
Radek Poliščuk


FME, IACS ACS – Assistant professor

+420 54114 2203

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Ing. Radek Poliščuk, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Wednesday, 12:00-13:00, A1/0628 (Technická 2896/2, Brno 616 69)

Other days/hours upon e-mail or personal confirmation.

Guaranteed courses

VPG-AComputers and Graphics
English, winter, FME, IACS
VPG-KComputers and Graphics
Czech, winter, FME, IACS
VPGComputers and Graphics
Czech, winter, FME, IACS
VPL-KProgrammable Controller Systems (PLC)
Czech, winter, FME, IACS
VPLProgrammable Controller Systems (PLC)
Czech, winter, FME, IACS

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

1INComputer Science
Computer-assisted exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FME, IACS
VPG-KComputers and Graphics
Guided consultation in combined form of studies, Czech, winter, FME, IACS
VPGComputers and Graphics
Computer-assisted exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FME, IACS
VAM-KIntroduction to Programmable Logic Controlles
Laboratory exercise, Czech, winter, FME, IACS
VAMIntroduction to Programmable Logic Controlles
Laboratory exercise, Czech, winter, FME, IACS
ZAEMachine and Process Control
Laboratory exercise, Czech, summer, FME, IMID
VPLProgrammable Controller Systems (PLC)
Laboratory exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FME, IACS
VPL-KProgrammable Controller Systems (PLC)
Guided consultation in combined form of studies, Laboratory exercise, Czech, winter, FME, IACS

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025