LETAVAY, V.; PLUSKAL, J.; RYŠAVÝ, O. Network Forensic Analysis for Lawful Enforcement Steroids, Distributed and Scalable. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2019), 2019. Bucharest: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019.
s. 1-10. ISBN: 978-1-4503-7636-5.
Detail | WWWLETAVAY, V.; PLUSKAL, J.; RYŠAVÝ, O. A Scalable Architecture for Network Traffic Forensics. The Fifteenth International Conference on Networking and Services ICNS 2019. Athens: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2019.
s. 32-36. ISBN: 978-1-61208-711-5.
Detail | WWW
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