of Technology, 2011. s. 207-210. ISBN: 978-1-61284-322- 3.Detail | WWW
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L.; ŠOTNER, R.; KUBÍČEK, M. Signaling Optimization Techniques to Reduce Jitter and Crosstalk Susceptibility. International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science ( http://www.journal.dmcs.pl/web/guest/home), 2011, roč. 2, č. 3, s. 113-120. ISSN: 2080- 8755.Detail
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L. Comparative Study of Transmitter Pre- Emphasis Methods For More Complex Channel Transfer Function. In Proceedings of IMAPS CS International Conference EDS 2011. Brno, Czech Repubic: 2011. s. 115-121. ISBN: 978-80-214-4303- 7.Detail
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L. Application of Pulse-Width Modulated Pre-Emphasis in Closely- Spaced Transmission Lines with Additional Discontinuities. In EUROCON2011, IEEE R8 International Conference on Computer as a Tool. Portugal, Lisboa: 2011. s. 369-373. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7485- 1.Detail | WWW
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L. Adaptive Time-Domain Pre-Emphasis Techniques for High- Speed VLSI systems. In Proceedings of 21st International Conference Radioelektronika 2011. Brno, Czech Republic: Tribun EU s.r.o., 2011. s. 123-126. ISBN: 978-1-61284-322- 3.Detail | WWW
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L.; KUBÍČEK, M. Analysis of Pre-Emphasis Techniques for Channels with Higher- Order Transfer Function. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES, 2011, roč. 5, č. 3, s. 433-444. ISSN: 1998- 0140.Detail | WWW
ŠOTNER, R.; ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L.; DOSTÁL, T. Multifunctional Adjustable Biquadratic Active RC Filters: Design Approach by Modification of Corresponding Signal Flow Graphs. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2011, roč. 87, č. 2, s. 225-229. ISSN: 0033- 2097.Detail
ŠOTNER, R.; ŠEVČÍK, B.; SLEZÁK, J.; PETRŽELA, J.; BRANČÍK, L. Sinusoidal Oscillator based on Adjustable Current Amplifier and Diamond Transistors with Buffers. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2011, roč. 87, č. 1, s. 266-270. ISSN: 0033- 2097.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; ŠEVČÍK, B. Time- domain simulation of nonuniform multiconductor transmission lines in Matlab. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2011, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 77-84. ISSN: 1998- 0159.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; ŠEVČÍK, B. Computer Simulation of Nonuniform MTLs via Implicit Wendroff and State- Variable Methods. Radioengineering, 2011, roč. 20, č. 1, s. 221-227. ISSN: 1210- 2512.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Error Analysis at Numerical Inversion of Multidimensional Laplace Transforms based on Complex Fourier Series Approximation. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 2011, roč. E94- A, č. 3, s. 999-1001. ISSN: 0916- 8508.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Time and Laplace- domain methods for MTL transient and sensitivity analysis. COMPEL The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, 2011, roč. 30, č. 4, s. 1205-1223. ISSN: 0332- 1649.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L.; ŠEVČÍK, B. Fully Time- Domain Simulation of Multiconductor Transmission Line Systems. In Proceedings of the Joint INDS11 & ISTET11 - Third International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS11) and Sixteenth International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ISTET11). Austria: Alpen- Adria University Klagenfurt, 2011. s. 216-221. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0760- 5.Detail
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L. Time-Domain Pre-Emphasis Technique based on Pulse- Width Modulation Scheme. In 34th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. Budapest, Hungary: 2011. s. 276-279. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1409- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Numerical Inverse Laplace Transforms for Electrical Engineering Simulation. In MATLAB for Engineers - Applications in Control, Electrical Engineering, IT and Robotics. Edited by Karel Perutka. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2011. s. 51-74. ISBN: 978-953-307-914- 1.Detail | WWW
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L. Time-Domain Pre-Distortion Technique Using Raised Cosine Shaping for High- Speed Serial Signaling. ElectroScope - http://www.electroscope.zcu. cz, 2011, roč. 2011, č. 4, s. 1-6. ISSN: 1802- 4564.Detail
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L.; KUBÍČEK, M.; ŠOTNER, R. Adaptive Time-Domain Pre-Emphasis Technique for Multi- Gigabit VLSI Systems. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference MIXDES 2011 MIXED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS. Gliwice, Poland: 2011. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-83-932075-1- 0.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Numerical Inversion of 3D Laplace Transforms for Weakly Nonlinear Systems Solution. In Proceedings of 20th International Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2010. Brno, Czech Republic: Brno University of Technology, 2010. s. 221-224. ISBN: 978-1-4244-6319- 0.Detail | WWW
