
Lubomír Drápal


FSI, ÚADI OPJ – odborný asistent

+420 54114 2264

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Ing. Lubomír Drápal, Ph.D.


  • 2024

    FRIDRICHOVÁ, K.; DRÁPAL, L.; UŠIAK, M. Dynamic simulations of electric motor for mild-hybrid powertrain. KOKA 2024 55. mezinárodní vědecká konference zaměřená na výzkumné a výukové metody v oblasti vozidel a jejich pohonů. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2024. s. 59-65. ISBN: 978-80-7494-711-7.
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    FRIDRICHOVÁ, K.; DRÁPAL, L.; RAFFAI, P.; BÖHM, M. Comparative study of engine dynamics for rolling and selective cylinder deactivation. Energy (online), 2024, roč. 303, č. 15.9., s. 1-12. ISSN: 1873-6785.
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    DRÁPAL, L.; FRIDRICHOVÁ, K.; DLUGOŠ, J. On the running smoothness of the in-line spark-ignition engine for non-european markets. KOKA 2024 55. Mezinárodní vědecká konference zaměřená na výzkumné a výukové metody v oblasti vozidel a pohonů. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberce, Fakulta strojní, Katedra vozidel a motorů, 2024. s. 42-48. ISBN: 978-80-7494-711-7.
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  • 2023

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    DRÁPAL, L.; FRIDRICHOVÁ, K.; DLUGOŠ, J. Development of the crank train of an in-line three-cylinder spark-ignition engine for a passenger car. Scientific Proceeding KOKA 2023. 70. Brno: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2023. s. 29-29. ISBN: 978-80-214-6164-2.

  • 2022

    DRÁPAL, L.; FRIDRICHOVÁ, K.; VOPAŘIL, J.; DLUGOŠ, J. Computational modelling of the torsional damper of an unconventional crank train for a four-cylinder engine. Scientific Proceeding KOKA 2022. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2022. s. 179-186. ISBN: 978-80-227-5215-2.

    FRIDRICHOVÁ, K.; DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J.; DLUGOŠ, J. Comparison of the dynamics of selective and rolling cylinder deactivation on spark-ignition four-cylinder engine. Scientific Proceedings KOKA 2022. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2022. s. 57-64. ISBN: 978-80-227-5215-2.

  • 2021

    FRIDRICHOVÁ, K.; DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J.; DLUGOŠ, J. Overview of the potential and limitations of cylinder deactivation. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, 2021, roč. 146, č. 8, s. 1-15. ISSN: 1364-0321.
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    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J.; FRIDRICHOVÁ, K.; DLUGOŠ, J. Redesign and dynamics of the valve train of an aircraft engine. Sborník přednášek KOKA 2021. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Technická fakulta, 2021. s. 65-70. ISBN: 978-80-213-3132-7.
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    FRIDRICHOVÁ, K.; DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J.; DLUGOŠ, J. Cylinder deactivation of internal-combustion engines: historical development, state-of-the-art and outlook. Sborník přednášek KOKA 2021. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Technická fakulta, 2021. s. 71-82. ISBN: 978-80-213-3132-7.
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  • 2020

    DRÁPAL, L.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; DLUGOŠ, J.; VOPAŘIL, J. Connection of a Two-cylinder Concept Engine for the Range Extender to the Dynamometer. In KOKA 2020 Proceedings: 51st International Scientific Conference of Czech and Slovak Universities and Institutions Dealing with Motor Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engines Research. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2020. s. 130-136. ISBN: 978-80-01-06744-4.

    DRÁPAL, L.; DLUGOŠ, J.; VOPAŘIL, J. Simulation of torsional dynamics of a two-cylinder internal-combustion engine connected to a dynamometer. In Proceedings of the 2020 19th International Conference on Mechatronics – Mechatronika (ME). Prague: Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2020. s. 318-321. ISBN: 978-1-7281-5601-9.

  • 2019

    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J. Modification of Valve Train with Overhead Valves of Inverted Aircraft Reciprocating Engine. In Transport Means 2019, Sustainability: Research and Solutions – Proceedings of the 23rd International Scientific Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2019. s. 734-737. ISSN: 1822-296X.

    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J. Introduction to Crank Train Concept Design of an Internal-combustion Engine for the Range Extender of an Electric Vehicle. In Proceedings of the L. International Conference of Czech and Slovak Universities and Institutions Dealing with the Motor Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engines Research. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2019. s. 71-77. ISBN: 978-80-7509-668-5.

