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Project detail
Duration: 1.1.2015 — 31.12.2019
Funding resources
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - Národní program udržitelnosti I (2013-2020)
- whole funder (1. 1. 2015 - 31. 12. 2019)
On the project
Výzkum inovativních konceptů bezdrátových komunikačních systémů, které poskytují vysokou spolehlivost, vysokou rychlost a kapacitu, a současně vykazují vysokou digitální bezpečnost a široké aplikační možnosti.
Description in EnglishThe research of innovative concepts of wireless communication systems, which can provide high reliability, high speed and capacity, jointly ensuring high digital security with a wide applicability.
Keywords Senzory, signály, radiofrekvenční systémy, mobilní komunikace, kybernetická bezpečnost.
Key words in EnglishSensors, signals, radiofrequency systems, mobile communication, cybernetic security.
Default language
People responsible
Raida Zbyněk, prof. Dr. Ing. - principal person responsible
Centre of Sensor, Information and Communication Systems- responsible department (1.1.2015 - not assigned)Centre of Sensor, Information and Communication Systems- beneficiary (1.1.2015 - not assigned)
MENGTING, L.; FRANEK, O.; ZHANG, F.; WANG, Z.; FAN, W. Over-the-Air Testing for Connecting Faults Diagnosis in Beamforming Antenna Arrays With Short Measurement Distance. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2023, vol. 72, no. neuvedeno, ISSN: 1557-9662.Detail
KARTCI, A.; VANČÍK, S.; PRÁŠEK, J.; HRDÝ, R.; SCHNEIDER, M.; SCHMID, U.; HUBÁLEK, J. Comparison of on-chip MIS capacitors based on stacked HfO2/Al2O3 nanolaminates. Materials Today Communications, 2022, vol. 33, no. 1, p. 1-8. ISSN: 2352-4928.Detail
SHUKLA, R.; SARKAR, A.; CHANDRA, A.; MIKULÁŠEK, T.; PROKEŠ, A.; JAN M., K.; ZIÓŁKOWSKI, C. Deep Learning based Power Delay Profile Trend Generation: A 60 GHz Intra-Vehicle Case Study. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings. Colorado State University: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022. p. 209-210. ISBN: 9781665496582.Detail
BREGER, A.; ORLANDO, J.; HARÁR, P.; DÖRFLER, M.; KLIMSCHA, S.; GRECHENIG, C.; GERENDAS, B.; SCHMIDT-ERFURTH, U.; EHLER, M. On Orthogonal Projections for Dimension Reduction and Applications in Augmented Target Loss Functions for Learning Problems (vol 31, pg 245, 2020). DORDRECHT: SPRINGER, 2020. p. 395-395.Detail
BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Z.; RICHTERA, L.; KOPEL, P.; ADAM, V. Composite of graphene oxide with zinc oxide nanoparticles as an antimicrobial agent against pathogenic microorganisms. In NANOCON 2017 - Conference Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application. TANGER Ltd., 2018. p. 644-648. ISBN: 9788087294819.Detail
BREZANY, P.; JANATOVÁ, M.; ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, O.; ULLER, M.; LENART, M. Towards Precision Brain Disorder Rehabilitation. In 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO). NEW YORK: IEEE, 2018. p. 228-233. ISBN: 978-953-233-095-3.Detail
HANZELKA, M.; DAN, J.; FIALA, P.; DOHNAL, P. Human Psychophysiology Is Influenced by Low-Level Magnetic Fields: Solar Activity as the Cause. Atmosphere, 2021, vol. 12, no. 12, p. 1-10. ISSN: 2073-4433.Detail