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L. Analysis and Modeling of Signal Integrity Problems in the Serial Communication Devices. In Mathematical Models for Engineering Science. Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: 2010. s. 172-178. ISBN: 978-960-474-252- 3.Detail
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L. Signal Integrity Problems in the Design of High- Speed Serial Comunication Device. In 33rd International Conference on TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING TSP - 2010. 2010. s. 426-431. ISBN: 978-963-88981-0- 4.Detail
ŠEVČÍK, B.; BRANČÍK, L. Application of Digital Potentiometers in Multifunctional Active Filters at Frequencies above 1 MHz. International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science ( http://www.journal.dmcs.pl/web/guest/home), 2010, roč. 1, č. 2, s. 138-146. ISSN: 2080- 8755.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Technique of 3D NILT based on Complex Fourier Series and Quotient- Difference Algorithm. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. Athens, Greece: IEEE CAS, 2010. s. 207-210. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8156- 9.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Time- Domain Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines per Implicit Wendroff Method. In Electronic Devices and Systems EDS10 IMAPS CS International Conference 2010, Proceedings. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2010. s. 45-50. ISBN: 978-80-214-4138- 5.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Utilization of NILTs in Simulation of Nonlinear Systems Described by Volterra Series. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2010, roč. 86, č. 1, s. 68-70. ISSN: 0033- 2097.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; ŠEVČÍK, B. Modeling of Nonuniform Multiconductor Transmission Lines via Wendroff Method. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Models for Engineering Science (MMES 10). Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: 2010. s. 130-133. ISBN: 978-960-474-252- 3.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Solution of Weakly Nonlinear Systems via Volterra Series Expansion and Numerical ILTs. In Electronic Devices and Systems EDS09 IMAPS CS International Conference 2009. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2009. s. 16-21. ISBN: 978-80-214-3933- 7.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Numerical matrix exponential function derivative via Laplace transform approach. In Proceedings MATHMOD 09 Vienna, Full Papers CD Volume. Vídeň: ARGESIM / ASIM, 2009. s. 2612-2615. ISBN: 978-3-901608-35- 3.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Comparison of some mathematical models for MTL transient and sensitivity analysis. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference Radioelektronika 2009. Bratislava: Brno University of Technology, 2009. s. 27-30. ISBN: 978-80-214-3865- 1.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Transient and sensitivity analysis of uniform multiconductor transmission lines via FDTD methods. In ISTET 2009, XV. International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 22 - 24 June 2009, Lubeck, Germany. Berlín - Offenbach: VDE VERLAG GMBH, 2009. s. 109-113. ISBN: 978-3-8007-3166- 4.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Simulace přechodných jevů na vícevodičových přenosových vedeních metodou stavových proměnných. Slaboproudý obzor, 2009, roč. 2009, č. 1, s. 1-4. ISSN: 0037- 668X.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Numerical ILTs Applied to Weakly Nonlinear Systems Described by Second- Order Volterra Series. ElectroScope - http://www.electroscope.zcu. cz, 2009, roč. 2009, č. Special issue, s. 1-4. ISSN: 1802- 4564.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Sensitivity Analysis at MTL Continuous and Semi-Discrete Models. Digital Technologies 2008. Book of Abstracts. Žilina, Slovensko: EDIS - University of Zilina, 2008. s. 31-32. Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Analýza citlivostí v soustavách s rozprostřenými parametry. Edice Habilitační a inaugurační spisy. Edice Habilitační a inaugurační spisy. Brno, Česká republika: VUTIUM, VUT v Brně, 2008. 35 s. ISBN: 978-80-214-3800- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Solution of Voltage/Current Waves and Their Sensitivities in MTL Structures by using State-Variable Method. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference Radioelektronika 2008. Praha: ČS sekce IEEE, 2008. s. 215-218. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2087- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Transient Phenomena on Multiconductor Transmission Lines Modeled by Lumped- Parameter Networks. In EDS´08 IMAPS CS International Conference. Proceedings. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2008. s. 312-317. ISBN: 978-80-214-3717- 3.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Transient and Sensitivity Analysis at Semi-Discrete Multiconductor Transmission Line Models. ElectroScope - http://www.electroscope.zcu. cz, 2008, roč. 2008, č. Special issue, s. 1-6. ISSN: 1802- 4564.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Matlab Programs for Matrix Exponential Function Derivative Evaluation. In Technical Computing Prague 2008, 16th Annual Conference Proceedings. Praha: Humusoft, s.r.o., 2008. s. 17-24. ISBN: 978-80-7080-692- 0.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; DĚDKOVÁ, J. Continuous and Discrete Models in MTL Simulation: Basic Concepts Description. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Teleinformatics and Electromagnetic Field. Paris: UTEE, FEKT VUT v Brně, 2008. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-214-3718- 0.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Sensitivity Analysis at MTL Continuous and Semi- Discrete Models. In Digital Technologies 2008. 5th International Workshop. [CD]. Žilina, Slovakia: EDIS - University of Zilina, 2008. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-8070-953- 2.Detail
