doc. Ing.

Vlasta Sedláková


BUT – Vice-Rector for Human Resources Management

+420 54114 5272, +420 54114 6025

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doc. Ing. Vlasta Sedláková, Ph.D.


ORCID iD 0000-0002-4151-7714
Researcher IDE-2453-2012
Scopus ID6508143154

Brno University of Technology

Vice-Rector for Human Resources Management

AddressAntonínská 548/1, Veveří, 60200, Brno, Česká republika
Work phone+420 54114 5272
+420 54114 6025
Phone+420 54114 6025

BUT Management, Member

Editorial Board of magazine News at BUT, Member

Rector's council, Member

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication

Department of Physics, Department Financial Officer

AddressTechnická 2848/8, Královo Pole, 61600, Brno, Česká republika
Work phone+420 54114 6025
RoomT8/T 5.12 (Technická 2848/8, Brno 61600)

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