  • 2018

    VOPAŘIL, J.; DRÁPAL, L. Computational Modelling and Measurement of Vibration of Power Train Mountings of a Passenger Car. In Vibroengineering PROCEDIA. Vibroengineering Procedia. Kaunas, Lithuania: JVE International, 2018. s. 144-149. ISSN: 2345-0533.
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    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J.; PÍŠTĚK, V. Crank Train Concept Design and Balancing of an Internal-Combustion Engine for Range Extending of an Electric Vehicle. In Vibroengineering PROCEDIA. Vibroengineering Procedia. Kaunas, Lithuania: JVE International, 2018. s. 279-283. ISSN: 2345-0533.
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    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J. Investigation of torsional vibration of an innovative crank train concept for a four-cylinder engine. In KOKA 2018 Scientific Proceedings. Nitra: Publishing Centre of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 2018. s. 73-78. ISBN: 978-80-552-1880-9.

    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J. Design Concept of a Crankshaft for Reduction of Main Bearings Power Losses and a Deep Skirt Engine Block Load. In Proceedings of the 2018 18th International Conference on Mechatronics – Mechatronika (ME) 2018. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2018. s. 533-536. ISBN: 978-80-214-5543-6.

    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J. Investigation of an Engine Block Load by means of Crank Train Rotating Parts. In Vibroengineering PROCEDIA. Vibroengineering Procedia. Kaunas, Lithuania: JVE International, 2018. s. 117-122. ISSN: 2345-0533.
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    RAFFAI, P.; DRÁPAL, L. Computer Simulation of the Piston Ring Pack with Reflect to Lubricant Oil Consumption. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 2018, roč. 24, č. 2, s. 263-277. ISSN: 1310-4772.
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    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J. Crank Train Concept Design of an In-Line Two-Cylinder Range Extender Engine. In Transport Means 2018 – Proceedings of the 22nd International Scientific Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2018. s. 978-982. ISSN: 1822-296X.

  • 2017

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P. Torsional vibration analysis of crank train with low friction losses. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, roč. 19, č. 8, s. 5691-5701. ISSN: 1392-8716.

    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J. Torsional Vibration of Unconventional Crankshaft in Four-cylinder Passenger Car Engine. In Transport Means 2017 – Proceedings of the 21st International Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2017. s. 699-703. ISSN: 1822-296X.

    DRÁPAL, L. Inflencing of Engine Block Load by Means of Crankshaft Design. In Sborník přednášek XLVIII. mezinárodní konference kateder a pracovišť spalovacích motorů českých a slovenských vysokých škol. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2017. s. 161-169. ISBN: 978-80-7494-354- 6.

    VOPAŘIL, J.; DRÁPAL, L.; PROKOP, A. Verification of FEM Design Process of Vehicle Powertrain Mounts. In Transport Means 2017 – Proceedings of the 21st International Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2017. s. 741-746. ISSN: 1822-296X.

    VOPAŘIL, J.; DRÁPAL, L. Simulation of Mounting System of Vehicle Powertrain. In Transport Means 2017 – Proceedings of the 21st International Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2017. s. 782-787. ISSN: 1822-296X.

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; DRÁPAL, L.; PROKOP, A.; ŘEHÁK, K. Modelling the powertrain rubber coupling under dynamic conditions. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, roč. 19, č. 5, s. 3710-3719. ISSN: 1392-8716.

  • 2016

    KOTEK, L.; JONÁK, M.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; DRÁPAL, L.; TRÁVNÍČEK, P. Design and verification of a large combustion chamber for testing of fuel injection nozzles. In Transport Means 2016: Proceeding of the 20th International Scientific Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Litevská republika: Technologija, 2016. s. 741-744. ISSN: 1822-296X.

    DRÁPAL, L.; ŠOPÍK, L.; VOPAŘIL, J. Investigation of Torsional Vibration of Unconventional Crank Train. In Vibroengineering PROCEDIA. Vibroengineering Procedia. Kaunas, Lithuania: JVE International, 2016. s. 31-36. ISSN: 2345-0533.

    DRÁPAL, L.; ŠOPÍK, L. Influence of Crankshaft Counterweights upon Engine Block Load. In Transport Means 2016: Proceeding of the 20th International Scientific Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2016. s. 809-814. ISSN: 1822-296X.

    DRÁPAL, L.; VOPAŘIL, J. Shape Design of a Piston Ring. In Transport Means 2016: Proceeding of the 20th International Scientific Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2016. s. 767-771. ISSN: 1822-296X.

  • 2015

    VOPAŘIL, J.; DRÁPAL, L. Optimisation of Crankshaft Webs. In Transport Means 2015: Proceeding of the 19th International Scientific Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2015. s. 448-452. ISBN: 9955-09-935- 6. ISSN: 1822-296X.