DĚDKOVÁ, J.; BRANČÍK, L. Laplace Transform and FDTD Approach Applied to MTL Simulation. PIERS ONLINE, 2008, roč. 4, č. 1, s. 16-20. ISSN: 1931- 7360.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Sensitivity in Multiconductor Transmission Line Lumped- Parameter Models. In TSP 31st International Conference TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. Budapest, Hungary: Asszisztencia Szervezo Kft., 2008. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-963-06-5487- 6.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; DOSTÁL, T. Analogue electronic circuits. Lectures. Analogue electronic circuits. Lectures. Brno: MJ Servis, s.r.o., 2007. s. 1-103. ISBN: 978-80-214-3514- 8.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; DOSTÁL, T. Analogové elektronické obvody. Přednášky. Brno: MJ Servis, s.r.o., 2007. s. 1-125. ISBN: 978-80-214-3525- 4.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; DOSTÁL, T. Analogové elektronické obvody. REL0715. Brno: FEKT VUT v Brně, 2007. s. 1-193. Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Education of Analogue Electronic Circuits Subject in ECT Bachelor Field of Study. AMTEE'07. Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering. Proceedings (printed). Plzeň: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2007. s. IX- 1 ( s.)ISBN: 978-80-7043-564- 9.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Analogové elektronické obvody. Přednášky (2007/08). PowerPoint prezentace, 341 snímků. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2007. s. 1-341. Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Restrukturalizace a inovace povinného předmětu Analogové elektronické obvody. Závěrečná zpráva č. 418/2007 FRVŠ. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2007. s. 1-9. Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Numerical Inversion of Two- Dimensional Laplace Transforms Based on Partial Inversions. In Proceedings of 17th International Conference Radioelektronika 2007. Brno: FEKT VUT v Brně, 2007. s. 451-454. ISBN: 978-1-4244-0821- 4.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Education of Analogue Electronic Circuits Subject in ECT Bachelor Field of Study. In AMTEE'07. Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering. Proceedings (CD). Plzeň: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2007. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-7043-564- 9.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Modified Technique of FFT-Based Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms with Applications. In Book of abstracts. XIV. International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering ISTET'07 and SEEM'07. Polsko: Szczecin University of Technology, 2007. s. 49 ( s.)ISBN: 978-83-7457-039- 8.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Procedures for Matrix Exponential Function Derivative in Matlab. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny - Konferencje, 2007, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 7-10. ISSN: 1731- 6103.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Modified Technique of FFT- Based Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms with Applications. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2007, roč. 83, č. 11, s. 53-56. ISSN: 0033- 2097.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Analogue electronic circuits. Lectures (2007/08). PowerPoint presentation. 341 slides. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2007. s. 1-341. Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; DOSTÁL, T. Analogue electronic circuits. UREL FEKT VUT v Brně: FEKT VUT v Brně, 2006. s. 1 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Chain Matrix Derivative via Laplace Transform Method with Applications to Distributed Circuits Simulation. In Electronic Devices and Systems IMAPS CS International Conference 2006. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2006. s. 58 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Accelerated sensitivity calculation by efficient matrix exponential function derivative. In Radioelektronika 2006 - Conference proceedings. Bratislava: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky STU v Bratislavě, 2006. s. 34 ( s.)ISBN: 80-227-2388- 6.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Techniques of matrix exponential function derivative for electrical engineering simulations. In IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. Bombay, India: IEEE IES, 2006. s. 2608 ( s.)ISBN: 978-1-4244-0725- 5.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Improved MTL voltage/ current wave sensitivity computation in Matlab language. In SIMULATION- 2006. Kyjev: Pukhov Institute of Modelling Problems in Energetics NASc of Ukraine, 2006. s. 131 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Multiconductor transmission lines sensitivity via two- dimensional Laplace transform. In 13th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. Nice: IEEE CAS, 2006. s. 17 ( s.)ISBN: 978-1-4244-0394- 3.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Voltage/ current waves sensitivity in hybrid circuits with nonuniform MTLs. In 10th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects. Berlín, Germany: IEEE Computer Society, 2006. s. 177 ( s.)ISBN: 978-1-4244-0454- 4.Detail
