Ing. et Ing.

Václav Venkrbec


FCE, TST – Assistant professor

+420 54114 7464

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Ing. et Ing. Václav Venkrbec, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Tuesday, 14:00-15:00, B/B305 (Veveří 331/95, Brno 602 00)

Student consultations for practical training take priority over consultations for diploma and bachelor theses. Consultation time MUST BE booked using the reservation system on my website:

Consultations for bachelor's and master's theses must be arranged in advance by email or phone, or a regular schedule will be arranged at the first meeting.

Wednesday, 15:00-16:00, B/B305 (Veveří 331/95, Brno 602 00)

Student consultations for practical training take priority over consultations for diploma and bachelor theses. Consultation time MUST BE booked using the reservation system on my website:

Consultations for bachelor's and master's theses must be arranged in advance by email or phone, or a regular schedule will be arranged at the first meeting.

Lectured courses

BW053Bachelor Seminar (S-TST)
Seminar, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BWB006Bachelor Seminar (S-TST)
Seminar, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BWA013Construction Preparation and Realization
Exercise, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
NWA014Construction Project Planning
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, TST
BWA004Construction Realization
Exercise, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
NWA025Diploma Seminar (R)
Seminar, Czech, winter, FCE, TST
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
NWA021Specialized project (R)
Project, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BW055Specialized project (S-TST)
Project, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BWB008Specialized project (S-TST)
Project, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BWA002Technology of Constructions 1
Exercise, Czech, summer, FCE, TST
BWA003Technology of Constructions 2
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, TST

* Valid data for academic year 2023/2024