Mgr. Ing.

Jiří Šlanhof


FCE, TST – Head of Department

+420 54114 7979

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Mgr. Ing. Jiří Šlanhof, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Monday, 15:00-16:00, E1/E606 (Veveří 530/95, Brno 602 00)

Wednesday, 09:00-10:00, E1/E606 (Veveří 530/95, Brno 602 00)

Guaranteed courses

BW052Automation of Building-Technological Design
Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BWB005Automation of Building-Technological Design
Czech, summer, FCE, TST
NWA019Computer Support in Construction Preparation and Realization 1
Czech, summer, FCE, TST
CW014Computer Support in Construction Preparation and Realization 1
Czech, summer, FCE, TST
NWA026Computer Support in Construction Preparation and Realization 2
Czech, winter, FCE, TST
CW019Computer Support in Construction Preparation and Realization 2
Czech, winter, FCE, TST
NWA020Execution and Reconstruction of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Czech, summer, FCE, TST
CW015Execution and Reconstruction of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Czech, summer, FCE, TST
DW62Information system in construction technology
Czech, winter, FCE, TST
DWB033Information system in construction technology
Czech, winter, FCE, TST

* Valid data for academic year 2023/2024

Lectured courses

BWB005Automation of Building-Technological Design
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BWB006Bachelor Seminar (S-TST)
Seminar, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BW053Bachelor Seminar (S-TST)
Seminar, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
NWA019Computer Support in Construction Preparation and Realization 1
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
NWA026Computer Support in Construction Preparation and Realization 2
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, TST
NWA025Diploma Seminar (R)
Seminar, Czech, winter, FCE, TST
NWA020Execution and Reconstruction of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
DWB033Information system in construction technology
Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, TST
DW62Information system in construction technology
Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, TST
NWA021Specialized project (R)
Project, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BW055Specialized project (S-TST)
Project, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BWB008Specialized project (S-TST)
Project, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
NWA033Technology of constructions 2
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, TST
BWA003Technology of Constructions 2
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, TST
BW004Technology of Constructions 2
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, TST

* Valid data for academic year 2023/2024