Karel Bartušek, Lubomír Brančík, Eva Gescheidtová, Jiří Rez, Miloslav Steinbauer. Měření v elektrotechnice - návody k laboratorním cvičením. Brno: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný, CSc., Ondráčkova 105, 628 00 Brno, 2005. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2985- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Sensitivity Analysis in Multiconductor Transmission Line Networks. In Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference Applications of Electrical Engineering AEE 05. Praha: WSEAS, 2005. s. 170 ( s.)ISBN: 960-8457-13- 0.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Evaluation of Sensitivities with Respect to Physical Parameters of MTL Structures. In 15th International Czech- Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika 2005. Brno: 2005. s. 41 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2904- 6.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Innovative Approach for Sensitivities Computation in Hybrid Circuits. In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Scientific Computing. USA: CSREA Press, 2005. s. 82 ( s.)ISBN: 1-932415-62- 9.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Novel Techniques for Sensitivity Evaluation in Multiconductor Transmission Line Systems. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS, 2005, roč. 4, č. 5, s. 216 ( s.)ISSN: 1109- 2742.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Novel Method of Sensitivity Evaluation in Hybrid Circuits with Nonuniform Distributed Parts. In The 2005 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design. Cork: Department of Microelectronic Engineering, University College Cork, 2005. s. 293 ( s.)ISBN: 0-7803-9066- 0.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Comparative Study of Methods for Sensitivity Determination in MTL Systems. In Seventh International Conference on Advanced Methods in The Theory of Electrical Engineering Applied to power systems. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Katedra teoretické elektrotechniky, 2005. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-7043-392- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Determination of Voltage/ Current Wave Sensitivities on Multiconductor Transmission Lines. In Proceedings EDS' 05 IMAPS CS International Conference. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2005. s. 117 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2990- 9.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Elaboration of FFT-based 2D- NILT Methods in Terms of Accuracy and Numerical Stability. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2005, roč. LXXXI, č. 2, s. 84 ( s.)ISSN: 0033- 2097.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Time- Domain Sensitivity Calculation in Multiconductor Transmission Line Circuits. In Proceedings of the XIII. International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2005. s. 127 ( s.)ISBN: 966-553-470- X.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Elektrotechnika 1. Elektrotechnika 1. Brno: FEKT VUT v Brně, 2004. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2607- 1.Detail
BARTUŠEK, K., BRANČÍK, L., GESCHEIDTOVÁ, E., REZ, J., STEINBAUER, M. Měření v elektrotechnice - návody k laboratorním cvičením. Brno: CERM akademické nakladatelství s.r.o., 2004. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2745- 0.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Elektrotechnika 1. VUT v Brně: VUT v Brně, 2004. s. 1 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Error Analysis and Optimal Parameter Evaluation in FFT-based 2D- NILT Method. In Proceedings of 2004 IEEE Asia- Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems. Tainan: 2004. s. 809 ( s.)ISBN: 0-7803-8660- 4.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Convergence Acceleration and Optimal Parameter Estimation at FFT-based 2D- NILT Method. In Proceedings of VI. International Workshop "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering". Zakopane: 2004. s. 173 ( s.)ISBN: 83-916444-4- 8.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Comparative Study of Jacobian Calculation Techniques in Electrical Impedance Tomography. In Proceedings of VI. International Workshop "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering". Zakopane: 2004. s. 101 ( s.)ISBN: 83-916444-4- 8.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Efficient Techniques of Sensitivity Calculation for Electrical Impedance Tomography. In Proceedings of ICSES'04. International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems. Poznaň: 2004. s. 167 ( s.)ISBN: 83-906074-7- 6.Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Convergence Problems and Optimal Parameter Estimation in FFT-based Method of Numerical Inversion of Two- Dimensional Laplace Transforms. In The 47th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Hiroshima: 2004. s. 113 ( s.)ISBN: 0-7803-8346- X.Detail
