Open Science
In the spring of 2022, the Open Science Strategy at the Brno University of Technology for 2022–2025 was adopted.
BUT understands open science as a fundamental basis for setting the policy of preservation and publication of scientific publications and other results and outputs of educational and research, development and creative activities, management of research data according to principles of FAIR Data, open access to research infrastructures and in the implementation of other activities in the area of educational and research, development and creative activities, including emphasis on adherence to ethical principles in this area. To this end, BUT will build a well-developed structure of services for its employees and the public.
This document aims to define the focus areas of BUT for 2022+ and measures to implement the principles of open science. BUT’s focus on open science is based on the EU RIS, the National Strategy 2017–2020 and the National Policy 2021+ and the Open Science Agenda 2025 of the European University Association.
The document deals with the implementation of the ideas behind open science and its promotion at the BUT. It is composed of the following parts:
- Preservation and publication of scientific publications;
- Research data management;
- Open access to research infrastructures.
Responsibility: Bc. Jan Skůpa