studijní program
Civil Engineering
Fakulta: FASTZkratka: BPA-SIAk. rok: 2024/2025
Typ studijního programu: bakalářský
Kód studijního programu: B0732A260007
Udělovaný titul: Bc.
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Akreditace: 8.10.2019 - 8.10.2029
Profil programu
Akademicky zaměřený
Forma studia
Prezenční studium
Standardní doba studia
4 roky
Garant programu
Rada studijního programu
Předseda :
doc. Ing. Karel Šuhajda, Ph.D.
Člen interní :
Ing. Boris Biely
prof. Ing. Marcela Karmazínová, CSc.
Ing. Radim Kolář, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Jiří Kytýr, CSc.
doc. Ing. Libor Matějka, CSc. Ph.D., MBA
prof. Ing. Miloslav Novotný, CSc.
prof. Ing. Jan Pěnčík, Ph.D.
Ing. Olga Rubinová, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Miloš Zich, Ph.D.
Ing. Tereza Skřeková
Ing. Daniel Skřek
Ing. Věra Glisníková, CSc.
doc. Ing. Ondřej Anton, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.
Oblasti vzdělávání
Oblast | Téma | Podíl [%] |
Stavebnictví | Pozemní stavby | 100 |
Cíle studia
The aim of the four-year bachelor's program Civil Engineering is to gain a comprehensive foundation of the necessary theoretical knowledge, general, technical, professional and practical knowledge and skills in the whole range of civil engineering. The aim of the study is that his graduate:
- found a full-fledged application in the studied program,
- be able to creatively apply the acquired knowledge,
- succeeded in the competition of graduates of similar study programs of educational institutions not only in the Czech Republic but also in EU countries,
- could be authorized according to the Act No. 360/1992 Coll. as an authorized engineer in one of the authorization fields of the Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians in Construction,
- has the necessary language skills,
- could study in follow-up Master's degree programs at all faculties of construction in the Czech Republic and abroad.
The purpose is to prepare the graduate for practicing at appropriate middle and higher levels of technical and managerial positions in the business sector in design offices, implementation firms, investor organizations and public administration.
After passing the final state examination, the graduate is entitled to use the title "Bachelor" (abbreviated Bc. before the name).
Profil absolventa
A graduate of the Civil Engineering bachelor study program demonstrates knowledge, skills and knowledge:
- theoretical, technical, artistic, geodetic, ecological, sociological, demographic and economic disciplines relevant to construction practice,
- construction legislation and related activities,
- related fields, building physics, chemistry and material engineering,
- methods of data collection and analysis,
- on the use of buildings by persons with reduced mobility,
- building technology,
- the prevention of risks and the adoption of measures to eliminate them or to reduce their consequences in the preparation of the works;
implementation and maintenance,
Furthermore, the graduate demonstrates an understanding of the social context of construction practice, the operation of buildings and their economic and environmental impacts (environmental impacts). The graduate is able to apply the acquired knowledge in individual subjects in the given thematic area or specialization.
Graduates can:
- analyze and synthesize problems within the building organization and building production,
- use technical, geodetic, economic and artistic procedures to solve problems of construction practice,
- design, implement and manage the performance of construction activities,
- elaborate, if necessary. participate in the elaboration of:
o project documentation of buildings,
on land-use planning documentation and relevant parts of land-use planning documentation,
- carry out static and dynamic structural calculations,
- carry out structural engineering or engineering surveys,
- carry out testing and diagnosis of structures,
- issue expert opinions,
- prepare documentation and assessments for partial assessment of the environmental impact of buildings,
- lead the construction,
- carry out geodetic measurements for design work and alignment work,
- perform authorial or technical supervision of the construction,
- to represent the builder, resp. the petitioner on the basis of authorization in territorial, construction or occupancy permit proceedings,
- to perform professional functions in the field of building regulations or spatial planning in state administration bodies
- to carry out an analysis of the implementation of buildings from the perspective of a safe workplace on the site,
- design buildings, including in terms of safe use and maintenance of buildings, etc.
Graduates of the bachelor's study program Civil Engineering have acquired the latest scientific and technical knowledge in a complex of their mutual connections. He / she is able to apply the acquired knowledge in individual subjects in the field of study specialization. He / she is able to perform functions requiring a separate solution to more complex engineering or managerial problems. Its application in practice is expected in technical or managerial positions requiring the ability to independently perform more demanding professional tasks in the design and operation of buildings. He / she can work in designing or implementing companies, in the area of public administration or other similar technical level. After gaining practical experience, the graduate can also hold higher managerial positions. engage in private business in the construction industry.
Its knowledge of foreign languages in the area of its expertise is a prerequisite for eventual activity abroad.