GESCHEIDTOVÁ, E., REZ, J., STEINBAUER, M., BRANČÍK, L. Měření v elektrotechnice Návody k laboratorním cvičením 1. Neuveden. Brno: 2003. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2432- X.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Elektrotechnika 1. Přednášky. Elektrotechnika 1. Přednášky. Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií: 2003. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2501- 6.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Elektrotechnika 1. Brno: FEKT VUT v Brně, 2003. s. 1 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Simulation of Transient Phenomena in Lumped- Distributed Networks Using Matlab Language. In Proceedings of SSD´03, 2nd International Conference on Signals, Systems, Decision & Information Technology. Sfax: 2003. s. 1 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Matlab Oriented Simulation of Linear Lumped- Distributed Circuits. In Proceedings of IC-SPETO 2003, 26th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory. Vol. 2. Gliwice: 2003. s. 343 ( s.)ISBN: 83-85940-25- 1.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Utilization of MATLAB in Simulation of Linear Hybrid Circuits. Radioengineering, 2003, roč. 12, č. 4, s. 6 ( s.)ISSN: 1210- 2512.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Matlab Based Time Domain Simulation of Multiconductor Transmission Line Systems. In Proceedings of EUROCON 2003, Computer as a Tool. Vol. 1. Ljubljana: 2003. s. 464 ( s.)ISBN: 0-7803-7763- X.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Sensitivities Assesment in Electrical Impedance Tomography Based on Reciprocity Theorem. In Proceedings of EDS 2003, Electronic Devices and Systems Conference. Brno: 2003. s. 146 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2452- 4.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Numerical Inversion of Z Transforms and its Application in Linear System Analysis. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering applied to power systems AMTEE' 03. Plzeň: 2003. s. 7 ( s.)ISBN: 80-7082-960- 5.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Simulation of Multiconductor Transmission Line Circuits Combining 1D and 2D Laplace Transformations. In Proceedings of ICECS 2003 10th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. Sharjah: 2003. s. 774 ( s.)ISBN: 0-7803-8163- 7.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Two- Dimensional Laplace Transformation in Linear Circuit Simulation. In Proceedings of ISTET´03, XII. International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering. Vol. 1. Warsaw: 2003. s. 101 ( s.)ISBN: 83-916444-1- 3.Detail
MURINA, M., SEDLÁČEK, J., BRANČÍK, L., STEINBAUER, M., VESELÝ, M. Elektrotechnika II cvičení. Elektrotechnika II - cvičení. BRNO: 2002.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Numerical Inversion of Two-Dimensional Laplace Transforms Based on FFT and Quotient-Difference Algorithm. In Proceedings of The International Conference on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences ICFS 2002. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan: The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Tokyo, Japan, 2002. s. 15 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Matlab Oriented Matrix Laplace Transforms Inversion for Distributed Systems Simulation. In Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference Radioelektronika2002. Department of Radio and Electronics, FEI STU Bratislava, Slovak Republic: Department of Radio and Electronics, FEI STU Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2002. s. 114 ( s.)ISBN: 80-227-1700- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Novel FFT-Based Method for Numerical Inversion of Two-Dimensional Laplace Transforms. In Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory IC- SPETO 2002. Gliwice-Ustroň, Poland: Institute of Theoretical and Industrial Electrical Engineering of Silesian University of Technology, 2002. s. 199 ( s.)ISBN: 83-85940-24- 3.Detail
BRANČÍK, L., SEDLÁČEK, J., VALSA, J. Elektrotechnika I. Elektrotechnika I. Elektronický text TEE001. Brno: FEKT VUT v Brně, 2002. s. 1 ( s.)Detail | WWW
BRANČÍK, L. Improved Method of Numerical Inversion of Two-Dimensional Laplace Transforms for Dynamical Systems Simulation. In Proceedings of The 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. Dubrovnik, Croatia: Zagreb University of Technology, 2002. s. 385-388. ISBN: 0-7803-7596- 3.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Comment to One Method for Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms. In Sborník Seminář Teorie obvodů "Moderní směry výuky elektrotechniky a elektroniky". Brno: Katedra elektrotechniky a elektroniky FL a PVO VA Brno, 2002. s. 38 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2190- 8.Detail
