
Jan Kalina

FME, IPE DPE – Researcher

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Ing. Jan Kalina


Consulting hours

Monday, 07:00-08:30, A4/206 (Technická 2896/2, Brno 616 69)

Po předchozí domluvě prostřednictvím mailu nebo VUT zprávy.

Monday, 17:00-18:00, D5/422 (Technická 2896/2, Brno 616 69)

Po předchozí domluvě prostřednictvím mailu nebo VUT zprávy.

Recommended procedure

If you want to ensure a meeting / consultation write an email when you want to meet. (Exceptionally even outside the posted consultation hours).

In cases of urgency, or long-term planning, check your school email, where you should receive an invitation to a calendar event.

Lectured courses

0SP1Student team project 1
Laboratory exercise, Czech, winter, FME, IPE
0SP2Student team project 2
Laboratory exercise, Czech, summer, FME, IPE

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025