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Project detail
Duration: 1.1.2015 — 31.12.2017
Funding resources
Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty
On the project
Projekt bude zaměřen zejména na: 1. Studium dispergace nanočástic (zejména uhlíkových nanotrubic - CNTs) orientované na stanovení vlivu způsobu a parametrů dispergace a identifikace kvality disperze a definování účinné metody dispergace ve vodním prostředí. 2. Příprava cementových kompozitů s nanočásticemi (zejména CNTs) a studium vlivu koncentrace a typu nanočástic na strukturu, fyzikálně-mechanické vlastnosti a odolnost těchto cementových kompozitů vůči agresivním prostředím. 3. Studium odolnosti cementových kompozitů s nanočásticemi (zejména CNTs) vůči působení kontinuálních a pulsujících vodních paprsků.
Description in EnglishThe project will be focused mainly to: 1. Study of dispersion of nanoparticles (especially carbon nanotubes - CNTs) oriented at the determination of the influence of the method and parameters of the dispersion and identification of the quality of the dispersion and determination of the efficient dispersion method in aqueous environment. 2. Preparation of cement composites with nanoparticles (especially CNTs) and studying of the influence of the concentration and type of nanoparticles on structure, physical-mechanical properties, and resistance of the cement composites to aggressive environments 3. Study of the resistance of cement composites with nanoparticles (especially CNTs) to the action of continuous and pulsating water jets
Keywords Nanočástice; Uhlíkové nanotrubičky; Proces rozptýlení CNTs; Cementový kompozit; Fyzikálně-mechanické vlastnosti
Key words in EnglishNanoparticles; Carbon nano tubes; Cementitous composite, Process of dispersion of CNTs; Physical-mechanical properties
Default language
People responsible
Bodnárová Lenka, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Institute of Technology of Building Materials and Components- responsible department (8.4.2015 - not assigned)Institute of Technology of Building Materials and Components- beneficiary (8.4.2015 - not assigned)
BROŽOVSKÝ, J.; BODNÁROVÁ, L.; BROŽOVSKÝ, J. Rebound Hammer Tests of High-Strength Concrete: Effects of Internal Stress and the Shape of the Impact Area of the Test Specimens on the Measurement Results. Periodica Polytechnica - Civil Engineering, 2019, vol. 63, no. 1, p. 215-221. ISSN: 0553-6626.Detail
HELA, R.; BODNÁROVÁ, L.; RUNDT, L. Development of Ultra High Performance Concrete and Reactive Powder Concrete with Nanosilica. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, vol. 371, no. 1, p. 1-8. ISSN: 1757-8981.Detail
BODNÁROVÁ, L.; SITEK, L.; FOLDYNA, J.; JAROLÍM, T.; HELA, R. Application of water jet technology for concrete repair. MM Science Journal, 2018, vol. june, no. 2018, p. 2385-2389. ISSN: 1803-1269.Detail
BODNÁROVÁ, L.; GUZIY, S.; HELA, R.; KRIVENKO, P.; VOYNIUK, G. Nano-structured alkaline aluminosilicate binder by carbonate mineral addition. In Solid State Phenomena. Solid State Phenomena. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2018. p. 192-197. ISBN: 9783035713480. ISSN: 1662-9779.Detail
SOVOVÁ, K.; MIKULICA, K.; HUBÁČEK, A.; DVOŘÁK, K. Behavior of high strength concrete at high temperatures. In Binders, Materials and Technologies in Modern Construction IV. Solid State Phenomena. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publishing, 2018. p. 259-264. ISBN: 978-3-0357-1348-0. ISSN: 1662-9779.Detail
