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Detail projektu
Období řešení: 1.1.2005 — 31.12.2007
Zdroje financování
Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty
O projektu
Popis anglickyThe objective of this project is experimental investigations of the nature of the 1/f noise, if the source is mobile carrier number fluctuations or a fluctuation in the mobility. Experiments will be performed in low frequency range, where the 1/f noise is dominant, for three classes of samples: 1. macroscopic devices with large active volume - CdTe crystalline detectors, 2. submicron structures as MOSFETs and HEMTs and 3. nanoscale devices - on InGaAs quantum dots. There are a low number of carriers inthe active volume of those nanoscale devices; therefore it is supposed that 1/f noise will be dominant. The influence of low dimensional electron gas on 1/f noise will be analysed. Thus new valuable experimental results of noise spectral density and its relation to the electron gas characteristics, like charge carriers mean free path, mobility, dependence on temperature, light illumination and electric field intensity will be obtained. The research will, in this way, contribute to deeper cognition of
Klíčová slova hgjghj
Originální jazyk
Šikula Josef, prof. Ing. RNDr., DrSc. - hlavní řešitel
Ústav fyziky- odpovědné pracoviště (18.11.2005 - nezadáno)Ústav fyziky- příjemce (18.11.2005 - nezadáno)
DOBIS, P., BRÜSTLOVÁ, J.: New Trends in Physics 2007. Brno (15.11.2007)Detail
CHVÁTAL, M. Zabezpečení testovacího systému s webovým rozhraním. In Elektrotechnika a informatika 2007. Západočeská univerzita v Plzni: doc. Ing. Jiří Hammerbauer, CSc., 2007. s. 25-28. ISBN: 978-80-7043-571-7.Detail
HAVRÁNEK, J.; PAVELKA, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; GRMELA, L. Temperature dependence of RTS noise - trap activation energy. In New trends in physics. Brno: VUT, 2007. p. 35-38. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078-3.Detail
HAVRÁNEK, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; PAVELKA, J.; GRMELA, L. RTS noise - carrier capture and emission event duration. In New trends in Physics. VUT. Brno: VUT Brno, 2007. p. 31-34. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078-3.Detail
ŠIKULA, J.; HANDEL, P.; TRUONG, A. Quantum 1/f Noise in Bio-Chemical Resonant ZnO Sensors. In Noise and Fluctuations. USA: American Institute of Physics, 2007. p. 339-342. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0432-8.Detail
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; NAVAROVÁ, H.; PAVELKA, J.; HLÁVKA, J.; SITA, Z. Leakage Current, Noise and Reliability of NbO and Ta Capacitors. In Proceedings EMPC 2007. Finsko: IMAPS Nordic, 2007. p. 436-441.Detail
ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; NAVAROVÁ, H.; HLÁVKA, J.; TACANO, M.; SITA, Z. Niobium Oxide and Tantalum Capacitors: Leakage Current and M-I-S Model Parameters. In Proceedings of CARTS USA 2007. USA: Electronic Components, Assemblies&Materials Association, 2007. p. 337-345. ISBN: 0-7908-0114-0.Detail
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; ŠIKULA, J. Noise and Electro-Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Polymer Based Conducting Layers. In Noise and Fluctuations. USA: American Institute of Physics, 2007. p. 277-280. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0432-8.Detail
PAVELKA, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; CHVÁTAL, M.; TACANO, M. RTS noise in submicron devices. In New Trends in Physics. Brno: VUT, 2007. p. 114-117. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078-3.Detail
ŠIKULA, J.; PAVELKA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HLÁVKA, J.; TACANO, M.; TOITA, M. RTS Noise and quantum transitions in submicron MOSFETs. In New Trends in Physics. Brno: VUT, 2007. p. 138-141. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078-3.Detail
ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; SITA, Z. Charge Carriers Transport and Noise in Niobium Oxide and Tantalum Capacitors. In EDS '06 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno, ČR: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný CSc., 2006. p. 154 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-3246-2.Detail
ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HLÁVKA, J.; SITA, Z. Charge Carrier Transport in NbO and Ta Capacitors in Temperature Range 100 to 300 K. In Proceeding of CARTS Europe 2006 - 20th annual passive components symposium. Bad Homburg, Německo: Electronic Components, Assemblies and Materials Association, 2006. p. 189 ( p.)ISBN: 0-7908-0110-8.Detail
ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HLÁVKA, J.; SITA, Z.; HÖSCHEL, P.; TACANO, M. Niobium Oxide and Tantalum Capacitors: Quantum Effects in Charge Carrier Transport. In Proceedings CARTS USA 2006 - The 26th Symposium for Passive Components. Orlando, Florida: Electronic Components, Assemblies and Materials Association, 2006. s. 421 ( s.)ISBN: 0-7908-0108-6.Detail
ŠIKULA, J.; PAVELKA, J.; HAVRÁNEK, J.; HLÁVKA, J.; TACANO, M.; TOITA, M. RTS and 1/f Noise in Submicron MOSFETs. In Proc. ICNF 2007 AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 922. Tokio: AIP, 2007. p. 71-74. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0432-8.Detail
PAVELKA, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; TACANO, M. Non-Poisson Process in RTS-like noise. In Proc. ICNF 2007 AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 922. Tokio: AIP, 2007. p. 111-114. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0432-8.Detail
PAVELKA, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; TACANO, M. Non-Markov Characteristics of RTS Noise. In Proc. of EDS IMAPS CS 2007. Brno: IMAPS CS, 2007. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-214-3470-7.Detail
TACANO, M.; TANUMA, N.; PAVELKA, J.; ŠIKULA, J. Hard electronics materials, device fabrications and their noise properties. In Proc. of EDS IMAPS CS 2007. Brno: IMAPS CS, 2007. p. XV (XXIV p.)ISBN: 978-80-214-3470-7.Detail
HAVRÁNEK, J.; PAVELKA, J.; TOFEL, P.; ŠIKULA, J. NOISE IN SUBMICRON MOSFETS: RTS's AS THE ULTIMATE COMPONENTS OF THE 1/f NOISE. In Proceedings of 6th international conference of PhD students. Hungary, MIskolc: University of Miskolc, 2007. p. 249-253. ISBN: 978-963-661-779-0.Detail
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., ŠIKULA, J. Charge carrier transport and noise in polymer based thick films. In 4th European Microelectronics and Packaging Symposium with Table-Top Exhibition - Proceedings. Slovinsko: MIDEM, 2006. p. 15 ( p.)ISBN: 961-91023-4-7.Detail
Odpovědnost: Šikula Josef, prof. Ing. RNDr., DrSc.