doc. Ing.

Robert Kledus


IFE, OAN – Associate professor

+420 54114 8910

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doc. Ing. Robert Kledus, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Friday, 08:30-10:30

Guaranteed programmes

EID_PExpert Engineering in Traffic
full-time study, Czech, Ing., 2 years, IFE,

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Guaranteed courses

MPC-SINExpert Assesment in ICT
Czech, summer, FEEC, IFE
DSC01Forensic Engineering - General Methodology
Czech, winter, IFE
DSD03General principles of property valuation
Czech, summer, IFE
ESMEZMethodology of Expert Activity
Czech, winter, IFE
ERTONReal Estate Valuation Theory
Czech, winter, IFE
RSSYMSystems Methodology
Czech, summer, IFE
EROMPValuation of Movable Property and Companies
Czech, summer, IFE
EDOMMValuation of Movable Property Theory
Czech, summer, IFE
DSNB03Teorie oceňování majetku
Czech, summer, IFE
DSNA03Soudní inženýrství - obecná metodika
Czech, winter, IFE
DSNC04Speciální metodika SoI - oceňování movitého majetku
Czech, winter, IFE
4ZVRZrakové vnímání řidiče
Czech, both, IFE, OAN
4ZOMObecné zásady oceňování majetku
Czech, both, IFE
NZČZnalecká činnost podle nové právní úpravy
Czech, winter, IFE
4OCMOceňování movitého majetku
Czech, both, IFE, OAN
4OMVOceňování motorových vozidel a strojů
Czech, both, IFE, OAN

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

MC_POSZAdvanced Assessment of Machinery and Devices
Lifelong Learning course, Czech, both, IFE
MPC-SINExpert Assesment in ICT
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, Czech, summer, FEEC, IFE
ESMEZMethodology of Expert Activity
Lecture, Czech, winter, IFE
ERTONReal Estate Valuation Theory
Lecture, Czech, winter, IFE
RSSYMSystems Methodology
Lecture, Czech, summer, IFE
EROMPValuation of Movable Property and Companies
Lecture, Czech, summer, IFE
EDOMMValuation of Movable Property Theory
Lecture, Czech, summer, IFE
DSNA03Soudní inženýrství - obecná metodika
Lecture, Czech, winter, IFE
4ZOMObecné zásady oceňování majetku
Lecture, Czech, both, IFE
NZČZnalecká činnost podle nové právní úpravy
Lifelong Learning course, Czech, winter, IFE

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025