BRANČÍK, L., VESELÝ, M., ZAPLETAL, Z. Teoretická elektrotechnika I. Sbírka příkladů. Teoretická elektrotechnika I. Sbírka příkladů. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2002. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2077- 4.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Transient Analysis of Linear Mixed Lumped-Distributed Circuits in Matlab Environment. In Proceedings of 9th Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 2002. Vysoké učení technické v Brně: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2002. s. 263 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-2180- 0.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; VESELÝ, M.; ZAPLETAL, Z. Teoretická elektrotechnika I. Sbírka příkladů. Teoretická elektrotechnika I. Sbírka příkladů. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2001. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-1822- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; VESELÝ, M. Teoretická elektrotechnika II. Sbírka příkladů. Teoretická elektrotechnika II. Sbírka příkladů. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2001. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-1961- X.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Time- Domain Simulation of Multiconductor Transmission Line Systems under Nonzero Initial Conditions. In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD’ 01. Espoo, Finland: Helsinky University of Technology, 2001. s. I- 73 ( s.)ISBN: 951-22-5572- 3.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Simulation of Multiconductor Transmission Lines Using Two- Dimensional Laplace Transformation. In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD’ 01. Espoo, Finland: Helsinky University of Technology, 2001. s. II- 133 ( s.)ISBN: 951-22-5573- 1.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Improved Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms Applied to Simulation of Distributed Circuits. In Proceedings of the XI. International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering ISTET’ 01. Linz: Johannes Kepler University Linz, 2001. s. 51 ( s.)ISBN: 3-9501491-0- 4.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Utilization of Quotient-Difference Algorithm in FFT-based Numerical ILT Method. In Proceedings of the 11th International Czech- Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika 2001. Brno: The Institute of Radio Electronics, Brno University of Technology, 2001. s. 352 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-1861- 3.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Numerical Inversion of Two- Dimensional Laplace Transforms with Improved Numerical Stability. In Proceedings of the 8th Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 2001 and Noise and Non- Linearity Testing of Modern Electronics Components. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2001. s. 153 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-1960- 1.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Comparison of Epsilon and Quotient- Difference Algorithms in Numerical Inverse Laplace Transformation. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering Applied to Power Systems AMTEE’ 01. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia, 2001. s. F01 ( s.)ISBN: 80-7082-756- 4.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Numerical Inversion of Vector Laplace Transforms in Matlab Language with Applications. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems SCS‘ 2001. Iasi, Rumunsko: "Gh. Asachi" Technical University Iasi, 2001. s. 281 ( s.)ISBN: 973-8050-99- 5.Detail
GESCHEIDTOVÁ, E., HRADIL, F., REZ, J., STEINBAUER, M., BRANČÍK, L. Základní metody měření v elektrotechnice. Základní metody měření v elektrotechnice - návody k laboratorním cvičením. Brno: CERM s.r.o. Brno, 2001. ISBN: 80-214-1805- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. An Improvement of FFT-based Numerical Inversion of Two-Dimensional Laplace Transforms by Means of epsilon-algorithm. In IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS' 2000. Geneva, Switzerland: ISCAS' 2000, 2000. s. 581 ( s.)ISBN: 0-7803-5482- 6.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Matlab Oriented Numerical Inversion of Matrix Laplace Transforms Applied to Simulation of Multiconductor Transmission Lines. In 5th Scientific-Technical Conference Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering ZkwE´ 2000. Poznaň/Kiekrz, Poland: Poznaň/Kiekrz, Poland, 2000. s. 33 ( s.)ISBN: 83-912306-0- 0.Detail
GESCHEIDTOVÁ, E., HRADIL, F., BRANČÍK, L., STEINBAUER, M., REZ, J. Základní metody měření v elektrotechnice. Základní metody meření v elelektrotechnice. Brno: CERM, s.r.o. Brno, 2000. ISBN: 80-214-1553- 3.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Time-Domain Simulation of Networks Containing Sections with Distributed Parameters Using Matlab Language. In 10th International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika´ 2000. Bratislava, Slovak Republic: Radioelektronika´2000, Bratislava, 2000. s. III. 108 ( s.)ISBN: 80-227-1389- 9.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Simulation of Transient Phenomena in Networks Containing Initially Excited Multiconductor Transmission Lines. In 23rd International Conference Telecommunications and Signal Processing TSP´ 2000. Brno, Czech Republic: TSP´2000, Brno, 2000. s. 93 ( s.)ISBN: 80-7204-161- 4.