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BUT is the proud recipient of the HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission. We are following the principles of the European Charter and the Code of Practice in the process of recruiting and selecting all staff.
The recruitment and selection procedures at the BUT are regulated by The Rules for Selection Procedures for Filling the Posts of Academic, Research and Development Staff, Senior Staff and Other Positions at BUT. The BUT promotes equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
The application form for the recruitment or competition includes the additional documents required. They are most often:
Curiculum Vitae is the basic document attached to each job application. A structured Curriculum Vitae summarises information about the candidate, educational attainment, experience, skills and knowledge, training and, where relevant, interests. Its content should be tailored to the job you are applying for.
The aim of the cover letter is to interest employers. It should include a description of your motivation to work in the position, your prerequisites for its successful performance, strengths, work achievements of knowledge in the field already achieved. The cover letter is a tool to convince an employer to choose you.
One of the basic requirements for job seekers is the highest educational attainment. This is usually evidenced by a notarised copy of the vocational certificate/ graduation diploma/ university diploma or nostrification of the diploma.
The Europass portal provides support for jobseekers within the European Union. In addition to getting a lot of useful advice and information, you can use it to complete a CV, a cover letter, after registration to seek and receive offers of jobs and educational opportunities throughout Europe based on your interests.
We process the personal data of jobseekers in accordance with the Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as a personal data controller.
Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková