Detail projektu

SRS - Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living

Období řešení: 01.09.2011 — 30.04.2013

Zdroje financování

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - Podpora projektů sedmého rámcového programu Evropského společenství pro výzkum, technologický rozvoj a demonstrace (2007 až 2013) podle zákona č. 171/2007 Sb.

- částečně financující (2011-09-01 - 2013-04-30)

O projektu

SRS (Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living) focuses on the development and prototyping of remotely-controlled, semi-autonomous robotic solutions in domestic environments to support elderly people. SRS solutions are designed to enable a robot to act as a shadow of its controller. For example, elderly parents can have a robot as a shadow of their children or carers. In this case, adult children or carers can help them remotely and physically with daily living tasks as if the children or carers were resident in the house. Remote presence via robotics is the key to achieve targeted SRS goal. Based on the study of user requirements, the usability of the system can be improved by real-time 3D display on the client side. However, network communication poses serious problems due to limited and potentially unreliable communication channels. The proposed extension of the SRS project focuses on context-aware multimodal HRI support aimed at usability, safety and situation awareness for remote users. The new Context-Aware Virtual 3D Display will be able to cope with the project visualisation needs resulting from the existing requirement specifications. It will work on the client side based on predefined 3D maps. The Virtual map will be updated online employing a combination of real-time 3D robot perception, real-time 2D video processing and remote operator perception. The technical outcome will employ context detection based on visual clues, trajectory verification by means of video processing and object detection in images. Advanced fusion mechanisms will also be explored too. The addition of BUT to the consortium will allow optimizing the SRS HRI design and developing multimodal interfaces that are more appropriate for and attractive to the targeted user group. This will improve the end-user experience with the SRS robot and hence make the project more effective and more efficient. The extension will enable building better robots for personalized health care.

Popis česky
1.1.1    Impact of BUT to the SRS project

BUT will bring to the existing SRS project additional expertise in multimodal HRI, object detection and processing acceleration. It will be mainly exploited in optimizing the SRS HRI design and developing multimodal interfaces that are more attractive and adequate for the targeted user groups. The Context Aware Virtual 3D Display will improve the end-user experience with the SRS robot and hence make the project more effective and more efficient. The extension will enable building better robots for personalized health care.

The project will especially benefit from the BUTs knowledge and experience in efficient hardware-accelerated video processing. The new Virtual 3D Display will be able to provide accurate visualization even when communicating over limited and potentially unreliable links. The explored state-of-the-art context detection techniques will be extended by advanced machine-learning techniques and novel features that are optimal with respect to the SRS requirements.

Klíčová slova
assistive robotics, computer vision



Originální jazyk




Ústav počítačové grafiky a multimédií
- příjemce (01.09.2011 - 30.04.2013)


HULÍK, R.; BERAN, V.; ŠPANĚL, M.; KRŠEK, P.; SMRŽ, P. Fast and Accurate Plane Segmentation in Depth Maps for Indoor Scenes. In IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Vilamoura, Algarve: Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia FIT BUT, 2012. p. 1665-1670. ISBN: 978-1-4673-1737-5. ISSN: 2153-0858.

POLOK, L.; ILA, V.; ŠOLONY, M.; ZEMČÍK, P.; SMRŽ, P. Efficient Implementation for Block Matrix Operations Nonlinear Least Squares Problems for Robotic Applications. Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Karlsruhe: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. p. 123-131. ISBN: 978-1-4673-5642-8.

ILA, V.; POLOK, L.; SMRŽ, P.; ŠOLONY, M.; ZEMČÍK, P. Incremental Cholesky Factorization for Least Squares Problems in Robotics. Proceedings of The 2013 IFAC Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Symposium. Gold Coast: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. p. 1-8. ISBN: 978-3-902823-36-6.

MATERNA, Z.; ŠPANĚL, M.; MAST, M.; BERAN, V.; WEISSHARDT, F.; BURMESTER, M.; SMRŽ, P. Teleoperating Assistive Robots: A Novel User Interface for Remote Manipulation and Navigation Relying on Semi-Autonomy and Global 3D Environment Mapping. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 2017, vol. 29, no. 2, p. 381-394. ISSN: 0915-3942.

MAST, M.; MATERNA, Z.; ŠPANĚL, M.; WEISSHARDT, F.; ARBEITER, G.; BURMESTER, M.; SMRŽ, P. Semi-Autonomous Domestic Service Robots: Evaluation of a User Interface for Remote Manipulation and Navigation With Focus on Effects of Stereoscopic Display. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2015, vol. 2015, no. 7, p. 183-202. ISSN: 1875-4791.

MAST, M.; BURMESTER, M.; GRAF, B.; WEISSHARDT, F.; ARBEITER, G.; ŠPANĚL, M.; MATERNA, Z.; SMRŽ, P.; KRONREIF, G. Design of the human-robot interaction for a semi-autonomous service robot to assist elderly people. In Ambient Assisted Living. Advanced Technologies and Societal Change. Berlin: Springer International Publishing, 2015. p. 15-29. ISBN: 978-3-319-11865-9.

QIU, R.; JI, Z.; NOYVIRT, A.; SOROKA, A.; SETCHI, R.; PHAM, D.; XU, S.; SHIVAROV, N.; PIGINI, L.; ARBEITER, G.; WEISSHARDT, F.; GRAF, B.; MAST, M.; BLASI, L.; FACAL, D.; ROOKER, M.; LOPEZ, R.; LI, D.; LIU, B.; KRONREIF, G.; SMRŽ, P. Towards robust personal assistant robots: Experience gained in the SRS project. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Vilamoura: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012. p. 1651-1657. ISBN: 978-1-4673-1737-5.

MAST, M.; ŠPANĚL, M.; ARBEITER, G.; ŠTANCL, V.; MATERNA, Z.; WEISSHARDT, F.; BURMESTER, M.; SMRŽ, P. Teleoperation of Domestic Service Robots: Effects of Global 3D Environment Maps in the User Interface on Operators' Cognitive and Performance Metrics. Proceedings of International Conference on Social Robotics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI). Bristol: Springer Verlag, 2013. p. 392-401. ISBN: 978-3-319-02674-9. ISSN: 0302-9743.
