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Jamaluddin, K., Alwi, S.R.W., Manan, Z.A., Hamzah, K., Klemeš, J.J.
Originální název
Performance of centralised trigeneration plant on sensitivity analysis of total site system
článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus
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The progressive rising of high living standards and populations’ growth has led to increasing energy demands. This has led to the energy shortage gap in both developing and developed countries. Government is developing new technology to increase the thermal efficiency of existing power systems. Trigeneration is one of the innovations that can increase the performance of power systems by reusing waste energy for heating and cooling applications. Pinch Analysis (PA) is a methodology that has been commonly applied for more than 40 years to design and optimum configurations of various resource networks. Previous studies have been performed optimisation of trigeneration system in a Total Site system based on the PA method called Trigeneration System Cascade Analysis (TriGenSCA). However, the previous study does not consider the performance of the trigeneration system through overall sensitivity analysis of Total Site system. Overall sensitivity analysis of the Total Site system that includes industrial plant's maintenance shutdown and production changes affected the performance of the centralized trigeneration system to generate energy to be supplied to the demands. Through this analysis, the size of the trigeneration system and back-up system can be estimated taking into consideration data fluctuations probability. The methodology has been tested on the centralized nuclear trigeneration system in a Total Site system considering four industrial plants as a case study, leading to extra 3.1 MW of Low-Pressure Steam (LPS) and 7.15 MW of Hot Water (HW) are needed from the back-up system if Plant B is shut down as well as extra of 82.4 MW of HW is needed by the back-up system if Plant C is shut down. The size of the boiler and condensate system, hence, need to be improved to overcome the deficit energy as the Plants B and C are shut down. © 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.
Klíčová slova
Performance; centralised; trigeneration plant; sensitivity analysis; total site system
22. 12. 2020
IOP Publishing Ltd
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska
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@inproceedings{BUT168256, author="Jiří {Klemeš}", title="Performance of centralised trigeneration plant on sensitivity analysis of total site system", booktitle="IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering", year="2020", journal="IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering", volume="1", number="991", pages="012141--012141", publisher="IOP Publishing Ltd", doi="10.1088/1757-899X/991/1/012141", issn="1757-8981", url="https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/991/1/012141" }