Radek Poliščuk
FME, IACS ACS – Assistant professor
+420 54114 2203
Curriculum vitae
Education and academic qualification
- 2004, Ph.D. on Physical and Material Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Brno.
- 1997, Ing. on Engineering Informatics and Automation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Brno.
Career overview
- 2001-2002, programmer and analyst, CÍGLER SOFTWARE a.s., Brno
- 2004-now, senior lecturer, Institute of Automation and Informatics at FME TU Brno.
- 2010-now, research worker, Institute of Machine and Industrial Design at FME TU Brno.
Pedagogic activities
- Lectures and exercises on:
- Computers and Graphics (VPG)
- Information Processing (BZI)
- Machine and Process Control (FSI-ZAE)
Scientific activities
- The study of elastohydrodynamic lubrication by computer color vision methods.
- Development of application and PLC software for experimental tribology
- Fotogrammetric and control applications for metal and paper processing industry
- Geolocation based applications for adaptive traction control in railway vehicles
Academic internships abroad
Industry cooperation
- Koyo Bearings Česká republika, s.r.o., BigBerthA code maintenance, HS13057028 (2010-)
- TRIBOTEC, spol. s r.o., vývoj inteligentního mazání okolků kolejových vozidel, HS13457120 (2013-)
- DAIDO METAL CZECH s.r.o. - special testbed for high speed sliding bearings, preparation machines for surface sanding and coating. (2015-2016)
- Czech Machines s.r.o., MPO TRIO FV10592 "Development of new semi-automatic index cutting machines" (2016-2018)
- MOOD International s.r.o., projekt MPO TRIO2 FV20474 "Research and development of automatic programmable shape press for polygraphy and plastic processing" (2017-)
Grant Agency of The Czech Republic:
- GAČR 101/06/P225: Experimental study of thin films at mixed lubrication conditions.
- GAČR 101/05/0520: Experimental study of thin lubricant films at non-stationary operating conditions.
International Projects:
- COST (The European Co-operation in Scientific and Technical Research): Influence of surface roughness on thin film behavior.
- Czech-Chinese cooperation program ME 723: Study of Surface Roughness Influence on Creation of Thin Lubricant Films.
Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within SCOPUS
Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge