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Detail projektu
Období řešení: 01.03.2006 — 30.09.2008
O projektu
The CARETAKER project aims at studying, developing and assessing multimedia knowledgebased content analysis, knowledge extraction components, and metadata management sub-systems in the context of automated situation awareness, diagnosis and decision support. More precisely, CARETAKER will focus on the extraction of a structured knowledge from large multimedia collections recorded over networks of camera and microphones deployed in real sites. The produced audio-visual streams, in addition to surveillance and safety issues, could represent a useful source of information if stored and automatically analysed, in urban planning and resource optimisation, environment planning and disabled/elderly person monitoring for instance.
Klíčová slovamassive recording, content analysis, speech processing, video processing, awareness, knowledge representation, ontology
Originální jazyk
Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing. - hlavní řešitelSmrž Pavel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. - spoluřešitelZemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. - spoluřešitel
Ústav počítačové grafiky a multimédií- spolupříjemce (01.03.2006 - 30.09.2008)
MATĚJKA, P.; BURGET, L.; SCHWARZ, P.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. NIST 2005 Language Recognition Evaluation. Proceedings of NIST LRE 2005. Washington DC: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2006. p. 1-37.Detail
GRÉZL, F.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Audio Surveillance through Known Event Classification. Radioengineering, 2009, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 671-675. ISSN: 1210-2512.Detail
SMRŽ, P. Uncertainty Extensions to Ontologies as a Tool for Semantic Interpretation in Audiovisual Systems. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, Poster and Demo. Athens: 2006. p. 27-28.Detail
ČERNOCKÝ, J.; SZŐKE, I.; FAPŠO, M.; KARAFIÁT, M.; BURGET, L.; KOPECKÝ, J.; GRÉZL, F.; SCHWARZ, P.; GLEMBEK, O.; OPARIN, I.; SMRŽ, P.; MATĚJKA, P. Search in speech for public security and defense. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Applications for Public Security and Forensics, 2007 (SAFE '07). Washington D.C.: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2007. p. 1-7. ISBN: 1-4244-1226-9.Detail
ČERNOCKÝ, J.; BURGET, L.; SCHWARZ, P.; MATĚJKA, P.; KARAFIÁT, M.; GLEMBEK, O.; KOPECKÝ, J.; SZŐKE, I.; FAPŠO, M.; GRÉZL, F.; HUBEIKA, V.; OPARIN, I. Search in speech, language identification and speaker recognition in Speech@FIT. Proc. 17th International Conference Radioelektronika, 2007. Brno: Department of Radioelectronics FEEC BUT, 2007. p. 1-6. ISBN: 978-80-214-3390-8.Detail
HRADIŠ, M. Framework for Research on Detection Classifiers. Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. Budmerice: Comenius University in Bratislava, 2008. p. 171-177. ISBN: 978-80-89186-30-3.Detail
GRÉZL, F.; FOUSEK, P. Optimizing bottle-neck features for LVCSR. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Las Vegas, Nevada: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2008. p. 4729-4732. ISBN: 1-4244-1484-9.Detail
GRÉZL, F.; KARAFIÁT, M.; KONTÁR, S.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Probabilistic and bottle-neck features for LVCSR of meetings. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2007). Hononulu: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2007. p. 757-760. ISBN: 1-4244-0728-1.Detail
MATĚJKA, P.; BURGET, L.; SCHWARZ, P.; GLEMBEK, O.; KARAFIÁT, M.; GRÉZL, F.; ČERNOCKÝ, J.; VAN LEEUWEN, D.; BRÜMMER, N.; STRASHEIM, A. STBU system for the NIST 2006 speaker recognition evaluation. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2007). Honolulu: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2007. p. 221-224. ISBN: 1-4244-0728-1.Detail
CHMELAŘ, P.; ZENDULKA, J. Visual Surveillance Metadata Management. Eighteenth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications. IEEE CPS. Regensburg: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007. p. 79-83. ISBN: 978-0-7695-2932-5.Detail
MATĚJKA, P.; BURGET, L.; GLEMBEK, O.; SCHWARZ, P.; HUBEIKA, V.; FAPŠO, M.; MIKOLOV, T.; PLCHOT, O.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. BUT language recognition system for NIST 2007 evaluations. Proc. Interspeech 2008. Proceedings of Interspeech. Brisbane, Australia: International Speech Communication Association, 2008. p. 1-4. ISSN: 1990-9772.Detail
HUBEIKA, V.; BURGET, L.; MATĚJKA, P.; SCHWARZ, P. Discriminative Training and Channel Compensation for Acoustic Language Recognition. Proc. Interspeech 2008. Proceedings of Interspeech. Brisbane: International Speech Communication Association, 2008. p. 1-4. ISSN: 1990-9772.Detail
GRÉZL, F.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. TRAP-based Techniques for Recognition of Noisy Speech. Proc. 10th International Conference on Text Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2007). LNCS. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2007. p. 270-277. ISBN: 978-3-540-74627-0.Detail
KOCKMANN, M.; BURGET, L. Syllable based Feature-Contours for Speaker Recognition. Proc. 14th International Workshop on Advances in Speech Technology. Maribor: 2008. p. 1-4.Detail
GLEMBEK, O.; MATĚJKA, P.; BURGET, L.; MIKOLOV, T. Advances in Phonotactic Language Recognition. Proc. Interspeech 2008. Proceedings of Interspeech. Brisbane: International Speech Communication Association, 2008. p. 1-4. ISSN: 1990-9772.Detail
JURÁNEK, R. Engine for Real-Time 2D Object Detection. Proceedings of the 14th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2008 Volume 4. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2008. p. 1-5. ISBN: 80-214-3163-6.Detail
MLÍCH, J.; CHMELAŘ, P. Trajectory classification based on Hidden Markov Models. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision. Moscow: Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2008. p. 101-105. ISBN: 978-5-9556-0112-0.Detail
MLÍCH, J. Trajectory classification. Proceedings of the 14th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2008. Volume 2. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2008. p. 211-213. ISBN: 978-80-214-3615-2.Detail
BURGET, L.; MATĚJKA, P.; SCHWARZ, P.; GLEMBEK, O.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. Analysis of feature extraction and channel compensation in GMM speaker recognition system. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2007, vol. 15, no. 7, p. 1979-1986. ISSN: 1558-7916.Detail
BRÜMMER, N.; BURGET, L.; ČERNOCKÝ, J.; GLEMBEK, O.; GRÉZL, F.; KARAFIÁT, M.; VAN LEEUWEN, D.; MATĚJKA, P.; SCHWARZ, P.; STRASHEIM, A. Fusion of heterogeneous speaker recognition systems in the STBU submission for the NIST speaker recognition evaluation 2006. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2007, vol. 15, no. 7, p. 2072-2084. ISSN: 1558-7916.Detail
MATĚJKA, P.; BURGET, L.; SCHWARZ, P.; ČERNOCKÝ, J. NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2006. Proceedings of NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2006. San Juan: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2006. p. 1-40.Detail