
Pavel Houška


FME, IPMSR RCAM – Assistant professor

+420 54114 2483

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Ing. Pavel Houška, Ph.D.

Curriculum vitae

Education and academic qualification

  • 1999, Ing., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT, branch Mechatronics
  • 2004, Ph.D., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT, branch Engineering mechanics

Career overview

  • 1991-1994, Machinist, Lada, a.s. branch plant Jindřichův Hradec
  • 1998-2004, Developer - programmer, SMART spol. s r.o. Brno
  • 2002-2004, Technical staff, Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, FME, BUT
  • 2004, Lecturer, Inst. of Automation and Computer Science, FME, BUT
  • 2005-to date, Senior lecturer, Inst. of Automation and Computer Science, FME, BUT

Pedagogic activities

  • Design of mechatronics systems
  • Sensors
  • Operating and control of electric actuators
  • Microcontroller application development
  • LabVIEW application development

Scientific activities

  • Modeling, simulation and control of mechatronics systems
  • Microcontrollers utilization for control of mechatronics systems
  • Measurement, sensors systems  and development of smart sensors

Academic internships abroad

  • 2007, Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria


  • 2002-2004, MSM 262100024: Research and development of mechatronic systems.
  • 2005-2008, 1P05ME789: Simulation of mechanical function of selected elements of human body
  • 2005-2011, MSM 0021630518: Simulation modelling of mechatronic systems
  • 2007: FRVŠ 786/2007: Innovation of laboratories  for education of automation
  • 2009-to date, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/07.0406: Introduction of Problem Based Learning to Mechanical Engineering Curricula
  • 2009-to date, CZ.1.07/2.3.00/09.0162: Knowledge and Skills in Mechatronics, Innovations Transfer to Practice
  • 2010-to date, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0002: NETME Centre - New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering, junior researcher
  • 2010, FSI-S-10-29: Development of control and sensor systems unconventional mechatronics devices
  • 2011-to date, FSI-S-11-23: Modelling and control of system with redundant actuation
  • 2011-to date, FR-TI3/655: Ecodesign in tool machine construction, MPO Czech program TIP