Charakteristika profesí
A graduate of the Civil Engineering bachelor's study program is able to hold positions requiring independent solution of technical problems in the field of civil engineering.
Its application in practice is expected in technical or technical-managerial functions requiring the ability to independently perform demanding professional tasks in the planning, design, construction and operation of buildings. He is well placed to work in science and research. He finds employment as a site manager, a project manager, as a person competent for the preparation of buildings. He / she can work in designing, implementing and administrative companies, in the field of public administration or at another similar professional level.
After gaining practical and managerial experience, the graduate can also hold higher managerial positions, respectively. to pursue private business in the field. After completing the prescribed practice, the graduate can obtain an authorization as an authorized engineer in the field of water management and landscape engineering awarded by the Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians in Construction.
The study program is designed to enable graduates to continue their studies in the follow-up Master's degree programs.
Its knowledge of foreign languages in the area of its expertise is a prerequisite for eventual activities abroad.
Podmínky splnění
He / she has fulfilled all study obligations prescribed by the study plan of the study program, has obtained the prescribed number of credits (240 credits) and submitted his / her diploma thesis within the set deadline. Successfully passed the state final examination The final state examination in the bachelor study program Environmentally Advanced Buildings consists of the following parts:
- defense of bachelor thesis,
- an oral state examination which comprises three thematic areas.
Vytváření studijních plánů
The rules and conditions for creating curricula are governed by:
- the Higher Education Act,
- Government Decree No. 274/2016 Coll., on standards for accreditation in higher education,
- Best practices for the preparation of study programs (material NAU 8/2017),
- Methodological materials for preparation and evaluation of applications for study program accreditation (NAU material)
- by the BUT degree programs,
- The rules of the quality assurance system for educational, creative and related activities and internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of BUT,
- BUT Study and Examination Regulations (hereinafter referred to as “SER”),
- BUT Standards of Study Programs,
- other documents as well as the current Dean's Directive Rules for the Organization of Studies in Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology. Orders for compulsory optional subjects are governed by a valid Dean's Instruction for enrolling students for study programs and orders for compulsory optional subjects.
Rules for organization of studies in Bachelor's and follow-up Master's degree programs at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Brno University of Technology specify in detail the study in degree programs, specify the academic year and its time division and study period, study plans, credit system, way of teaching and its securing, course documentation, study counseling, way of study completion, verification of study results, credit and graded credit, colloquium and exam, grading scale, weighted average, continuous study and conditions for continuation of study, enrollment and enrollment in the next year of study, interruption of study, recognition of examinations or fulfillment of other study obligations, abandonment of study, termination of study for failure to meet the requirements arising from the study program, final examination, examination board for final state examination, bachelor thesis and its defense, final state examination, overall study evaluation, rules on organization of study, study documentation, publication of final works, procedure for detecting plagiarism, obstacles to study, termination of study, praise and awards, medical fitness and communication through the BUT information system, student card, etc.
The courses are evaluated by ECTS credits. The credit expresses 1/60 of the average annual workload of the student during the standard period of study. The student obtains credits for the given subject only after its prescribed completion, ie after granting a credit, graded credit, or passing an examination under the conditions given by the SER, internal standard Rules for the organization of studies in bachelor and follow-up master's degree programs and the composition and content individually set out in each subject.
Dostupnost pro zdravotně postižené
At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT, barrier-free access to all teaching rooms is currently provided. However, students must be physically fit to be qualified as a civil engineer. In practically oriented laboratory teaching, they must be able to operate measuring instruments and similar laboratory equipment independently without endangering themselves or their surroundings.
BUT provides support to students with specific needs, for details see Guideline 11/2017 ( 2017-p147550).
In order to promote equal access to higher education, BUT incorporates the Alfons Advisory Center, part of the BUT Institute of Lifelong Learning, to provide guidance and support services to applicants and students with specific educational needs. Specific educational needs include learning disabilities, physical and sensory disabilities, chronic somatic illness, autistic spectrum disorders, impaired communication skills and mental illness (
Students are provided with information concerning the accessibility of study programs with respect to the specific needs of the applicant, information about the architectural accessibility of individual faculties and university parts, about accommodation at the BUT dormitory, about the possibilities of adapting the admission procedure and adapting the study itself. Other services of the Center for Students with Special Educational Needs also include interpreting and rewriting services, or assistance services - guiding, spatial orientation, in order to enable these students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the same way as other students. This is done through the so-called adaptation of study, ie by appropriate adjustment of the study regime, which cannot be understood as a simplification of the content of study or relief of study obligations.
