Project detail

In situ precipitation of hydroxyapatite inside hierarchical titanium structures: a new concept to attain composites without undesirable phases

Duration: 1.1.2019 — 31.12.2021

Funding resources

Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty

On the project

Chemical reactions during sintering of titanium and hydroxyapatite have limited the usefulness of such composites. However, the idea of combine the mechanical strength of titanium with the bioactivity of hydroxyapatite is still attractive to develop high strength and light composite materials for the treatment of bone defects. This project proposes a new concept to achieve the goal based on the low temperature precipitation of hydroxyapatite. The hypothesis are that biomimetic processing of hydroxyapatite will avoid the decomposition of both hydroxyapatite and titanium and that the chemical activation of titanium will promote its covalent bonding with hydroxyapatite. Natural inspired three-dimensional structures will be fabricated by robotic assisted deposition to study the hydroxyapatite/titanium interface and mechanisms of failure. The results will generate significant advancements in fundamental aspects of ceramic/metallic composites, beyond the deposition of coatings.

Description in Czech
Chemické reakce v průběhu slinování titatnu a hydroxyapatitu limitují využití výsledných kompozitů. I přesto je myšlenka zkombinování mechanické pevnosti titanu s bioaktivitou hydroxyapatitu stále atraktivní pro vývoj vysoce pevných a lehkých kompozitních materiálů pro ošetření kostních defektů. Předložený projekt navrhuje nový koncept s využitím nízko teplotní precipitace hydroxyapatitu. Hypotézou je, že biomimetická výroba hydroxyapatitu zamezí rozkladu jak hydroxyapatitu, tak i titanu a navíc chemická aktivace titanu podpoří kovalentní vazby s hydroxyapatitem. Přírodou inspirované 3D struktury budou vyrobeny pomocí roboticky asistované depozice za účelem studia rozhraní hydroxyapatit-titan a mechanismu poškození. Tyto výsledky vytvoří významný posun ve fundamentálních aspektech kovo-keramických kompozitů, ktereé jsou nad rámec depozice povlaků.

Calcium deficient hydroxyapatite ;;; titanium ;;; metal-ceramic interface ;;; robotic assisted deposition ;;; hierarchical structures ;;; fracture mechanism

Key words in Czech
Ca-deficitní hydroxyapatit ;;; titan ;;; kovo-keramické rozhraní ;;; roboticky asistovaná depozice ;;; hierarchické struktury ;;; mechanismus porušení



Default language


People responsible

Montufar Jimenez Edgar Benjamin, M.Sc., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Remešová Michaela, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Slámečka Karel, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Tkachenko Serhii, Ph.D. - fellow researcher


Advanced Coatings
- responsible department (6.4.2018 - not assigned)
Advanced Coatings
- beneficiary (1.1.2019 - 31.12.2021)


CASAS LUNA, M.; MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E.; HORT, N.; DÍAZ DE LA TORRE, S.; MENDEZ-GARCIA, J.; VIŠTEJNOVÁ, L.; BŘÍNEK, A.; DAŇHEL, A.; DVOŘÁK, K.; KAISER, J.; ČELKO, L. Degradable magnesium-hydroxyapatite interpenetrating phase composites processed by current assisted metal infiltration in additive-manufactured porous preforms. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2022, vol. 10, no. 12, p. 3641-3656. ISSN: 2213-9567.

KASHIMBETOVA, A.; TKACHENKO, S.; REMEŠOVÁ, M.; MATA-LEIJA, A.; GEJDOŠ, P.; ČELKO, L.; MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E. Correlating the Microstructure with the Mechanical Behaviour of Titanium Structures Produced by Robotic Assisted Deposition. In Structural and Functional Materials. Solid State Phenomena. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2022. p. 26-30. ISSN: 1012-0394.

DÍAZ DE LA TORRE, S.; MUNOZ-JUAREZ, I.; MENDEZ-GARCIA, J.; GONZALEZ-CORRAL, G.; CASAS LUNA, M.; MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E.; OLIVER-URRUTIA, C.; PINA-BARBA, M.; ČELKO, L. Spark plasma extrusion of binder free hydroxyapatite powder. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2022, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 2295-2303. ISSN: 2191-9089.

TKACHENKO, S.; KASHIMBETOVA, A.; GEJDOŠ, P.; OLIVER-URRUTIA, C.; CASAS LUNA, M.; JULIŠ, M.; MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E.; ČELKO, L. Effects of the Heat Treatment Temperature on Composition, Microstructure and In Vitro Mineralization of Alkali Treated Titanium. In Proceedings 30th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Tanger, 2021. p. 1186-1191. ISBN: 978-80-87294-99-4.

KASHIMBETOVA, A.; TKACHENKO, S.; SLÁMEČKA, K.; REMEŠOVÁ, M.; KLAKURKOVÁ, L.; PAVLOUŠKOVÁ, Z.; ČELKO, L.; MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E. Extrusion, Debinding and Sintering of a Commercial Pure Titanium Ink for Robocasting. In Proceedings 30th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Tanger, 2021. p. 1215-1221. ISBN: 978-80-87294-99-4.

KASHIMBETOVA, A.; SLÁMEČKA, K.; CASAS LUNA, M.; OLIVER-URRUTIA, C.; RAVASZOVÁ, S.; DVOŘÁK, K.; ČELKO, L.; MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E. Implications of unconventional setting conditions on the mechanical strength of synthetic bone grafts produced with self-hardening calcium phosphate pastes. Ceramics International, 2022, vol. 48, no. 2022, p. 6225-6235. ISSN: 0272-8842.

HERNANDEZ TAPIA, L.; CARRANZA-TREJO, A.; KASHIMBETOVA, A.; TKACHENKO, S.; KOLEDOVÁ, Z.; KOUTNÝ, D.; MALÝ, M.; ČELKO, L.; MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E. Microstructure of Selective Laser Melted Titanium Lattices and In Vitro Cell Behaviour. In Proceedings 30th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Tanger, 2021. p. 1179-1185. ISBN: 978-80-87294-99-4.

ČELKO, L.; GUTIÉRREZ CANO, V.; CASAS LUNA, M.; MATULA, J.; OLIVER-URRUTIA, C.; REMEŠOVÁ, M.; DVOŘÁK, K.; ZIKMUND, T.; KAISER, J.; MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E. Characterization of porosity and hollow defects in ceramic objects built by extrusion additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing, 2021, vol. 47, no. 1, p. 1-12. ISSN: 2214-8604.

MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E.; TKACHENKO, S.; CASAS LUNA, M.; ŠKARVADA, P.; SLÁMEČKA, K.; DÍAZ DE LA TORRE, S.; KOUTNÝ, D.; PALOUŠEK, D.; KOLEDOVÁ, Z.; HERNÁNDEZ-TAPIA, L.; ZIKMUND, T.; ČELKO, L.; KAISER, J. Benchmarking of additive manufacturing technologies for commercially-pure-titanium bone-tissue-engineering scaffolds: processing-microstructure-property relationship. Additive Manufacturing, 2020, vol. 36, no. 101516, p. 1-13. ISSN: 2214-8604.

MONTUFAR JIMENEZ, E.; SLÁMEČKA, K.; CASAS LUNA, M.; SKALKA, P.; RAMIREZ-CEDILLO, E.; ZBONČÁK, M.; KAISER, J.; ČELKO, L. Factors governing the dimensional accuracy and fracture modes under compression of regular and shifted orthogonal scaffolds. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, vol. 40, no. 14, p. 4923-4931. ISSN: 0955-2219.