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Programs for Fast Numerical Inversion of Two- Dimensional Laplace Transforms in Matlab Language Environment with some Applications. In 23rd International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory SPETO´ 2000. Gliwice-Ustroň, Poland: SPETO´2000, Gliwice-Ustroň, Poland, 2000. s. 197 ( s.)ISBN: 83-85940-22- 7.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Time-Domain Simulation of Transmission Lines under Nonzero Initial Conditions Using Convolution Integral and Numerical ILT. In 9th International Scientific Conference Radioelektronika ' 99. VUT FEI Brno: VUT FEI Brno, 1999. s. 344 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214- 132.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Simulation of Transient Phenomena in Distributed Linear Networks by the Two-Dimensional Laplace Transformation. In 22. International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechn. Gliwice-Ustron, Polsko: Gliwice-Ustron, Polsko, 1999. s. 275 ( s.)ISBN: 83-85940- 2.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Techniques of Time-Domain Simulation of Transmission Lines Based on Laplace Transformation Methods. Habilitation Thesis. sv. 38. sv. 38. VUT Brno: VUT Brno, 1999. 35 s. ISBN: 80-214-1708- 0.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Time- Domain Simulation of Nonuniform Multiconductor Transmission Lines under Nonzero Initial Conditions Using Matlab Language. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD' 99. Vol. 2. Torino: 1999. s. 1135 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; STEINBAUER, M. Two Approaches How to Simulate Wave Propagation on Transmission Lines Under Nonzero Initial Conditions. In Proceedings of 8th Scientific Conference Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electrical Measurement. Košice: 1999. s. 22 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Programs for Fast Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms in Matlab Language Environment. In Sborník příspěvků 7. ročníku konference MATLAB 99. Praha: Humusoft, 1999. s. 27-39. ISBN: 80-7080-354- 1.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. An Improvement of FFT-based Numerical ILT Procedure by Application of epsilon-algorithm. In STO - 7 Moderní směry výuky elektrotechniky a elektroniky, B. VUT FEI Brno: VUT FEI Brno, 1999. s. 196 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214- 139.Detail
VALSA, J.; BRANČÍK, L.; STEINBAUER, M. Simulation of Lumped-Distributed Linear Networks with Nonzero Initial Conditions. In Zborník prednášok - Seminár katedier z oblasti teoretickej elektrotechniky Českej a Slovenskej republiky. Vrátna, Slovensko: 1998. s. 10 ( s.)Detail
GESCHEIDTOVÁ, E., REZ, J., STEINBAUER, M., BRANČÍK, L., HRADIL, F. Elektrická a elektronická měření - Návody k laboratorním cvičením pro bakalářské studium. Elektrická a elektronická měření - Návody k laboratorním cvičením pro bakalářské studium. Brno: PC DIR Brno, 1998. ISBN: 80-214-1185- 6.Detail
VALSA, J.; BRANČÍK, L. Time-Domain Simulation of Lossy Transmission Lines with Arbitrary Initial Conditions. In Proceedings of Advances in Systems, Signals, Control and Computers SSCC´ 98. vol. 3. Durban, South Africa: 1998. s. 305 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; VALSA, J. A Fast Computing Method of Numerical Inversion of Two-Dimensional Laplace Transforms Using FFT Algorithms. In Proceedings of Advances in Systems, Signals, Control and Computers SSCC 98. vol. 2. Durban, South Africa: 1998. s. 102 ( s.)Detail
VALSA, J.; BRANČÍK, L. A Comparative Study of Several Algorithms for the Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms. In Proceedings of 21th Seminar on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory SPETO´ 98. Gliwice-Ustron, Polsko: 1998. s. 307 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. The Fast Computing Method of Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms Using FFT Algorithm. In Proceedings of 5th Electronic Devices and Systems International Conference EDS98. Brno, Česká republika: VUT v Brně, 1998. s. 97-100. Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Transient Analysis in Multiconductor Transmission Line Systems Using Numerical ILT. In Radioelektronika´ 98. Brno, Česká republika: 1998. s. 344 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. One possibility how to compute voltage and current distributions along the multiconductor transmission line. In Proceedings of Workshop CAD&CAE´ 98. Praha: 1998. s. 6 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Aplikace numerické inverzní Laplaceovy transformace při časové analýze a modelování přenosového vedení. In Sborník přednášek Moderní směry výuky elektrotechniky a elektroniky STO- 6. Brno: 1997. s. 48 ( s.)Detail
SCHIEBLOVÁ, J.; VESELÝ, M.; BRANČÍK, L. Teoretická elektrotechnika I. Sbírka příkladů. Brno, Česká republika: VUT v Brně, 1997. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-0869- 3.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Application of numerical inversion of Laplace transforms in transmission line time-domain analysis. In 3. International conference AMTEE ' 97. Plzeň, CZ: ZČU Plzeň, 1997. s. 213 ( s.)ISBN: 80-7082- 36.Detail
VALSA, J.; BRANČÍK, L. Approximate Formulae for Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms. In Proceedings of 20th Seminar on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory SPETO´ 97. Gliwice-Ustron, Polsko: 1997. s. 249 ( s.)Detail