KOLAŘÍK, M.; BURGET, R.; ŘÍHA, K.; BARTUŠEK, K. Suitability of CT and MRI Imaging for Automatic Spine Segmentation Using Deep Learning. In 2021 44th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). NEW YORK: IEEE, 2021. p. 390-393. ISBN: 978-1-6654-2934-4.Detail
HANZELKA, M.; DAN, J.; SZABÓ, Z.; ROUBAL, Z.; DOHNAL, P.; KADLEC, R. Methods and Experiments for Sensing Variations in Solar Activity and Defining Their Impact on Heart Variability. SENSORS, 2021, vol. 21, no. 14, p. 1-3. ISSN: 1424-8220.Detail
HUBKA, P.; LÁČÍK, J. Design of a Linearly Polarized HMSIW U-Slot Antenna. Radioengineering, 2021, vol. 30, no. 3, p. 470-479. ISSN: 1210-2512.Detail
DALLAEV, R. Investigation of hydrogen impurities in PE-ALD AlN thin films by IBA methods. Vacuum, 2021, vol. 193, no. 1, p. 1-9. ISSN: 0042-207X.Detail
KRÁL, J.; HARVÁNEK, M.; POSPÍŠIL, M.; POVALAČ, A.; DERBEK, V.: InterOP SDR-IE; SDR Interference Emulator. Ústav radioelektroniky Technická 3082/12 616 00 Brno Česká republika. URL: http://www.interreg-interop.eu/results/sdr_emulator_interop/. (funkční vzorek)Detail
ALIKHANOV, N.; KH. RABADANOV, M.; ORUDZHEV, F.; KH. GADZHIMAGOMEDOV, S.; SADYKOV, S.; EMIROV, R.; N. KALLAEV, S.; RAMAZANOV, S.; G. ABDULVAKHIDOV, K.; SOBOLA, D. Size-dependent structural parameters, optical,and magnetic properties of facile synthesized pure-phase BiFeO3. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 2021, vol. 32, no. 1, p. 13323-1333. ISSN: 0957-4522.Detail
HARÁR, P.; GALÁŽ, Z.; ALONSO-HERNANDEZ, J.B.; MEKYSKA, J.; BURGET, R.; SMÉKAL, Z. Towards robust voice pathology detection Investigation of supervised deep learning, gradient boosting, and anomaly detection approaches across four databases (vol 32, pg 15747, 2018). LONDON: SPRINGER LONDON LTD, 2019. p. 15759-15759.Detail
MALACH, T.; POMĚNKOVÁ, J. Optimal face templates: the next step in surveillance face recognition (vol 23, pg 1021, 2020). NEW YORK: SPRINGER, 2019. p. 1033-1033.Detail
ALONSO-MARTINEZ, C.; FAUNDEZ-ZANUY, M.; MEKYSKA, J. A Comparative Study of In-Air Trajectories at Short and Long Distances in Online Handwriting (vol 9, pg 712, 2017). NEW YORK: SPRINGER, 2018. p. 874-874.Detail
MEYER, F.; ETZLINGER, B.; LIU, Z.; HLAWATSCH, F.; WIN, Z. A Scalable Algorithm for Network Localization and Synchronization. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, vol. 5, no. 6, p. 4714-4727. ISSN: 2327-4662.Detail
MEYER, F.; BRACA, P.; WILLETT, P.; HLAWATSCH, F. A Scalable Algorithm for Tracking an Unknown Number of Targets Using Multiple Sensors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2017, vol. 65, no. 13, p. 3478-3493. ISSN: 1941-0476.Detail
TOMAN, J.; JASEK, O.; PRASEK, J.; JURMANOVA,J. ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF GRAPHENE NANOSHEETS SYNTHESISED IN MICROWAVE PLASMA TORCH DISCHARGE. In 9th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application. 2018. p. 88-93. ISBN: 978-80-87294-81-9.Detail
SRIVASTAVA, S.; SINGH, A.; YADAV, A.; DUTTA, M.; ŘÍHA, K.; DORAZIL, J. Automatic extraction of micro-aneurysms and haemorrhages from digital fundus image. In 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). Hungary: 2019. p. 249-254. ISBN: 978-1-7281-1864-2.Detail
Responsibility: Raida Zbyněk, prof. Dr. Ing.