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VENTURA GIL, J.; MARTINEZ, F.; MANZANO-AGUGLIARO, F.; NÁVRAT, A.; HRDINA, J.; EID, A.; MONTOYA, F. A novel geometric method based on conformal geometric algebra applied to the resection problem in two and three dimensions. JOURNAL OF GEODESY, 2024, roč. 98, č. 6, s. 1-21. ISSN: 0949-7714.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
ERYGANOV, I.; HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A. Quantization of two- and three-player cooperative games based on QRA. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2024, roč. 57, č. 42, s. 1-24. ISSN: 1751-8121.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; NÁVRAT, A.; ZALABOVÁ, L. A note on geometric algebras and control problems with SO(3)-symmetries. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2024, roč. 47, č. 3, s. 1257-1273. ISSN: 1099-1476.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; STODOLA, M. Higher Order Geometric Algebras and Their Implementations Using Bott Periodicity. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2024, roč. 34, č. 4, s. 1-22. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; NÁVRAT, A.; ERYGANOV, I.; ALVES, R.; HILDENBRAND, D.; STEINMETZ, C.; LAVOR, C. Quantum Register Algebra: The Basic Concepts. In Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra. CHAM: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2024. s. 112-122. ISBN: 978-3-031-34030-7.Detail
ERYGANOV, I.; HRDINA, J. Complex Clifford algebra in repeated quantum prisoner's dilemma. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2024, roč. 47, č. 3, s. 1442-1456. ISSN: 1099-1476.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; NÁVRAT, A.; ERYGANOV, I.; HILDENBRAND, D.; ALVES, R.; LAVOR, C.; STEINMETZ, C. Quantum Register Algebra: the mathematical language for quantum computing. Quantum Information Processing, 2023, roč. 22, č. 9, s. 1-27. ISSN: 1573-1332.Detail | WWW
FROLÍK, S.; HRDINA, J. Local control of 2-link robotic worms based on additional symmetries *. JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2023, roč. 360, č. 16, s. 12280-12298. ISSN: 0016-0032.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; ZALABOVÁ, L. On symmetries of a sub-Riemannian structure with growth vector (4,7). ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA, 2022, roč. 1, č. 1, s. 1-14. ISSN: 0003-4622.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; ALVES, R.; HILDENBRAND, D.; LAVOR, C. An Online Calculator for Quantum Computing Operations Based on Geometric Algebra. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2022, roč. 32, č. 1, s. 1-20. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; NÁVRAT, A. Quantum computing based on complex Clifford algebras. Quantum Information Processing, 2022, roč. 21, č. 9, s. 1-21. ISSN: 1573-1332.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; ZALABOVÁ, L. Symmetries in geometric control theory using Maple. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2021, roč. 190, č. 1, s. 474-493. ISSN: 0378-4754.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; VAŠÍK, P.; DORST, L. Projective Geometric Algebra as a Subalgebra of Conformal Geometric algebra. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2021, roč. 31, č. 18, s. 1-13. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail | WWW
ERYGANOV, I.; ŠOMPLÁK, R.; HRDINA, J.; NEVRLÝ, V. Best response dynamics in waste-to-energy plants' price setting problem. In IOP conference series. Materials science and engineering. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2021. s. 1-8. ISSN: 1757-8981.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
HRDINA, J.; TICHÝ, R. Quantum computing based on quantum bit algebra QGA. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems. Springer, 2020. s. 3-14. ISBN: 978-3-030-70739-2.Detail
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; PROCHÁZKA, J.; KUTĚJ, L.; ŠČUREK, R. The weighted core of games based on tactical decisions. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems. Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020. s. 244-252. ISBN: 978-3-030-43889-0.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; HILDENBRAND, D.; STEINMETZ, C.; ALVES, R.; LAVOR, C. An Online Calculator for Qubits Based on Geometric Algebra. In 37th Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2020. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020. s. 526-537. ISBN: 9783030618636.Detail
HRDINA, J.; ZALABOVÁ, L. Local Geometric Control of a Certain Mechanism with the Growth Vector (4,7). JOURNAL OF DYNAMICAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMS, 2020, roč. 26, č. 2, s. 199-216. ISSN: 1079-2724.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; NÁVRAT, A.; HILDENBRAND, D. Local Controllability of Snake Robots Based on CRA, Theory and Practice. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2019, roč. 30, č. 1, s. 1-21. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; NÁVRAT, A. GAC Application to Corner Detection Based on Eccentricity. In Advances in Computer Graphics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, 2019. s. 564-570. ISBN: 978-3-030-22513-1.Detail
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; VAŠÍK, P. Conic Fitting in Geometric Algebra Setting. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2019, roč. 29, č. 4, s. 1-13. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; MATOUŠEK, R.; TICHÝ, R. Colour Image Segmentation by Region Growing Based on Conformal Geometric Algebra. In Advances in Computer Graphics. LNCS. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019: Springer, Cham, 2019. s. 564-570. ISBN: 978-3-030-22513-1.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; VAŠÍK, P. Geometric Algebra for Conics. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2018, roč. 28, č. 3, s. 66-87. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; VAŠÍK, P.; MATOUŠEK, R. Fisheye correction by CGA non-linear transformation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2018, roč. 41, č. 11, s. 4106-4116. ISSN: 1099-1476.Detail
