doc. Ing.

Branislav Lacko


FME, NCC MESTEC - IADD – Associate professor

+420 54114 2206

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doc. Ing. Branislav Lacko, CSc.

Curriculum vitae

Education and academic qualification

  • 1967, Engineer, Faculty of Aeronautic Military Academy of Brno, Engineer for Aircraft Production
  • 1982 - Brno, CSc. Faculty of Electronics Engineering Technical University of Brno, Doctor for Technical Cybernetics
  • 24.3.1995 - Brno, Associated Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Brno, Ass. Prof. for Automatic Control

Career overview

  • 1967-1991, programmer-analyst, Computing Center of TOS Kuřim
  • 1992- 2006 Ass. Prof, Department of Automation and Informatics TU of Brno
  • 2007 up tu now - scientific research

Pedagogic activities

  • Tutor for design of control systems and nonindustrial automation
  • Tutor of design of information and control systems
  • Education of Ph.D students (6 students are ending)

External tutor of many education institutes :

  • CVP VUT Brno (current)
  • Gradua-CEGOS (1998 - 200
  • METER (1998 - 2001)
  • Internatonal Institute for research Wien (current)


Scientific activities

  • Design of control and information system
  • Project mangement
  • Risk Project Management
  • CIM Systems
  • Nonindustrial integrated automation

Software testing and quality

  • Patent 15344 Solar absorb fridge equipment with electronic control
  • Patent  15959 Multi-direction undercarriage with three ball elements
  • Patent 15951 Undrcarriage with motion ball
  • Patent 16 656 Multi-direction undercarriage with ball-elements in matrix
  • Patent 19748  Solar Panel with Optical Concentration   and  Transmission Solids
  • Patent  18635 Interior Power Equipment of Ball
  • Patent  19748 Electronical  Block Subsystem of Electro-mechanical Lock
  • Patent  23554 Solar Panel with Optical Concentration and Sendwich Arranged


  • RIPRAN (Risk Project Analysis) for risk project analysis
  • MOAP (Mining of Automation Plans) for searching of automation project goals


University activities

  • 1997 - 2003, vicedirector of Department of Automation and Informatics
  • 1998 - 2006  head of Automation section

Non-University activities


  • 2017 - up now, Fedaration Europian Risk Management Association, member
  • 2011 - up to now, Control Engineering (Czech) editor staff chairman
  • 2000 - up to now, IT Systems editor staff
  • 2005 - up to now, chairman of A.S.I. Brno
  • 1994 - up to now, member of International Project Management Association
  • 1998 - up to now, member of committee Czech and Moravian Automatics Association
  • 1995 - 2009 member of Czech Association for System Integration
  • 1996 - up to now, member of Czech Association for Cybernetics and Informatics
  • 2000 - up to now, member of Czech Association for Quality

Industry cooperation

  • 2008 up now - PM Consultin


Prizing by scientific community

  • 2016 - Finalist  FERMA AWARD 2016
  • 1996-1998, Member of scientific committee of Faculty of Electronics Engineering
  • 2003 - 2005 Member of scientific committee certification body of Czech Republic section of International Project Management Association
  • 2004- 2007 Member Ph.D. study committee Faculty of Civil Engineering TU of Brno
  • 2010 - Medal of Leonardo da Vinci from Association of Mechanical Engineerings


  • 1999 - PHARE - Project DEMCAE - module Project Management
  • 1999 - 2001 Leonardo - modul Project Managment - Team work
  • 1999 - 2003 Grant - Automation of technologies and proceses
  • 2003 - 2005 Procect - Advanced Planning System (for NWT Computers)
  • 2007 - present: The Inteligent Systems in Automation MSM 0021630529 (subsolver)
  • 2010 - 2011 Inovattion of Study, FBM TU Brno, ESF project No.: CZ.1:07/2:2:00/15:0433
  • 2012 - 2014 Progress of key competences of high school students . TU of Brno, project CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0255




Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge


Sum of other citations (without self-citations)