doc. Ing.

Lucie Hudcová


FEKT, UREL – docent

+420 54114 6580

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doc. Ing. Lucie Hudcová, Ph.D.


  • 2023

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; RÓKA, R.; KYSELÁK, M. Atmospheric turbulence models for vertical optical communication. In RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2023: 2023 33rd International Conference Radioelektronika. Pardubice: IEEE, 2023. s. 1-6. ISBN: 979-8-3503-9834-2.
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    RÓKA, R.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; KOVAĽOVÁ, A.; GARCIA, A. Effects of the Multi-Beam Optical FBMC Technology with Applied Data Separations in Optical Wireless Communications. In RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2023: 2023 33rd International Conference Radioelektronika. Pardubice: IEEE, 2023. s. 1-5. ISBN: 979-8-3503-9834-2.
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    BARCÍK, P.; HRABINA, J.; ČÍŽEK, M.; KOLKA, Z.; SKRYJA, P.; PRAVDOVÁ, L.; ČÍP, O.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; HAVLIŠ, O.; VOJTĚCH, J. Phase-Noise Characterization in Stable Optical Frequency Transfer over Free Space and Fiber Link Testbeds. Electronics (MDPI), 2023, roč. 12, č. 23, s. 1-12. ISSN: 2079-9292.
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    KYSELÁK, M.; VÁVRA, J.; SLAVÍČEK, K.; GRENAR, D.; HUDCOVÁ, L. Long Distance Military Fiber-Optic Polarization Sensor Improved by an Optical Amplifier. Electronics (MDPI), 2023, roč. 12, č. 7, s. 1-13. ISSN: 2079-9292.
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  • 2022

    KOVAĽOVÁ, A.; HUDCOVÁ, L. Reciprocity of the Turbulent Cascade Model. In 32nd International Conference Radioelektronika. Kosice: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022. s. 73-76. ISBN: 978-1-7281-8686-3.
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    KOVAĽOVÁ, A.; HUDCOVÁ, L. Beam Deflection Analysis of the Turbulent Matrix Model. In Proceedings II of the 28th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2022 Selected Papers. 1. Brno: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, 2022. s. 323-327. ISBN: 978-80-214-6030-0.
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    RÓKA, R.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; KOVAĽOVÁ, A. The Performance Analysis of the FSO System Utilization in the Long Reach PON Network using the HPON Network Configurator. In 2022 45th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). IEEE, 2022. s. 164-168. ISBN: 978-1-6654-6948-7.
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    HUDCOVÁ, L.; KOVAĽOVÁ, A. Calculation of Solar Noise in Selected Underwater Depths. In 2022 32nd International Conference Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA). IEEE, 2022. s. 143-148. ISBN: 978-1-7281-8686-3.
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    KOVAĽOVÁ, A.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; RÓKA, R. Optical Ray Transfer Matrix Model of the Turbulent Cells Cascade. Radioengineering, 2022, roč. 31, č. 4, s. 520-526. ISSN: 1210-2512.
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  • 2021

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Calculation of the Applicable Wavelengths in Underwater Communication. In 2021 20th International Conference on Microwave Techniques (COMITE). NEW YORK: IEEE, 2021. s. 135 (+ s.)ISBN: 978-1-6654-1454-8.
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  • 2020

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Determination of the atmospheric turbulence by the analysis of the optical beam deflection. In Proceedings of the 2020 30th International Conference Radioelektronika, RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2020. 2020. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-7281-6469-4.
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  • 2019

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Possibilities of Using the Modified Equivalent Temperature Gradient for a Turbulent Atmosphere. In 19th International Conference on Microwave Techniques 2019. 2019. s. 67-71. ISBN: 978-1-5386-9336-0.

  • 2018

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Quantification of the Atmospheric Turbulence by the Method of the Equivalent Temperature Gradient. In 2018 28th International Conference Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA). Praha: 2018. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-5386-2485-2.

    BARCÍK, P.; WILFERT, O.; DOBESCH, A.; KOLKA, Z.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; NOVÁK, M.; LEITGEB, E. Experimental measurement of the atmospheric turbulence effects and their influence on performance of fully photonic wireless communication receiver. Physical Communication, 2018, roč. 31, č. 1, s. 212-217. ISSN: 1874-4907.
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    BARCÍK, P.; NOVÁK, M.; DOBESCH, A.; KOLKA, Z.; WILFERT, O.; HUDCOVÁ, L. Laser Beam Acquisition, Pointing and Tracking System for Free Space Optical Link. In 29th Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications 2018 Proceedings. Praha: Ing. Milena Zeithamlová, Agentura Action M, Vršovická 68, 101 00 Praha 10, 2018. s. 5-7. ISBN: 978-80-86742-50-2.

  • 2017

    JANÍK, L.; NOVÁK, M.; DOBESCH, A.; HUDCOVÁ, L. Retroreflective Optical Communication. In 18th Conference on Microwave Techniques COMITE 2017. Brno: 2017. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4594-5.

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Prediction of atmospheric turbulence on the basis of weather conditions. In 18th Conference on Microwave Techniques COMITE 2017. Brno, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2017. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4594-5.
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  • 2016

    JANÍK, L.; NOVÁK, M.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O.; DOBESCH, A. LwIP Based Network Solution for MicroBlaze. In Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation networks and Multimedia Applications. Graz university of technology Institute of Microwave and Photonic Engineering Inffeldgasse 12/I 8010 Graz AUSTRIA: Graz University of Technology, 2016. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-5090-2269-4.
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    NOVÁK, M.; JANÍK, L.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O.; DOBESCH, A. Improvement of Bit Error Rate in Free Space Optical Link. In 2016 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications. Graz: Graz University of Technology, 2016. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-5090-2269-4.
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  • 2015

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  • 2014

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O.; DOBESCH, A. Interferometric method for the relative variance of the optical power measurement. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference Radioelektronika 2014. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, 2014. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-4799-3714-1.

    SALAS-GARCÍA, I.; FANJUL-VÉLEZ, F.; ORTEGA-QUIJANO, N.; WILFERT, O.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; POLIAK, J.; BARCÍK, P. Analysis of thermal effects in endoscopis nanocarriers- based Photodynamic Therapy applied to esophageal diseases. In Proc. SPIE 8941, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXV; and Terahertz for Biomedical Applications. 15. Bellingham: SPIE, 2014. s. 84910C- 1 (89410C-6 s.)ISBN: 978-0-8194-9854- 0.

    POLIAK, J.; PEZZEI, P.; BARCÍK, P.; LEITGEB, E.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. On the derivation of exact analytical FSO link attenuation model. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2014, roč. 25, č. 6, s. 609-617. ISSN: 2161-3915.

    BARCÍK, P.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; LEITGEB, E. Optical Wireless Communication Transmitter with a Refraction Beam Shaper. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Sign. Manchester: 2014. s. 1044-1048. ISBN: 978-1-4799-2581- 0.

  • 2013

    BARCÍK, P.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Influence of the Atmospheric Turbulence on the Laser Beam. In Proceedings of the 2013 18th European Conference on Network and Optical Communications & 2013 8th Conference on Optical Cabling and Infrastructure (NOC-OC&I). Graz: TU Graz, 2013. s. 83-86. ISBN: 978-1-4673-5822- 4.

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; BARCÍK, P. Comparison of Gaussian Beams with Different Halfwidths using the Method of Available Power in Turbulent Atmosphere. In Proceedings of 13th Conference on Microwave Techniques COMITE 2013. 2013. s. 88-91. ISBN: 978-1-4673-5513- 1.

    BARCÍK, P.; HUDCOVÁ, L. Measurement of Spatial Coherence of Light Propagating in a Turbulent Atmosphere. Radioengineering, 2013, roč. 22, č. 1, s. 341-345. ISSN: 1210- 2512.

    BARCÍK, P.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O.; ARCE-DIEGO, J.; FANJUL-VÉLEZ, F.; SALAS-GARCÍA, I.; ORTEGA-QUIJANO, N. Comparison and evaluation of the laser beam- shaping techniques. In SPIE Proceedings Vol. 8874 Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans II. San Diego: SPIE, 2013. s. 1-7. ISBN: 9780819497246.

  • 2012

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; BARCÍK, P. Experimental Measurement of Beam Wander in the Turbulent Atmospheric Transmission Media. In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference Radioelektronika 2012. 2012. s. 191-194. ISBN: 978-80-214-4468- 3.

    SALAS-GARCÍA, I.; FANJUL-VÉLEZ, F.; ORTEGA-QUIJANO, N.; POLIAK, J.; HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O.; ARCE-DIEGO, J. Heat Generation in Biological Tissues during Photodynamic Therapy combined with Gold Nanoparticles. In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference Radioelektronika 2012. 2012. s. 183-186. ISBN: 978-80-214-4468- 3.

  • 2011

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Optimum of Receiving Lens Diameter for Gaussian and Top Hat Beam. In Proceedings 25th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology. 2011. s. 109-112. ISBN: 978-80-01-04887- 0.

    ŠVÁBENÍK, P.; DORDOVÁ, L. Použití termokamery v technické praxi. Elektrorevue - Internetový časopis (, 2011, roč. 2011, č. 2, s. 1-5. ISSN: 1213- 1539.

