
Radovan Galas


FSI, ÚK OT – odborný asistent

+420 54114 3239

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Ing. Radovan Galas, Ph.D.


  • 2024

    WU, B.; SHI, L.; LI, J.; DING, H.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; GUO, J.; WANG, W.; HARTL, M. Rheological and tribological performance of top-of-rail friction modifiers with different viscosities. WEAR, 2024, roč. 538, č. February, ISSN: 0043-1648.
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    VALENA, M.; OMASTA, M.; KLAPKA, M.; GALAS, R.; NAVRÁTIL, V.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Case Study: Correlations Between Curve Squeal, Weather Conditions, and Traction in a Tram Loop. Tribology in Industry, 2024, roč. 46, č. 4, s. 695-708. ISSN: 0354-8996.
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    SKURKA, Š.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; DING, H.; WANG, W.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Assessing the Performance of TOR Lubricants in Humid Environments and Under Dew Conditions. Tribology Letters, 2024, roč. 72, č. 3, s. 72-90. ISSN: 1023-8883.
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    GALAS, R.; VALENA, M.; JORDÁN, T.; KVARDA, D.; OMASTA, M.; SKURKA, Š.; WU, B.; DING, H.; WANG, W.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. A benchmarking methodology for top-of-rail products: Carry distance and retentivity. Tribology International, 2024, roč. 197, č. září, ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    VALENA, M.; OMASTA, M.; KVARDA, D.; GALAS, R.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. An approach for the creep-curve assessment using a new rail tribometer. Tribology International, 2024, roč. 191, č. March, ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    NAVRÁTIL, V.; GALAS, R.; KLAPKA, M.; KVARDA, D.; OMASTA. Wheel Squeal Mitigation Under Water Lubrication. Tribology in Industry, 2024, roč. 46, č. 3, s. 418-431. ISSN: 0354-8996.
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  • 2023

    WANG, W.; LI, S.; DING, H.; LIN, Q.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; MELI, E.; GOU, J.; LIU, Q. Wheel/rail adhesion and damage under different contact conditions and application parameters of friction modifier. WEAR, 2023, roč. 523, č. June, ISSN: 0043-1648.
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    LI, J.; WU, B.; DING, H..; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; WEN, Z.; GOU, J.; WANG, W. Wear and damage behaviours of wheel and rail materials: Effects of friction modifier and environmental temperature. WEAR, 2023, roč. 523, č. June, ISSN: 0043-1648.
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    SKURKA, Š.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; WU, B.; DING, H.; WANG, W.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. The performance of top-of-rail products under water contamination. Tribology International, 2023, roč. 188, č. Říjen, s. 108872-108872. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    KVARDA, D.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; DZIMKO, M. Shear properties of top-of-rail products in numerical modelling. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART F-JOURNAL OF RAIL AND RAPID TRANSIT, 2023, roč. 237, č. 6, s. 796-805. ISSN: 0954-4097.
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    GALAS, R.; SKURKA, Š.; VALENA, M.; KVARDA, D.; OMASTA, M.; DING, H.; LIN, Q., WANG, W.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. A benchmarking methodology for top-of-rail products. Tribology International, 2023, roč. 189, č. November, ISSN: 0301-679X.
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  • 2022

    WU, B.; SHI, L.; DING, H.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; LIN, Q.; GUO, J.; WANG, W.; LIU, Q.; HARTL, M. Effect of friction modifier viscosity on wheel-rail adhesion and damage behaviour. In CM 2022 - 12th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Conference Proceedings. Melbourne: International Conference on Contact Mechanics of Wheel / Rail Systems, 2022. s. 803-809. ISBN: 9780646865881.

