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HÁJEK, O.; BOUCHAL, P.; MALÝ, M.; ZAWADSKI, D.; BLATKIEWICZ, M.; JÍCHA, M. Comparative analysis of droplet characteristics generated in the outer cavity of RPB for two packings. Jeju: Ilass Asia 2023, 2023.
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Detail | WWWZÁLEŠÁK, M.; KLIMEŠ, L.; CHARVÁT, P.; PECH, O.; RAPTA, P. An Effective Thermal Conductivity-based Approach for Modelling of Convective Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Cavity Filled with PCM. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2023, roč. 103, č. 1,
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Detail | WWW2022
HÁJEK, O.; BOUCHAL, P.; CEJPEK, O.; MALÝ, M.; HÁJEK, J.; PRINZ, F.; ZAWADSKI, D.; BLATKIEWICZ, M.; JÍCHA, M. Characteristics of droplets formed on the outer surface of the rotating packed bed. 2022.
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DetailBOUCHAL, P.; HEJČÍK, J.; JÍCHA, M. Hight Speed Temperature Measurement. In EFM21 – 15th International Conference “Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2021”. EPJ Web of Conferences. EPJ Web of Conferences, 2022.
s. 40-43. ISSN: 2100-014X.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněZÁLEŠÁK M., BOUCHAL P., OSTRÝ M., HEJČÍK J. Experimental set up for the investigation of partial phase changes of phase change materials. In EFM21 – 15th International Conference “Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2021”. EPJ Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2022.
s. 234-237. ISSN: 2100-014X.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně
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