Detail projektu

Vulnerability and Risk Analysis of Urban Water Infrastructure

Období řešení: 01.01.2008 — 31.12.2009

Zdroje financování

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - KONTAKT

- plně financující (2008-01-01 - nezadáno)

O projektu

The main objective of this project is to define and improve the current knowledge gaps and methods development for risk analysis and vulnerability assessment of urban water infrastructure. The complete life-cycle will be comprised of e.g. planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of this infrastructure from aspect of potential hazards and vulnerability including the possibility of implementation/application of innovative technologies (modelling, real time measurement andcontrol, early warning, ...). The risk analysis for water supply will be solved for quantitative aspects (risk analysis of non-provision of required amount of water supply in the given time) and qualitative aspects (risk analysis of non-provision of water supply of required quality defined by relevant legislation, guidelines and standards). The risk analysis for waste water infrastructure will focus on the ?serviceability? of the whole system including failure management for sewer lines (infiltratio

Klíčová slova
Vulnerability, Risk Analysis, Urban Water Infrastructure



Originální jazyk




Ústav vodního hospodářství obcí
- příjemce (01.01.2008 - nezadáno)