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P. Design and Simulation of Progressive Crank Train. In Transport Means 2014: Proceeding of the 19th International Scientific Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2015. s. 240-243. ISBN: 9955-09-935- 6. ISSN: 1822-296X.

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P. Shape Design of a Fire- ring. In Scientific Proceedings KOKA 2015. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2015. s. 175-184. ISBN: 978-80-227-4424- 9.

    KOTEK, L.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; DRÁPAL, L. Identification of possible causes of faults of fuel injection nozzles. In Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference. Transport Means. Kaunas Univ Technol, Kaunas, LITHUANIA: KAUNAS UNIV TECHNOLOGY PRESS, K DONELAICIO 73, KAUNAS LT 3006, LITHUANIA, 2015. s. 253-256. ISBN: 9955-09-935- 6. ISSN: 1822-296X.

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V. Dynamic Simulation of Progressive Crank Train. In Advanced Mechatronics Solution. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 393. Scientific Publishing Services Pvt. Ltd. Chemai India: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015. s. 207-212. ISBN: 978-3-319-23921-7. ISSN: 2194-5357.

  • 2014

    JONÁK, M.; KOTEK, L.; DRÁPAL, L. Numerická CFD- DEM simulace vstřikování paliva. In Sborník XL. mezinárodní konference kateder dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů. Bílá: Institut dopravy, VŠB-TU, Ostrava, 2014. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-248-3439- 9.

    JONÁK, M.; KOTEK, L.; DRÁPAL, L.; PÍŠTĚK, V. Modelling of the fuel flow out of the injection nozzle in the application for increasing the efficiency of the diesel fuel injection process. In Proceeding of International Conference Transport Means 2014. Transport Means. "Technologija", Studentu St. 54, LT- 51424 Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology, K. Donelaičio st. 73, LT- 44029 Kaunas, 2014. s. 173-176. ISBN: 9955-09-935- 6. ISSN: 1822- 296X.

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; MARŠÁLEK, O.; KNOTEK, J.; DRÁPAL, L. Computational approaches for slide bearing modelling. In Proceedings of the 45th International Scientific Conference of the Czech and Slovak University Departments and Institutions Dealing with the Research of Internal Combustion Engine. I. Kostelec nad Černými lesy: CZECH UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCE PRAGUE, 2014. s. 25-32. ISBN: 978-80-7375-801- 1.

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; MARŠÁLEK, O.; ZUBÍK, M.; DRÁPAL, L. Analysis of Slide Bearing Computational Models Considering Elastic Deformations and Rough Surfaces. In Engineering Mechanics 2014. 1. Brno University of Technology, 2014. s. 444-447. ISBN: 978-80-214-4871-1.

    VOPAŘIL, J.; DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P. Aircraft engine crankshaft optimisation. MECCA - Journal of Middle European Costruction and Design of Cars, 2014, roč. XII, č. 1, s. 1-6. ISSN: 1214- 0821.

    KOTEK, L.; JONÁK, M.; DRÁPAL, L.; PÍŠTĚK, V. High- speed inspection and visualization of fuel injection in the large combustion chamber. In Proceeding of International Conference Transport Means 2014. Transport Means. Kaunas Univ Technol, Kaunas, LITHUANIA: KAUNAS UNIV TECHNOLOGY PRESS, K DONELAICIO 73, KAUNAS LT 3006, LITHUANIA, 2014. s. 59-62. ISBN: 9955-09-935- 6. ISSN: 1822- 296X.

  • 2013

    MARŠÁLEK, O.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; RAFFAI, P.; DRÁPAL, L.; PÍŠTĚK, V. Mixed Lubrication Simulation of Slide Bearings. In Setkání uživatelů MSC.Software s.r.o. 2013. Brno: MSC. Software, 2013. s. 157-163. ISBN: 978-80-260-4173- 3.

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; MARŠÁLEK, O.; RAFFAI, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V. Progressive Cranktrain with Low Friction Losses. In Proceedings of the XLIV. International Scientific Conference of the Czech and Slovak University Departments and Institutions Dealing with the Research of Internal Combustion Engines. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2013. s. 174-183. ISBN: 978-80-7375-801- 1.

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; MARŠÁLEK, O.; RAFFAI, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V. A Conceptual Study of Cranktrain with Low Friction Losses. MECCA - Journal of Middle European Costruction and Design of Cars, 2013, roč. XI, č. 2, s. 6-11. ISSN: 1214- 0821.

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; SVÍDA, D.; DRÁPAL, L. Efficient approach for solution of the mechanical losses of the piston ring pack. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D- JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 2013, roč. 2013, č. 224, s. 1377-1388. ISSN: 0954- 4070.

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; MARŠÁLEK, O.; RAFFAI, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V. Methods of Enhancing Mechanical Efficiency of Cranktrain. In Setkání uživatelů MSC.Software s.r.o. 2013. Příkop 4, 602 00, Brno: MSC. Software, 2013. s. 144-156. ISBN: 978-80-260-4173- 3.

    MARŠÁLEK, O.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; RAFFAI, P.; DRÁPAL, L.; PÍŠTĚK, V. Overview of Computational Models Used for Mixed Lubrication. In Mechatronics 2013 - Recent Technological and Scientific Advances. Scientific Publishing Services Pvt. Ltd. Chemai India: Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. s. 111-117. ISBN: 978-3-319-02293- 2.

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; MARŠÁLEK, O. Advanced Crankshaft for Low Power Losses. In Deterioration, Dependability, Diagnostics. University of Defence. Brno: University of Defence, 2013. s. 229-236. ISBN: 978-80-7231-939- 8.

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; MARŠÁLEK, O. Computational Modelling of a Progressive Cranktrain. In Sborník příspěvků Mezinárodní Masarykovy konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky 2013. Hradec Králové: MAGNANIMITAS, 2013. s. 3616-3625. ISBN: 978-80-87952-00- 9.

    RAFFAI, P.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; MARŠÁLEK, O.; DRÁPAL, L. Piston Rings Dynamics Simulation. In Setkání uživatelů MSC.Software s.r.o. 2013. Příkop 4, 602 00, Brno: MSC. Software, 2013. s. 139-144. ISBN: 978-80-260-4173- 3.

    MARŠÁLEK, O.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; DRÁPAL, L.; RAFFAI, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V. Comprehensive Strategy for Computational Modelling of Mixed Lubrication Regime. In Proceedings of the XLIV. International Scientific Conference of the Czech and Slovak University Departments and Institutions Dealing with the Research of Internal Combustion Engines. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2013. s. 51-56. ISBN: 978-80-7375-801- 1.

  • 2012

    DRÁPAL, L.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; BERAN, M. Cranktrain Dynamics Simulation. Perners' Contacts, 2012, roč. VII, č. 4, s. 26-34. ISSN: 1801- 674X.

  • 2011

    DRÁPAL, L.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; AMBRÓZ, R. Virtual Prototyping as Tool for Powertrain Development. In Mechatronics Recent Technological and Scientific Advances. 1. Scientific Publishing Services Pvt. Ltd. Chemai India: Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. s. 3-8. ISBN: 978-3-642-23243- 5.

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; DRÁPAL, L. Simulation of Piston Ring Pack Tribology. 1. 1. Brno: University of Defence, 2011. 249 s. ISBN: 978-80-260-0633- 6.

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; DRÁPAL, L.; AMBRÓZ, R. Development of Aircraft Diesel Engine for Military Use. Advances in Military Technology, 2011, roč. 2011 (6), č. 1, s. 5-20. ISSN: 1802- 2308.

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; DRÁPAL, L. Modeling of Piston Ring Pack Dynamics. MECCA - Journal of Middle European Costruction and Design of Cars, 2011, roč. 2011, č. 3, s. 12-20. ISSN: 1214- 0821.

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; DRÁPAL, L. Dynamic Simulation Of Piston Ring Pack. Technológ, 2011, roč. 2011, č. 3, s. 12-20. ISSN: 1337- 8996.

    DRÁPAL, L.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; AMBRÓZ, R. Crankshaft Development of a Two-stroke Compression-ignition Engine with Contra- running Pistons. MECCA - Journal of Middle European Costruction and Design of Cars, 2011, roč. IX., č. 1, s. 18-27. ISSN: 1214-0821.

    DRÁPAL, L.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; NOVOTNÝ, P.; AMBRÓZ, R. Virtual Engine Application For Powertrain Dynamics. Technológ, 2011, roč. 2011, č. 3, s. 45-56. ISSN: 1337- 8996.

  • 2010

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; DRÁPAL, L.; AMBRÓZ, R. Modern computational approaches to powertrain mechanical loss solution. Perners' Contacts, 2010, roč. 2010, č. 4, s. 159-170. ISSN: 1801- 674X.

    NOVOTNÝ, P.; PÍŠTĚK, V.; DRÁPAL, L. Computational Tools in 3kW Stirling Engine Development. MECCA - Journal of Middle European Costruction and Design of Cars, 2010, roč. 2010, č. 1, s. 31-36. ISSN: 1214- 0821.

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