    LI, Q.; WU, B.; DING, H.; GALAS, R.; KVARDA, D.; LIU, Q.; ZHOU, Z.; OMASTA, M.; WANG, W. Numerical prediction on the effect of friction modifiers on adhesion behaviours in the wheel-rail starved EHL contact. Tribology International, 2022, roč. 170, č. červen, s. 107519-107519. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    NAVRÁTIL, V.; GALAS, R.; KLAPKA, M.; KVARDA, D.; OMASTA, M.; SHI, L.; DING, H.; WANG, W.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Wheel Squeal Noise in Rail Transport: The Effect of Friction Modifier Composition. Tribology in Industry, 2022, roč. 44, č. 3, s. 361-373. ISSN: 0354-8996.
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    KVARDA, D.; SKURKA, Š.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; SHI, L.; DING, H.; WANG, W.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. The effect of top of rail lubricant composition on adhesion and rheological behaviour. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2022, roč. 35, č. 1, s. 101100-101108. ISSN: 2215-0986.
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    OMASTA, M.; NAVRÁTIL, V.; GABRIEL, T.; GALAS, R.; KLAPKA, M. Design and development of a twin disc test rig for the study of squeal noise from the wheel – rail interface. Applied Engineering Letters, 2022, roč. 7, č. 1, s. 10-16. ISSN: 2466-4677.
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    LI, Q.; ZHANG, S.; WU, B.; LIN, Q.; DING, H.H.; GALAS, R.; KVARDA, D.; OMASTA, M.; WANG, W.; WEN, Z. Analysis on the effect of starved elastohydrodynamic lubrication on the adhesion behavior and fatigue index of wheel-rail contact. WEAR, 2022, roč. 510-511, č. 1, ISSN: 0043-1648.
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  • 2021

    KVARDA, D.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; SHI, L.B.; DING, H.H; WANG, W.J.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.;. Asperity-based model for prediction of traction in water-contaminated wheel-rail contact. Tribology International, 2021, roč. 157, č. 5, s. 106900-106910. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    OMASTA, M.; NAVRÁTIL, V.; GALAS, R.; KLAPKA, M. Design of the twin-disc test rig for the study of wheel squeal noise. 10th International Conference on Tribology – BALKANTRIB '20 PROCEEDINGS. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2021. ISBN: 978-86-6060-073-0.

    VALENA, M.; OMASTA, M.; GALAS, R.; HARTL, M. Vývoj traťového tribometru pro hodnocení adheze na reálné kolejnici. XXV. konference s mezinárodní účastí, Součastné problémy v kolejových vozidlech 2021. Pardubice: Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera Univerzity Pardubice, 2021. s. 373-380. ISBN: 978-80-7560-377-7.

    WANG, C.; SHI, L.B.; DING, H.H.; WANG, W.J.; GALAS, R.; GUO, J.; LIU, Q.Y., ZHOU, Z.R., OMASTA, M. Adhesion and damage characteristics of wheel/rail using different mineral particles as adhesion enhancers. WEAR, 2021, roč. 477, č. 8, s. 203796-203796. ISSN: 0043-1648.
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    SONG, J.; SHI, L.; DING, H.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; WANG, W.; GUO, J.; LIU, Q.; HARTL, M. Effects of solid friction modifier on friction and rolling contact fatigue damage of wheel-rail surfaces. Friction, 2021, roč. 10, č. 4, s. 597-607. ISSN: 2223-7690.
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  • 2020

    SHI, L.B.; WANG, C.; DING, H.H.; KVARDA, D.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; WANG, W.J.; LIU, Q.Y.; HARTL, M. Laboratory investigation on the particle-size effects in railway sanding: Comparisons between standard sand and its micro fragments. Tribology International, 2020, roč. 146, č. 6, s. 106259-106259. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    OMASTA, M.; GALAS, R.; MÁLEK, J. Výsledky výzkumu námrazových jevů trolejových vedení. 2020.

    GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; SHI, L.; DING, H.; WANG, W.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. The low adhesion problem: The effect of environmental conditions on adhesion in rolling-sliding contact. Tribology International, 2020, roč. 151, č. 11, s. 106521-106531. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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  • 2019

    SHI, L.B.; LI, Q.; KVARDA, D.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; WANG, W.J.; GUO, J.; LIU, Q.Y. Study on the wheel/rail adhesion restoration and damage evolution in the single application of alumina particles. WEAR, 2019, roč. 426-427, č. Part B, s. 1807-1819. ISSN: 0043-1648.
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  • 2018

    GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; HARTL, M. Top-of-Rail Lubricants: Potential Risks and Benefits. In 2018 International Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering (i-RISE 2018). Proceedings. MDPI, 2018. s. 1140-1141. ISSN: 2504-3900.
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    GALAS, R.; KVARDA, D.; OMASTA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. The role of constituents contained in water–based friction modifiers for top–of–rail application. Tribology International, 2018, roč. 117, č. 1, s. 87-97. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    VALDAUF J.; NIEMCZYK K.; GALAS, R. Maziva pro železnici, stále je co vyvíjet. In Mazání v moderním průmyslovém podniku. Praha: Česká strojnická společnost z.s., 2018. s. 61-65. ISBN: 978-80-02-02785-0.

    GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Influence of climatic conditions on adhesion in the wheel-rail contact. In Proceedings of Asia International Conference on Tribology 2018. Malajsie: Malaysian Tribology Society, 2018. s. 242-243. ISBN: 978-967-13625-2-5.
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    KVARDA, D.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; HARTL, M. An Investigation on Adhesion Behavior of Solid Particles in Water Contaminated Wheel-Rail Contact. In 2018 International Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering (i-RISE 2018). Proceedings. MDPI, 2018. s. 1145-1148. ISSN: 2504-3900.
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  • 2017

    GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; KLAPKA, M.; KAEWUNRUEN, S.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Case study: the influence of oil-based friction modifier quantity on tram braking distance and noise. Tribology in Industry, 2017, roč. 39, č. 2, s. 198-206. ISSN: 0354-8996.
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    OMASTA, M.; GALAS, R.; KNÁPEK, J.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. Development of an adaptive top-of-rail friction modification system. In Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Stephenson Conference: Research for Railways 2017. London; United States: Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 2017. s. 325-332. ISBN: 9781510882959.

  • 2016

    GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Laboratory investigation of ability of oil-based friction modifiers to control adhesion at wheel-rail interface. WEAR, 2016, roč. 368-369, č. 3, s. 230-238. ISSN: 0043-1648.
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    GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M. The Effect of Friction Modifier on the Wheel- Rail Contact. In The Latest Methods of Construction Design. Springer International Publishing, 2016. s. 133-138. ISBN: 978-3-319-22761-0.
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    SVOBODA, P.; KOŠŤÁL, D.; GALAS, R.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Tribological behaviour of ultra dispersed diamond-graphite in liquid lubricants. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 2016, roč. 22, č. 4A, s. 4994-5009. ISSN: 1310-4772.
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    GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Wheel Rail Adhesion and Film Formation – The Influence of Friction Modifier Composition. Hämeenlinna, Finland: Finnish Society for Tribology, 2016.

  • 2015

    OMASTA, M.; GALAS, R. Soubor poznatků o chování modifikátoru tření v kontaktu kola a kolejnice. 2015.

    GALAS, R.; ŠPERKA, P.; OMASTA, M.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. Investigation of the Lubricant Fluid- Flow in EHL Contact using Particle Tracking. In Book of Proceedings of 56th International Conference of Machine Design Departments. First. Nitra: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 2015. s. 353-356. ISBN: 978-80-552-1377- 4.

    GALAS, R.; ŠPERKA, P.; OMASTA, M.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. Investigation of the Lubricant Fluid- Flow in EHL Contact using Particle Tracking. Machine Design. Scholar' s Press, 2015. ISBN: 978-3-639-66914- 5.

    GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Effect of Friction Modifiers on Adhesion in Wheel- Rail Contact. Tokyo: Japanese Society of Tribologists, 2015. s. 973-974.

  • 2014

    OMASTA, M.; GALAS, R.; HARTL, M. Soubor poznatků a experimentální metodologie pro studium chování modifikátoru tření. 2014.

    GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M. The Effect of Friction Modifier on the Wheel- Rail Contact. In 55th International Conference of Machine Design Departments. 2014. s. 123-128. ISBN: 978-80-01-05542- 7.

    GALAS, R.; SMEJKAL, D.; OMASTA, M.; HARTL, M. Twin-Disc Experimental Device for Study of Adhesion in Wheel- Rail Contact. Engineering Mechanics, 2014, roč. 21, č. 5, s. 329-334. ISSN: 1805- 4633.
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  • 2012

    OMASTA, M.; SMEJKAL, D.; GALAS, R. Výsledky a závěry výzkumu tribologických aspektů kontaktu kola a kolejnice při pískování. 2012.

*) Citace publikací se generují jednou za 24 hodin.