prof. doc. Ing.

Miroslav Kolíbal


FME, IPE – Associate professor

+420 54114 2708

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prof. doc. Ing. Miroslav Kolíbal, Ph.D.

Curriculum vitae

Education and academic qualification

  • 2017, habilitation in Applied physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
  • 2009, PhD., Fakulta strojního inženýrství VUT v Brně, obor Fyzikální a materiálové inženýrství
  • 2002, Ing., Fakulta strojního inženýrství VUT v Brně, obor Fyzikální a materiálové inženýrství

Career overview

09/2017 – present: associate professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology

02/2012 –present: senior researcher, Central European Institite of Technology, Brno University of Technology

04/2011 – present: Thermo Fisher Scientific, external consultant

02/2009 – 08/2017: assistant professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology 

07/2008 – 01/2009: assistant, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology 

10/2005 – 06/2008: technical staff, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology 

Scientific activities

  • Development of instrumentation and methodology for monitoring chemical reactions in real time in an electron microscope
  • Multimodal microscopy including other signals than electrons only (e.g. scanning probe microscopy)
  • Preparation and analysis of 1D and 2D nanostructures, including modifications and arrangement into spatially organized functional blocks


    • Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, junior funding scheme 2016-2018, EUR 223k.
    • Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, postdoctoral funding scheme 2012-2015, EUR 59k

    jako co-investigator or similar important role

    • Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, programme Epsilon, TH03020005, “R&D of Bulk Semiconductor Material with Wide Bandgap”, 2018-2020.
    • Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, programme Zeta, TJ01000271, “Development of atomic source for applications in electron microscopy” 2018-2019.
    • Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, programme Trend, FW01010183, “Next Generation of Integrated Atomic Force and Scanning Electron Microscopy”, 2020-2023.
    • Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, programme Národní centra competence, TN01000008, “Center of electron and photonic optics” 2018-2022.

Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within SCOPUS