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FP-EpfrpPAk. rok: 2011/2012
a)An examination of the external business environment with emphasis on the political force, legal, technological and economic factorsb)Business environment assessment including market and competition analysis, customer segmentation, targeting and positioning of a firm's product/service portfolioc)The effectiveness of different methods of internal development, with an exploration of the most appropriate methods of market entry for companies differing in size, product and service offering, and strategic objectived)Social and cultural factors and their effect on standardisation or adaptation of products, services and promotion, and business negotiationse)Regional and global sourcing, manufacturing and distribution of products and servicesf)Issues in effective organisational structure and human resources for international business.g)Exact focus will depends on the needs of chosen organisation, the interest of the students and the availability of appropriate informationh)Production and presentation of a final report.
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Plánované vzdělávací činnosti a výukové metody
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Učební cíle
Vymezení kontrolované výuky a způsob jejího provádění a formy nahrazování zameškané výuky
Základní literatura
Zařazení předmětu ve studijních plánech
obor MGR-EBF , 2 ročník, letní semestr, povinný
Vyučující / Lektor