FOLDYNA, V.; FOLDYNA, J.; KLICHOVA, D.; KLICH, J; HLAVACEK, P.; BODNÁROVÁ, L.; JAROLÍM, T. Effects of Continuous and Pulsating Water Jet on CNT/Concrete Composite. STROJNISKI VESTNIK-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, vol. 63, no. 10, p. 583-589. ISSN: 0039-2480.Detail
NOVÁKOVÁ, I.; BODNÁROVÁ, L.; THORHALLSSON, E. Behaviour of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperatures. Boras, Sweden: 2017. p. 41-49.Detail
BODNÁROVÁ, L.; HROUDOVÁ, J.; BROŽOVSKÝ, J.; ZACH, J.; VÁLEK, J. Behaviour of cement composites with lightweight and heavyweight aggregates at high temperatures. Periodica Polytechnica - Civil Engineering, 2017, vol. 61, no. 2 (2017), p. 272-281. ISSN: 0553-6626.Detail
KRIVENKO, P.; GUZII, S.; BODNÁROVÁ, L.; VÁLEK, J.; HELA, R.; ZACH, J. Effect of thickness of the intumescent alkali aluminosilicate coating on temperature distribution in reinforced concrete. Journal of Building Engineering, 2016, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 14-19. ISSN: 2352-7102.Detail
NOVÁKOVÁ, I.; BODNÁROVÁ, L. VLIV POROSITY ČEDIČOVÉHO KAMENIVA NA POŽÁRNÍ ODOLNOST VLÁKNOBETONU. konference Juniorstav 2017, Brno: Brno Vysoké Učení Technické, 2017. s. 1-8.Detail
NOVÁKOVÁ, I.; BODNÁROVÁ, L. High Strength Concrete with Enhanced Properties by Addition of Chopped Basalt Fibres. In Binders, Materials and Technologies in Modern Construction III. Materials Science Forum. 2017. p. 164-170. ISBN: 978-3-0357-1157-8. ISSN: 0255-5476.Detail
NOVÁKOVÁ, I.; THORHALLSSON, E.; WALLEVIK, O.; BODNÁROVÁ, L. INFLUENCE OF POROSITY OF BASALT AGGREGATES ON FIRE RESISTANCE AND FREEZE-THAW DURABILITY OF FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE. Eleventh High Performance concrete (11th HPC) and the Second Concrete Innovation Conference (2nd CIC), Tromso,Norway: The Nordic Concrete Federation, 2017.Detail
JAROLÍM, T.; LABAJ, M.; HELA, R.; MICHNOVÁ, K. Carbon Nanotubes in Cementitious Composites: Dispersion, Implementation, and Influence on Mechanical Characteristics. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, vol. 2016, no. 1, p. 1-6. ISSN: 1687-8442.Detail
NOVÁKOVÁ, I.; MIKULICA, K. Properties of concrete with partial replacement of natural aggregate by recycled concrete aggregates from precast production. Procedia Engineering, 2016, vol. 151, no. 1, p. 360-367. ISSN: 1877-7058.Detail
HELA, R.; BODNÁROVÁ, L. Исследование возможности тестирования эффективности фотокатализа TiO2 в бетоне*. Stroitel'nye Materialy, 2015, roč. 722, č. 2, s. 77-81. ISSN: 0585-430X.Detail
JAROLÍM, T.; LABAJ, M.; FOLDYNA, J.; SITEK, L.; HELA, R. Carbon nanotubes reinforced cement pastes – influence on mechanical properties and microstructure. Ostrava: 2015. p. 1-12.Detail
BROŽOVSKÝ, J.; BODNÁROVÁ, L. Contribution to the issue of evaluating the compressive strength of concrete exposed to high temperatures using the Schmidt rebound hammer. Defektoskopiya, 2016, vol. 2016, no. 01, p. 55-66. ISSN: 0130-3082.Detail
BROŽOVSKÝ, J.; BODNÁROVÁ, L. Contribution to the issue of evaluating the compressive strength of concrete exposed to high temperatures using the Schmidt rebound hammer. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING, 2016, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 44-52. ISSN: 1061-8309.Detail
LABAJ, M.; HELA, R.; JAROLÍM, T. Nanočástice v materiálech na bázi cementu. Beton TKS, 2015, roč. 2015, č. 1, s. 62-66. ISSN: 1213-3116.Detail
Responsibility: Bodnárová Lenka, doc. Ing., Ph.D.