doc. Ing.

Stanislav Věchet


FME, ISMMB DAS – Head of sub-department

+420 54114 2855

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doc. Ing. Stanislav Věchet, Ph.D.

Curriculum vitae

Education and academic qualification

  • 2000, Ing., Faculty of mechanical engineering, BUT, branch Mechatronics
  • 2004, (Ing.), Faculty of mechanical engineering, BUT, branch Computer Science
  • 2004, Ph.D., Faculty of mechanical engineering, BUT, branch Mechatronics
  • 2014, Assoc. Prof., Faculty of mechanical engineering, BUT

Career overview

  • 2017, Assoc. Prof., Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics
  • 2014-2017, Assoc. Prof., Institute of Automation and Computer Science
  • 2006-to date, researcher, Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i.
  • 2004-2014, assistant professor, Institute of Automation and Computer Science
  • 2003-2004, Drivers programming and testing for Motorola microprocessors, UNIS
  • 2000-2004, JmSKe Consultant, Software development

Pedagogic activities

  • Computer science
  • Programming Techniques
  • Fluid systems

Scientific activities

  • artificial intelligence applications in engineering
  • mobile robots, navigation
  • simulation modeling of navigation methods in field of mobile robotics
  • embeded systems

Academic internships abroad

  • 2014: Visiting scholar at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
  • 2012: Postdoctoral fellow at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
  • 2008: Language study at Langports English Language College, Australia


  • CZ.1.07/2.3.00/09.0162, Knowledge and Skills in Mechatronics - Innovations Transfer to Practice
  • CZ.1.07/2.2.00/07.0406,Introduction of Problem Based Learning to Mechanical Engineering Curricula - Problem based learning
  • 2005-today, Simulation modelling of mechatronic systems, Research plan MSM 0021630518, co-worker
  • 2006, Scenic sensor design for mobile robot localization in unknown environment. Project FSI, principal investigator.
  • 2002-2004, Research and development of mechatronic systems. Research plan MSM 262100024, co-worker
  • 200-2002, Magnetic bearing control, Project GA CR 101/00/1471, co-worker

Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within SCOPUS


Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge


Sum of other citations (without self-citations)