  • 2010

    SLANINA, M.; LÁČÍK, J.; LUKEŠ, Z.; URBANEC, T.; PETRŽELA, J.; FRÝZA, T.; MARŠÁLEK, R.; HANUS, S.; DORDOVÁ, L.; KASAL, M.; KOLKA, Z.; KRATOCHVÍL, T.; DŘÍNOVSKÝ, J. Moderní bezdrátová komunikace. Moderní bezdrátová komunikace. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2010. s. 1-170. ISBN: 978-80-214-4156- 9.

    DORDOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Calculation and Comparison of Turbulence Attenuation by Different Methods. Radioengineering, 2010, roč. 19, č. 1, s. 162-167. ISSN: 1210- 2512.

  • 2009

    DORDOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Comparison of Turbulent Attenuation Determined by Rytov and Available Power Method. In Proceedings of CLEO/PACIFIC RIM 2009- THE 8th PACIFIC RIM CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO- OPTICS. Shanghai, China: 2009. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-1-4244-3829- 7.

    DORDOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Laser beam attenuation determined by the method of available optical power in turbulent atmosphere. Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, roč. 2009, č. 2, s. 53-57. ISSN: 1509- 4553.

    DORDOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Free Space Optical Link Range Determination on the Basis of Meteorological Visibility. In Proceedings of 19th International Conference Radioelektronika 2009. 2009. s. 333-336. ISBN: 978-80-214-3865- 1.

    WILFERT, O.; KOLKA, Z.; BIOLKOVÁ, V.; PROKEŠ, A.; DORDOVÁ, L. Dílčí zpráva o řešení grantového projektu GAČR 102/09/0550 "Studium optických svazků pro atmosférické statické a mobilní komunikace". 2009. s. 1-30.

  • 2008

    WILFERT, O.; KOLKA, Z.; BIOLKOVÁ, V.; KŘIVÁK, P.; DORDOVÁ, L. Dual Optical Wireless Test Link. In Free- Space Laser Communications VIII. San Diego, CA, USA: SPIE, 2008. s. 1-8. ISBN: 978-0-8194-7311- 0.

  • 2007

    DORDOVÁ, L. Laser Beam Geometry and Spectral Linewidth Variation in Turbulent Atmosphere. In 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHD STUDENTS. Miskolc, Hungary: University of Miskolc, Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre, 2007. s. 239-244. ISBN: 978-963-661-783- 7.

    HUDCOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O.; BARTUŠEK, K. Design of Optoelectronic Method for Diabetic Nefropathy Diagnose. In 2007 International Conference on Engineering and Mathematics. Alda. Urquijo s/ n, 48013 Bilbao: Publicaciones - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniera, 2007. s. 173-179. ISBN: 978-84-95809-29- 2.

    DORDOVÁ, L.; BARTUŠEK, K.; WILFERT, O. Electro- optic system for electic charge measuring. EOS Conference on Trends in Optoelectonics. Mnichov: European Optical Society (EOS), Hannover, Germany, 2007. s. 71 ( s.)ISBN: 978-3-00-020991- 8.

    DORDOVÁ, L., WILFERT, O. Spectral Properties of the Laser Beam in Relation to the Laser Diode Operating Temperature. In Proceedings of 17th International Conference Radioelektronika 2007. Department of Radio Electronics, Brno University of Technology, 2007. s. 367 ( s.)ISBN: 1-4244-0821- 0.
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    DORDOVÁ, L. Metody stanovení teplotních vlivů na bezkabelové optické spoje. In Seminář o řešení projektu GA ČR 102/03/ H109. 2007. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, Ústav radioelektroniky, 2007. s. 48-51. ISBN: 978-80-214-3444- 8.

    DORDOVÁ, L.; WILFERT, O. Optical intensity distribution and beam halfwidth in relation to the laser diode operating temperature. In Kondor 2007. Trencianske Jastrabie, Slovakia: Institute of Radio Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology, 2007. s. 13-16. ISBN: 978-80-214-3394- 6.

    DORDOVÁ, L. Spectral and Geometric Properties of Laser Beam in Relation to Laser Diode Operating Temperature. In Proceedings of the 13th Conference Student EEICT 2007 Volume 3. Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií a Fakulta informačních technologií, 2007. s. 12 ( s.)ISBN: 978-80-214-3409- 7.
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  • 2006

    DORDOVÁ, L.; BARTUŠEK, K. Electric charge sensor using electro - optic crystal. In 16th International Travelling Summer School on Microwaves and Lightwaves. Varšava: Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, 2006. s. 1 ( s.)

    WILFERT, O., DORDOVÁ, L. Inovace laboratorních cvičení předmětu kvantová a laserová elektronika. 1. Brno: UREL, FEKT VUT v Brně, 2006. s. 1 ( s.)

*) Citace publikací se generují jednou za 24 hodin.