GESCHEIDTOVÁ, E., REZ, J., STEINBAUER, M., BRANČÍK, L., HRADIL, F. Měření v elektrotechnice - Návody k laboratorním cvičením. Měření v elektrotechnice. Brno: PC DIR Brno, 1997. ISBN: 80-214-0898- 7.Detail
SCHIEBLOVÁ, J.; BRANČÍK, L. Teoretická elektrotechnika II. Sbírka příkladů. Brno, Česká republika: VUT v Brně, 1996. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-0813- 8.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Sonda stykowa typu transformatorowego nad poruszajacym sie obiektem w badaniu pradami wirowymi. 1996, roč. 1996, č. 5, s. 13 ( s.)Detail
SCHIEBLOVÁ, J.; VESELÝ, M.; BRANČÍK, L. Teoretická elektrotechnika I. Sbírka příkladů. Brno, Česká republika: VUT v Brně, 1996. s. 1 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-0828- 6.Detail
BRANČÍK, L., VALSA, J. A Critical Comparison of Computer Simulation Methods for Systems Containing Sections of Transmission Lines. In A Critical Comparison of Copmuter Simulation Methods for Sys. Brno, Česká republika: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, FEI, ÚREL, 1996. s. 58 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214- 061.Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Stykowa sonda typu transformatorowego nad poruszajacym sie obiektem w badaniu pradami wirowymi. In XXIV. Krajova Konferencja Badaň Nieniszczacych. Poznaň: 1995. s. 29 ( s.)Detail
VALSA, J.; BRANČÍK, L. Time Domain Analysis of Lossy Transmission Lines. In Sborník přednášek mezinárodní vědecké konference VŠB- TU Ostrava. Ostrava: 1995. s. 48 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Příložný snímač transformátorového typu nad pohybujícím se objektem při kontrole vířivými proudy. In Příložný snímač transformátorového typu nad pohybujícím se o. Tábor: ČNDT, 1994. s. 15 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Application of magnetic Barkhausen noise to non- destruktive material testing. In Application of magnetic Barkhausen noise to non- destruktive. Košice: FEI TU Košice, 1994. s. 106 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Wykorzystanie pomiaru magnetycznego szumu Barkhausena do badaň nieniszczacych. In Wykorzystanie pomiaru magnetycznego szumu Barkhausena do bad. Szczyrk, Poland: TBN SIMP, 1994. s. 221 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Využití měření magnetického Barkhausenova šumu pro nedestruktivní zkoušení materiálů. In Využití měření magnetického Barkhausenova šumu pro nedestruktivní zkoušení materiálů. Tábor: ČNDT, 1993. s. 1 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Method of data processing in multiparametric non-destructive material testing. In Materialy 22 Krajowej konferencji Badaň nieniszczacych. Towarzystwo Badaň Nieniszcacych SIMP - Opole, 1993. s. 256 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Aplikace víceparametrových metod pro rozlišování strukturně mechanického stavu ocelí. In Aplikace víceparametrových metod pro rozlišování strukturně. Tábor: ČSS NDT, 1992. s. 98 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Aplikace víceparametrových metod nedestruktivního zkoušení pro rozlišování strukturního stavu feromagnetických materiálů. Brno: VUT FEI Brno, 1992. s. 1 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Diagnostická metoda pro stanovení velikosti vybraného strukturálně mechanického parametru feromagnetických materiálů. Knižnice vědeckých prací VUT Brno, 1990, s. 119 ( s.)ISSN: 0368- 6582.Detail
HRUŠKA, K.; ZAPLETAL, J.; BRANČÍK, L.; KREJČÍ, B.; MÍČ, B. Nové metody mnohaparametrového vyhodnocování vlastností feromagnetických materiálů. Díl II. Brno, Česká republika: VUT v Brně, 1990. s. 1 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L.; TOUL, J. Aplikace výpočetní techniky při diagnostice feromagnetických materiálů. In Knižnice odborných a vědeckých spisů VUT v Brně, sv. B- 122. Brno, Česká republika: 1989. s. 219 ( s.)Detail
Hruška, K., Brančík, L., Krejčí,B., Míč,B., Toul,J., Kocman, K., Zapletal,J. Nové metody mnohaparametrového vyhodnocování vlastností feromagnetických materiálů. Díl I. Brno, Česká republika: VUT v Brně, 1989. s. 1 ( s.)Detail
Toul, J., Brančík, L. Užití výpočetní techniky ke kontrole ocelí. In Brno, Česká republika: 1988. s. 22 ( s.)Detail
Hruška, K., Brzobohatý, J., Kaláb, P., Bogr,J., Brančík,L., Legát, P., Míč, B., Murina, M., Pernicová, L., Zapletal, J. Sozdanije vichretokogovo pereprogrammirujemogo strukturoskopa s ispolzovanijem mikro EVM dlja kontrolja fiziko-mechaničeskich charakteristik izdelij širokoj nomenklatury ferromagnitnych marok stali i razmerov. Brno, Česká republika: 1987. s. 1 ( s.)Detail
HRUŠKA, K.; BRANČÍK, L. Hlediska pro sestavování algoritmů diagnózy feromagnetických materiálů. In Knižnice odborných a vědeckých spisů VUT v Brně, sv. B-118, roč. 1987. Brno, Česká republika: 1987. s. 263 ( s.)Detail
HRUŠKA, K.; BRANČÍK, L. Způsob výběru magnetokorelačních koeficientů při nedestruktivním zkoušení materiálu. In Knižnice odborných a vědeckých spisů VUT v Brně, sv. B-118, roč. 1987. Brno, Česká republika: 1987. s. 255 ( s.)Detail
BRANČÍK, L. Diagnostika feromagnetických materiálů. In Knižnice odborných a vědeckých spisů VUT v Brně, sv. B-118, roč. 1987. Brno, Česká republika: 1987. s. 243 ( s.)Detail
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