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; MATOUŠEK, R.; NÁVRAT, A. Geometric algebras for uniform colour spaces. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2018, roč. 41, č. 11, s. 4117-4130. ISSN: 1099-1476.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; VAŠÍK, P. Notes on Planar Inverse Kinematics Based on Geometric Algebra. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2018, roč. 28, č. 3, s. 71-85. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; VAŠÍK, P. CRA-based robotic snake control. In Introduction to Geometric Algebra Computing. Boca Raton, USA: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2018. s. 141-154. ISBN: 9781498748384.Detail
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; HOLUB, M. Dual numbers arithmentic in multiaxis machine error modeling. MM Science Journal, 2017, roč. 2017, č. 1, s. 1769-1772. ISSN: 1803-1269.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A. Binocular Computer Vision Based on Conformal Geometric Algebra. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2017, roč. 27, č. 3, s. 1945-1959. ISSN: 1661-4909.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; VAŠÍK, P.; MATOUŠEK, R. Geometric Control of the Trident Snake Robot Based on CGA. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2017, roč. 27, č. 1, s. 633-645. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; NÁVRAT, A.; MATOUŠEK, R. CGA- based robotic snake control. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2017, roč. 27, č. 1, s. 621-632. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J. Local controllability of trident snake robot based on sub-Riemannian extremals. Note di Matematica, 2017, roč. 37, č. suppl. 1, s. 93-102. ISSN: 1123-2536.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
HRDINA, J.; MATOUŠEK, R.; NÁVRAT, A.; VAŠÍK, P. Nilpotent approximation of a trident snake robot controlling distribution. Kybernetika, 2017, roč. 53, č. 6, s. 1118-1130. ISSN: 0023-5954.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; NÁVRAT, A.; VAŠÍK, P.; MATOUŠEK, R. Local control of (4,5,7,8-10)-filtration snake robot via CGA. Mendel Journal series, 2017, roč. 23, č. 1, s. 157-162. ISSN: 1803-3814.Detail
NAVRÁTILOVÁ, B.; HRDINA, J. MULTILATERATION IN VOLUMETRY: CASE STUDY ON DEMONSTRATOR MCV 754 QUICK. Mendel Journal series, 2016, roč. 2016, č. 1, s. 295-300. ISSN: 1803-3814.Detail
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; NÁVRAT, A. Control of 3-Link Robotic Snake Based on Conformal Geometric Algebra. ADV APPL CLIFFORD AL, 2016, roč. 26, č. 3, s. 1069-1080. ISSN: 0188-7009.Detail
OSIČKA, O.; HRDINA, J.; ŠOMPLÁK, R.; POPELA, P.; PAVLAS, M. Shapley value approximation for games with distant players. Mendel Journal series, 2016, roč. 2016, č. 1, s. 103-108. ISSN: 1803-3814.Detail
HRDINA, J.; PAVLÍK, J. Reconstruction of an ellipse from its raster image. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2015, roč. 2015 (101), č. 2, s. 141-155. ISSN: 1311-8080.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
HOLUB, M.; HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; VETIŠKA, J. Three-axes error modeling based on second order dual numbers. Journal of Mathematics in Industry, 2015, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 1-11. ISSN: 2190-5983.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P.; MATOUŠEK, R. Special orthogonal matrices over dual numbers and their applications. Mendel Journal series, 2015, roč. 2015, č. 6, s. 121-126. ISSN: 1803- 3814.Detail
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P. Notes on differential kinematics in conformal geometric algebra approach. In Mendel 2015. Recent Advances in Soft Computing. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015. s. 363-374. ISBN: 978-3-319-19824-8.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J. The generic rank of A–planar structures. In Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. USA: Springer, 2014. s. 397-403. ISBN: 978-3-642-55360- 8.Detail
HRDINA, J.; MATOUŠEK, R. Canadian traveller problem: A note about Game Theory approach. Mendel Journal series, 2014, roč. 2014, č. 1, s. 403-406. ISSN: 1803-3814.Detail
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P. Dual Numbers Approach in Multiaxis Machines Error Modeling. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, roč. 2014, č. 1, s. 1-6. ISSN: 1110-757X.Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P. Geometry of almost Cliffordian manifolds: classes of subordinated connections. TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 2014, roč. 38, č. 1, s. 179-190. ISSN: 1300- 0098.Detail
HRDINA, J. GEOMETRY OF ALMOST CLIFFORDIAN MANIFOLDS: NIJENHUIS TENSOR. Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 2013, roč. 14, č. 2, s. 583-589. ISSN: 1787- 2405.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P. Semiholonomic second order connections associated to materia bodies. J APPL MATH, 2013, roč. 2013, č. 1, s. 1-5. ISSN: 1110- 757X.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J.; VAŠÍK, P. Generalized geodesics on almost Cliffordian geometries. Balkan Journal of Geometry, and Its Applications, 2012, roč. 17 (2012), č. 1, s. 41-48. ISSN: 1224- 2780.Detail | WWW
HRDINA, J. Geometric properties of Frobenius algebras. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012, roč. 2012, č. 1, s. 1-5. ISSN: 1742- 6588.Detail
HRDINA, J. Remarks on F- planar curves and their generalizations. Banach Center Publications, 2011, roč. 2011, č. 93, s. 241-249. ISSN: 0137- 6934.Detail
HRDINA, J. Notes on connections attached to A- structures. DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 2011, roč. 29, č. Sup. 1, s. 91-97. ISSN: 0926- 2245.Detail
HRDINA, J.; KUREŠ, M.; VAŠÍK, P. A note on tame polynomial automorphisms and the security of TTM cryptosystem. APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS, 2010, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 226-233. ISSN: 1683- 3511.Detail
HRDINA, J.; SLOVÁK, J. Generalized planar curves and quaternionic geometry. ANNALS OF GLOBAL ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY, 2006, s. 349-360. ISSN: 0232- 704X.Detail
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