Návaznost na další typy studijních programů
The Bachelor's degree program Civil Engineering is followed by a follow-up Master's degree program Civil Engineering, etc. Graduates may also continue to study another similarly oriented follow-up Master's degree program.
Struktura předmětů s uvedením ECTS kreditů (studijní plán)
Zkratka | Název | J. | Kr. | Pov. | Uk. | Hod. rozsah | Sk. | Ot. |
BVA001 | Ekonomie | cs, en | 3 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 13 | ano | |
BBA001 | Fyzika | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / KK - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BFA001 | Geologie | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BUA001 | Informatika | cs, en | 3 | Povinný | zá | C1 - 39 | ano | |
BAA001 | Matematika 1 | cs, en | 7 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 39 | ano | |
BHA001 | Pozemní stavitelství 1 | cs, en | 7 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 39 | ano |
Zkratka | Název | J. | Kr. | Pov. | Uk. | Hod. rozsah | Sk. | Ot. |
BAA013 | Konstruktivní geometrie | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BAA002 | Matematika 2 | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BCA001 | Stavební chemie | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BIA001 | Stavební látky | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BVA002 | Základy podnikové ekonomiky | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BDA001 | Základy stavební mechaniky | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 39 | ano |
Zkratka | Název | J. | Kr. | Pov. | Uk. | Hod. rozsah | Sk. | Ot. |
BEA001 | Geodézie | cs, en | 3 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BOA001 | Konstrukce a dopravní stavby | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BAA003 | Matematika 3 | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BDA002 | Pružnost a pevnost | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BSA001 | Vodohospodářské stavby | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BIA002 | Zkušebnictví a technologie | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano |
Zkratka | Název | J. | Kr. | Pov. | Uk. | Hod. rozsah | Sk. | Ot. |
BFA002 | Mechanika zemin | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BHB002 | Počítačová grafika (S) | cs, en | 3 | Povinný | kl | C1 - 26 | ano | |
BHB004 | Pozemní stavitelství 2 (S) | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BLA001 | Prvky betonových konstrukcí | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BOA002 | Prvky kovových konstrukcí | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BDA003 | Statika 1 | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BHB005 | Tepelná technika budov (S) | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 13 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BEA002 | Výuka v terénu z geodézie | cs, en | 2 | Povinný | zá | VT - 40 | ano |
Zkratka | Název | J. | Kr. | Pov. | Uk. | Hod. rozsah | Sk. | Ot. |
BOA008 | Kovové konstrukce 1 | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BAA004 | Matematika 4 | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BHA006 | Pozemní stavitelství 3 (S) | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BDA007 | Statika 2 | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BTA001 | Technická zařízení budov 1 | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BFA003 | Zakládání staveb (S) | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano |
Zkratka | Název | J. | Kr. | Pov. | Uk. | Hod. rozsah | Sk. | Ot. |
BYA001 | Angličtina pro mírně pokročilé (zkouška) | cs | 2 | Povinný | zk | K - 26 | ano | |
BLA002 | Betonové konstrukce 1 | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BOA003 | Dřevěné konstrukce (S) | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BHA007 | Nauka o budovách 1 | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BHA008 | Pozemní stavitelství 4 | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BTA002 | Technická zařízení budov 2 | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BWA002 | Technologie staveb 1 | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano |
Zkratka | Název | J. | Kr. | Pov. | Uk. | Hod. rozsah | Sk. | Ot. |
BLA003 | Betonové konstrukce 2 | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BVA004 | Financování stavební zakázky | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá | P - 26 / C1 - 13 | ano | |
BHA009 | Požární bezpečnost staveb | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BHA010 | Projekt – Pozemní stavitelství (S) | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | kl | PR - 39 | ano | |
BZA003 | Stavební právo (S, K, M) | cs, en | 2 | Povinný | zá | P - 26 | ano | |
BTA003 | Technická zařízení budov 3 | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BWA003 | Technologie staveb 2 | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano |
Zkratka | Název | J. | Kr. | Pov. | Uk. | Hod. rozsah | Sk. | Ot. |
BHB011 | Akustika a denní osvětlení | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BHB012 | Bakalářský seminář (S-PST) | cs, en | 3 | Povinný | zá | S - 26 | ano | |
BTB007 | Obnovitelné a alternativní zdroje energie | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BHB013 | Poruchy a rekonstrukce | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano | |
BWA004 | Realizace staveb | cs, en | 4 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 13 | ano | |
BHB014 | Specializovaný projekt (S-PST) | cs | 6 | Povinný | kl | PR - 39 | ano | |
BLA004 | Zděné konstrukce (S) | cs, en | 5 | Povinný | zá,zk | P - 26 / C1 - 26 | ano |