doc. Ing.

Branislav Lacko


FME, NCC MESTEC - IADD – Associate professor

+420 54114 2206

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doc. Ing. Branislav Lacko, CSc.


Consulting hours

Tuesday, 10:00-12:00, A1/0627 (Technická 2896/2, Brno 616 69)

Guaranteed courses

VNSDesign of Control Systems
Czech, winter, FME, IACS
0PRProject Management
Czech, winter, FME, IACS

* Valid data for academic year 2023/2024

Lectured courses

MC_ADCAutomation and Digitization in Chemical Engineering
Lecture, Czech, summer, FCH, ÚCHM
VI4Industry 4.0
Lecture, Czech, summer, FME, IACS
0PRProject Management
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FME, IACS
RSARIRisk Analysis
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, summer, IFE

* Valid data for academic year 2023/2024